the CA-87 is a freaken beast!! (The shotty gun)
I feel that aiming is a bit different than it was in beta, am I right? I won't say it's juddery, because I know it isn't, but it feels strange and I'm way less precise than in beta.
Maybe they played with acceleration or sensitivity, or maybe I'm crazy.
How does it feel to you gaffers?
PS: reviewers have no clue. The game is awesome.
Aiming to get this, paired with the sniper cards it should fit my playstyle much more.
I said damn[IMG][/QUOTE]
This looks legit good. I'm legit shook.
I feel that aiming is a bit different than it was in beta, am I right?
It hink it has been asked before, but I haven't seen any definite answers: is there aim assist for controllers on PC?
The SP content is almost non existant. I think it is just a horde mode or something, I tried it for like 5 minutes and then just went back to multi. If you're looking for a SP experience I'd say go else where. That said the game's mechanics are very newbie friendly and one of the reasons the reviewers are giving the game so much shit. There's a weapon unlock system but it's not that bad.
The one thing really going for the game is the entire lack of pressure
You can be the worst player on the planet and no one will care
When you're a hero or villain and tank bad it ends up being more funny than annoying
flying awing near walker and no minigame prompt! WHY?!
flying awing near walker and no minigame prompt! WHY?!
I was feeling rather meh about the game on Tuesday, played a whole night of Supremacy last night after hearing a few of you mention it. Welp I am hooked, so fun.
Second time I have seen someone say this
Why do people think the A Wing has a tow cable?
The lack of Dolby Atmos support for PS4 disturbs me.
I swear I saw the Dolby Atos logo /setting in the beta and had high hopes.
Game sounds and looks great though and is tons of fun, although I keep dying a lot sometimes because it´s quite chaotic on the battlefield.
Lots of friends (even Star Wars nerds) are bitching about the game. I don´t know, sometimes I think they simply can´t enjoy games anymore. I am having Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament flashbacks here.
I said damn
Is the PS4 even able to handle Atmos hardware-wise?
Yeah, setting PS4 to bitstream only uses DTS or DD, no lossless.Any source capable of outputting Dolby True-HD over bitstream is capable of Atmos, so it can output Atmos for a blu ray movie no problem. I don't think the PS4 can do this in-game though, at least I have never seen it as it outputs uncompressed sound via LPCM.
I hate playing the Endor map in COD BLOPS3 too.Endor light be the most beautiful planet but I hate playing on pretty much every Endor map.
This is technically not true. There is no reason a game couldn't have in-game TrueHD encoding as an option and output that as bitstream. Is Atmos actually instructions in the bitstream? Or is it processing on the 7.1 channel audio? (Like Pro Logic, DD+ 6.1, etc)Yeah, setting PS4 to bitstream only uses DTS or DD, no lossless.
Endor light be the most beautiful planet but I hate playing on pretty much every Endor map.
Man, somebody at EA needs to make a campaign expansion pack.Wow.
Already saw some hackers/glitches on PS4.
2 of them in one game with 50+ kills and 0 deaths. Completely immune to damage. Both were level 1 PSN with this being the only game they have ever played according to trophies.
Alt accounts to be sure. I just thought I sucked not being able to kill them when running across them but they both got brazen about halfway through Drop Zone and would just cap and stand right in front of the pod the entire time with everyone lobbing nades, shooting, etc. Never dying. Just killing anyone that came close and since everyone has unlimited ammo he just stood there taking shot after shot. We could not recap the pods.
Edit: not my vid but here it is in action:
I got a code. It was printed at the bottom of my receipt from Gamestop.
well I know the store i picked the game up from had 2 versions, standard one and one with the dlc.
They didnt price match the dlc version so I got the standard without jakku.. Ah well.
I exclusively mentioned my game is digital,preordered from PSN store.