Dude that's just movie magic. They don't actually shoot each other either.
Nor do they have them aim their guns into the sky while dancing around.
Dude that's just movie magic. They don't actually shoot each other either.
Yeah i can already imagine shitty rendered CGI characters jumping around in improbable coreographies.
It would add to the hilarity, so i'm down for that.
I'm guessing you mean this gif?
see, I never had a problem with that, I always thought it showed two jedi at a moment both so in-tune at close range, and neither willing to commit to an attack that the other could counter and turn against them. Rapidly moving to keep at a stalemate without sabers ever touching.
but what do I know
I could care less for a remake of the OT, but reshoot the fucking lightsabre fights... CG is good enough now that newer fans won't be able to tell the difference and old fans will be like "OMG!"(when I say CG, I just mean, reshoot the fucking duel with Alec Guiness' face CGd onto a stunt guy!) They are so fucking bad after seeing sword fight choreography in movies like LOTR or even the new trilogy (Which in my opinion represent the best aspect of the prequels) The Light Sabre duels in the original trilogy (they were alright i guess in Return, and I didn't mind the Vader/Luke Fight at the end of empire) are part of the reason I actually don't watch the original trilogy on a regular basis. I always think back to the Vader/Obiwan battle in New Hope... was that considered bad ass in 77? Completely takes me out.
see, I never had a problem with that, I always thought it showed two jedi at a moment both so in-tune at close range, and neither willing to commit to an attack that the other could counter and turn against them. Rapidly moving to keep at a stalemate without sabers ever touching.
but what do I know
The fights in the prequels are awful. The final battle is good but this part is simply awful. It looks like shit.
The battles in the originals are so sweet. Brief flashes of violence, with emotion behind each swing punctuated by philosophising on the force. Brilliant.
I won't disagree with your point that the original trilogy light saber duels are great, you're talking about the emotion and dialog more than the fights themselves. Perfect for the only conversation between Vader and Obi-Wan, and the two of the only conversations between Luke and Vader. Needed, in fact.
But in the original trilogy we saw the damaged Lord Vader vs an old man (who didn't really use the force, to speak of), and two fights against a not-completely trained Luke.
I always thought one of the fun parts about the prequels is getting to see real, fully trained, in the hey-dey and working together, Jedi Knights. The entire opening of Phantom Menace, with the trade federation guys realizing two Jedi are on the ship, and realizing they are fucked, is awesome, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan quickly show why.
*shrug* - they are different, but that doesn't make the prequel lightsaber battles bad.
Vader fighting with 1 hand at the start of their ESB duel to show his dominance and lack of respect for Luke's abilities was a better touch than all of the prequel twirls combined.
Vader fighting with 1 hand at the start of their ESB duel to show his dominance and lack of respect for Luke's abilities was a better touch than all of the prequel twirls combined.
I never picked that up, I thought it was so that it could free Vader up for Force-related stuff.
see, I never had a problem with that, I always thought it showed two jedi at a moment both so in-tune at close range, and neither willing to commit to an attack that the other could counter and turn against them. Rapidly moving to keep at a stalemate without sabers ever touching.
but what do I know
It's not.That...is a stretch.
This is much better. It feels like the lightsabers have much more weight to them.
I won't disagree with your point that the original trilogy light saber duels are great, you're talking about the emotion and dialog more than the fights themselves. Perfect for the only conversation between Vader and Obi-Wan, and the two of the only conversations between Luke and Vader. Needed, in fact.
But in the original trilogy we saw the damaged Lord Vader vs an old man (who didn't really use the force, to speak of), and two fights against a not-completely trained Luke.
I always thought one of the fun parts about the prequels is getting to see real, fully trained, in the hey-dey and working together, Jedi Knights. The entire opening of Phantom Menace, with the trade federation guys realizing two Jedi are on the ship, and realizing they are fucked, is awesome, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan quickly show why.
*shrug* - they are different, but that doesn't make the prequel lightsaber battles bad.
