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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

Harrison has developed such a strange personality when he got older. I dunno if he would even be a good fit in Episode 7. What's he gonna do make a couple of lame sarcastic remarks and mumble a bit like he did in Indy 4?

I'd much rather see Hamil and Fisher since they have the same attitude and mannerisms they did when the OT came out.

This is crap. Indy 4 wasn't great. It did a LOT of things wrong. But the one gift that film offered up was that it gave us the old Harrison Ford back. Unlike his output for the decade+ (which is when he actually had fallen into that mumbling, sarcastic zombie), he actually seemed to give a shit. He had that twinkle back in his eye again in Indy 4.

The movie around him was disappointing, but we'd be lucky to have that Harrison Ford back for Star Wars, as opposed to what he's returned to in those Ender's Game clips. Yikes.


Harrison has developed such a strange personality when he got older. I dunno if he would even be a good fit in Episode 7. What's he gonna do make a couple of lame sarcastic remarks and mumble a bit like he did in Indy 4?
If Ford just plays Old Han as his Cowboys Vs Aliens grumpy old cowboy character, I think we'll all be happy.


May I have a cookie?
A bunch of us bought tickets to Meet Joe Black just to see this. We snuck in a camcorder so we could analyze it later.

An Israeli friend with a thick accent shrieked "Praise the lord!"

We left after the trailer.

hearing those reactions to that trailer really makes it feel like fans were blinded by optimism
This is crap. Indy 4 wasn't great. It did a LOT of things wrong. But the one gift that film offered up was that it gave us the old Harrison Ford back. Unlike his output for the decade+ (which is when he actually had fallen into that mumbling, sarcastic zombie), he actually seemed to give a shit. He had that twinkle back in his eye again in Indy 4.

The movie around him was disappointing, but we'd be lucky to have that Harrison Ford back for Star Wars, as opposed to what he's returned to in those Ender's Game clips. Yikes.

Sometimes I feel like playing Indiana Jones is the only thing in Ford's entire career that he legitimately cared about doing.
A bunch of us bought tickets to Meet Joe Black just to see this. We snuck in a camcorder so we could analyze it later.

An Israeli friend with a thick accent shrieked "Praise the lord!"

We left after the trailer.

Haha I just read this, that's awesome.

And yes, I remember losing my shit when is saw this trailer. Talk about a fangasm.


Looks like Episode VII is guaranteed Summer 2015 release. And apparently there's some sort of Darth Vader TV Special coming in 2014?


"Choose your side cross company marketing initiative " spring-summer 2014, so essentially theres going to be a
Team Sith, or Team Jedi campaign coming up on teeshirts and posters i bet...is this "team" a thing from now on?

Teams pffft fuck that I'm going

Han Solo


This might be a bit off topic, but I figured that I would ask here. Whatever happened to the 3D re-releases of the Star Wars films? Last I heard Episodes 2 and 3 were supposed to release Fall of this year, but I haven't heard anything since then.


This might be a bit off topic, but I figured that I would ask here. Whatever happened to the 3D re-releases of the Star Wars films? Last I heard Episodes 2 and 3 were supposed to release Fall of this year, but I haven't heard anything since then.

The 3D re-releases were canceled once Disney decided to go full-speed-ahead with their plethora of films.

The fact that Episode 1 in 3D didn't exactly make a lot of money is probably another reason.

*edit - beaten horribly


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Weird. They started working on the Star Wars 3D conversion first. I guess it was just a proof of concept.
Arndt out, JJ and Kasdan now writing the script:

As Episode VII continues pre-production, Lawrence Kasdan and director J.J. Abrams have assumed screenwriting duties for the film. Kasdan, who has been serving as a consultant on the film, is a veteran of several classic Lucasfilm productions, writing the screenplay for Raiders of the Lost Ark and serving as co-screenwriter for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Acclaimed director and screenwriter Abrams' credits include Super 8, Mission: Impossible III, Fringe, and Lost.

"I am very excited about the story we have in place and thrilled to have Larry and J.J. working on the script," states Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy. "There are very few people who fundamentally understand the way a Star Wars story works like Larry, and it is nothing short of incredible to have him even more deeply involved in its return to the big screen. J.J. of course is an incredible storyteller in his own right. Michael Arndt has done a terrific job bringing us to this point and we have an amazing filmmaking and design team in place already prepping for production."

Location scouting, production design, casting, and costume design are already underway on Episode VII. A team of gifted artists are working to bring the latest installment of the Star Wars saga, including director of photography Dan Mindel (Mission: Impossible III, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness), production designers Rick Carter (Lincoln, Avatar, Forrest Gump) and Darren Gilford (Oblivion, TRON: Legacy), costume designer Michael Kaplan (Star Trek Into Darkness, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Fight Club),special effects supervisor Chris Corbould (Skyfall, The Dark Knight Rises, Inception), sound designer Ben Burtt (Lincoln, Wall-E, Star Wars: Episodes I-VI), re-recording mixer Gary Rydstrom (Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story, Mission: Impossible -Ghost Protocol), supervising sound editor Matthew Wood (Star Trek Into Darkness, The Master, There Will Be Blood) of Skywalker Sound, and visual effects supervisor Roger Guyett (Star Trek Into Darkness, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith) of Industrial Light & Magic. Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, and Bryan Burk are producing, with Tommy Harper (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Jack Ryan, Star Trek Into Darkness) and Jason McGatlin (Tintin, War of the Worlds) serving as executive producers. John Williams is returning to score Star Wars: Episode VII.

