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Star Ocean: Till the End of Time - Gamespot review


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
AeroGod said:
Probably because its easy to hate, shit I dunno. Lot of things wrong with it.

I dunno, it's not like it got an inane level of hype... I'll only hate a game with a passion if it got an excessive amount of hype and ends up sucking (Halo, for instance)...


djtiesto said:
I dunno, it's not like it got an inane level of hype... I'll only hate a game with a passion if it got an excessive amount of hype and ends up sucking (Halo, for instance)...

Yeah I dont remember any huge hype for it aside from some SO fans, but alot of it doesnt fit with me which Ive already mentioned.

But like ye said, graphics and music is really good and the story is interesting so far. battle System is neat to. That enough to keep me playing.


AeroGod said:
Yeah I dont remember any huge hype for it aside from some SO fans, but alot of it doesnt fit with me which Ive already mentioned.

But like ye said, graphics and music is really good and the story is interesting so far. battle System is neat to. That enough to keep me playing.

The SO fans are the worst, though. They act like the series is the be-all-end-all of RPGs, but the entire thing has never been anything but horribly flawed. It just makes my skin crawl.
SO2 was a pretty shitty game: ugly as sin, retarded characters/plot, and some of the most spurious complexity ever tacked onto a cut rate RPG. (Had a great soundtrack, though.) SO3 seems lightyears better, so far.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I agree, SO3 is kicking the shit out of SO2 thus far...

I like it a lot, outside of the clunky world movement.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I think I prefer 2's battle system, it feels more responsive and a bit quicker paced. And for the time (early 1999, 1998 in Japan), 2 was definitely not ugly. The plot wasn't anything special (I think the first one had a great plot though, although it was most definitely rushed), but the battling and the skills were enough to make me play through it multiple times. But, sometimes a game with flaws that showcases a lot of new ideas (SO2 and so far, 3, CIMA) is just as good as a solid game that doesn't break any new ground (TOS, Skies of Arcadia).

And I think the SO games are fantastic... so far, there have been very few games to actually take chances at doing something new. Private Actions, Item Creation... are more interesting to me to experiment with than whatever variant of the Job system the latest FF throws my way. Plus I'm a big fan of sci-fi style plots, but not to the point of overdoing it (Xenosaga). Especially with the pussification of the FF series, and most of the other ones.

It seems you can't be a fan of anything on here, without getting mocked by a bunch of anti-fanboys, whether it be Nintendo, MS, Sony, Sega, or even a more obscure company like tri-Ace or Treasure.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Soul4ger said:
The SO fans are the worst, though. They act like the series is the be-all-end-all of RPGs, but the entire thing has never been anything but horribly flawed. It just makes my skin crawl.

Yeah, considering there's like what, 2 or 3 of them here? If you don't like them, go back to playing FFX2 or whatever else it is you play and get out of this thread. You don't see me trolling Burnout threads now, do you?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've put in around 2 hours, and I'm getting somewhat of a XenoSaga "I'm pushing buttons but just watching" vibe. That said, it's infinitely more interesting so far, and the few battles I've experienced (just got to the village after the forest) have been decent. Battle system, so far, feels like a slower, clunkier ToS system, though with only about a dozen battles to my name, it's too far to tell so far.

I'm pretty annoyed by the load times, however. Saving takes too long, and getting that same save wait every time I win a battle trophy is beyond annoying. I've won at least 1 battle trophy in almost every fight so far. I imagine that'll tone down at some point.

That said, a positive first two hours, though it may not sound like it from what I wrote. LOVELY graphics, some of the best I've seen in a JRPG. Some of the textures are ugly, especially up close, but almost everything looks clean, sharp, and clear.

Music almost completely sucks so far, sadly. Huge disappointment when compared to SO2. Nice battle theme, however!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Music almost completely sucks so far, sadly. Huge disappointment when compared to SO2. Nice battle theme, however!

