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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

Can see Disney making the TV series work. The cost factor was the roadblock and can see Disney willing to make the cuts and sacrifices to get the show on air instead of shelving it like Lucas and co did.
Joss Whedon is too busy for the new Star Wars movie.

I'm as angry as you should be," Whedon told CNN at the CCMAs about being unable to take on the next 'Star Wars' film. "When I heard that I was like, 'I wonder... no, I really can't do that. Oh, I already have a job.' I wouldn't clear the Avengers. I'm having so much fun with that sequel right now, just with the script, that I couldn't imagine not doing it."

The great news is that nobody asked you, Whedon!


I bet they're not even considering Zemeckis. :(

Zemeckis is so damn perfect for this it hurts. He's already worked with Disney on multiple occasions, shown he can make a trilogy work incredibly, and has a ton of experience with special effects. Plus, he's shown he can still work well with live action considering the rave reviews Flight has apparently had (haven't seen it myself though).


I find the lack of disney star wars so far disturbing, i thought they'd take the opportunity of christmas to at least mass produce some disney/sw crossover toys like theyve already done in the past the jedi knight mickeys etc
I find the lack of disney star wars so far disturbing, i thought they'd take the opportunity of christmas to at least mass produce some disney/sw crossover toys like theyve already done in the past the jedi knight mickeys etc
can't wait for the next kingdom hearts

Kingdom Hearts with Mickey and Luke Skywalker.

Dart Vader as a villain.


I find the lack of disney star wars so far disturbing, i thought they'd take the opportunity of christmas to at least mass produce some disney/sw crossover toys like theyve already done in the past the jedi knight mickeys etc

The sale was just finalized 3 weeks ago or so. There hasn't even been any talk yet here of how benefits may change, or how HR may be consolidated, or anything really - it's just too soon after closing the sale. And you expect a whole bunch of new items to already go on sale?


I find the lack of disney star wars so far disturbing, i thought they'd take the opportunity of christmas to at least mass produce some disney/sw crossover toys like theyve already done in the past the jedi knight mickeys etc

Angry Birds


It really would. But the storyline of those books may become incompatible with the new movies.

You could pretty much keep the storyline and modify as you need to keep in line with the new movies. Luke, Leia, and Han are nonexistent (maybe 10 pages out of all 10 books?) You could still tell the story of Corran Horn, and I would love to see the whole storyline featuring The Lusankya.


Angry Birds

I don't believe that was Disney's doing.

I'm just happy that Zemeckis is back to doing what he does best. Anything more is a cherry on the top. I would love to see his take on it though.

The thing with Zemeckis is that he feels constrained with live action, which is why for the past decade he's relied on fully CG movies to realize his vision, but ironically those were his worst critically reviewed films.


Flight was a disaster. Complete mis-match of styles. I'm not convinced he would do a great job with the Star Wars franchise, but I guess he would be better than someone like Johnston or Favreau


Brotherhood of Shipley's
So we're going to see Star Wars film properties greenlit that are not part of the main sequel trilogy. I hope they don't overexpose the brand to the general public.

Star Wars TV Shows, Star Wars Annual Video Games, Star Wars Comic Books, Star Wars Toys, Star Wars Theme Parks, Star Wars Books.

Star Wars has been overexposed since creation. The public never gets tired of Star Wars.
Star Wars TV Shows, Star Wars Annual Video Games, Star Wars Comic Books, Star Wars Toys, Star Wars Theme Parks, Star Wars Books.

Star Wars has been overexposed since creation. The public never gets tired of Star Wars.

There's always an audience steadily consuming this stuff but when a film roles around the brand exposure explodes to insane levels. If you have the new trilogy plus other stand alone films going out every other year I could see the general audience (not us) getting tired of it.

In film, I like that when there are Star Wars films they come once every three years. Throwing another film (or more) into the mix could be a little much.
No joke: I'd take a Snyder-directed trilogy/movie over the prequels any day. I feel like his (at times misguided) reverence for source material would lead to much better films than Lucas, who clearly didn't realize what made the OT memorable in the first place.


I'm cool as long the movies are fun to watch and as long as they'll make a Rogue/Wraith Squadron-centric standalone movie.
I want to see a movie full of crazy space batttles so bad!
Snyder isn't making any Star Wars films apparently.

That story from earlier today about Watchmen director Zack Snyder doing a Seven Samurai-influenced Star Wars movie? It was just so much poo-doo. His reps tell the Hollywood Reporter that he's not working on anything Star Wars related, either part of the new trilogy or one of the spin-off movies.

Said Snyder's spokesperson:

While he is super-flattered because he is a huge fan, Zack is not involved in any way with the new Star Wars. He is currently in post on his two films, Man of Steel and 300: Battle of Artemisia.

Sometimes I wonder at what point they'll do the inevitable remake of the OT... I mean Fox still holds the distribution rights of A New Hope, I think.

I could care less for a remake of the OT, but reshoot the fucking lightsabre fights... CG is good enough now that newer fans won't be able to tell the difference and old fans will be like "OMG!"(when I say CG, I just mean, reshoot the fucking duel with Alec Guiness' face CGd onto a stunt guy!) They are so fucking bad after seeing sword fight choreography in movies like LOTR or even the new trilogy (Which in my opinion represent the best aspect of the prequels) The Light Sabre duels in the original trilogy (they were alright i guess in Return, and I didn't mind the Vader/Luke Fight at the end of empire) are part of the reason I actually don't watch the original trilogy on a regular basis. I always think back to the Vader/Obiwan battle in New Hope... was that considered bad ass in 77? Completely takes me out.


I could care less for a remake of the OT, but reshoot the fucking lightsabre fights... They are so fucking bad after seeing sword fight choreography in movies like LOTR or even the new trilogy (Which in my opinion represent the best aspect of the prequels)


There aren't enough lols in the world.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Someone post the gif.


I could care less for a remake of the OT, but reshoot the fucking lightsabre fights... They are so fucking bad after seeing sword fight choreography in movies like LOTR or even the new trilogy (Which in my opinion represent the best aspect of the prequels)

Yeah i can already imagine shitty rendered CGI characters jumping around in improbable coreographies.
It would add to the hilarity, so i'm down for that.
Someone post the gif.

I'm guessing you mean this gif?



Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
The great news is that nobody asked you, Whedon!

And the funny thing is that Disney now owns both Marvel and Lucasfilm so I doubt Disney would remove Whedon from Avengers to Star Wars because that could potentially screw both franchises. I don't think he has the authority to just decide to ditch Avengers 2 for Star Wars Episode 7 regardless, but Disney isn't stupid either.
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