There is absolutely no sense of weight or physicality in that fight. Look at the Bespin fight or even the Obi-Wan/Vader fight in the OG trilogy. You get a sense that the lightsabers clashing isn't the end of the struggle as Vader can still overpower the more agile Luke. Lightsabers in the OG series are treated more like broadswords while in the prequels are more akin to fencing(although both are heavily influenced/based in fencing).
Before someone swoops in on this post in a condescending manner, I'll go ahead and say it: What's your take on The Totally Phantom Menace then?
I see what you are saying. Perhaps part of the problem in my mind is that is that the original trilogy isn't capable of focusing on the more agile styles of some of the jedi/sith as the prequel trilogy is since there are so few jedi remaining to focus on, so you are limited to the heavier styles. Definitely an argument I can understand.
That being said, I still find the prequel duels far more entertaining because of their faster more agile nature. The flipping and crazy defensive parries are what make it.
I bet it will drive them mad one all the kids who saw the PT very young start turning 25 and become very nostalgic about it all.
It will create the great Star Wars schism of 2020
According to Lucas it wasn't till the prequels did we get to see real Jedi/Sith fighting in their prime. He refers to the OT Jedi as Old men, a trainee, and a cripple (vader). This was his train of thought when he did TPM and the fight with Darth Maul. To him it was the first time we saw real Jedi and Sith in their prime going at it, hence all the fancy choreography.
It's plainly obvious that the PT is terrible, but the legions of fans pointing out every single aspect of why they hate the films has hit some a high echelon or nerd self righteousness.
It has become intolerable.
But, you know, it's their opinion.
I bet it will drive them mad one all the kids who saw the PT very young start turning 25 and become very nostalgic about it all.
It will create the great Star Wars schism of 2020
Doubt it. It will be like 20-30 year olds today revisiting the 80's movies they cherished: embarrassing.
I'm 21 and I prefer the new trilogy. So do most of my friends. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
That doesn't stop today's 30-40 year olds from obsessing over the original trilogy, if you know what I mean.
I'm 21 and I prefer the new trilogy. So do most of my friends. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I hear you, but the OT is objectively superior to the PT, overall. It's not a fair comparison.
The OT may be nothing than space pulp done well and it's clear that a lot of its success may be due to luck, nostalgia, or the "this has never been done" factor, but PT has serious storytelling and filmmaking problems that hamper just about every aspect. Above all, the OT tells a story that is engaging, motivated, and coherent.
Oh boy.
This will make me a lot of enemies, but I feel that, objectively, the Return of the Jedi was the most crowd-pleasing film, and therefore the best of the bunch.
that vader / obi wan 'new hope' fight is a tragedy. obi wan's pointless spin, leaving him completely open to attack, makes me laugh.
the last time these two guys fought (episode III), it was insane. you know they were both heading into the 'new hope' duel ready to crap their pants realizing what they were capable of now in comparison to what they were last seen doing. good thing both of them absolutely sucked. after vader throws out his first weak-ass attack, obi wan should be thinking, "wait, i could actually kill this guy here."
also, slowing down the phantom menace fight to see that they wouldnt hit each other is kinda ridiculous. cause you dont see any of that while watching at normal speed,... so who cares? is it disappointing to some because it proves it was really just a movie all along?
It helps that it has the best villain.
Speaking of, they seriously screwed the pooch with villains in the prequels. There is no singular entity that they're fighting against. Just Darth Sidious, who everyone but the Jedi know is Palpatine, and one-off/weakly developed "generals" (Grievous, Dooku, Jango).
They should have kept Maul in all three movies, IMO, or at least two. Would have given Obi-Wan much more to do than play detective and babysit Anakin.
Oh boy.
that vader / obi wan 'new hope' fight is a tragedy. obi wan's pointless spin, leaving him completely open to attack, makes me laugh.
the last time these two guys fought (episode III), it was insane. you know they were both heading into the 'new hope' duel ready to crap their pants realizing what they were capable of now in comparison to what they were last seen doing. good thing both of them absolutely sucked. after vader throws out his first weak-ass attack, obi wan should be thinking, "wait, i could actually kill this guy here."
also, slowing down the phantom menace fight to see that they wouldnt hit each other is kinda ridiculous. cause you dont see any of that while watching at normal speed,... so who cares? is it disappointing to some because it proves it was really just a movie all along?
also, slowing down the phantom menace fight to see that they wouldnt hit each other is kinda ridiculous. cause you dont see any of that while watching at normal speed,... so who cares? is it disappointing to some because it proves it was really just a movie all along?