Ha, I won't argue with you this time, but I was just going to post the opposite. I was playing ToS all day with the sound off because I hate the soundtrack so much (just listened to other music instead). However, the music in SO3 has exceeded my expectations, even after listening to the soundtrack itself many times. I love it and it has made me realize once again how important music is. I think I would enjoy ToS a lot more if the soundtrack wasn't total balls...

I don't get the load time issue, though, unless you're drunk. Are you only talking about memory card saves? I'm not bothering with battle trophies, as I don't have the space and don't really care about those extras too much, so I never have had to wait for that loading. However, starting a battle and returning to the field map is much much faster than ToS (and having played it all day, it was very noticible).


djtiesto said:
Yeah, considering there's like what, 2 or 3 of them here? If you don't like them, go back to playing FFX2 or whatever else it is you play and get out of this thread. You don't see me trolling Burnout threads now, do you?

There are actually four Star Ocean games, only two of which have come out here. I've played all four, and I can say that I'm not terribly impressed with any, though the Super Famicom one is still the best in my opinion. At its best, though, it's simply a "very good" game. Nothing earth-shattering in the least. I remember when people thought there was no chance of either SO or SO2 coming here, and they acted like they were the greatest fucking games ever. They're far from it.

And I've never even played FFX-2, though I own it. And I don't think I've yet posted in a Burnout thread. Though I appreciate your consideration of what activities I find enjoyable.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Soul4ger said:
There are actually four Star Ocean games, only two of which have come out here. I've played all four, and I can say that I'm not terribly impressed with any, though the Super Famicom one is still the best in my opinion. At its best, though, it's simply a "very good" game. Nothing earth-shattering in the least. I remember when people thought there was no chance of either SO or SO2 coming here, and they acted like they were the greatest fucking games ever. They're far from it.

And I've never even played FFX-2, though I own it. And I don't think I've yet posted in a Burnout thread. Though I appreciate your consideration of what activities I find enjoyable.

No shit, what's the fourth? I've played the SFC game (and liked it more than SO2 as well) as well as SO2 (and now 3), but I had no idea there were actually FOUR different games...

What am I missing?


dark10x said:
No shit, what's the fourth? I've played the SFC game (and liked it more than SO2 as well) as well as SO2 (and now 3), but I had no idea there were actually FOUR different games...

What am I missing?

Star Ocean: Blue Sphere


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jiggle said:
Star Ocean: Blue Sphere

Ohhhh yeah, forgot about that one. The arrange soundtrack for that one totally kicks ass too!

Never really had any interest in that one, though...


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Soul4ger said:
There are actually four Star Ocean games, only two of which have come out here. I've played all four, and I can say that I'm not terribly impressed with any, though the Super Famicom one is still the best in my opinion. At its best, though, it's simply a "very good" game. Nothing earth-shattering in the least. I remember when people thought there was no chance of either SO or SO2 coming here, and they acted like they were the greatest fucking games ever. They're far from it.

And I've never even played FFX-2, though I own it. And I don't think I've yet posted in a Burnout thread. Though I appreciate your consideration of what activities I find enjoyable.

I haven't really gotten the chance to play Blue Sphere. AGTP's translation seems dead in the water. The graphics are real impressive for GBC, that's all I can say about it. You could take any RPG, give it the slightest bit of hype, and people will go on and on saying how they're amazing and they're the best games ever, yet when they finally get stateside release, people realize otherwise. It happened with FF5 (though that's still the best FF, I think), it happened with Xenogears, etc.

So what ARE your favorite RPGs?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
dark10x said:
What the hell, didn't they fix the bugs?!

I just changed a couple options in the game and when I tried to exit the menu...the music stopped and the screen stayed black. I had to reset the system...

Well, we'll see...hopefully this doesn't occur again.

Ok what the fuck? Same thing happened to me after about an hour of play wandering the hotel. Entered menu, switched something in options...BAM!! BLACK SCREEN O DEATH! This is on a brand new luscious 5000 series PS2 I replaced earlier this summer.

