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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Disney to expand the Star Wars movie universe past VII, VII, IX: Report

Last week, it was reporters that writers Lawrence Kasdan ("Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" and "Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi") and Simon Kinberg ("X-Men: Days of Future Past") were being brought in to scribe "Star Wars" films that will follow Michael Arndt's "Star Wars: Episode VII." Now, it seems, they may have been brought in to write adjunct films, as opposed to Episodes VIII and IX.

In addition, Disney CEO Robert Iger has said Disney plans to release a new film every 2-3 years and "some could easily focus on other pieces of the expansive mythos (similar to Marvel’s Avengers universe),"but none of those involved with the project or projects have confirmed any of this.

Looks like Disney's gonna milk this franchise for all it's worth.
Disney to expand the Star Wars movie universe past VII, VII, IX: Report

Looks like Disney's gonna milk this franchise for all it's worth.

So kinda like how they're making Guardians of the Galaxy without necessarily putting all of the characters into the Avengers?

I'm... actually OK with this. The Stars Wars universe is rich enough to support stuff like this. I just hope that they try different styles, rather than just making a generic Star Wars movie every couple of years.


If its good, I'll take it all over my face every 2-3 years.

I was pleasantly surprised with how good the Avengers was and i didnt totally hate the Captain America or Thor movies. Even though they werent great, i didnt feel like they stole my money and wasted 2 hours of my life.

If i can get this level of entertainment with Star Wars, I'll be happy.

Disney has a track record now of doing this right, so here's hoping.


Probably the only two actors who give a solid performance in Jedi are Ian McDiarmid, and Frank Oz.

James Earl Jones was great in my view, the emotion he conveyed through that distorted voice was exceptional. The pure malice when he taunts luke and says "Sister!" he reads Luke's thoughts, Plus Luke's final duel more than makes up for his decent performance throughout the rest of the movie. And let's not forge Admiral Ackbar.

But you're definitely right that Fisher was off her face on coke and Ford was phoning it in and had no interest in it. Somehow his character became redundant and he lost all of what made him great. And then there's the ewoks, not only were they absolutely shit but they had no character whatsoever, and star wars has always been about the characters in my view. Unlike other non human characters like Chewie and Yoda they have absolutely no characteristics or personality, and yet they play such an enormous role in the film.
I woudln't put Vaughn above Favreau. I think they're equally mediocre. Every one of Vaughn's flicks looks like a B movie. I will be baffled if Disney actually gives him Star Wars.

Really? Star Wars is B movie through and through. Giving it to Vaughn would already be a tremendous step up from Lucas.
The prequels, visually, barely stand up. The green screen work is atrocious in many shots--it even feels like the perspective is off.

So yeah, B movie.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

It's a documentary about why George is a dick for not releasing the original, unaltered trilogy. There's not really any argument at any point... no one but George believes the films should stay unreleased.
That's selling it short. The debate about the original trilogy not being released in its original form only takes like one third of the film. I thought the documentary was also pretty damning at the bipolarity of nerds regarding their love/hate cult relationship of Lucas.


These roman numerals for episode titles have gotten so annoying.

I miss the days of calling the movies 'Star Wars', 'Empire', and 'Jedi'.

Twenty years from now we'll be arguing which was better XIV or XIX.
These roman numerals for episode titles have gotten so annoying.

I miss the days of calling the movies 'Star Wars', 'Empire', and 'Jedi'.

Twenty years from now we'll be arguing which was better XIV or XIX.

OMG those milliseconds I have to spend reading those roman numerals are sooooo annoying.


These roman numerals for episode titles have gotten so annoying.

I miss the days of calling the movies 'Star Wars', 'Empire', and 'Jedi'.

Twenty years from now we'll be arguing which was better XIV or XIX.

Nothing was as good as Final Fantasy 6. The new Final Fantasy has too much CGI and flashy effects, none of the good writing and deep characters of the old series.
The prequels, visually, barely stand up. The green screen work is atrocious in many shots--it even feels like the perspective is off.

So yeah, B movie.

I think The Phantom Menace looks pretty good, perhaps not coincidentally being the only prequel shot on film. The other two look terrible. Flat, garish, lifeless.


