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If Brad Bird directs, count me in.
If not, they can keep their star wars to themselves.
If not, they can keep their star wars to themselves.
BB out officially long time ago/far far awayIf Brad Bird directs, count me in.
If not, they can keep their star wars to themselves.
If Brad Bird directs, count me in.
If not, they can keep their star wars to themselves.
I'd put serious money on Bluray releases of the original, unedited trilogy by christmas next year. Imagine how well they would sell!
kavinsky said:When I look at these two new producers/writers for ep. VIII and IX, I am left unimpressed.
Disney would have to work out a deal with Fox, who still holds distribution rights to the first six movies. Not saying it can't happen, just that it'll have to happen first before you see Blu-Rays.
And so far as the ORIGINAL versions on Blu-Ray goes? That's a little different. From what I understand, none of the scans Lucasfilm had for hi-def transfer were of the originals. I believe they scanned in the Special Editions, and then cleaned up those scans, and added digital effects to those for the 2004 DVD releases.
Now, that's not to say Disney/Lucasfilm couldn't spring for the cost in digitally restoring the cuts/color timing/special effects to their pre-97 status. But I don't know how much is really in it for them to do that.
Also, there's no fucking way they give this to Joseph Kosinski. He had his shot and he botched it hard. You don't faceplant on Tron and then have Kathleen Kennedy hand you Star Wars.
That Lawrence Kasdan. Super unimpressive when it comes to Star Wars.
There are non special edition cuts still out there. I guarantee you they would be easy enough to borrow if the purpose was the put out the non special edition original trilogy.
I guess. Still, Kasdan and Lucas = Raiders, Empire. Kasdan alone: Dreamcatcher, Darling Companion
It's just not who I had in mind when LFL has been going on about handing the reins to a "new generation" of filmmakers.
Tron Legacy was awesome -_-
Also, it wouldn't surprise me if Disney throw another writer or two or three at this once Kasdan/Kinberg have their cracks at it if the script still needs work. Basically doing the James Bond model where they have scripts going for the next two movies at once.
Anticitizen One said:Tron legacy is superior to the original
Oh, I know there are fan-edits/restorations featuring upscaled (nicely upscaled) workarounds to restore the originals.
But the number of prints - and CLEAN prints, at that - from which Disney/Lucasfilm could source a proper 4k scan? Not too far away from zero. Private collectors who do still have 35mm prints aren't to eager to get in contact w/ Lucasfilm, either, for obvious reasons.
It'd likely be easier for Disney/Lucasfilm to work from the masters they just used on the blu-rays, and digitally apply retro-fixes to match it to the originals, than it would be to try and re-scan materials they don't have access to.
[edit] side problem, but won't matter until probably another 10 years or so: When Lucas shot Episodes II & III digitally, the cameras he used couldn't actually produce a 4k image. Episode III was 2K, and Episode II, if I remember correctly, maxed out at 1080p. Meaning the only difference between the camera image and the blu-ray of Attack of the Clones is the compression algorithm.
Basically, there's a future coming in which the four oldest Star Wars movies will have more visual information, and will thus look better than the two newest Star Wars movies - at least until 7,8,9 comes out.
side problem, but won't matter until probably another 10 years or so: When Lucas shot Episodes II & III digitally, the cameras he used couldn't actually produce a 4k image. Episode III was 2K, and Episode II, if I remember correctly, maxed out at 1080p. Meaning the only difference between the camera image and the blu-ray of Attack of the Clones is the compression algorithm.
If Im not mistaken, there are proper prints still out there, and were even offered to Lucas at one point to use, and he refused.
I'm pretty sure Sith is only 1080p, too. But it was 4:4:4, which was an improvement from Clones.
Why is Brad Bird the key to star wars? Nothing suggests he would even be good at it.
He directed The Incredibles and the Iron Giant, and Mission Impossible 4 didn't completely suck. Therefore he's the man for the job.
Or something.
I remember a couple people posturing as such in various aficionado threads, and I remember the guy who restored Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" offering his time and expertise to Lowry Digital when they got the job to clean up the original trilogy - but nobody actually said "Hey Lucasfilm! I've got a really clean print you can use!"
Mostly because they're not supposed to have those.
Also, it's not as easy as just scanning a print from 1977/1981. There's a LOT that goes into making a good scan, and again - a lot of those materials simply don't exist anymore. The last restoration basically had its negative printed with the 97 Special Edition changes on them, if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the catch. Sith definitely looks a lot better than Clones does.
I remember a couple people posturing as such in various aficionado threads, and I remember the guy who restored Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" offering his time and expertise to Lowry Digital when they got the job to clean up the original trilogy - but nobody actually said "Hey Lucasfilm! I've got a really clean print you can use!"
Mostly because they're not supposed to have those.
Also, it's not as easy as just scanning a print from 1977/1981. There's a LOT that goes into making a good scan, and again - a lot of those materials simply don't exist anymore. The last restoration basically had its negative printed with the 97 Special Edition changes on them, if I remember correctly.
The original negatives still exist. Don't believe Lucas' lies.
If he wanted a restoration of the originals to happen, it would happen. Problem is... he doesn't.
Also, it's not as easy as just scanning a print from 1977/1981. There's a LOT that goes into making a good scan, and again - a lot of those materials simply don't exist anymore. The last restoration basically had its negative printed with the 97 Special Edition changes on them, if I remember correctly.
The original negatives still exist. Don't believe Lucas' lies.
If he wanted a restoration of the originals to happen, it would happen. Problem is... he doesn't.
The changes are mostly to visual effects shots.