I didn't save, so all those initial cutscenes and private actions were too be revisited. Ugh..

Very worried now.


Brandon F said:
I didn't save, so all those initial cutscenes and private actions were too be revisited. Ugh..
fortunately, you can skip them on replay. i think i played the first hour of this game like 5 times counting trying the import, preview, review...

this game does a really bad job of that. unlike xenosaga and shadowhearts II, you just hit start and 'skip' if you want to. this makes you turn it on and off at the menu, and doesn't let you see what the cutscene is before you decide to skip it or not. i guess it's solely intended for people who memorize the game and replay it 5 times.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea totally. I think that was the option i turned off actually when it froze. I flipped it on during bootup, but realizing that it asks for a skip before the scene occurs had me woorried of an accidental override. I guess the game didn't like me fiddling with it from pause menu.

What about the scenes that have a private action choice though? For instance the first time you meet the circus girl, would skipping it jump right to the choice, do you just flat out miss any opportunity to make a selection?

Eh, it's "Fayt" I guess...I should finish up ToS anyway first.
Someone mentioned the controls of Fayt in the overworld were messed up, and I agree somewhat. He runs much faster than your average RPG character, and given that there's no real analog support, he's always running unless you hold the walk button. With all the small areas when you're indoors you're basically running into objects left and right. A 2 speed analog set up would've worked nicely (walk and a run). Still it's not too bad. The battle controls are flawless though.

I'm about 5 hours into it right now (just got to Kirisa). I'm loving it so far. The story hasn't really grabbed me at all, but since i'm still early I guess that's expected. The battle system is just so damn fun that the idea of going back to turnbased battles isn't very appealing at the moment.


Brandon F said:
What about the scenes that have a private action choice though? For instance the first time you meet the circus girl, would skipping it jump right to the choice, do you just flat out miss any opportunity to make a selection?
it asks you the question, lacking the context.


You can combo in the game just not as quickly or easily as ToS. I think the highest I got was a 30-hit air juggle using combinations involving of the AIs tendency to spam Killer Techs like mad so I worked off them and juggled the mob for quite awhile. You have a Killer Tech cancel in the Director's Cut IIRC but I didn't play the DC version much to get the mechanic down.


The game is great so far. Don't really get the 7.5 reviews and the sort, but that's their opinion. I'm enjoying the game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I played till like 4 in the morning last night and had a blast...

I like it a hell of a lot more than ToS, thus far (then again, I've never been a big Tales fan). I'll admit, I was a wuss and played on easy in order to avoid frustration associated with AI and such, however, it has allowed for a very smooth playing experience. ToS isn't hard at all, but the AI -NEVER- seems to listen to you. I swear, if I say "conserve your TP", they don't do it...they just keep doing whatever they want. The only action they listen to is when you tell them to do nothing. So, naturally, hearing that SO3' AI was worse, I decided I didn't want to deal with any of the problems. It's been a bit TOO easy thus far (I usually clear battles without taking any damage, for example), but it's still be a lot of fun. I prefer the controls and feel of the battles in this so far to the 2D plain of ToS. It was easy to get backed into a corner in ToS, and that was annoying as hell. Also, ToS often felt a bit less responsive (ie - all Tales games buffer your input to a degree when performing most actions).

The story isn't particularly amazing thus far, but it's WAY beyond ToS (as in, I'm actually interested in seeing what happens next). Graphics, gameplay, audio (ESPECIALLY), and story are all more appealing to me than ToS. Granted, I've only put 15 hours into ToS. I don't want to sound TOO harsh here, though, as I still enjoy playing ToS. It's a good game indeed, but it has basically been compared to SO3 for a while and everyone has suggested it to be vastly superior. I just don't understand the attention it has recieved, considering that it plays a WHOLE LOT like Eternia or any other installment.