All this Vaughn hate is depressing. Stardust, Kick-Ass and First Class are all fantastic, especially Stardust.


All this Vaughn hate is depressing. Stardust, Kick-Ass and First Class are all fantastic, especially Stardust.

Layer Cake is better than all of those. But beyond that, I only love Stardust. Kick-Ass was meh and First Class is worse. So while I don't think he's made a bad movie yet, he has made a worse movie than his previous one each time out. To me its troubling when a filmmaker's trajectory is downwards from his first film onwards.


well the CG use was considerably less on Phantom Menace than it was on ep II and III so that might have something to do with it. For movies that use CG so heavily, the prequels really had pretty terrible (or, at the very least, incredibly lazy) CG.
well the CG use was considerably less on Phantom Menace than it was on ep II and III so that might have something to do with it. For movies that use CG so heavily, the prequels really had pretty terrible (or, at the very least, incredibly lazy) CG.

Clone troopers in AotC are some of the worst. There are some shots where it is just a couple of clone troopers, not hundreds or thousands, and they couldn't be arsed to put a few actors in actual armor? Beyond lazy.

The Red Letter Media reviews are great for pointing a lot of the laziness out, even though they may take an unfair jab or two. I never thought about it, but all three of the prequels are fucking full of walk-and-talks through hallways/corridors, and TONS of couch talks. It's laughable.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
well the CG use was considerably less on Phantom Menace than it was on ep II and III so that might have something to do with it. For movies that use CG so heavily, the prequels really had pretty terrible (or, at the very least, incredibly lazy) CG.

Acutally I'm pretty sure all the prequels used the same amount to CG to miniatures and practical effects. The difference in looks has more to do with switching from film in TPM to digital. In AOTC, digitial cameras were in their infancy and the resolution was low, which is why it hasn't aged well. ROTS used a more advanced camera, and as a result looks alot better.


I recently watched Layer Cake to get up to date with all of Vaughn's work, and so far he's batting 1.000 behind the camera for me. I've really liked everything he's done, so if he gets to direct episode 7, that's ok with me.


Acutally I'm pretty sure all the prequels used the same amount to CG to miniatures and practical effects. The difference in looks has more to do with switching from film in TPM to digital. In AOTC, digitial cameras were in their infancy and the resolution was low, which is why it hasn't aged well. ROTS used a more advanced camera, and as a result looks alot better.

Well, AotC use of completely digital sets was pretty egregious. I didn't see any of that in TPM.


Acutally I'm pretty sure all the prequels used the same amount to CG to miniatures and practical effects. The difference in looks has more to do with switching from film in TPM to digital. In AOTC, digitial cameras were in their infancy and the resolution was low, which is why it hasn't aged well. ROTS used a more advanced camera, and as a result looks alot better.

I'm not just talking minatures/practical effects, I'm talking green screen in general. Naboo had quite a few actual sets, same with Tattooine (sp?) in Ep 1, almost everything is a fucking couch + a green screen in AOTC and ROTS.

edit: beat. but yeah, digital sets are fucking terrible.
All this Vaughn hate is depressing. Stardust, Kick-Ass and First Class are all fantastic, especially Stardust.

I agree, but I really do not want him for Star Wars.. especially after how awkward and cheesy some of the big action pieces from First Class were.
I like every Matthew Vaughn movie, but I'm not in love with any of them.

Wait, I think I may be in love with Stardust. Need to rewatch that one at some point.
All this Vaughn hate is depressing. Stardust, Kick-Ass and First Class are all fantastic, especially Stardust.

Stardust is mediocre B-movie fluff. Kick-Ass is the same, but more fun. First Class has a good first act, followed by two more acts of garbage. Layer Cake is okay, but nothing amazing.

And all of his films look so damn cheap. His filming style is not something I would ever imagine suiting Star Wars well.
As much as I’ve heard the Vaughn rumor, I’ve also heard Jon Favreau is panting after this job, and even that David Fincher, who apparently worked for Lucas’s ILM in a menial job as a teen, might be game for one of these new films. Unfortunately, we are getting nothing out of Lucas Land on what they call speculation. I broke a story recently that Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg will write future Star Wars installments, most likely the second and third installments of the new trilogy, I’d heard. Lucas, through Disney, denied every speck of this, but I ran it anyway. They won’t comment or clarify these things because they want to announce it themselves on their own Twitter or website or whatever they’ve got.


