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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

I say Avengers because that is another franchise Disney took and made very successful. So my question is, will they be able to revive Star Wars? Because (for example) everyone I know is burnt on it after the prequels.
I say Avengers because that is another franchise Disney took and made very successful. So my question is, will they be able to revive Star Wars? Because (for example) everyone I know is burnt on it after the prequels.

Everybody says they're burnt on it. But I promise you everybody and their dog who hated the prequels will be there day one for the sequels.
Revenge of the Sith made 850 mil worldwide, even after two generally derided movies had already come and gone.

Granted, "Clone Wars" only made 70 mil worldwide, but I don't think that's going to be all that representative of the potential audience.

Episode 7 is going to make a huge amount of money, regardless the quality of the film itself.


Super Member
Everybody says they're burnt on it. But I promise you everybody and their dog who hated the prequels will be there day one for the sequels.
I don't even care if the new movies are godawful. If it has Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford I'm watching.

How does the actor for Wedge look these days? *goes to look* edit: Looks like he can still play Wedge.

Holy shit 2 people played Wedge with another person dubbing over them in Episode 4?


Frank Marshall said earlier this week they've got it narrowed down to two people.

I'm betting the two are:

Jon Favreau - Disney likes the guy, he's good at spectacle, and can bring an element of fun to the film (Iron Man, Zathura, Cowboys & Aliens)

Joe Johnston - Worked with Kennedy, Designed large parts of the Original Trilogy, has similar genre successes on his resume. (Rocketeer, Captain America, Jurassic Park III)

Both of those are god awful picks and completely uninspired.
I don't even care if the new movies are godawful. If it has Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford I'm watching.

How does the actor for Wedge look these days? *goes to look* edit: Looks like he can still play Wedge.

Holy shit 2 people played Wedge with another person dubbing over them in Episode 4?
Denis Lawson played him in Rogue Leader. I'm sure he'd come back.
Made a lot of money does not mean they made great films. They got lightning in a bottle with RDJ and Cap was a a fucking disjointed mess.

I'll disagree on Captain America (I thought that movie was pretty damned charming, myself) but I'm not arguing that they're the best picks, or even the picks I'd prefer. I'm arguing that they seem the most likely based on the nature of the business and the people involved. I don't think Kathleen Kennedy is concerned with making a great movie. If it happens, that's wonderful, but considering what they have, and what they've already announced they're going to be doing with the property, they want fun, easy, highly consumable entertainments that broadly appeal to a wide range of demographics.

Favreau/Johnston are two names that have proven they can operate in this manner under the Disney umbrella with considerable financial successes. That's probably going to carry some weight in the decision making process, if in fact they're on the short list.


Little off-topic, but I've finally watched (or at least watched 3/4th) of "The People vs. George Lucas" and sheeyat...holy fuck, it's so weird. It's like I'm seeing a roast of a dead friend. Yeah, I know:


The saddest thing this has brought out in me is that I'm starting to think I've never seen the completely, 100% pure versions of the movies...3 of my favorite movies of all time and I've never seen the proper versions...I feel like such scum right now.

With all that said, holy fuck does Disney have some shit to do...I mean, watching all that Phantom Menace hype...now hear me out yall', I know it's not going to be that level of hype, but I'm 100% sure it'll be more hype than either of the other two shams. This is almost like a new start, complete reboot. If it has 1/5th of that kind of hype...just as a lover of cinema, it's an interesting thing to think about. I really, really, really hope Disney doesn't fuck this up...please. Also, they need to release the original prints and redo them for Blu-Ray. People will eat that shit up, and please don't feed me the tripe that the originals don't exist.


Little off-topic, but I've finally watched (or at least watched 3/4th) of "The People vs. George Lucas" and sheeyat...holy fuck, it's so weird. It's like I'm seeing a roast of a dead friend.

Yup. Great documentary, I highly recommend it to everyone following this thread.

The saddest thing this has brought out in me is that I'm starting to think I've never seen the completely, 100% pure versions of the movies...3 of my favorite movies of all time and I've never seen the proper versions...I feel like such scum right now.

2006 DVDs
"Faces" VHS tapes
Harmy's Despecialized editions



I say Avengers because that is another franchise Disney took and made very successful. So my question is, will they be able to revive Star Wars? Because (for example) everyone I know is burnt on it after the prequels.

The question is how much is Disney involved.

I work with some ex-Disney corp dev people. Disney's always done very well with the Princess line, but has tried and failed to replicate that sort of success for boys. The investment in Tron was intended to build up a boy-centric franchise. Issue was Tron wasn't handled extremely well. Toy line failed, a great TV show is dying and the BO numbers were a bit disappointing. John Carter too bombed.