Did you really just say that Darth Maul was the best villain of the saga?
You realize all he was was a single line and some face paint, right? What on earth is it with Star Wars fans and idolizing empty single-serving characters into something they're not?
I wonder if anyone who talks about "aiming for their swords" has actually fenced before. Strikes at the body with no regard for the enemies weapon can leave you open to counter attack, so aiming for his blade as a means of pushing it to the side to create an opening for an attack is typically the way things are done.
I didn't say saga.
We're talking about low-hanging fruit here; NONE of the villains in the PT are fleshed out. If it comes down to choosing a vapid villain who also looks ridiculous/out of place (Grievous, Dooku, the entire trade federation, the entire droid army, etc.) vs a vapid villain who looks menacing (...Maul), it's not a difficult choice.
I don't really see how this can be argued. The PT was universally criticized as sloppy; if you read up on pre-production/production, it's easy to see why.
First fight was weak, I agree, but there are plenty of similar gaps in choreographic/editing logic in the PT, particularly with the older actors.
Even from the first time I saw this fight, it bugged the shit out of me that Palpatine got away with this slow ass stab.
Mr Green Saber literally has two seconds to strike him and he does jack shit.
These disparities kill it for me. Why spend all this time showing Jedi as these super acrobatic amazing fighters when he cuts down several of them, straight on? It never bugged me that Palpatine could do it--it's just the way he did it was so sloppy.
Even from the first time I saw this fight, it bugged the shit out of me that Palpatine got away with this slow ass stab.
I'm 21 and I prefer the new trilogy. So do most of my friends. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
You have bad friends and bad taste.
What do you guys think of Ryan vs Dorkman?
What do you guys think of Ryan vs Dorkman?
Holy shit, that fight is even worse than I remember. Had to watch another video to make sure it wasn't intentionally edited to look stupid.
Palpatine never should have used a lightsabre to begin with though.
I'm 21 and I prefer the new trilogy. So do most of my friends. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
A lot of scenes in the OT are pretty bad if you were to analyze them closely and in slo-mo.
I'm 21 and I prefer the new trilogy. So do most of my friends. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
My annoyance in terms of choreography in the PT over OT was the jumping. There just seemed to be too much gymnastic jumping.
Almost the end of January and still no word on who will direct. I just read an article speculating it could be Ron Howard.
I'm guessing you mean this gif?
If you pause the Empire Strikes Back, you can tell that they are not really in space and therefore in no real danger.
Checkmate, haters.
I don't believe so, Daranbot and Lucas kind of had a falling out after Daranbot's Indy IV script was rejected in the early 90's (and honestly as much as Indy IV sucked Daranbot's script was pretty awful too).Didn't Lucas originally want Darabont to direct one of the PT? Darabont is Executive producer on the upcoming show, L.A. Noir and is directing the pilot for it. He's also got a credit for writing the upcoming Godzilla film. Apart from that, he looks very available. Just a random thought.
I don't think he'd be the worst choice. It would be easy to advertise him as the original show runner for The Walking Dead and Director of the Shawshank Redemption. He's also worked with a lot of CGI before, like with The Mist and The Walking Dead pilot.
I have mixed feelings. On the one hand how could new Star Wars not be amazing news? Then again the prequels could have been better (to say the least) and this does seem to just be Disney desperately trying to justify and recoup their investment. I mean were these sequels planned by LucasArts or started right after the Disney takeover? I immediately thought of Disney just trying to justify the billions they spent in buying LucasArts when I read the announcement. A means of making their money back. Perhaps I'm jaded. Perhaps these films will be legitimately amazing. I'll still be there in the cinema day one though. It's Star Wars. So I'm there.
I have mixed feelings. On the one hand how could new Star Wars not be amazing news? Then again the prequels could have been better (to say the least) and this does seem to just be Disney desperately trying to justify and recoup their investment. I mean were these sequels planned by LucasArts or started right after the Disney takeover? I immediately thought of Disney just trying to justify the billions they spent in buying LucasArts when I read the announcement. A means of making their money back. Perhaps I'm jaded. Perhaps these films will be legitimately amazing. I'll still be there in the cinema day one though. It's Star Wars. So I'm there.
They had been working on them for a long while prior to the Disney purchase, Lucas wrote the story outlines for the trilogy and they had been meeting with writers prior to the Disney sale.