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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


Don't know if there's any redeeming murdering your own family in cold blood. I think that's kind of the point, personally. This is a defining moment for his character and destiny.

Yeah, JJ even said in an interview that the key reason why they decided to have him kill Han was because as evil as Vader was, not even he could bring himself to kill one of his own family members and JJ said that was their way of getting the point across to the audience that Kylo Ren is now a truly terrible, cowardly and probably irredeemable person.

But hey, you can also thank Leia for sending Han on her fool's errand to win him back. The bit before the bridge would go down like this if I did it: Han sees Ben walking across the bridge and just as he starts walking Chewy puts his hand down firmly on Han's shoulder stopping him. Chewy then nods his head firmly to the left like "No, come on, let's go." Han looks dejected yet gives a knowing look, nods back and let's Ben walk away before placing the rest of the bombs. He then is killed later in Ep 8 instead so Mark Hamill and Harrison can have some awesome scenes together again one last time. :)

Also, I would really like to see Luke be the one to kill Kylo Ren instead of a cliche'd mentor sacrifice repeat of Obi Wan on the bridge. I want to see a more harder edged Luke who now realizes the Jedo can no longer hold back and also as a way to demonstrate that just because Anakin was redeemed that doesn't mean everybody in the Skywalker family gets a free pass. Maybe have him forced to decisively take down Kylo in order to save Rey, then in episode 9 Rey can kill Snoke as her final rite of passage.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Im surprised the amoutn of vitriol TFA is getting lately on gaf, hard going into threads about it, everyone I know irl really likes it.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I went the other direction, i actually really disliked TFA first time I saw it, but I saw it through very very hyped up and emotional eyes, I wasnt actually taking in the film I was just experiencing all this culmination of putting the plot together in my head and then having something different on screen.

After the second watch I was sold, because I could focus on the story and now what it represented.

Now i love it :3
I went the other direction, i actually really disliked TFA first time I saw it, but I saw it through very very hyped up and emotional eyes, I wasnt actually taking in the film I was just experiencing all this culmination of putting the plot together in my head and then having something different on screen.

After the second watch I was sold, because I could focus on the story and now what it represented.

Now i love it :3

I went into TFA hoping for just two things:

1) better than the Prequel trilogy
2) makes me excited for the potential stories of VIII and IX

Both happened. That said, at the time I still walked out with a bit harsher feeling towards the movie. My general feelings were "4th best Star Wars", but hey, again, that's all I wanted, so I was still pretty happy.

Then I saw it a second time and, yeah, with my fairly reasonable expectations set aside, and with me no longer trying to pick apart every single little detail in real time, suddenly the whole thing was so much better. By the third or fourth viewing it was my second favorite Star Wars, and now it's probably tied for my favorite.

Is it perfect? Hell no. It has it's flaws, for sure. But a flawed movie is not necessarily a bad one, nor is it an unenjoyable one. And when it's all said and done, honestly it's the most enjoyment I've gotten out of a movie in a long, long, long time. And it's got a cast I care about more than any I've ever seen. So for me, that says something.
Im surprised the amoutn of vitriol TFA is getting lately on gaf, hard going into threads about it, everyone I know irl really likes it.

It could have done more, but its better than the prequels and makes me want to see 8 even more than 7.

Stop making the prequels being good thing happen neogaf, its not going to happen.
People have thrown Dark Knight under the bus in the face of BvS's widespread criticisms. Keeping to Star Wars, people are shitting on the OT both to defend the PT and to critique TFA. All while ranting about shitty fanboys ruining everything.

aint surprising at all
That new TFA thread. Holy shit. Just hooooly shit.

People sure as hell don't need George Lucas or anyone else to muck up Star Wars for them to not like it.


Im surprised the amoutn of vitriol TFA is getting lately on gaf, hard going into threads about it, everyone I know irl really likes it.

Just watched it on blu yesterday, after seeing it twice in the theater and I completely love the movie.
Seriously, just makes me smile all the way through.
This notion that TFA is a copy of ANH needs to burn in hell already. There's similarities but they're hardly the same movies. Are attention spans that fucked?

Oh I know. I know. I've written multiple long rants on that one, but I don't think I've ever have anyone respond. Just gets passed over for another "A Newer Hope, LOL" comment half-a-page later.

But then again, people will tell you that Into Darkness and Wrath of Kahn are the same movie. Which I mean, if literally one scene shared between two movies that are different in literally every other way means two movies are identical, I guess TFA is now Apocalypse Now.
It's not just the irrational GAF 180 degree hate either.

We even got libelous gems like these defending the film

There are heroes on both sides.

But then again, people will tell you that Into Darkness and Wrath of Kahn are the same movie. Which I mean, if literally one scene shared between two movies that are different in literally every other way means two movies are identical, I guess TFA is now Apocalypse Now.

This shit too. Those two movies are nothing alike. Just really need to not worry about it but it's hard when it invades every fucking conversation.
It's not just the irrational GAF 180 degree hate either.

We even got libelous gems like these defending the film

I hate that shit too.

It's terrible, because there are valid critiques of the movie, and valid defenses, but you have people on both sides spewing vapid bullshit.

And it really annoys me, because any time I come in and try to put some thought into a counter-argument someone posts something dumb like that, and suddenly it's fuel for people telling me I'm only a brainless fanboy who can't process criticism. It's like dude, that's not helping anyone.



Luke's daughter confirmed.
Honestly, I thought it was so obvious in TFA, was surprised that some couldn't see it/still refuse to see it.

It will be a glorious, GLORIOUS day for planet Earth when it's confirmed in VIII.
Honestly, I thought it was so obvious in TFA, was surprised that some couldn't see it/still refuse to see it.

It will be a glorious, GLORIOUS day for planet Earth when it's confirmed in VIII.
Didn't Trevorrow loosely imply we wouldn't find out until IX? Or am I misremembering?


He clarified later and said that what he meant is that we don't find out who Rey's parents are.

I was talking about the bolded "s" which implied it might just be ONE parent we see. But yeah, obvs JJ got the strongly-worded note from Disney to go ahead and obscure everything again
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