You guys realize with the selling of Lucasfilm George Lucas is now one of Disney's largest stock holders right? He still has significant influence in his position. They won't be remaking those movies in his lifetime.
Seriously, if he actually gave a fuck, he wouldn't have sold Lucasfilm. He doesn't have significant influence, nor does he want it. I don't get this argument. He owned 100% of his company, and then he SOLD 100% of his company to a completely different company. If he cared about exerting his influence on Star Wars, he wouldn't have gotten rid of it. The 2 billion in stock isn't a choke chain - it's just 2 billion dollars that could become 3 or 4 billion dollars without him having to a damn thing but sit around on his ass.
They'll remake Star Wars at some point. It's not in any way untouchable. It's not Lawrence of Arabia or Gone With the Wind. It's Star Wars. And the argument that the universe is big doesn't really ring true, either. The cinematic universe is in fact, pretty small. The MERCHANDISING universe is big, but as the thread has repeatedly pointed out, nobody making the movies seems to give that much of a shit about the merchandising universe.
They reset James Bond. They reset Star Trek, of all things. They'll get around to redoing Star Wars. And Lucas won't have to die first, I'm sure. People thought that he'd have to die before anyone else got creative control, and it turns out while we were all saying that, he was hiring Kathleen Kennedy and taking lunches with Bob Iger.