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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


I hated Kick-Ass, but I guess First Class isn't bad. Yay, good to see Disney keeping their sights low.
First Class's cantina scene is one of the best scenes ever filmed for a superhero movie (if you like Sergio Leone). I don't automatically expect perfection but I won't discount him either.


All I'll say is bring back practical effects in a big way. Green screen to be used sparingly. Get some amazing set designers onto this as well. Throw billions at Roger Deakins to do the cinematography. The writers all sound good, it's just a case of the director. I'd love for them to go with someone like Kershner for director who wasn't typically hollywood.

It's amazing how much better the old films look than the new. Just goes to show that the technology might get better but if you don't know what to do with it it's utterly pointless. Lucas' direction in the prequels was utterly abysmal.
Out of all the directors they could pick, they go after Vaughn? Yikes.

You know, why the hell not? Franchise is already in shambles film wise. Why not just hand to someone like Vaughn to see what he can do with it. I'm just happy this franchise will be in new hands.
I'll say it once and for all:

Jarjar > C3PO. Your nostalgia is blinding you.

Nope. C-3PO was a neurotic bundle of bolts with a serious lack of confidence, which plays against the audience's idea of how "machines" are supposed to be. It's also unfair to judge him on his own, because he was just one half of a duo. R2D2 was the other component.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
That's what I wanted, but ILM shut down their practical effects wing and Ralph McQuarrie passed away. RIP


I still wish Luke had looked like that in his fight with Vader at some point.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Man, so its not Lars Von Trier after all?
What exactly is it about Vaughn's directorial abilities make him a bad choice? Does he not move the camera enough? Does he move it too much? Are his films poorly lit? Do they look flat and uninteresting? Does he get bad performances out of his actors? Do his films run too long? Are they edited haphazardly?

Is there anything in Layer Cake, Stardust, Kick-Ass, or First Class that suggests he doesn't know how to set up a shot, a scene, a set-piece?
I'm alright with Vaughn directing this. First Class was better than all of the previous absolutely awful X-Men movies and Kick Ass was alright. Layer Cake is pretty good too. I'd certainly rather he do the new Star Wars films than have anyone who is really talented waste their time on it.


Fuck Matthew Vaughan. He's a talented guy, but I don't see his style blending well with Star Wars. Feels like it'd just be Disney being edgy for edginess sake. Maybe they can get Guy Ritchie for the sequels.

Duncan Jones should be the man behind the wheel here.
I'm alright with Vaughn directing this. First Class was better than all of the previous absolutely awful X-Men movies and Kick Ass was alright. Layer Cake is pretty good too. I'd certainly rather he do the new Star Wars films than have anyone who is really talented waste their time on it.

First Class was impressive because it was rushed into development and thrown together purely to prevent Disney from trying to get the rights back to X-Men, it had an absurdly small production window, and all the promotional images and leaks made it look like shit. The fact that the movie ended up being pretty damn good and arguably the best super hero movie of 2011 is pretty good in my book.
Fuck Matthew Vaughan. He's a talented guy, but I don't see his style blending well with Star Wars.

What's his style though? Can you watch 5 minutes of a Matthew Vaughn movie and realize that Matthew Vaughn is directing it? If you watched Stardust for 20 minutes would you intrinsically know that it was Vaughn?

He's made a gangster flick, two superhero movies, and a fantasy film. What style is that?

Duncan Jones would be a great choice (as would Rian Johnson, and of course, Edgar Wright) but I don't see how Matthew Vaughn is a bad director for Star Wars.
Out of all the directors they could pick, they go after Vaughn? Yikes.

Yeah, so many missed opportunities. Maybe they want to exploit a new talent or something, but I don't see anything special about this director. I see the fact he doesn't have much under his belt as a huge risk. Maybe he'll do fine though.
Yeah, so many missed opportunities. Maybe they want to exploit a new talent or something, but I don't see anything special about this director. I see the fact he doesn't have much under his belt as a huge risk. Maybe he'll do fine though.

Getting a Peter Jackson vibe from this decision. IDK, it's still rumor at this point. And even when it isn't rumor Hollywood changes its mind all the time.
Why don't people like Matthew Vaughn? I like all his movies.


Yes, yes...I know...IMDB, Metacritic, Rottentomatoes are garbage etc. but he is consistent at least.


What's his style though? Can you watch 5 minutes of a Matthew Vaughn movie and realize that Matthew Vaughn is directing it?

I feel like you could say that for just about any filmmaker.

I'm also not sure how a varied resume of genres negates the guy having any sort of style, particularly since style has more to do with directorial choices and other qualities like world-building and atmosphere.

I guess if pressed I would say that all of Matthew Vaughn's films possess edgy dark humour, and a really gritty approach to action. None of them possess a tone even remotely similar to Star Wars.
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