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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

If they make a good movie, it won't be a waste.

I suppose a major plus would be, if it turned out well, they could go on to direct any project they wanted. Still those kinds of directors, any auteurs really, don't seem like a good fit for Star Wars. We'll see, hopefully they announce soon.


It's not that I think Joe Johnston is a good director, it's just that this whole thing is nothing more than a big product launch. I mean sure I'd like a great director who I have liked rather consistently (David Fincher), but I just don't expect Disney to do this. They won't want to make Star Wars into a "director's" movie, they'll want to make it a product, like the Marvel movies. They just want someone to ship it. Right now maybe not, but after going through a few directors they'll realize there's no alternative anyway.

My best choice after Fincher would be Blompkamp, just because why the fuck not, it's not like there's anything to ruin, Lucas did that already. Or else give it to Duncan Jones lol:) (he was approached for Superman and Dredd, so I think it's possible).

They'll need a really good script regardless (see Prometheus).


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
That and a commitment to two other films means most 'wishlist' directors probably have no interest in it at all.
I don't see them locking the same director in for all three.
Auteur theory is bullshit, by the way.

ESPECIALLY on something like Star Wars.

Unless you wanna argue that Irvin Kershner was some sort of auteur.
I'm sure a guy like Matthew Vaughn would be up for it. He's not huge, but he does have reasonable success at adapting fiction to film. He hasn't proven to be creatively ambitious given the projects he takes on, so a decade of Star Wars seems to be right up his alley.

I would be happy with that if it happened.


Auteur theory is bullshit, by the way.

ESPECIALLY on something like Star Wars.

Unless you wanna argue that Irvin Kershner was some sort of auteur.

I think auteur theory is valid, but the problem is that people try to use it as a measure of talent, which is beyond asinine. Michael Bay is an auteur. So there and then the theory is made irrelevant.


The dude who did John Carter could direct these.
It wasn't his fault the film bombed, after all, it was a competent blockbuster.
I'd take Del Toro's interpretation of Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness over The Hobbit any day.

Yeah del toro is a lovecraft fanboy. Good for him, I doubt he could make a good movie out of the material though. Look how badly he butchered the hellboy movies and that stuff had a lot of lovecraftian influences

People give this director way too many passes over here just because he's a fan of what we all like.

The dude who did John Carter could direct these.
It wasn't his fault the film bombed, after all, it was a competent blockbuster.

This would be cool, gore verbinski would work too.
I also don't think they should necessarily go for the mega colossal project, i wouldn't mind smaller scope movies set in that universe.

This will almost certainly be the most expensive Star Wars movie ever made, even relative to the original films in their era. And *definitely* relative to the prequels, which were kinda cheap, all things considered. Lucas was pretty budget-conscious with his own money. Disney is going to throw hundreds of millions at each entry for the production budget alone.


Would be a much better fit than most of these names being bandied about, but I have a feeling he'd shy away from locking himself into another massive Disney trilogy.

Probably true but he's the caliber of filmmaker that will end up on this. And I think he'd do a better job than Vaughn or Johnston or Stanton.


This will almost certainly be the most expensive Star Wars movie ever made, even relative to the original films in their era. And *definitely* relative to the prequels, which were kinda cheap, all things considered. Lucas was pretty budget-conscious with his own money. Disney is going to throw hundreds of millions at each entry for the production budget alone.

I'm sure they will, that was more of a personal wish.


And I think he'd do a better job than Vaughn or Johnston or Stanton.

Agreed completely. Pirates DMC and AWE were awful, but that was in no part due to his direction, which was always the best it could possibly be given the constraints.


Agreed completely. Pirates DMC and AWE were awful, but that was in no part due to his direction, which was always the best it could possibly be given the constraints.

I also think he can pull off interesting visuals, even in more mundane movies like the rats' infestation one.


I wouldn't mind Brad Bird. MI:GP was directed pretty well, even if the movie itself was all over the place.

