Star Wars Battlefront Collection March 14


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Already own these digitally on XBOX but I can double dip the classic games are awesome
and hold up very well for what they are

I will say I am the odd duck that thinks Battlefront 2015 is the best game in the series by far
that game holds a very special place in my heart I wish they didn't rush it out incomplete because of that damn movie release

Battlefront II (2017) had more content but was a step down in every. single. other. way is it a generic uninspired shooter with a star wars skin....weakest game in the series...IMO
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. The fact that they are bringing online back is amazing, I wonder if it’ll have cross play? If so I may just buy it for my switch.

If not, then I hope they actually have platinum trophies on PS5.
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Gold Member
64 players on Switch too? I doubt that but that would be insane , day 1 nonetheless

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. The fact that they are bringing online back is amazing, I wonder if it’ll have cross play? If so I may just buy it for my switch.

If not, then I hope they actually have platinum trophies on PS5.

It's 64 players on Switch, and full cross-platform across all consoles / Steam. Pretty sweet release.



Finally! Xlassic BF should have been in Switch since the PS4One games came out. The other platform releases are nice (and ccross plar plus the PC enhancements and some of the expanded modes are good choices, ) but Squtch could have thrived with this back in the day for all this time.

Too bad the PSP games will never get remastered now that this is so late. Renegade Squadron had some decent additions when studio Rebellion took over, and Elite Squadron is as close as we got to BF3 (it was the past- gen version, they changed the name when the main game was canceled but it had the same story and ground-air- space transitions. )
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64 player online
local split screen (2player)

Battlefront Classic: 17 total maps
Battlefront II: 22 ground maps, 6 space maps, and 9 more space maps exclusive to the single-player campaign and galactic conquest
Conquest: Capture control points and deplete the enemy resources
Capture the Flag (CTF): Play with 1 or 2 flags, on the ground or in space
Hunt: Clear the battlefield as soldiers or defend your planet as native species (yes, you can play as an Ewok)
Assault (Space): Pilot legendary starships: TIE fighters, X-wings, and more in space and air dogfights
Hero Assault: Originally only available on Tatooine, hero assault pits heroes against villains in an arena battle for the highest score. We’ve expanded Hero Assault to be playable on all ground maps, which means you can face off on the Death Star, Kamino, Naboo, and many more locations.

Offline solo modes:

XL mode premiers on PlayStation
Storm the sandy beaches of Kashyyyk, survive the dusty dunes of Geonosis, or relive the iconic Hoth battle, complete with AT-ATs, snipers, mounted guns, snowspeeders, and tow cables.

The return of Galactic Conquest
Craft your own Star Wars story in Galactic Conquest. Devise your strategy, recruit your troops, and execute your tactical vision for conquering the galaxy. Will Luke Skywalker kneel to the might of the Empire? Will Mace Windu defeat Lord Sidius? The galaxy’s fate is in your hands.

And the classic single-player campaigns
Relive iconic battles from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in Star Wars Battlefront I’s campaign mode, where you’ll be at the center of the galaxy-shaping events.

Join the elite 501st Legion of Stormtroopers and experience the rise of Darth Vader in Star Wars Battlefront II’s campaign mode.

This is great... hopefully it revives the PC scene.

Yes I know it's Alive but the PC version needs alot of work


I do wish it got at least a light graphical remaster but worth re-buying just for pool of online players in the fresh version. I now have the original Battlefront on original PC multi disk set, Steam and soon...Steam again yay


Battlefront II (2017) had more content but was a step down in every. single. other. way is it a generic uninspired shooter with a star wars skin....weakest game in the series...IMO

As someone who never played the originals it's a good game, one they ripped out the microtransaction rubbish.


Tomb Raider I-III was impressive.

But Aspyr is like one of those shady taco trucks where you just know they made their cheese in their bathtub at home.


Kinda surprised some people saying it looks so bad. I think its held up pretty well. Looks like they added lighting effects and grass. The resolution/framerate increase goes a long way too.
If any of you are crazy enough and willing to play the PS4 version rather the PS5 version you can hunt down one of these adapters to use your old PS2 DualShock 2 on your PS4/5. It's out of print but you can probably find one on ebay.


Original Battlefront I&II and Revenge of the Sith.

Bad news. On the topic of other Star Wars games, what I’d do for the original BattleFront II complete with online on Switch. Why is that literally one of the only games not to receive a port?

Ground to sky flight in Battlefront 2 was superb and from what I’ve seen of NMS ground to space flight looks excellent. It’s definitely an aspect to video games that has always excited me. It’s a very rare thing.

Still no OG Battlefront 1 or 2 with online :messenger_persevering: I’d pay £30 for a straight up port of BF2.



If any of you are crazy enough and willing to play the PS4 version rather the PS5 version you can hunt down one of these adapters to use your old PS2 DualShock 2 on your PS4/5. It's out of print but you can probably find one on ebay.

Is the PS4 version lacking that much? Typically when I see these ports they look about the same other than resolution, which my eyes adjust to that in an hour anyway.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
On PC this seems a bit pointless, since it doesn't look like it offers any improvements over the existing releases. Makes me wish for a pack that included the PSP Battlefronts, those were kickass. If Elite Squadron had a PC release, it would be the best Battlefront.
I'm concerned that it'll be matchmaking only if Aspyr's release of Jedi Academy is evidence. It would prevent my old PS2 league buddies from reforming our leagues and clans, but I'd still play the fuck out of it.


Is there another source saying cross-platform? Only thing I can find is cross-gen between PS4 and PS5.

Unfortunately, no. The platform-agnostic news writeup (I don't know if a "press release" went out otherwise? this is the modern way though, that boilerplate gets quoted as if it's by journalists instead of by flak) on makes no mention of cross-play.



Just goes to show how well the reboot did.

But of course they wanted to wait a couple years to release this, to not make it so evident.


Just goes to show how well the reboot did.

But of course they wanted to wait a couple years to release this, to not make it so evident.

Eh, the DICE game did pretty well; maybe under expectations, but the first game did 13m in its first Christmas and the second game did 9m, and each is counting up from there. They didn't do what they needed to do to quick-turnaround on a third game (plus DICE was having troubles anyway keeping Battlefield in the fight, so they reprioritized,) but the reboot sold fine and is still out there.

This is being sold by Aspyr (who have licensed a ton of older Star Wars games, and have had access to the Star Wars brand library since way back when they released many of these games in the first place for Mac platforms.) So, it doesn't really have much to do with EA (although EA dropping out of making a third game might have helped BF Classic Collection get approval.)

If Aspyr or whoever had gotten rights to make its own new Battlefield, either in the style of the DICE or Pandemic games or something new, then that would be really interesting as a market response to the Dice SWBFs. But this, it's just something that was there, and something that especially on Switch has a good chance of selling quite nicely.
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Battlefront 2015 is superior and isn’t talked about, controls were solid I thought dice did a good job with heroes vs villains.

Yeah, Battlefront 2015 is amazing, and was even more awesome during the Beta and right at launch - before DICE stepped in and "balanced" the game, taking away some of the fun.
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