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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)

I just rewatched the force awakens.

The hand which is holding rey when the ship flies off, with presumably her parents in it, is the Simon pegg character, what the hell?


semen stains the mountaintops
I wonder what exactly he was supposed to do because I don't think he did any of it. He lets her live by herself in an AT-AT, he rips her off and barely gives her any food and then he calls the First Order on her.

This dude is the worst guardian ever.
I wonder what exactly he was supposed to do because I don't think he did any of it. He lets her live by herself in an AT-AT, he rips her off and barely gives her any food and then he calls the First Order on her.

This dude is the worst guardian ever.
Almost as bad as the Dursleys.


I wonder what exactly he was supposed to do because I don't think he did any of it. He lets her live by herself in an AT-AT, he rips her off and barely gives her any food and then he calls the First Order on her.

This dude is the worst guardian ever.

Time has passed.
She survived so apparently he did ok, and now is out on her own.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Yeah, JJ even said in an interview that the key reason why they decided to have him kill Han was because as evil as Vader was, not even he could bring himself to kill one of his own family members and JJ said that was their way of getting the point across to the audience that Kylo Ren is now a truly terrible, cowardly and probably irredeemable person.

JJ really fucked up then, because Kylo looked like he regretted it.


semen stains the mountaintops
JJ really fucked up then, because Kylo looked like he regretted it.

I don't really think JJ said that.

From the script:

Kylo Ren is somehow WEAKENED by this wicked act. Himself
horrified. His SHOCK is broken only when --
REN, HITTING HIM IN THE SIDE! Kylo Ren falls back, stunned.

Adam Driver perfectly shows that with his acting.


I wonder what exactly he was supposed to do because I don't think he did any of it. He lets her live by herself in an AT-AT, he rips her off and barely gives her any food and then he calls the First Order on her.

This dude is the worst guardian ever.

Woah, Unkar didn't call the First Order on her, he just called his goons to grab the droid cause he's greedy. The First Order was already on planet looking for the droid AND the crashed TIE with Poe and the traitor FN-2187.


Han Solo and Leia decide to hide their daughter Rey from Kylo Ren and the first order, as suggested by Luke so they leave her with Unkar Plutt who at first refuses to look after the "Girl", but knowing that he's greedy Leia suggests to Han that he should offer the Falcon to Plutt, Han is Reluctant to give up the Falcon, but realises it's the only thing he can do.

The only reason Han and Chewie were looking for the Falcon was because he was informed by Plutt that the deal was off since not only the girl was gone, but so was his ship.

Also notice the strange,almost guilty looks Han gives Rey on their Journey to see Maz, the reason the Lightsaber calls out to her is because it belonged to Anakin and of course he would still be her Grandfather, Han gives her a weapon, in my mind Han Paying homage like "take this gun, it belonged to your father" sort of thing

Kylo knows she's his Sister, thats why he doesnt attempt to harm her, he wants her to Join him. Leia gives her a Motherly hug the end, thats why she bypasses Chewie

I'm probably wrong but it's fun to speculate and i'm going with the theory of Rey is a Solo again.

I've missed a few more bits i need to rewatch again,
JJ said the hug was probably a mistake on his part and if Rey were their daughter Leia and Han would have said something. There's nothing in the film that even remotely points at that lol. That hug would have played out soooo much differently otherwise, along with a shitload of other things.

If there's something I believe EVEN LESS than her being Luke's daughter, THAT would be it.


Han Solo and Leia decide to hide their daughter Rey from Kylo Ren and the first order, as suggested by Luke so they leave her with Unkar Plutt who at first refuses to look after the "Girl", but knowing that he's greedy Leia suggests to Han that he should offer the Falcon to Plutt, Han is Reluctant to give up the Falcon, but realises it's the only thing he can do.

The only reason Han and Chewie were looking for the Falcon was because he was informed by Plutt that the deal was off since not only the girl was gone, but so was his ship.

