Anticitizen One
If there was any justice in the world it should be Kosinski with a cast consisting of Tom Cruise, Jeff Bridges, and Olivia Wilde and should feature really technical ship and weapon designs. It would be badass.
I know, I'm just saying I wouldn't limit it to that.
If there was any justice in the world it should be Kosinski with a cast consisting of Tom Cruise, Jeff Bridges, and Olivia Wilde and should feature really technical ship and weapon designs. It would be badass.
Man, could you imagine if it was announced that Cameron was putting the Avatar sequels on hold and directing Ep 7. I think the internet would explode. I would be pretty disappointed myself.
Not as awful as this post.
Man, could you imagine a Nolan announcement?
You think that Abrahms has a good eye for art direction? You like that the Romulans build a vessel with gantry ways designed for tripping themselves into certain doom? When James Cameron, who you admire greatly, and for good reason, designs something he does so with absolute visual clarity of its form, function, place in the films universe, as well as how it looks on camera. Abrahms doesn't do this at all. He just tries to jam strange appendages and organic forms on near everything.
The pisser is that Abrahms is a damn good director. His action and plotting is typically really great. He just has a terrible taste for non contemporary designs.
That would be awful. Nolan shouldn't be wasting his time with any more franchise films. I want something original. Plus Star Wars films are CG heavy and Nolan is less than stellar when it comes to dealing with CG. It wouldn't be his bag at all and he wouldn't take it.
Seriously though, my dream announcements are Del Toro, Edgar Wright, and Duncan Jones. Del Toro would be extra great simply because he spends all that time trying to make The Hobbit work, has to bounce due to extenuating circumstances - and then by timing/happenstance, winds up directing a Star Wars movie instead? What a fuckin story that would be.
Plus if anyone would figure out how to inject some honest-to-god FUN into Star Wars again, that guy would do it.
However, the chances are slight, even though I wishfully stuck him at my #2 preferred candidate for the job.
Oh man, I would hate for Del Toro to do it outside of designing some wacky aliens.
I still think that Zemeckis is a good fit. Because live-action Zemeckis is great.
Seriously though, my dream announcements are Del Toro, Edgar Wright, and Duncan Jones. Del Toro would be extra great simply because he spends all that time trying to make The Hobbit work, has to bounce due to extenuating circumstances - and then by timing/happenstance, winds up directing a Star Wars movie instead? What a fuckin story that would be.
Plus if anyone would figure out how to inject some honest-to-god FUN into Star Wars again, that guy would do it.
However, the chances are slight, even though I wishfully stuck him at my #2 preferred candidate for the job.
I would rather Del Toro finish the other 10+ projects on his plate before signing on for Star Wars. I'd love if he could consult on the art direction though.
I feel Wright would be a fantastic "fun" choice, but I'd rather let him roam free with a spinoff, rather than hand him "Episode 7". Duncan's cool as well, but he's never touched anything that even approaches the scope of SW.
My personal dream candidates would be Brad Bird, Neil Blompkamp, and Danny Boyle.
And we're probably going to be stuck with Favraeu.
Oh man, I would hate for Del Toro to do it outside of designing some wacky aliens.
I still think that Zemeckis is a good fit. Because live-action Zemeckis is great.
Yeah Bird would probably be my dream candidate after Spielberg. But only if Bird was writing the script.
I have no idea where you pulled Danny Boyle from for a film like this.
Duncan's cool as well, but he's never touched anything that even approaches the scope of SW.
Other directors that never even approached the scope of Star Wars before making Star Wars movies
Irvin Kershner
Richard Marquand
George Lucas.
That said - I like your three picks. Bird was my first/instant pick within 2 minutes of hearing Lucasfilm had been sold. Danny Boyle is a great pick - but he turned down the ALIEN series when given a chance, I doubt he'd sign on to something exponentially bigger than that.
You think Avatar (which came out a few months later) made all that money because it was a good movie?
No, that was because of 3D.
How did the 2D blu become the highest grossing blu ever?
Because it's pretty as shit and in 2009, blu-ray was still kinda young and a lot of people bought blu-rays less for how GOOD the films were and more for how GOOD the films looked?