I'm waiting for the "you can't hit the enemy on the ground" thing to come into play. At this point, enemies very rarely actually seem to fall down and I have had no problems beating the hell out of them with some decent combos (which are fun). Do later enemies just start falling down all the time or something? Most of these guys (including "bosses") will take shit tons of punishment.

Well, I guess I'm just suprised with the game. Expectations can really impact the experience. When I went into ToS, I was expecting something truly godly that stands above all RPGs released in the last few years (just based on GA's response). It's no different from your average Tales title...only it's 3D. I kinda went into SO3 expecting major issues surrounding a lot quality game...but it's so much better than I thought it would be. I guess I should have listened to Shouta here, but when so many other people trashed it...I had a difficult time hanging onto those positive impressions. :p


I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this game a lot... I often find my tastes to the contrary of most of this forum... For example, Valkyrie Profile was decent to me, but I never found it to be the orgasm inducing experience like so many others have. Dragon Warrior VII was very mediocre, but others seemed to love it. I love the vibe I'm getting from it so far. It reminds me of the feeling I got when first playing FF6 and FF7.
How does the soundtrack compare to SO2? I remember the music in that game being good on its own, but not working in the game at all. It seemed like there was some overblown piece playing everywhere whether warranted or not, with massive reverb effects on almost everything. Very impressive at first but after a while started to feel mind-numbingly oppressive, and eventually it made me physically ill.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
How does the soundtrack compare to SO2? I remember the music in that game being good on its own, but not working in the game at all. It seemed like there was some overblown piece playing everywhere whether warranted or not, with massive reverb effects on almost everything. Very impressive at first but after a while started to feel mind-numbingly oppressive, and eventually it made me physically ill.

While I enjoyed the soundtrack outside of the game, SO3's soundtrack actually works much better in game than I imagined. It is not loaded with reverb and such, as all of the songs are performed with real instruments this time (that's right, the entire soundtrack was pre-recorded...unlike most RPGs). My only complaint is that, sometimes they just "stop" playing the song at the end of the scene rather than fading it out. The actual music works beautifully in game, though.


Is the game hard or is it like the FF games - if you get stuch on a boss just level for some hours and you'll own his soul? :)
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires > SO3

(Largely because my wife kept saying "why can't that scary-looking girl with the painted-on eyes button up her jeans?")

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Drinky Crow said:
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires > SO3

(Largely because my wife kept saying "why can't that scary-looking girl with the painted-on eyes button up her jeans?")

Someone brazenly forgot to read the in-game glossary of terms for a detailed history on why button-flies and zippers were apparently outlawed in 2231. See it was all part of the -then- appointed emperess' plan. "Slutty Mcwhore" as she was known among the mere common folk, viewed the technology as an iniquitous custom that served only to wrought abstract ideas of virtuous mores upon a world where women are obviously drawn to ridiculous propotions gone under-utilized. Flaunt that skin so thine massive corneas may gaze upon supple goods! The future was born...

Seriously dude, the glossary is there to help!


Drinky Crow said:
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires > SO3

(Largely because my wife kept saying "why can't that scary-looking girl with the painted-on eyes button up her jeans?")

C'mon man that was sexy. When I saw that i was like "DAMMMMMN GIRRRLLL"

Sophia is scary looking. Fayt totally want to hit that though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
AeroGod said:
C'mon man that was sexy. When I saw that i was like "DAMMMMMN GIRRRLLL"

Sophia is scary looking though. Fayt totally want to hit that though.

Thankfully it seems as if Sophia won't be around for a while...

BTW, Airyglyph (the snow town) really had a serious FF6 vibe going on. The towns have all been quite large thus far as well. Quite suprising, really. Not only that, you can enter a ton of buildings and generally find a treasure chest or two hidden away in random corners. Doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, but at least you can find some good stuff.


All the tresure chests ive found are filled with bullshit. Blackberry BlackBerry Blackberry Aquaberry. Useless shit. Give me uber 1337 loots!