Also notice the strange,almost guilty looks Han gives Rey on their Journey to see Maz, the reason the Lightsaber calls out to her is because it belonged to Anakin and of course he would still be her Grandfather, Han gives her a weapon, in my mind Han Paying homage like "take this gun, it belonged to your father" sort of thing

Kylo knows she's his Sister, thats why he doesnt attempt to harm her, he wants her to Join him. Leia gives her a Motherly hug the end, thats why she bypasses Chewie

I'm probably wrong but it's fun to speculate and i'm going with the theory of Rey is a Solo again.

I've missed a few more bits i need to rewatch again,

That is a humongous stretch.


Han Solo and Leia decide to hide their daughter Rey from Kylo Ren and the first order, as suggested by Luke so they leave her with Unkar Plutt who at first refuses to look after the "Girl", but knowing that he's greedy Leia suggests to Han that he should offer the Falcon to Plutt, Han is Reluctant to give up the Falcon, but realises it's the only thing he can do.

The only reason Han and Chewie were looking for the Falcon was because he was informed by Plutt that the deal was off since not only the girl was gone, but so was his ship.

Also notice the strange,almost guilty looks Han gives Rey on their Journey to see Maz, the reason the Lightsaber calls out to her is because it belonged to Anakin and of course he would still be her Grandfather, Han gives her a weapon, in my mind Han Paying homage like "take this gun, it belonged to your father" sort of thing

Kylo knows she's his Sister, thats why he doesnt attempt to harm her, he wants her to Join him. Leia gives her a Motherly hug the end, thats why she bypasses Chewie

I'm probably wrong but it's fun to speculate and i'm going with the theory of Rey is a Solo again.

I've missed a few more bits i need to rewatch again,

Han is rather convincing about having no idea where the Falcon was, and why would they leave the Falcon behind?
The Falcon would be a huge target IF someone was looking for someone hidden.
So Leia is a cruel bitch and still holds out on Rey after her "father" is murdered in front of her eyes by her "brother"?
Just does not say a thing?
Leia just whines through the entire thing "Bring our son home" but could not give a fuck all when Rey is captured and taken to Starkiller base?
I wish I knew where people got the whole notion that speculating is fun, especially when their speculation is so terrible.


Han Solo and Leia decide to hide their daughter Rey from Kylo Ren and the first order, as suggested by Luke so they leave her with Unkar Plutt who at first refuses to look after the "Girl", but knowing that he's greedy Leia suggests to Han that he should offer the Falcon to Plutt, Han is Reluctant to give up the Falcon, but realises it's the only thing he can do.

The only reason Han and Chewie were looking for the Falcon was because he was informed by Plutt that the deal was off since not only the girl was gone, but so was his ship.

Also notice the strange,almost guilty looks Han gives Rey on their Journey to see Maz, the reason the Lightsaber calls out to her is because it belonged to Anakin and of course he would still be her Grandfather, Han gives her a weapon, in my mind Han Paying homage like "take this gun, it belonged to your father" sort of thing

Kylo knows she's his Sister, thats why he doesnt attempt to harm her, he wants her to Join him. Leia gives her a Motherly hug the end, thats why she bypasses Chewie

I'm probably wrong but it's fun to speculate and i'm going with the theory of Rey is a Solo again.

I've missed a few more bits i need to rewatch again,

I want this to be true but I think JJ is hellbent on making the new trilogy as different as possible from the novel story.
I want this to be true but I think JJ is hellbent on making the new trilogy as different as possible from the novel story.

I don't want it to be true because if it is, JJ Abrams and Kasdan are total morons as it would literally counter every shred of logic in the way TFA was written, acted and directed. I think they're pretty smart guys so I have my doubts about it.

It wouldn't make ANY fucking sense.


I don't want it to be true because if it is, JJ Abrams and Kasdan are total morons as it would literally counter every shred of logic in the way TFA was written, acted and directed. I think they're pretty smart guys so I have my doubts about it.

It wouldn't make ANY fucking sense.

Exactly, it would be a stupid forced it "A-HA!!" thing which as said has no base or threading.




