TRON as a film is pretty bad. However, the world that was created in that film was a lot more creative than what they kept in Legacy. If there are no sequels it will be one of the worst misuses of bringing back the old cast.It wasn't a particularly high bar that it had to live up to considering the original Tron was pretty shit outside of being 'good looking for its time' (and it's aged horribly). The only appealing aspects of Legacy were the visuals and Daft Punk soundtrack, it was an audio-visual feast but aside from that, pretty bland.
Directing animation and live action isn't that big a leap, especially when it's pretty well known a majority of the special effects/sets will be animated anyway. It's still a matter of knowing where to put the camera, when to move the camera, how to light the shots and how to elicit the performances from the actors. It's done a little differently in animation than it is in live action, but many of the same skills transfer over.
It's not as if doing animation means you don't count as an actual filmmaker. Nor is it as if not doing films in a similar genre means you're unfit to work in that genre. There is a lot of stuff in Iron Giant and Incredibles (and Ratatouille, even) that would translate really well to Star Wars.
A good example: The two people most credited with Empire Strikes Back's success are Irvin Kershner, best known for "Return of a Man Called Horse" and "Loving," and Lawrence Kasdan, who had written "Continental Divide."
If they had been hired to write/direct a Star Wars movie in say, 2004, under the same circumstances? The shitstorm that would have spun up would pull trees out by their roots.
Tron franchise is pretty much dead. Uprising is pure gold though.TRON as a film is pretty bad. However, the world that was created in that film was a lot more creative than what they kept in Legacy. If there are no sequels it will be one of the worst misuses of bringing back the old cast.
They could do a lot better than a pseudo-Matrix. The original movie wasn't put together very well, but the creative potential was there. I still think it has hope but I don't think Legacy made the series more interesting to the public.
Now that I think about it, I said in this thread I would see SW7 if it godawful but brought back old actors. I've just argued against my own hype.
Given they envision a new series of movies already, I don't think they're prioritizing the quality of the story. What possible reason could force them to rethink this?
Has anyone tried the Machete Order? Episode 4, 5 then 2, 3 and then 6 (omitting 1 completely).
The blog puts forward a very persuasive argument for it:
Love it! Here's something similar Star Wars according to a three year oldI'll probably never watch or give a shit about the prequels again, but that article was pretty cool, since I now know about the despecialized HD versions, and this video of two kids seeing the Darth Vader father reveal for the first time. Gives me shivers down my spine and gets me choked up and nostalgic.
My favorite blu-ray release changes
Porkins was a childhood favorite.... we would constantly reference him!
Has anyone tried the Machete Order? Episode 4, 5 then 2, 3 and then 6 (omitting 1 completely).
The blog puts forward a very persuasive argument for it:
I'll probably never watch or give a shit about the prequels again, but that article was pretty cool, since I now know about the despecialized HD versions, and this video of two kids seeing the Darth Vader father reveal for the first time. Gives me shivers down my spine and gets me choked up and nostalgic.
I haven't tried it, I use another order:
Star Wars -> Empire Strikes Back -> Return of the Jedi
its good guys try it
I've got my own, which is:
Star Wars -> Empire Strikes Back
It's the best.
My order is the best, it's Star Wars - > Holiday special - AOTC - Ewoks cartoon
Why skip TPM? It easily stands shoulder to shoulder with the final three entries in your viewing order.
Why skip TPM? It easily stands shoulder to shoulder with the final three entries in your viewing order.
In a nutshell: Nothing that is important to the story really happens in Episode 1. You can skip it and you're actually not really missing anything relavent to the fall of Anakin and Luke redeeming him. The Trade Federation stuff is irrelevant since the main conflict is the Seperatist uprising/creation of the Empire. Most of the new characters introduced in Episode 1 either die or are largely ignored in II and III. Skipping it also hides the weird age gap between Padme and Anakin, skips over midichlorians, skips over the silly virgin birth, etc.