I mentioned it in one of these threads, but all of the individual film elements of those effects shots are archived, too. (or at least were in 1997) The quality of those elements is considerably higher than that of the final negative.
If Paramount can be bothered to restore TNG from motion control elements, then I don't think it's a stretch for Star Wars.
I'm pretty sure they don't. There's prints of the original trilogy at the Library of Congress (or at least Star Wars) but I really do believe the original negatives are toast, and the 97 special editions are the last stored negatives Lucasfilm has on hand.
Which is all sorts of fucked up considering the man partnered with Scorsese on a massive film restoration campaign for quite a long period of time.
Nevertheless - it's still not like it's impossible. It's just a matter of retro-fixing the current scans to look like the original cuts. I would imagine that would be cheaper than if it turned out the original negatives still did exist anywhere, which they likely don't.
I think just the fact that its going to resemble more the original trilogy and might even have some returning characters... That would easily bring up the hype.
I'd put serious money on Bluray releases of the original, unedited trilogy by christmas next year. Imagine how well they would sell!
Believing anything Lucas says about anything is akin to trusting a Sith lord. To paraphrase Lucas some years ago "There will be no more Star Wars films made, I have left strict instructions regarding this issue for when I die". Now to paraphrase Lucas a few weeks back "I have always envisioned more star wars".
Empire of Dreams had some nice footage of the original non-Episode IV opening crawl and some other scenes (that were altered in the special editions - unaltered in the documentary), although it's certainly possible they wouldn't have the whole thing.I'm pretty sure they don't. There's prints of the original trilogy at the Library of Congress (or at least Star Wars) but I really do believe the original negatives are toast, and the 97 special editions are the last stored negatives Lucasfilm has on hand.
Which is all sorts of fucked up considering the man partnered with Scorsese on a massive film restoration campaign for quite a long period of time.
Nevertheless - it's still not like it's impossible. It's just a matter of retro-fixing the current scans to look like the original cuts. I would imagine that would be cheaper than if it turned out the original negatives still did exist anywhere, which they likely don't.
It's not like I open my mouth next to that dude's butthole and wait for him to unleash hot mud and lies into my waiting gullet, man. There's a LOT of stuff about these films, and their behind-the-scenes stories, that he doesn't touch, write, or involve himself in. WAY more than there is involving him, or including him in its production.
It's not like I saw a Leonard Maltin interview with the guy and said "WELP, that must be it then!"
There are plenty of other sources for information than Lucas. Hell, this thread is pretty enlightening. I didn't know until Taj said something about the original effects elements definitely being archived. Now, considering most of Star Wars ISN'T special effects, re-scanning those original elements, marrying them to the 4k scans they currently have - there's a really good possibility that's an endeavor Disney wouldn't mind undertaking, as he pointed out.
I honestly dont even mind most the nonsense he added. The only one that makes me angry is Han not shooting first. You effectively change his character arc with that major addition.
Oh, and that musical number at Jabba's Palace....wtf.
There are plenty of other sources for information than Lucas. Hell, this thread is pretty enlightening. I didn't know until Taj said something about the original effects elements definitely being archived. Now, considering most of Star Wars ISN'T special effects, re-scanning those original elements, marrying them to the 4k scans they currently have - there's a really good possibility that's an endeavor Disney wouldn't mind undertaking, as he pointed out.
Even back then I thought this looked like shit, and that was when I never knew that this scene wasn't an actual part of the original. (Looking back, I think I saw the OG trilogy without SE stuff at a drive-in, but I was too young to remember much.)
I agree it looks bad, but it doesnt really hurt a re watch for me. Greedo shooting first is just on another level of bad.
Tron legacy is superior to the original. Something that most of Hollywood doesn't understand about sequels.
I honestly dont even mind most the nonsense he added. The only one that makes me angry is Han not shooting first. You effectively change his character arc with that major addition.
Oh, and that musical number at Jabba's Palace....wtf.
Kasdan scripted two of the original Star Wars films in the 1980 The Empire Strikes Back and the 1983 follow-up Return of the Jedi. He also scripted Raiders Of The Lost Ark for Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Kinberg’s franchise work: X-Men: First Class, Sherlock Holmes and the upcoming X-Men: Days Of Future Past which Bryan Singer will direct.
There seems to be a huge obsession with Brad Bird in this thread. The guy has directed one live action film in a completely different genre and that was ... decent.
I honestly dont even mind most the nonsense he added. The only one that makes me angry is Han not shooting first. You effectively change his character arc with that major addition.
Oh, and that musical number at Jabba's Palace....wtf.
I grew up on the special editions so that's what I'm used to.
Me too. I've seen both the originals and 2004 editions, frankly, i find the SE best. Sure, it has some issues (Han shot first) but it just feels better (better backrounds, effects, small stuff) than the original AND it does not have those shitty mistakes 2004 editions have (color timing errors, really bad).
I don't mind adding or modifying stuff, i just hate sloppy, technically bad stuff.
I am actually, now that i think of this, really exited to see more Star Wars, i'm just worrying how it will affect the Expanded Universe. I like that too. Mostly. I'll be fine if post-Jedi EU is overwritten, as long as there is no explanation for it (no time travel, just make films canon and already published EU alternate 'verse). If there is an explanation, it would be really bad thing. Seriously. Fuck time travel.
lmao @ the "noooo". What compels Lucas do this stuff? Does he do it intentionally to get a rise out of his fanbase? he has to
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27RVJJfny4I"]and there's this[/URL]
and the list goes on and on
special editions fucking suck[/QUOTE]
When i said special editions, i mean the 1997 (or something like that) special editions, not that shit released in 2004. Those color timing errors... pink lightsaber as your image shows.