Excited and a little nervous

I think this film could potentially divide people

If TFA is anything to by it will whatever happens.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
"I wish it were more like Empire Strikes Back"

Or even better a retcon of a retcon

"Why did they have to differ from TFA, it was unviersally praised"


"After seeing Episode 8 im not sure why they needed to change the formula"

"Yeah TFA got it right, cant believe Disney let them get away with this"

"Looking back TFA was its own film, it didnt rely that heavily on the OT, this takes this too far."
I dont envy Rian Johnson. He's gotta make a sequel to the 3rd biggest movie of all-time, building on plot threads and setting up climaxes, fulfilling everybody's desires for a new Star Wars adventure(Skywalkers, the Force, aliens, robots, lasers, dogfights, rebels vs empire, x-wings and TIE Fighters, John Williams, Ben Burtt, opening crawls, wipe transistions, lightsaber duels), while ALSO making a film that feels geniunely new in a way that Force Awakens patently wasn't. At the helm of a giant $200m production filled with thousands of actors, artists, craftspeople, ILM, stunt crew, producers, money people taping their wrist watches to wrap things up, and millions and millions of people with their own expectations who will be buying action figures for the characters he came up.

so ya know

no pressure or anything.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I dont envy Rian Johnson. He's gotta make a sequel to the 3rd biggest movie of all-time, building on plot threads and setting up climaxes, fulfilling everybody's desires for a new Star Wars adventure(Skywalkers, the Force, aliens, robots, lasers, dogfights, rebels vs empire, x-wings and TIE Fighters, John Williams, Ben Burtt, opening crawls, wipe transistions, lightsaber duels), while ALSO making a film that feels geniunely new in a way that Force Awakens patently wasn't. At the helm of a giant $200m production filled with thousands of actors, artists, craftspeople, ILM, stunt crew, producers, money people taping their wrist watches to wrap things up, and millions and millions of people with their own expectations who will be buying action figures for the characters he came up.

so ya know

no pressure or anything.

On the other hand he is making the film he wanted to make since he was a kid and, according to all sources, is really making the film "He" wants. Compare that to the Marvel universe where every film is overseen, noted and you hire shooters, I think thats more the case with Treverrow but mainly because the story will be in place and theres less wiggle room, but this one is supposedly "Weird, incredibly dark and nothing we have seen before".

I envy the fucker.
Most directors know and even don't give a shit that they can't please everyone. TFA addressed every single last drop of criticism that the prequels got and people just turned up their noses because it was "too much like Star Wars."

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Going to celebration this year in London, god i hope to see some stuff, it will be 90% rogue one im sure, but i just want a little tease of ep 8
I still think it was ultimately a smart decision for TFA to end up the way it did. Cleaning out all the gunk that got stuck in the engine, wiping the car down, making it shine. Yeah, they didnt actually go anywhere interesting in it, but it sure looks good again for the first time since the 1980s. If the best JJ Abrams can do is diet Spielberg doing a modern gloss of the Star Wars trilogy, then at the very least it made you interested to see the next one. I cant wait to see Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo, and BB-8 in a Star Wars movie that feels new and exciting, instead of just content and hopeful for the future.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I got no problem people hating star wars, and articulating their hate for star wars, but just say you disliked it, say it didnt capture you, dont pull out a bunch of horsecrap to explain a film not jiving with you and try to pass it as fact. The LTTP threads in OT are an absolute joke and i swear half the people who hate TFA are trolling.


I am SO so happy a director like Rian Johnson is making this. It's just what we need. Still not impressed that the Jurassic World guy is doing the one after, but will have to wait and see. Would be terrible to have another classic for the middle episode then be let down a little by the climax of the story. But I better try not being a concern troll on that one, lol.

I loved TFA, it was a great soft-reboot that reminds people you CAN make a film in the modern era and make it feel like Star Wars. Even if it did borrow quite heavily it sets in motion for a whole new rollercoaster and one which, just as Empire did coming from A New Hope, will give us a whole new take on this universe and what it can be. I don't think anyone could have imagined a film such as Empire coming after ANH, and I hope/expect to have a similar feeling once we see Episode 8.