We first heard about this from our sources not long after the new "Star Wars" trilogy was announced, but we never reported it because it's been very up in the air and not quite concrete. But buried at the end of rant over at Deadline, they mention that David Fincher "might be game" for directing 'Episode 7.' And indeed, from what we've heard, Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas have had their minds on him for a long time now, and certainly the relationship is there. Kennedy produced "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," and Fincher worked at Industrial Light & Magic in his early days, most notably on "Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi." So it's not a surprise he's on their wishlist but whether that actually happens or not seems like a huge question mark. What is apparent: they are interested in him.



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Clone troopers in AotC are some of the worst. There are some shots where it is just a couple of clone troopers, not hundreds or thousands, and they couldn't be arsed to put a few actors in actual armor? Beyond lazy.

There are shots where it's just one clone trooper. And using CG for that took a lot more effort than putting a guy in armor.
I think the word that you're looking for is 'stubborn'.


Stardust is mediocre B-movie fluff. Kick-Ass is the same, but more fun. First Class has a good first act, followed by two more acts of garbage. Layer Cake is okay, but nothing amazing.

And all of his films look so damn cheap. His filming style is not something I would ever imagine suiting Star Wars well.

I loved First Class, but something felt off about it. I think you pretty much nailed it: latter part of the movie. Not necessarily everything after the first act, but bits and pieces of it. Notably this bit: how Mystique can easily poison Xavier in X-Men without remorse, considering they were pretty much the best of friends pre-Magneto.

Sorry to derail.


Fincher is a pipe dream. But it's like... the pipe dream. If Fincher is going to waste his time with genre-y stuff like the millennium trilogy (TGWTDT was good, but the sequels are pretty bad), I'd much rather he waste it on a Star Wars movie.


Favreau would be a depressing choice.

Stardust is mediocre B-movie fluff. Kick-Ass is the same, but more fun. First Class has a good first act, followed by two more acts of garbage. Layer Cake is okay, but nothing amazing.

And all of his films look so damn cheap. His filming style is not something I would ever imagine suiting Star Wars well.

I disagree with all of that!


Fincher would be awesome, but I have a hard time seeing it happen. Isn't he attached to a bunch of other stuff, and this is supposed to come out in '15?

He's not concretely attached to anything at the moment. He wants to do 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and he may be doing The Girl Who Played with Fire, but they're both stalling.


It's impossible for me to imagine Fincher directing something like Star Wars with his past work, I mean I guess Benjamin Button was sort of an epic adventure movie that was really slow moving and had no action.
There are shots where it's just one clone trooper. And using CG for that took a lot more effort than putting a guy in armor.
I think the word that you're looking for is 'stubborn'.

True. It looks awful, no matter how you put it. It's remarkable.


Even the visor reflection looks like an N64-era "reflective" surface.
He's not concretely attached to anything at the moment. He wants to do 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and he may be doing The Girl Who Played with Fire, but they're both stalling.

Ahh ok. Those were the ones I was thinking of. Thought at least one was a done deal, but I guess he's open. We should find out before too long.


Reznor and Ross would be insane for the music - I don't even know if they would let them.
It'd probably Alexandre Desplat from Benjamin Button & maybe Claudio Miranda as the cinematographer since he's done sci-fi stuff since working with Fincher last


Hmm. Fincher seems oddly plausible. I mean after all he basically idolizes George Lucas in interviews I have seen when he dicusses his early days at ILM working on Return of the Jedi.


Jon Favreau is quite possibly the most boring choice they could go with. His movies just don't have the heart that Star Wars has -- even the sterile prequels.

Why do Fincher's projects stall? The man's movies always make money. :(

The Millennium trilogy is a tough sell and 'Dragon Tattoo didn't exactly light up the charts. 20,000 Leagues could be good, but Disney is being tight on its budget for the film. For some reason, water-based projects are always ridiculously expensive, and Disney doesn't exactly have a great track record with live action movies outside its Pirates franchise.
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