Edit: Oh, he's out? Hopefully he's busy writing Incredibles 2 or working on 1906.
How about Neill Blomkamp from District 9? Or he's too busy with Halo?

I still rather Peter Jackson do it. District 9 is awesome, but he's still a one hit wonder to me. Giving him Halo seems a little ambitious.

If he can make another great sci-fi, then by all means, let him have it.


Sucks that they can't get Genndy Tartakovsky.

- Loves Star Wars.
- Wants to make a live action Samurai Jack film, but Hollywood's told him that he can't have free reign on a personal project until he climbs the ladder more and proves himself with multiple Hollywood blockbusters.
- Made the absolute best part of the Star Wars prequels.
- Apparently got movie hopes dangled in his face by George.
- Had a falling out with George, got his work retconned, and refused to work with George again.

- Signed a multi-picture deal with Sony six months before George left the picture and Disney started looking for a director.


Yeah, but if you think it's bullshit then probably better not to get our hopes up at all by doing either.

Sure, but I thought I would share it with you guys nonetheless.

But who knows, he put Robo on hold and passed on Interstellar.

Maybe it's a megaton waiting to happen.
Anyone else think Jennifer Lawrence would be a perfect Jaina Solo?

I'd rather see a female lead for this trilogy than another male one.



No chance Jania Solo will be in these I say. Any Solo kids in this will be their own film invented character. EU is a non-factor when it comes to this. Do you really think a oscar winning screenwriter like Michael Arndt is going to be reading Star Wars EU books while writing the script? I would bet good money he has never read a single EU book.


Kills Photobucket
No chance Jania Solo will be in these I say. Any Solo kids in this will be their own film invented character. EU is a non-factor when it comes to this. Do you really think a oscar winning screenwriter like Michael Arndt is going to be reading Star Wars EU books while writing the script? I would bet good money he has never read a single EU book.

Well, if they were to chose to go with any EU source, it make sense to go with the kids. You can't use the OT characters, they're too old.


Well, if they were to chose to go with any EU source, it make sense to go with the kids. You can't use the OT characters, they're too old.

No chance Jania Solo will be in these I say. Any Solo kids in this will be their own film invented character. EU is a non-factor when it comes to this. Do you really think a oscar winning screenwriter like Michael Arndt is going to be reading Star Wars EU books while writing the script? I would bet good money he has never read a single EU book.

No, I doubt he is going to be reading any EU books. However I'd guess he's been given a general overview of the EU.

I highly doubt these films are going to fit neatly into the Expanded Universe. They probably shouldn't. But if they're going to have Solo kids in this they'll probably base them roughly on the EU characters. I'm sure an oscar winning screenwriter can find a nice middle ground, even if it's the same character in name only.

Well that explains things. They've already said it will be an original story and that extended universe stuff won't apply.

There's also been rumours the original cast have been approached, which suggests the story might tie into the existing films.


Well that explains things. They've already said it will be an original story and that extended universe stuff won't apply.

George Lucas himself says the books/comics aren't in the same universe as the films, that it's a marketing created entity completely seperate from the film series.

Lucas said this just this year (so well after work on Episode 7 likely began):
"The EU is a well of ideas, and there's what's on screen. They don't live in the same universe. Everyone wants to think so, I know..."

And in 2001:
"There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe—the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don’t intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don’t get too involved in the parallel universe. ”

The EU is fan fiction that you have to pay for to read, nothing more than that. Lucas marketing comes up with fancy canon rankings to keep the Star Wars masses buying them.
George Lucas himself says the books/comics aren't in the same universe as the films, that it's a marketing created entity completely seperate from the film series.

Lucas said this just this year (so well after work on Episode 7 likely began):

And in 2001:

The EU is fan fiction that you have to pay for to read, nothing more than that. Lucas marketing comes up with fancy canon rankings to keep the Star Wars masses buying them.

He also said there wasn't going to be any more Star Wars films past episode 3.

Things change.
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