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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


Fincher's next film is either TGWTDT sequels or 20,000 Leagues. If anything, it shows he's more than willing to do a project like this. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's hardly a non-starter.


Fincher's next film is either TGWTDT sequels or 20,000 Leagues. If anything, it shows he's more than willing to do a project like this. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it's hardly a non-starter.

The reason he won't do Star Wars has nothing to do with the genre or subject matter and everything to do with control, which he wouldn't get on SW.

Not happening. Fincher for SW is like the "Nolan for Bond!" remarks. Fitting square pegs into round holes at best.
There's been a lot of buzz around the industry here in Sydney that Fincher is prepping to come over and shoot 20, 000 Leagues here.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
On that one, you are alone.


I felt I was alone in liking Alien 3 in any capacity. Are we also Alien Resurrection bros or will I have to continue traveling that road alone?

Over the years I've kind of warmed up to Alien 3. I use to hate it, mostly because of what it did to the main characters from the previous films, but after watching the making of documentary I think it's amazing it turned out as good as it did. Also the assembly cut is much better than the original version, as you get a better idea of what Fincher was going for.

About Resurrection, I think if you view it as a comedy or a parody of the alien movies, it's actually pretty hilarious. But both movies pale in comparison to the original 2.

I'd be really surprised if Fincher did SW though. I just can't really imagine it based on his previous work.


Just going to leave this here:

Last night I had a dream that the three new Star Wars movies were out but they were also prequels. Like, Eps I-III. And, as a further example of retconning the franchise, the PT and OT were retitled Eps IV-VI and VII-IX.

My distrust of Lucas runs deep : /
If could waste his time with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo he could certainly waste it here, but I just don't see it happening.

I find this post hilarious because of how much you had hyped up TGWTDT and yet were one of the few to be massively disappointed by it. That's gotta feel, bro.
Fincher was already commited to making a reboot of 20,000 Leagues Under the sea for Disney so it's possibly they may have offered him Star Wars instead.


The Thrawn trilogy is like free money. Guaranteed success. Why would they not be doing that? Aside from the needing new actors for the main characters, but still.

OP says "VII, VII and IX", btw.


The Thrawn trilogy is like free money. Guaranteed success. Why would they not be doing that? Aside from the needing new actors for the main characters, but still.

OP says "VII, VII and IX", btw.

Guaranteed success? More like guaranteed fanboy bitching about how they got the adaption all wrong...


The Thrawn trilogy is like free money. Guaranteed success. Why would they not be doing that? Aside from the needing new actors for the main characters, but still.

OP says "VII, VII and IX", btw.

Animated versions would rock. Hopefully they will made them while original actors are there to provide performances in the virtual sets.
Animated versions would rock. Hopefully they will made them while original actors are there to provide performances in the virtual sets.

Animated is precisely how I think the Thrawn trilogy (if it is ever adapted) should be adapted. It's still gonna have problems, though, in that each book is pretty densely plotted, and I have a hard time seeing how they're going to adapt those stories without excising very large chunks of them.

Speaking of animation, I've been arguing for a Star Wars anime for a VERY long time now. Probably since I saw the first issue of the Star Wars manga. I think the visual vocabulary of Star Wars transfers REALLY well to anime, as that one guy's homemade test video proved.


Animated is precisely how I think the Thrawn trilogy (if it is ever adapted) should be adapted. It's still gonna have problems, though, in that each book is pretty densely plotted, and I have a hard time seeing how they're going to adapt those stories without excising very large chunks of them.

Speaking of animation, I've been arguing for a Star Wars anime for a VERY long time now. Probably since I saw the first issue of the Star Wars manga. I think the visual vocabulary of Star Wars transfers REALLY well to anime, as that one guy's homemade test video proved.

Have you checked out the Clone Wars; the animated one, not the CG one... (not that the CG one is bad, I just haven't seen it)? I thought it was a great little mix of styles, and a lot of fun. Certainly one of the better things to come out of the prequels and animation would be a great way to dive into those various side stories and corners of the universe without diluting the live action "brand" of Star Wars as event films.
Have you checked out the Clone Wars; the animated one, not the CG one... (not that the CG one is bad, I just haven't seen it)? I thought it was a great little mix of styles, and a lot of fun. Certainly one of the better things to come out of the prequels and animation would be a great way to dive into those various side stories and corners of the universe without diluting the live action "brand" of Star Wars as event films.

Oh yeah, Genndy Tartakovsky's minisodes were pretty damned fun to watch, but I was already a really big fan of both Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack, so I was predisposed to loving it.

Speaking of which, here's an interview with Tartakovsky where he talks about his departure from Lucasfilm, and Lucasfilm's subsequent erasing of his thumbprint on the series almost entirely.



I actually finished rewatching the Clone Wars animated microseries last night. It is definitely pretty awesome. It certainly has its liberties with Jedi skills and abilities, and tends to over exaggerate a lot, but I still think it's terrific. It has a great balance though, the republic troopers are plenty capable, and the battle droids don't act like complete morons, but simply like droids as they should. What sucks the most is knowing how bad ass Grievous is in those episodes, and then turns into a complete buffoon in episode 3. I really wanted to think he could've been a kick ass villian.

edit: adding links for General Grievous awesomeness from Clone Wars microseries.

Kicking ass and a hell of a first impression

And his awesome voice.