I'm having a blast with the game so far. I just finished the training grounds, damn that dungeon kicked my ass hard! But now I get to start inventing things!! I'm gonna invent myself some kick ass gear.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hotsuma said:
Can change the names of the characters (like Star Ocean 2)?

Well, I swear someone said you could change the name of the main character, but I never actually witnessed that option. However, I don't think it would work at all as there is a lot of spoken dialog in the game (and the names are spoken as well).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SolidSnakex said:
You can change their by going to "Status" then "Name".

Bizarre. I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that, considering that the voices continue to say the original names. Of course, you COULD always alter the spelling of the names if you wished...


dark10x said:
I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that

I used to like changing the character names to crazy things during the SNES days. You mean you've never changed any of the character names on Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 2 and Final Fantasy 3 at least once? :)


I'm about four hours into the game so far, and it is pretty fun, but there are a couple things that really annoy me:

1) I fricking hate save points. Let me save anywhere, any time I want. I hate having to hunt down a damn savepoint if I have to leave or want to stop playing for awhile.

2) The whole MP system and how it relates to your character. I've had a couple characters die on me because their mental points ran out. This really ticks me off. Here I have this huge brute in Cliff, and because the AI is so stupid he uses up all his damn MP points (Even after I tell him in tactics to back off on using MP points). Then the computer AI have some maneuvers that drain MP, and I have this huge fricking brute with great attack and 900+ hit points gone because he can't manage his mental points. Ughh...let me just worry about hit points and also not mental points. I hope this gets better.

3) Computer AI characters are dumb at times. You have to be very observant of what else is going on because your computer ai companion sometimes won't watch their own hit points and die off. I'm actually starting to get good at observing this now so it isn't as big of a hassle but one I wish I didn't have to constantly manage.

4) The overworld controls blow. Again, I'm getting used to it, but its been awhile since I've confused myself in direction with the map in a game.

Other than that, the game is pretty damn fun. I like the battle system for the most part, and the story is servicable. This is my first Star Ocean game and I know I've barely scratched the surface so far. We'll see where it goes from here.


Running off of Custom Firmware
My problem with the battle trophies is that the game prompts you to save it every time you attain one, which has been, on average, about once every 2 battles. It's just aggravating to sit through a save wait-time after every other fight.

Anyone know how to get 100% on the Ruins of Coffir map? The best I can manage it a mid 80, I believe, and I don't want to continue because if I do, I wind up on another planet entirely.

I can't seem to get a blue-ish chest on the other of a shattered stone bridge, or the chests inside that building who's back down leads to Nelson's underground hideout...


Mejilan said:
My problem with the battle trophies is that the game prompts you to save it every time you attain one, which has been, on average, about once every 2 battles. It's just aggravating to sit through a save wait-time after every other fight.

Anyone know how to get 100% on the Ruins of Coffir map? The best I can manage it a mid 80, I believe, and I don't want to continue because if I do, I wind up on another planet entirely.

I can't seem to get a blue-ish chest on the other of a shattered stone bridge, or the chests inside that building who's back down leads to Nelson's underground hideout...

I'll double check the strategy guide ( I now I'm weaksauce I picked it up with the game! But at least I'm not playing it on easy!) but I believe it mentions you can return at a later time to get some of the stuff you can't the first time around.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Thank you. I hate leaving stuff behind, and I did, last night, thinking I'd be able to come back. But when I went off-planet, I changed my mind, decided not to save it, and just went to bed. :-D

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
You net an exploration item later on apparently that will help clear away rubble, exposing you to chests and map completion points impossible to attain early on. So don't sweat the ruins of coffir bonus...

I gotta agree with Mr. Bob so far on most points mentioned. I find myself often focused on that mini-map when wandering, not paying attention to camera control or obstacles, and thus I get really disoriented when wandering around myself too often. It doesn't help that the collision detection is pretty shoddy in some cases. Correcting myself to speak to NPC's or open chests properly has caused slight irritation.

