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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)

The rathtar scene was definitely the weakest part of the film, though I still really enjoyed Han's dialogue with Tasu Leech and Bala-Tik. I really liked the freighter as a setting as well, but it would have been better if they'd removed the rathtars from the equation entirely and focused on the gangs. Make them enemies instead of teaming them up against Han and focus on them escaping as the gangs get caught up in taking each other out.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
The rathtar scene was definitely the weakest part of the film, though I still really enjoyed Han's dialogue with Tasu Leech and Bala-Tik. I really liked the freighter as a setting as well, but it would have been better if they'd removed the rathtars from the equation entirely and focused on the gangs. Make them enemies instead of teaming them up against Han and focus on them escaping as the gangs get caught up in taking each other out.

I think that could have been more interesting, if Han had found a way to convince the two that they were enemies, I dont think ti would have been too much of a stretch that these two groups, that had been swindled twice before by Han were swindled again.
The rathtar scene was definitely the weakest part of the film, though I still really enjoyed Han's dialogue with Tasu Leech and Bala-Tik. I really liked the freighter as a setting as well, but it would have been better if they'd removed the rathtars from the equation entirely and focused on the gangs. Make them enemies instead of teaming them up against Han and focus on them escaping as the gangs get caught up in taking each other out.

I loved that scene, it was a nice bit of action and cool world building. Like you said, classic Han Solo stuff. It made a lot of sense to me, being reintroduced to Han and right away he's in trouble lol
I loved that scene, it was a nice bit of action and cool world building. Like you said, classic Han Solo stuff. It made a lot of sense to me, being reintroduced to Han and right away he's in trouble lol

I didn't dislike it. It was worth having in the film alone for Han's dialogue, but it did feel a little out of place for me. It just felt as if they decided they needed to put a monster scene in the film. It was a bit of a waste of the Raid actors as well.
I didn't dislike it. It was worth having in the film alone for Han's dialogue, but it did feel a little out of place for me. It just felt as if they decided they needed a monster scene in there.

heh I guess I find that to be acceptable in stuff like this, not unlike the Rancor for example. Sometimes some harmless scenes are fine. I thought it contributed by, again, the really nice world building (I love the factions) and thought the rathtars were cool.
"bit of a waste" is putting it lightly. Never in my widest imagination did I imagine they could NOT make an exciting action sequence with the actors from The Raid.

People say JJ Abrams doesn't have an original creative thought in his body and that he's just a mimic of other people, but actually having the WORST set piece in the film involving the Raid actors, who dont do anything cool? That takes a certain something
heh I guess I find that to be acceptable in stuff like this, not unlike the Rancor for example. Sometimes some harmless scenes are fine. I thought it contributed by, again, the really nice world building (I love the factions) and thought the rathtars were cool.

I love the Guavian gang's costumes. So glad they decided to use it in the film after it was scrapped for Kylo. It definitely wouldn't have worked for him.

"bit of a waste" is putting it lightly. Never in my widest imagination did I imagine they could NOT make an exciting action sequence with the actors from The Raid.

People say JJ Abrams doesn't have an original creative thought in his body and that he's just a mimic of other people, but actually having the WORST set piece in the film involving the Raid actors, who dont do anything cool? That takes a certain something

I was almost 100% sure they'd use them in some kind of Knights of Ren action scene originally.


I didn't dislike it. It was worth having in the film alone for Han's dialogue, but it did feel a little out of place for me. It just felt as if they decided they needed to put a monster scene in the film. It was a bit of a waste of the Raid actors as well.

I thought the scene itself was fine, but something felt really off about the monster design that I still can't place. It might be the juxtaposition of writhing CG blobs in a film with largely practical sets and creatures. Or that the CG wasn't up to par, but was moving too fast to really recognize. Great stuff from the characters and it's well shot, but it's stylistically out of step with the rest of the film, IMO.
I was expecting some extended Knights of Ren sequence, although its pretty clear that JJ "Lost" Abrams didnt really understand what that whole thing was about and was just hoping Rian could figure it out. Second biggest missed opportunity in the film behind everything involving Captain Phasma.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I thought the scene itself was fine, but something felt really off about the monster design that I still can't place. It might be the juxtaposition of writhing CG blobs in a film with largely practical sets and creatures. Or that the CG wasn't up to par, but was moving too fast to really recognize. Great stuff from the characters and it's well shot, but it's stylistically out of step with the rest of the film, IMO.

The CG in general was on the iffy side, the Falcon at times looked very weird, particularly when it took off from Jaaku, it was alright in motion but the takeoff and initial escape was just, not great.

Music was wonderful tho


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Well she's wearing gray at the end of TFA so I'd expect something black by Episode IX.

edit: In regards to Oscar's comments, as long as it's not time travel I think we'll be ok.

edit edit: Flow walking would be fine.