Looking forward to it, and for my money TFA is a better first entry in the new trilogy than ANH was in the old (when all is said and done, at the time of course it was revelatory).


I got no problem people hating star wars, and articulating their hate for star wars, but just say you disliked it, say it didnt capture you, dont pull out a bunch of horsecrap to explain a film not jiving with you and try to pass it as fact. The LTTP threads in OT are an absolute joke and i swear half the people who hate TFA are trolling.

Force is weak with them

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I am SO so happy a director like Rian Johnson is making this. It's just what we need. Still not impressed that the Jurassic World guy is doing the one after, but will have to wait and see. Would be terrible to have another classic for the middle episode then be let down a little by the climax of the story. But I better try not being a concern troll on that one, lol.

I loved TFA, it was a great soft-reboot that reminds people you CAN make a film in the modern era and make it feel like Star Wars. Even if it did borrow quite heavily it sets in motion for a whole new rollercoaster and one which, just as Empire did coming from A New Hope, will give us a whole new take on this universe and what it can be. I don't think anyone could have imagined a film such as Empire coming after ANH, and I hope/expect to have a similar feeling once we see Episode 8.

Looking forward to it, and for my money TFA is a better first entry in the new trilogy than ANH was in the old (when all is said and done, at the time of course it was revelatory).

In terms of story Treverrow is working with what he is given, which is fine by me, Rain is writing episode 9 remember so he is overseeing the next two films and will very much set the tone.

I thought Jurassic World was ok, surprisingly, theres nothing in there to suggest he cant direct and direct big action.
Jurassic World had tremendously good action. I was impressed with that aspect more than I thought I would be given that Colin hadn't directed action before. The back half of the movie was insanity.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I am also very intrigued to see what Rey wears, strange as it sounds, no more inconvenient robes from Jaaku, some of the concept art from the BTS were badass, hope they incorporate some of it.

I very much enjoyed lukes visual transformation from 4-6, I hope they do something similar to symbolise her arc.
In terms of story Treverrow is working with what he is given, which is fine by me, Rain is writing episode 9 remember so he is overseeing the next two films and will very much set the tone.

I thought Jurassic World was ok, surprisingly, theres nothing in there to suggest he cant direct and direct big action.

Johnson's doing a treatment for IX but Treverrow and Connolly are actually writing it. Still, having Johnson in that role gives me confidence, despite the fact I wasn't a big fan of JW.


Jurassic World had tremendously good action. I was impressed with that aspect more than I thought I would be given that Colin hadn't directed action before. The back half of the movie was insanity.

Only seen it once in the cinema and I was completely non-plussed by the whole thing. Don't even remember much action besides that badly done motorbike riding scene with dino's in two... And a huge sea-world dinosaur making a well timed entrance. The rest a blur.. like a Transformers film or something. Saying that I've seen nothing else Treverrow's done so I don't want to completely rail against the guy. I do trust in Kathleen Kennedy and Disney/Lucasfilm to do what's right, they've played a blinder so far.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Jurassic World is my solid definition of a truly guilty pleasure experience.

I generally objectively dislike so much of the things that went on within that movie, yet I found myself grinning like a schoolboy in the theatre near the end.

That's said, it's still far from the type of blockbuster I want out of a Star Wars film either way. Though, as I've mentioned before, I've grown to give Trevorrow a chance to further develop and adapt his style better before IX happens.
Johnson's doing a treatment for IX but Treverrow and Connolly are actually writing it.

With the passes and supervision it'll be fine. Some people thought TFA was badly written so yeah I imagine that'll get criticism no matter what. I really didn't have a problem with Jurassic World's script. It had a good story, the pacing was there, the characters serviceable. No moments like Kelly kicking the raptor and Malcolm saying "the school cut you from the team" or bullshit like that. Not for me anyway. To me The Lost World was considerably worse. That thing was full of scenes and dialogue that I downright hated. None of the dialogue in Jurassic World stuck out to me as bad.

That script also went through complete hell.


I am also very intrigued to see what Rey wears, strange as it sounds, no more inconvenient robes from Jaaku, some of the concept art from the BTS were badass, hope they incorporate some of it.