Oh yeah, Genndy Tartakovsky's minisodes were pretty damned fun to watch, but I was already a really big fan of both Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack, so I was predisposed to loving it.

Speaking of which, here's an interview with Tartakovsky where he talks about his departure from Lucasfilm, and Lucasfilm's subsequent erasing of his thumbprint on the series almost entirely.


I wasn't aware of Lucasfilm's revisionist history, but it sadly doesn't surprise me in the least. It was wonderful how he was able to stamp his own creative vision and style on it; to me, that's the ideal future for Star Wars. Let other artists stamp their own vision of this universe, even if in side stories and the like, and breathe some life into the franchise. They did quite a bit of that with the outsourcing of the videogames too (<3 KOTOR and KOTOR 2 especially), but now Lucasarts seems to reeling that back in house too.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Well has anyone else mentioned Daniel Craig as the new mentor type? I could see that. And Mark Hamill as his mentor, maybe.


Well has anyone else mentioned Daniel Craig as the new mentor type? I could see that. And Mark Hamill as his mentor, maybe.

Well there's that little problem of Daniel Craig being box office poison outside of the Bond films. He doesn't draw in anything except those films.
Well there's that little problem of Daniel Craig being box office poison outside of the Bond films. He doesn't draw in anything except those films.

Plus he's gonna be pretty tied up playing Bond - Sony wants two films in the next four years. Gonna be hard for him to fit in the shooting time needed to film a Star Wars movie before that comes out in 2015


The guy who broke the Kasdan/Kinberg story before Lucasfilm wanted it out says that Favreau & Fincher are being discussed.


I know a lot of people around here really don't want Favreau, but I think it's a pretty decent choice. The worst movies he's made were Iron Man 2 and Cowboys and Aliens. The first had a bunch of studio interference (and really wasn't that bad) and the second one had a mess of a script. He certainly hasn't done anything nearly as bad as the prequels and his general style seems pretty fitting with SW.


I know a lot of people around here really don't want Favreau, but I think it's a pretty decent choice. The worst movies he's made were Iron Man 2 and Cowboys and Aliens. The first had a bunch of studio interference (and really wasn't that bad) and the second one had a mess of a script. He certainly hasn't done anything nearly as bad as the prequels and his general style seems pretty fitting with SW.

He hasn't made anything terrible but he hasn't made anything great either. He couldn't be a more forgettable "meh" choice. And for me, middle of the road boring is worse than showing some ambition and failing.


He hasn't made anything terrible but he hasn't made anything great either. He couldn't be a more forgettable "meh" choice. And for me, middle of the road boring is worse than showing some ambition and failing.
As long as he doesn't cast himself
Speaking of which, here's an interview with Tartakovsky where he talks about his departure from Lucasfilm, and Lucasfilm's subsequent erasing of his thumbprint on the series almost entirely.


Speaking of your version of "Clone Wars," does it bother you that there's another one and that the one you did seems to no longer be canon?

Yeah. I mean, you know, of course it bothers me. But, you know, it's George's characters. It's his world and he has to do what he has to do. And the new ones are totally inspired by what we did: A lot of the same character designs and stuff.

Does that part bother you, too?

No, again, it's not my characters, so he can do whatever he wants. And the story was also that I was going to do it. I was going to go to Lucas and be their John Lasseter-type of person and do a feature and supervise the "Star Wars" television show. And things kind of fell apart, blah blah blah. But, yeah, I'm super proud of what we did. And I felt like we did a justice to "Star Wars" and as a fan.

I'm crying so hard right now.
I felt I was alone in liking Alien 3 in any capacity. Are we also Alien Resurrection bros or will I have to continue traveling that road alone?

Resurrection was legitimately entertaining.

Alien 3 is only posthumously acclaimed since David Fincher stopped wetting the fucking bed cinematically.

No amount of good David Fincher movies post Alien 3 can redeem that flick in my mind. It just pissed me the hell off.

But yeah, Resurrection had such a great cast - and a dude with a midget and a shotgun for a backpack!

I hope the new Star Wars movies manage to fit Darth Talon in there. I want my fan service.


I don't know why so many people want Thrawn. I know it's a big deal and really opened up the EU, but there are a lot of dumb story elements in there. I'm not sure if it would translate well enough to the big screen. To be honest though, I'm not sure what exactly would be the "perfect" story for VII-IX, they just seem so unneeded in the first place that it's hard to say what I would want.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Remember when Darabount was frontrunner to do the SW movies? Of course that was 15 years ago. Has he done anything worthwhile since then?


The original movie actors are way too old for Thrawn. I loved EU as a teenager, but it's too dense and sketchy to adapt a movie out of any one story or try and shoehorn one in.
They've already said they're not basing it off any pre-existing material, so why the fuck do you guys keep bringing up the possibility of Thrawn stuff?
Am I the one person who would list Favreau as a solid pick?

Episode VII isn't going to be a movie that Disney will hand over to any director with a distinct artistic message. This movie has the potential to either make or break a 4-billion dollar investment. Fincher would make one shit of a Star Wars movie, but not a great Episode VII. This movie needs a safe pick. Somebody who will stick by the script, and ensure that the transition away from Lucas is as smooth as possible. Favreau can be that guy. It's also why I support Gore Verbinski - he can make one hell of a blockbuster, and won't try and turn Star Wars into his own personal vision.
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