Read the link he posted for a much more awesome and thorough answer, though, it's worth the read.
In a nutshell: Nothing that is important to the story really happens in Episode 1. You can skip it and you're actually not really missing anything relavent to the fall of Anakin and Luke redeeming him. The Trade Federation stuff is irrelevant since the main conflict is the Seperatist uprising/creation of the Empire. Most of the new characters introduced in Episode 1 either die or are largely ignored in II and III. Skipping it also hides the weird age gap between Padme and Anakin, skips over midichlorians, skips over the silly virgin birth, etc.
Read the link he posted for a much more awesome and thorough answer, though, it's worth the read.
Man I actually forgot about that trilogy-ruining NOOOOOOOO Lucas put in RotJ.
you mean RotS?
that was hardly what ruined it
you mean RotS?
that was hardly what ruined it
No, he meant what he said.
If it has Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford I'm watching.
Haha I think they exhausted every cool song Star Wars ever had on those promos.I would love to see the same actors play older versions of the characters. I don't think their age would prevent them from doing action scenes. Han wouldn't do fucking backflips anyway.
I really hope Disney does not take inspiration from the million dollar CGI intros of TOR, with all that matrix slowmo dodging lightsabers/blaster shots. Hated those.
You're right, but I refuse to believe.Tron franchise is pretty much dead. Uprising is pure gold though.
Yeah but someone needed to sum it up as a film. It's a pretty big aspect of nerd/pop-culture.The People vs George Lucas is basically "Angry Internet Messsageboard: The Documentary."
Bumping to get some public feedback on an idea regarding director choice - Gore Verbinski.
My sister & I spent a good while debating the remaining field, and fell on him as the best, realistic option. He checks all of my boxes
- Box-office proven (Pirates 1)
- Doesn't have a distinctive "style"
- Already on solid terms with Disney
If Lone Ranger isn't a John-Carter level flop, I'd argue he's the man for the job.
Also has a Lucas connection since he directed Rango, which was ILM's first feature-length movie.Bumping to get some public feedback on an idea regarding director choice - Gore Verbinski.
My sister & I spent a good while debating the remaining field, and fell on him as the best, realistic option. He checks all of my boxes
- Box-office proven (Pirates 1)
- Doesn't have a distinctive "style"
- Already on solid terms with Disney
If Lone Ranger isn't a John-Carter level flop, I'd argue he's the man for the job.
I like.Bumping to get some public feedback on an idea regarding director choice - Gore Verbinski.
My sister & I spent a good while debating the remaining field, and fell on him as the best, realistic option. He checks all of my boxes
- Box-office proven (Pirates 1)
- Doesn't have a distinctive "style"
- Already on solid terms with Disney
If Lone Ranger isn't a John-Carter level flop, I'd argue he's the man for the job.
Yeah but someone needed to sum it up as a film.
I disagree. Most messageboard arguments don't need to be movies, and people fighting on the internet over Star Wars isn't an aspect of pop-culture that's really worth a 90 minute documentary. The audience for that film has already gotten in those fights. It's more like "Confirmation Bias: The Movie."
That and it's not even that well made a documentary.
It's a documentary about why George is a dick for not releasing the original, unaltered trilogy. There's not really any argument at any point... no one but George believes the films should stay unreleased.
As for the special editions, it's been a while since I've saw the two editions. I can understand the dislike of Greedo shooting first in the set up of Han's character, but I can't say I really "get" the other complaints.
I honestly dont even mind most the nonsense he added. The only one that makes me angry is Han not shooting first. You effectively change his character arc with that major addition.
Oh, and that musical number at Jabba's
People do realize that Greedo never shot at all, right? Or are the original versions just that obscure now?
I laughed so hard that I spit half chewed apple all over my monitor. Thank you.My favorite blu-ray release changes
I laughed so hard that I spit half chewed apple all over my monitor. Thank you.