I very much enjoyed lukes visual transformation from 4-6, I hope they do something similar to symbolise her arc.

Well she's wearing gray at the end of TFA so I'd expect something black by Episode IX.

edit: In regards to Oscar's comments, as long as it's not time travel I think we'll be ok.

edit edit: Flow walking would be fine.


You left out the best bit!

"In some ways it feels like we’re making an independent film," added the actor, who has starred in critically acclaimed indies such as "Ex Machina," "A Most Violent Year" and "Inside Llewyn Davis." "Certain things we get to play with – this kind of intimacy that we get to find – it's special. It’s been really fun."

Most directors know and even don't give a shit that they can't please everyone. TFA addressed every single last drop of criticism that the prequels got and people just turned up their noses because it was "too much like Star Wars."
To be fair, a pretty tiny share of folks "turned up their noses" at TFA. By every metric out there the film was as well received by audiences as critics.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Well she's wearing gray at the end of TFA so I'd expect something black by Episode IX.

edit: In regards to Oscar's comments, as long as it's not time travel I think we'll be ok.

Id be 100% cool with flashbacks, I think the vision showed you can do them

Luke accessing Reys mind perhaps, a bit like Xavier in X men trying to figure out what Magneto wants with Rogue

Rogue One

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
You left out the best bit!

To be fair, a pretty tiny share of folks "turned up their noses" at TFA. By every metric out there the film was as well received by audiences as critics.

I do not know a person in person who dislike it on any real level

It just seems to be a small internet movement that is incredibly vocal in the places I go to
Im not overly concerned with Episode 9 at this point. JW was a decsively Not Good movie, but who knows what could happen in five years.

I just want one great modern Star Wars movie I can revisit over the years. One that you could have tricked yourself into thinking TFA was gonna be after the parade of great sequences that kicks off the first 30 minutes with such confidence, such chemistry, such exciting world building. And then just stalled out with that awful CG alien sequence that wasted the Raid crew, and the weird catina/yoda/plot tease stuff that was kinda whatever, and the death star redux that Poe has to keep reminding us has a deadline and its really important and scary or something.

I want a film that builds on the strengths TFA did have(charismatic leads, fantastic production design, the physicality and tangibility of its world, dialog people aren't embarrassed to say, actual performances, BB-8) with a story that feels new and exciting the way ANH and ESB did. One that sparks the imagination of millions instead of just reminding them of movies that sparked their imagination.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Im not overly concerned with Episode 9 at this point. JW was a decsively Not Good movie, but who knows what could happen in five years.

I just want one great modern Star Wars movie I can revisit over the years. One that you could have tricked yourself into thinking TFA was gonna be after the parade of great sequences that kicks off the first 30 minutes with such confidence, such chemistry, such exciting world building. And then just stalled out with that awful CG alien sequence that wasted the Raid crew, and the weird catina/yoda/plot tease stuff that was kinda whatever, and the death star redux that Poe has to keep reminding us has a deadline and its really important and scary or something.

I want a film that builds on the strengths TFA did have(charismatic leads, fantastic production design, the physicality and tangibility of its world, dialog people aren't embarrassed to say, actual performances, BB-8) with a story that feels new and exciting the way ANH and ESB did. One that sparks the imagination of millions instead of just reminding them of movies that sparked their imagination.

I agree that the opening, up until the Rath tars was pretty much impeccable for me, I was completely sucked in, that whole sequence was just...there had to be a better way to Introduce Han. No problems with Maz or the Cantina and I loved the fight there with the X wings, the next sequence at the base was a little too on the nose "Its a bigger death star", it felt a bit too referrential but the actual base assault - end of film was fine by me.

If TFA maintained the energy and pace of the opening third and tool it into the final third, truly a great film

As it is I still love it, its Star wars to me now.
To be fair, a pretty tiny share of folks "turned up their noses" at TFA. By every metric out there the film was as well received by audiences as critics.

Oh I know it's a vocal minority but when we're talking about this stuff I guess I have GAF posts in mind and not really the general populace.
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