Star Wars Battlefront Collection March 14


Spent more time reading about this. Turns out this has nothing to do with the most recent two battlefront games. That explains my prior confusion / questions.

Now that my confusion is cleared up I am on the fence. I really liked these games 20 years ago. Leaning towards getting it, but will probably wait for reviews.

Edit: If anyone from EA reads threads about their games on this site, please bring The Old Republic to consoles once and for all. If you give the right Star Wars content to the right audience there is still a ton of gold left in those hills.
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Can you play with bots?
Yes, but not on all maps, I think maybe only eight of them, and only two large 40 player (bot) modes.

The game is often on sale for five dollars, and it’s absolutely worth it even if you just want to play with bots. It’s really fun, I still play from time to time, probably my favorite multiplayer game from the PS4 generation.
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May I have a cookie?
Yeah I’m digging this version of Aspyr. Keep em coming.


25gb on Switch (!)

50gb on Steam (!!!)

ice tea cat GIF
I know right? What the hell? This should be a tenth of that size.... What exactly is taking up all that space?


I think the graphics in this game look fantastic. I really like how 'clean' it looks for lack of a better word.
No look inversion option
I hope you’re joking, because then it’s unplayable for me. The original had it though, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be an option here.

Edit: all right it seems like it’s a bug, some people have it and some people don’t. According to players in Australia, some are complaining that they can’t invert, while others can. There are also screenshots on Reddit.
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Gold Member
Yeah where's the source on this no inversion.
It's on Reddit where a guy posts screenshots of the control menu. No options for on foot or in vehicle.

I canceled my pre-order and will buy at some later point if they add the option in. If it's just a bug, then I'm waiting until it's resolved.
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So how do you play that mode? Where in the menu do you go to play it?
Instant action, conquest. It’s second from the bottom when you add a map that supports it. (When you get to choose what mode to play on that map)

Hoth supports it and am sure a few more do, but not tested any others.
Can anyone confirm the look inversion setting?
There are currently two versions of the game for some reason.

1.00 and 1.02

If you have 1.02, then look inversion isn’t available, if you have 1.00 then it is possible in the menus.

The guy on Reddit started with 1.02, when he deleted and re-downloaded the game reverted to 1.00 and the options are there for him now.

It’s clearly a bug.

I have the game preloaded on PS5, my version is 1.00, if there’s no update by then, then I’ll check tomorrow morning and let you know.

Edit: all right so I played for about an hour, when I turned on my PS5 it tried to download the .02 patch, but I canceled it because I need to invert my Y, I played a bit of bf2 campaign and had a blast, has some issues though that have been mentioned here already, but nothing game breaking.

Then I went to go play online and there were loads of servers, unfortunately only one of them was 3/4 full so I just played a 64 player round of heroes versus heroes and it was pretty laggy, I’m not sure if the issue is maximum 200 players as others have reported otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get into a match instantly, I think it may be 200 players per server, they may have multiple servers but for some reason they’re not all linked and connected to one another if that makes sense, I have no idea, I don’t know much about this shit it’s just a guess. Anyway back to the game, a lot of teleporting going on online so my experience there was not fun.

It’s weird though, because some people are given the option to download .02 and from what I read others are not, then some are stuck on .02. I will say this though, it doesn’t matter which version you have, it does let you go online, though I would not recommend online at the moment.
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Own this already but I’d love to play with other people, hopefully this has legs and stays active for a while. OG battle front 2 is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played.


I’m going to wait for a week or 2 so some minor patches can be issued. Looks great overall.

Download size seems ridiculous. Must be some very poor optimisation going on.

Hoping they can implement cross play for console only. I do worry about the player base on this one over time.
Mostly Negative on Steam at the moment. Game runs at 30fps for the host and randomly at under 30fps in other situations on PC. Servers are laggy and non-existent until just an hour or so ago. Makes you wonder what people were reviewing and how heavy that nostalgia carried them.


Gold Member
Holy shit..

No Y axis inversion or achievements on Xbox. Fucking wild. Which is weird as Tomb Raider had something like over 4000 and invert

Seems bollocks to me.


The eShop page for the game was updated so it no longer says 25gb on Switch...
Instead it's 33gb... What the hell Aspyr??
It's 60 fucking gigs on PC. If this was a full-on remake with all new assets I'd get it.

But it makes ZERO sense with what we're getting here, other than they used absolutely zero compression/optimization on anything

Can't help but feel this was an absolute rush job between the performance, install size, and absolute misses on basic features like look inversion.

Embarrassed Shame GIF
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Biggest piece of dogshit I’ve purchased since the MCC. How do you fumble a release this bad?.

managed to make it into one heroes game but the heroes could only spawn one at a time so we had 20 villains running around doing nothing. The game runs like crap. Graphical glitches like crazy. Stay away until it’s fixed



Last time I’ll chase this but I’m assuming from the lack of info online this is still busted.

What a huge shame.

Even if they fix it at this point, it’ll likely be doomed to a laughably small player base.

I’m absolutely gutted, this was one of my dream releases and it couldn’t have been handled any worse.
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