The Battle trophy saving complaint is blown out of proportion. The need to access memory card tapers way off once the initial freebies are saved and done with. Considering the game has already crashed on me once, banking the 'kill boss in 30 seconds without taking damage' trophy immediately after earning it is worth the occasional need to save after random grunt battle #377 for weird silly ones.

I haven't had much issue with MP death yet, but I fear it will happen. I'm finding my overexuberant battle skill use MORE deadly to me than the enemies I fight in the game so far. Nothing told me to gently tap the buttons for calling out standard swipes that override equipped skills, but I even tually figured it out. Before then, I was downing Blueberries like crazy thanks to the 40HP consuming 'Blade of Fury' skill you earn off the bat. I was borderline death every 3 battles wthout ever being touched by an enemy!!...so glad that is cleared up.

Massive dungeons are cool, searching for the password in the ruins sucked balls(yea, I resorted to gamefaqs after an hour of mindless searching for the 3rd digit). Music has been phenomenal so far except that cheesy riff in the ruins.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Thanks Brandon. Um... not sure about the Blade of Fury thing, but the tutorial did mention that button taps would execute regular and critical attacks, and holding those same buttons down will initiate the equipped skills.


It has a percentage meter for the dungeons? That's cool. I do wish RPG's would confer with the rest of gaming and add in such elements as that, difficulty sliders, etc,. more often.

Folken, how is it standing up to Symphonia thus far? It'd be nice to have some comparisions from folks who are grounded in reality about Tales' flaws, and Symphonia's issues as a sequel.

I'd like to hear just how broken it is. I apologize to Ferricide, but I simply cannot believe anything out of Tri-Ace is "FFX-2" levels of bad as far as the combat balance and intengrity goes.

I mean, I can see teams fucking up a game. But "from the creators of Valkyrie Profile, comes a game that is FF-X2 bad!" it's just hard to believe as a whiny fanboy I guess.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea, the castlevania-esque exploration percentage thing really helped tip the scales for my purchase. I'm a tool like that... These dungeons are -massive- too, and pretty, at least the couple I've seen.

Can't really comment TOO much on comparisons though, I'm barely 4 hours in I think. But the voice acting is equally on par with Symphonia(ie. very good given the subject material), and the plot isn't quite as 'cuckoo' as I found ToS to be; despite how it stuffs you full of awkward namesakes, associations, and keywords you'll never remember, I'm finding it much easier to pay attention and relax with than ToS' whirlwind of weird plot trappings. (Still saved in final dungeon of that game...ending worth it?)

Combat is fast and fun, but ultimately hasn't really hooked me yet like ToS somewhat did. I need practice, and the whole fury thing mixed with HP and MP degredation/damage is almost forcing my attention too much away from just having fun hitting stuff with combos. Though I did get the battle trophy for 'killing the first boss w/o taking damage in 30 secs'...I feel proud of that considering I am basically just boobing my way through combat still thus far. It'll click though soon.

ToS on the other hand to me just felt more accessible and productive in combat, but I dunno...I could very well start to love this once the more interesting abilities start pouring in. The pacing of combat is nice though. I have noticed the 'knockdown' problem of not being able to land extra hits, but it hasn't been a dramatic flaw yet.

Music is great, a few throwaway tunes, but very pleasant atypical Sakuraba so far, an improvement from ToS.

I'll let you know how things fare as I progress.


I bought it. Not like I don't already own all TA's other games, so what the hell? The packaging is awesome. That's what pushed me over the edge. I even bought the damn strategy guide. Have yet to play it, and I probably won't get the chance until saturday or sunday. My only complaint is that the cardboard sleeve REALLY holds fingerprints easily. So while it's gorgeous enough, it looks like a blotchy mess after you pick it up once.

But anyhoo, my favorite RPGs, traditional-style, there are a lot. Panzer Dragoon Saga, Grandia, Final Fantasy II/IV (whichever you prefer), Suikoden II, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, Xenogears (my weakness)... There are a lot, really, it's so hard for me to distinguish between my top dogs.
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