I'd like to see a middle ground.Meh, the fights in the OG trilogy were ok, but I've never been particularly impressed by them.
Meh, the fights in the OG trilogy were ok, but I've never been particularly impressed by them.
I'd like to see a middle ground.
In response to Anton Sugar, I agree. The Yoda battle is a piece of shit but the battle between Dooku and Anakin is woeful. Using the sabers as the main light source is a great idea but it was so poorly done.
I actually think the Maul fight is the most uncomfortable and dramatic fight in the entire series. We clearly know nothing about if Qui-Gon would be in future films, nor the fate of Maul as well. Coreography wise it was probably the best also.
Nah, this was at the start at the carbon freezing chamber. Luke also switches to 1 hand after Vader compliments him, sarcastically from what I can tell, in a cocky attempt to match him. That immediately leads to Luke getting disarmed and knocked down.
Vader is using both hands later when he starts throwing objects at Luke. It's a clear "Now I'm getting serious" moment.
The Darth Maul fight is my favorite out of the entire saga. It may lack the gravitas some of the OG fights, and of course Red Letter did their well known video of it, but I still love it.
I don't know, lack of reverence to source material in Dawn of the Dead is a big part of what turned me off to him.No joke: I'd take a Snyder-directed trilogy/movie over the prequels any day. I feel like his (at times misguided) reverence for source material would lead to much better films than Lucas, who clearly didn't realize what made the OT memorable in the first place.
But this isn't really the fault of the fights themselves, it's the fault of the participants' characterizations.I prefer them, because there's more going on than just elaborate choreography. The fight in Empire in particular operates on a couple levels, not just two dudes fighting because. The fights in the prequels always felt soulless to me for that reason. (The fight in RotS comes close, but gets too absurd for its own good.)
Here are some viewing points for the ESB duel:
The Force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not a jedi yet. - Vader opposes Luke with one hand, and continues to do so until after the freezing attempt.
You'll find I'm full of surprises. - Vader goads Luke into cockily switching to 1 hand as well, is immediately disarmed. Illustrates the lack of control he has over his emotions.
No dialogue is necessary. - Vader brings both hands together and proceeds to dominate Luke, showing the true power of the dark side.
No, the Prequels don't have better choreography, they have more choreography. Lots more.
They are much worse for it.
Before someone swoops in on this post in a condescending manner, I'll go ahead and say it: What's your take on The Totally Phantom Menace then?
Before someone swoops in on this post in a condescending manner, I'll go ahead and say it: What's your take on The Totally Phantom Menace then?
Before someone swoops in on this post in a condescending manner, I'll go ahead and say it: What's your take on The Totally Phantom Menace then?
To be fair some moments on the OT duels like the Luke vs Vader in RotJ have some moments like that.Before someone swoops in on this post in a condescending manner, I'll go ahead and say it: What's your take on The Totally Phantom Menace then?
Ok after watching this again, I definitely agree about Vader and the analysis of his style but I disagree about Luke in that Luke was seemingly trying to do faster strikes, not so much that he was necessarily trying to emulate Vader. You can see that one-handed style again right before he loses his hand. Luke tries to use it in short bursts for offensive purposes and repeatedly gets disarmed. I wouldn't inherently attribute it to his desire to copy Vader. That said, great job on Vader's style.
To be fair some moments on the OT duels like the Luke vs Vader in RotJ have some moments like that.
Oh no, someone over analyzed a special effects laiden fight. Go figure. It doesn't take away from any of it. It is still far more entertaining to watch.
There is absolutely no sense of weight or physicality in that fight. Look at the Bespin fight or even the Obi-Wan/Vader fight in the OG trilogy. You get a sense that the lightsabers clashing isn't the end of the struggle as Vader can still overpower the more agile Luke. Lightsabers in the OG series are treated more like broadswords while in the prequels are more akin to fencing.
I disagree in regards to the ANH Obi-Wan Vader duel. Their lightsaber clashes seemed lightweight compared to the other duels, because in real life, the lightsaber rods were fragile and would break with little contact.