I actually quite like the ground mode...
I like them two. I just wish the writing and quest design was better.
I actually quite like the ground mode...
Took me a while to realize that the Elachi were those aliens from that Silent Enemy episode of Enterprise.
I like that more Enterprise stuff is making its way into the game.
Why is it everytime I log in or use the teleporter thing, I always see my character's thong.
Whenever I'm on the character select screen or talk to a NPC, I find it disturbing that the first part to load is their eyeballs.Why is it everytime I log in or use the teleporter thing, I always see my character's thong.
Whenever I'm on the character select screen or talk to a NPC, I find it disturbing that the first part to load is their eyeballs.
And did anyone else think the Romulus expansion was going to include a sequel to?the business with Sela and the Iconians
male or female character
Release Notes: June 5th
- Server Stability Updates.
- Mail can now be deleted.
- Players should no longer be immediately being booted from a queued map upon transferring to it.
- Borg Red Alert missions should now allow all players to turn them in.
- The Fleet Ha'apax Advanced Warbird can now use the Dual Vector Separation console.
- Resolved an issue with Emergency Power to Auxiliary outperforming it's intended design.
- Resolved the issue that was causing the "Untranslated String" text to appear in Emergency Power to Auxiliary.
- The B'rel should no longer request that the player purchase the Exeter in order to commit changes in the tailor.
- Resolved an issue that prevented players from receiving their transwarp to the Tau Dewa sector block upon earning T1 in the New Romulan Reputation.
- Tuned down the difficulty of the elite Crystalline Entity encounter.
- The final wave of "The Defense of New Romulus" has been tuned to be more achievable.
- Romulans that are allied with the Klingon Defense Force can now train their bridge officers in Romulan social zones.
Just started, any tips for a new player?
I think I may leave my old fleet and join GAF fleet
who do I talk to for Fed and Klingon side?
Post your fed character here and i can invite him to fleet. I'm not sure who can invite on the Klingon side though.
All characters are @H-town
Fed side:
invites appreciated
what's a good site for character/ship builds? I was running tac/cruiser with all beams on my main, but that was ages ago and I don't know how viable that still is.
Keep goin down, dil exchange. Keep goin down.
It really is, how low do we think it is going to hit? I want to pick up some zen but don't want to buy in too high, lol.
Can I get an invite Fed side? Prevok@Pedrolumpy
How do you start mining dil?
I would still be much happier at 150:1 ratio...
How do you start mining dil?
Mining is a specific repeatable mission, but there are tons of other ways to get dilithium.
Also please note that while you can get as much raw dilithium as you want, you can only refine like 8000 dilithium a day. Refined dilithium is the only kind that's useful.
Can someone invite my Feddie?
Can I get an invite to the federation fleet?
Invite sent
The Odyssey ships look so damn cool.
So I just made commander in about a day of playing hardcore. After this free ship they gave me, do I have to buy the rest it seems? I don't have a lot of dilithium since I just really do the episodes, how do I earn more?
If you want, you can always buy from the Exchange a Mirror Universe pack. They sell for hardly anything and contain ships that are very close to T5. Let us know if you need one because we have a few in the Fleet Bank.
was looking into getting one of those