Marvel was another purchase, but Marvel is kept separate from Disney, its owned but operates independently. ESPN is the same model. Given Disney's best success in male properties is in largely separate businesses the success or failure of Star Wars may be based on how much Lucasfilm "talent" is retained and how much influence they have.
I say Avengers because that is another franchise Disney took and made very successful. So my question is, will they be able to revive Star Wars? Because (for example) everyone I know is burnt on it after the prequels.

Star Wars doesn't need to be revived. It's one of the worlds most successful IP's that even without a current movie for almost 10 years, is making more money each year than almost all other licensed properties.

It's never been about Box office success with Star Wars. The movies have done ok, but have been blown away by many other films, yet Star Wars still prints far more money than all those other films due to merchandising strength. The movies? Who cares when just in action figure sales alone they have made over 20 billion. Disney knows whats up, they aren't going to make their money off the films, they are just going to enjoy the delicious licensing profits for years to come and no other property, including the almighty Marvel is bringing in that kind of money. For the past 4 years Star Wars has been the #1 selling toy line amongst boys, it has a highly rated TV series, and lets not forget the countless other licensed products being put out. Disney doesn't even have to make any movies to enjoy the truckloads of cash that SW generates.
Frank Marshall said earlier this week they've got it narrowed down to two people.

I'm betting the two are:

Jon Favreau - Disney likes the guy, he's good at spectacle, and can bring an element of fun to the film (Iron Man, Zathura, Cowboys & Aliens)

Element of fun? Zathura and Cowboys and Aliens were awful films. And Iron Man dipped in quality after the first half.


this is the thing right.....just because a movie does fantastic at first week or first month and makes lots of money dosen't make it good.

When the hyper train starts running and burger king starts advertising their cups of star wars everyone will go see the damn movie but we hope its better than that.

Does disney care about making a good movie that will be remembered or will they sit pretty on their 140 something million earned in first weekend like Twilight has done this weekend.

Edit: oh and no to Jon Favreau, he will make a hyped up movie that won't be rememberd as great. Merely average.


Revenge of the Sith made 850 mil worldwide, even after two generally derided movies had already come and gone.

Granted, "Clone Wars" only made 70 mil worldwide, but I don't think that's going to be all that representative of the potential audience.

Episode 7 is going to make a huge amount of money, regardless the quality of the film itself.

I think it'll be more interesting to see how Episode 8 does.


Yup. Great documentary, I highly recommend it to everyone following this thread.

2006 DVDs
"Faces" VHS tapes
Harmy's Despecialized editions


It's weird to think I've watched these movies...shit...there's no way I could count the number of times...has to be hundreds...anyway a shit load of times, and I've never seen the true, pure movies as they were meant to be seen...makes me sad.


The ending where the guy talks about George being a little kid who liked to tinker with cars when he felt lonely and alienated, inside of an indie film director that's repressed and hates "the man," inside of a big billionaire that doesn't care anymore and they're all fighting it out for control kind of got me a bit choked up.

I really hope that in the end, Lucas' last impact on the SW brand (selling it Disney) is positive in the end. I really think the guy was misguided more than hating his fanbase. I mean, he definitely did a lot of boneheaded shit that really disappointing me as a fan of the original movies, but I mean, come on...those three movies are...well they're more than movies to me, and more than movies to a lot of people. They're just...there's something special about that universe. I think it's the characters in them that made it special, but I think overall it was just so substantial that people just immediately love it and connect with it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's weird to think I've watched these movies...shit...there's no way I could count the number of times...has to be hundreds...anyway a shit load of times, and I've never seen the true, pure movies as they were meant to be seen...makes me sad.
Yeah I'm nearing 30 and the last time the "real" Star Wars movies were made available was when I was 11.. It's amazing how long they've been buried at this point.


Star Wars doesn't need to be revived. It's one of the worlds most successful IP's that even without a current movie for almost 10 years, is making more money each year than almost all other licensed properties.

It's never been about Box office success with Star Wars. The movies have done ok, but have been blown away by many other films, yet Star Wars still prints far more money than all those other films due to merchandising strength. The movies? Who cares when just in action figure sales alone they have made over 20 billion. Disney knows whats up, they aren't going to make their money off the films, they are just going to enjoy the delicious licensing profits for years to come and no other property, including the almighty Marvel is bringing in that kind of money. For the past 4 years Star Wars has been the #1 selling toy line amongst boys, it has a highly rated TV series, and lets not forget the countless other licensed products being put out. Disney doesn't even have to make any movies to enjoy the truckloads of cash that SW generates.

I get that merchandise is the driving force of Star Wars as a business, but to say the movies have only "done ok" is not true at all. After Episodes II and III didn't do as well after the disappointment of TPM but the first four are some of the highest-grossing blockbusters of all time and even the last two were still among the highest-grossing of the past decade. That's quite a legacy to live up to and I'm sure Disney is aware of it.