Shooting is scheduled to begin Spring 2014 at Pinewood Studios for an expected 2015 release.


Weird that the previous reports had it that Arndt got the job on the strength of his 50 page outline for the whole trilogy.

And now he's out - and the screenplay for the movie (which is shooting in a couple months) is apparently still not done, or rewritten to the point where it's just Abrams/Kasdan getting credit?



Weird that the previous reports had it that Arndt got the job on the strength of his 50 page outline for the whole trilogy.

And now he's out - and the screenplay for the movie (which is shooting in a couple months) is apparently still not done, or rewritten to the point where it's just Abrams/Kasdan getting credit?

Pretty much. What the fuck.

Weird that the previous reports had it that Arndt got the job on the strength of his 50 page outline for the whole trilogy.

And now he's out - and the screenplay for the movie (which is shooting in a couple months) is apparently still not done, or rewritten to the point where it's just Abrams/Kasdan getting credit?

Well, apparently its not filming in a couple of months now - notice the Spring 2014 start date, which means March at the earliest.
Yeah. The release definitely points out the ball is rolling on quite a few departments - but to have the script still be so fluid that writers are being swapped out in October for shooting in Spring is really pushing it, especially considering the writer JUST dismissed is apparently the one who spelled out the trilogy's arc.

So when the movie irises out to credits, it's gonna look like:

Directed by JJ Abrams. Written by JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan. Produced by JJ Abrams, Bryan Burk, Lawrence Kasdan, Simon Kinberg.


FUCK. Little Miss Sunshine is a better written movie than everything JJ has done combined. FUCK.

Well, I hope Kasdan will end up doing most of the work.
If anybody knows a quality script when he sees one, it's George Lucas.



To me, Arndt was an odd pick, considering his past movies. At the end of the day though, Arndt is a quality writer, so I was excited to see his take on Star Wars.

How should we feel about this news?


To me, Arnst was an odd pick, considering his past movies. At the end of the day though, Arnst is a quality writer, so I was excited to see his take on Star Wars.

How should we feel about this news?

Depends on how you feel about JJ Abrams. Shows it's going to be his baby more than George Lucas.
Did anyone ever post this rumor from a few months ago?
The source of the rumor is Steven Greenstreet, a documentary filmmaker, who was apparently working on the set of Boardwalk Empire when he claims to have been given this information:
So I was working one day here in NYC on a popular HBO show. And the main set designer (older low key gentleman) struck up a conversation with me. He noticed my Star Wars tattoo and changed the subject to Episode VII. He said one of his best friends was currently working on the script (with a few other writers). "But I don't want to spoil anything for you," he said.
"Um, uh... Fuck it. Tell me everything you know."
"Well he's only told me 2 things actually: 1) The story revolves around Han and Leia's kids. 2) Darth Vader is back."
I was confused by that last one. "But, wait, we saw him die and his body get burned."
"You saw a suit get burned."
"No, then we saw force-spirit Anakin appear at the end of Jedi."
"All I'm going to say is: Darth Vader is back. Who's actually IN THE SUIT is the big deal."
So, there you have it. Take it with a grain of salt. This guy might have been trolling me. But he seemed sincere.
What do you think about Darth Vader coming back? Too much? Does it even make sense?

Could be total bullshit, but I just thought it was sort of interesting.
Did anyone ever post this rumor from a few months ago?
The source of the rumor is Steven Greenstreet, a documentary filmmaker, who was apparently working on the set of Boardwalk Empire when he claims to have been given this information:

Could be total bullshit, but I just thought it was sort of interesting.

So our source is a redditor who heard it from a Boardwalk Empire set designer who heard it from his friend. Okay.


In-universe, someone claiming to be Darth Vader might work well. Aside from the good guys knowing it's just faking, though large percentage of civilian population might be scared enough to join the faction that fakes Darth Vader...

EDIT no comment on the credibility of the rumor. Just wondering how it'd work in-universe.


Did anyone ever post this rumor from a few months ago?
The source of the rumor is Steven Greenstreet, a documentary filmmaker, who was apparently working on the set of Boardwalk Empire when he claims to have been given this information:

Could be total bullshit, but I just thought it was sort of interesting.

if Cumberhatch is revelead at the end of VII as the imposter wearing the Vader suit...

somone holds my hands please...I'm feeling nauseous.


Did anyone ever post this rumor from a few months ago?
The source of the rumor is Steven Greenstreet, a documentary filmmaker, who was apparently working on the set of Boardwalk Empire when he claims to have been given this information:

Could be total bullshit, but I just thought it was sort of interesting.

The closest we're going to get to a return of darth vader is a darth vader esque character. Perhaps he meant Darth Maul?


the idea of a vader imposter might be interesting for a comic or a videogame, but I dont see it in a main saga movie
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