Finding Nemo was the highest selling DVD of all time, for example. A lot of that had to do with people marveling at how fucking gorgeous the transfer was.
Because it's pretty as shit and in 2009, blu-ray was still kinda young and a lot of people bought blu-rays less for how GOOD the films were and more for how GOOD the films looked?
Finding Nemo was the highest selling DVD of all time, for example. A lot of that had to do with people marveling at how fucking gorgeous the transfer was.
So the point stands, it wasn't 3D that made it a successful film. I can't believe people still bring that garbage idea up. The film made 1.3b more than The Avengers. 3D doesn't account for that much.
Finding Nemo sold because kids fucking love talking fish.
Theatrically, with that movie? 3D accounted for quite a bit. If I remember correctly, almost 70-80% of its initial box-office came from 3D reciepts.
That said - yes, its success on DVD/Blu-Ray has less to do with 3D, and more to do with its being a cultural phenomenon at that point.
I'm always a little itchy on equating popularity to quality. I understand that there are, inherently, some bonds between the two, but there's a lot of REALLY popular shit that isn't all that great, and a lot of REALLY great shit that never got popular. So much so that drawing even a crooked line between "popularity" and "quality" makes me recoil against the notion.
I wasn't even arguing for the film's quality (despite liking it). I was simply correcting somebody who tried to suggest is was only successful because of its 3D. And saying that 70-80% of its box office came from 3D showings ignores that at most that gives those 75% of tickets a 30% bump. You take away the 3D surcharge and Avatar is still sitting around or above $2b.
If it was a 2D movie it would lose a lot more than that 30% bump. A lot less people would have gone to see it.
If it was a 2D movie it would lose a lot more than that 30% bump. A lot less people would have gone to see it.
Yeah, it's hard to discount this. A HUGE part of the buzz around Avatar was that it made 3D a legitimate filmmaking tool.
Here's a question: Do you think whoever is hired to direct Star Wars for Disney directs it in 3D? Secondary question: Do you think Disney goes forward with 3D converting the Original Trilogy after they Fox burns off Episodes II & III in 2013?
Possibly, possibly not. No real way of knowing. But the fact that people went bonkers for it on blu without the 3D after having seen it is telling enough that it still would have had a high chance of toppling Titanic.
Because it didn't just topple Titanic. It destroyed Titanic. Which is still kind of crazy to me.
Alas, I was enjoying this thread a lot more when we were discussing potential directors for Ep7.
Here's a question: Do you think whoever is hired to direct Star Wars for Disney directs it in 3D? Secondary question: Do you think Disney goes forward with 3D converting the Original Trilogy after they Fox burns off Episodes II & III in 2013?
disney so yes to new one in 3d. I'd be okay with it if it follows the Ridley mold from Prometheus (just talking about the use of 3D here). I hope the original isn't converted though.
They probably won't but I wish they would film it in 48fps. Star Wars could look incredible at high framerates.
Disney hasn't got the balls at this point.
Cameron will give us the HFR Sci-fi goodness.
He's confirmed a post-Avatar series project?
He's confirmed a post-Avatar series project?
Disney hasn't got the balls at this point.
Cameron will give us the HFR Sci-fi goodness.
Either the joke isn't funny or I don't get it.
Disney hasn't got the balls at this point.
I ain't paying to see any more Avatars.
Can you blame them? They've probably already set a budget. Considering the less-than-expected financial returns on The Hobbit, why would they further gamble? The highest grossing movie of 2012 is a traditionally shot, post-converted cosmic spectacle. They're probably gonna roll the dice in THAT direction.
Yeah, you and about 50% of the vocal audience that sat through the first film. Yet somehow I still think it's going to make a huge amount of cash and somehow you guys will still have impressions to give after opening weekend.
The Hobbit's box office returns don't really have anything to do with 48 fps considering how few screens are playing it.
Man, could you imagine if it was announced that Cameron was putting the Avatar sequels on hold and directing Ep 7. I think the internet would explode. I would be pretty disappointed myself.