As somebody who grew up watching the prequels, I honestly can't find it in me to vilify them as much as people who grew up watching the originals can. The battle scenes, the trade federation army and the settings in The Phantom Menace had a big influence on me when I was young. I honestly thought they were the coolest things ever, and in the back of my mind somewhere, I still do.
I'm mostly curious what the story premise and general tone is going to be for these movies above all else. That'll be what makes it or breaks it in my view.

Having it be a direct sequel that picks up too soon after Jedi won't work if they're still focusing on Luke and company due to their current ages. I'd hope they simply have Luke, Han, Leia and those characters as the mentor types and bring in a new, younger cast to be doing the crazy action stuff. I don't want to see it a rehash of Crystal Skull with geriatric Indy somehow doing crazy action scenes.

And I'm curious where they go as far as villains or the central conflict. More than anything I'd love it if they could get away from strictly doing all dark side Sith stuff. That's why I enjoyed Thrawn as a villain was that he was just a really damn smart guy. I just hope they don't do anything stupid like reviving Darth Vader or the Emperor. Come up with something new.
I'm good with Joe Johnston and Jon Favreau.

All the Star Wars movies, Empire included are not artfully photographed films. Empire is indeed lit beautifully as is Revenge of the Sith, but none of them use long lenses, narrow depth of field, or tons of lens filters. They are shot to be as clearly understood as possible and serve the story both to their credit and their detriment.

Jon and Joe both do this sort of work effortlessly. My issue with Joe is that his films have a certain emptiness within them. Hidalgo was a gorgeous film with no forward momentum.

Jon knows how to keep a film moving forward and is quite good with iconography. Both directors are good with performance.

End of the day, they are going to hire guys with lots of post production experience, proven box office, and with comfort/responsibility with a large budget.


Can't manage for sh!t
Every new article that I read has to mention that George Lucas has passed on his supposed outline and that he's a creative consultant. I hate hearing that. I'm not one of those guys that thinks that because George created Star Wars that it is the right thing to have him involved. I hope they burn that outline and none of the directors or writers get tainted it by it. Let new creative people be create Star Wars.


Every new article that I read has to mention that George Lucas has passed on his supposed outline and that he's a creative consultant. I hate hearing that. I'm not one of those guys that thinks that because George created Star Wars that it is the right thing to have him involved. I hope they burn that outline and none of the directors or writers get tainted it by it. Let new creative people be create Star Wars.

That's why they paid the 4.5 billion.
Weird that Kasdan is coming back after he turned down an offer to write Episode I. He hasn't written anything of note since then except the dreadful Dreamcatcher.
Weird that Kasdan is coming back after he turned down an offer to write Episode I. He hasn't written anything of note since then except the dreadful Dreamcatcher.

Not necessarily weird. He didn't like having to do what he did on Jedi because Lucas was mandating stuff like "You can't kill off Han" and "They have to be teddy bears."

That particular influence will not be on these films, AND he gets to call shots as a producer.

I didn't even think to consider him as potentially having ANYTHING to do with the production, and of course, he makes perfect sense.
I guess. Still, Kasdan and Lucas = Raiders, Empire. Kasdan alone: Dreamcatcher, Darling Companion

It's just not who I had in mind when LFL has been going on about handing the reins to a "new generation" of filmmakers.
It's just not who I had in mind when LFL has been going on about handing the reins to a "new generation" of filmmakers.

Well, Kinberg & Arndt aren't exactly "old-school." Plus I'm sure quite a few newcomers will get cracks at whatever television show/animated series/animated film/spinoff movies come out of this.


So Kinberg is gonna write IX... and it's gonna be a clusterfuck like X-Men 3. Nice.

I'd still watch X3 a million times before I'd watch any of the prequel films again


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
With all that said, holy fuck does Disney have some shit to do...I mean, watching all that Phantom Menace hype...now hear me out yall', I know it's not going to be that level of hype, but I'm 100% sure it'll be more hype than either of the other two shams. This is almost like a new start, complete reboot. If it has 1/5th of that kind of hype...just as a lover of cinema, it's an interesting thing to think about. I really, really, really hope Disney doesn't fuck this up...please. Also, they need to release the original prints and redo them for Blu-Ray. People will eat that shit up, and please don't feed me the tripe that the originals don't exist.

I think just the fact that its going to resemble more the original trilogy and might even have some returning characters... That would easily bring up the hype.

I'd put serious money on Bluray releases of the original, unedited trilogy by christmas next year. Imagine how well they would sell!


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I wonder if Joseph Kosinski is being considered as director. He did a superb job with Tron legacy

There has been some talk about him being in the running. He finishes up post on Oblivion pretty soon. If that get a good reaction from the execs then its possible he could be in with a chance.


I think just the fact that its going to resemble more the original trilogy and might even have some returning characters... That would easily bring up the hype.

I can imagine the first teaser trailer already. They play about a minute of scenes from the Original Trilogy with Luke's Theme and then a shrouded figure turns on a lightsaber and the camera pulls in to reveal an older Luke Skywalker. The Star Wars fans would go crazy.
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