I've said before that I feel like a casual-rogue look similar to Dr. Aphra in the comics seems more suitable.
Thing is, with Jyn Erso now being a thing + Rey being accompanied by characters like Finn, Poe, and whoever Kelly Tran is gonna be who will likely sport the same looks is gonna make this feel really redundant.

Alternatively, I think she could also sport something akin to that one girl in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, albeit with a lot more subtle SW sensibilities.


The Rathtar sequence was okay. The opening bit where Han is talking down the two gangs felt so old-school it hurt, like the forgotten draft of some version of Return of the Jedi that Kasdan left in a file cabinet. That was great. The monster chase itself was serviceable, but I think the problem is that it comes hot off the heels of the movie's best action setpiece, the dogfight on Jakku. Sort of suffers from the breathless pacing of the movie. Could've sandwiched another scene with Hux or Leia in there to ease up a bit, but instead it gets overshadowed by the torrential action that comes before and after it.

That's one lesson I hope Rian learns from Episode VII. Sometimes, a movie's gotta know when to shut the hell up.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I've said before that I feel like a casual-rogue look similar to Dr. Aphra in the comics seems more suitable.

Thing is, with Jyn Erso now being a thing + Rey being accompanied by characters like Finn, Poe, and whoever Kelly Tran is gonna be who will likely sport the same looks is gonna make this feel really redundant.

Alternatively, I think she could also sport something akin to that one girl in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, albeit with a lot more subtle SW sensibilities.

Remove the goggles and thats pretty awesome

But befitting a force user?

One has to wonder whether she will get into some robes at some point
I thought the rathtar CG was fine, it was mostly the actual design that made it look a bit cartoony. I don't have a problem with that though.

I also apparently don't scrutinize CG that much unless it's actually jarring.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I thought the rathtar CG was fine, it was mostly the actual design that made it look a bit cartoony. I don't have a problem with that though.

I also apparently don't scrutinize CG that much unless it's actually jarring.

I have a really hard time with bad CG, i saw a cap America clip earlier where it goes between Cap/Panther and Bucky being CG and I cant unsee it.

Reminds me of that family guy episode where the kid is pointing out a Star Trek episode where Shatner is acting, then his double, then Shatner, then his double.


The entire rathtar sequence was the exposition for what Han had been up to for the 30 years since Return of the Jedi. I understand why people think it's out of place, since it's not really related to the core plot, but I don't know that I can call it a complete waste. It tells us that Han's up to his old ways, smuggling stuff, hiring crew, losing crew, doing stupidly dangerous and reckless jobs, getting himself into trouble double crossing anyone and everyone. It also furthers the bond between Rey and Finn by having them work together, and propels a disinterested and disengaged Han into the main plot and the whole mess with the Resistance and Leia/Kylo, by forcing him to commandeer the Falcon and leave his freighter behind. Then it gets the First Order on their trail when the gangs spot BB-8 and pass that along. On top of all that it ticks off a Star Wars monster scene and some classic Han/Chewie banter.

The sequence is juggling a lot of stuff. Kind of a microcosm of what the entire film has to do.

The bigger problem I have is the big convenience of the Falcon just happening to be on Jakku so Rey and Finn could take it and Han could then find them. That seems a bit inelegant a way to get Han into the picture (and it's bit hard at this point to see if there's more to this that's been unrevealed or it's just general Star Wars level convenience where the galaxy is simultaneously vast and absurdly small).

But if you just accept that that's kind of messy and move past the how and why of Han getting involved, I don't really have a problem with how the story progresses once the Falcon is aboard the freighter. It's already getting to the point where I've watched the movie enough times that the story is just the story, and what happens happens. It just is The Force Awakens. I don't really have to dwell on the issues I have and can just enjoy the stuff about it I enjoy.

Also, I made this gif, which in my opinion is an A+ reaction gif:
I dont have a problem with Han and Chewie arguing with the gangs. I was just hoping there would be an exciting fight sequence after that, not a bumbling, confusing, jangly mess with ugly forgettable CG creatures. Especially right after far and away the movie's best action sequence with the escape from not-Tatattoine in the Falcon, and following the movie's best gag with the BB-8 thumbs-up. The movie hadn't put a single step wrong until that point.
I don't see how they could have gotten away from the gangs without something like that intervening. Certainly no way he could have fought them all.

I thought it worked as Han is always getting into shit and miraculously dodging a bullet, so it jived. His luck had to run out at some point though...
Thats why they established Rey as a hyper-competent fighter(scanvger/pilot/mechanic/force user/linguistic expert), so you could have a cool action scene with the dudes with the Raid.
Thats why they established Rey as a hyper-competent fighter(scanvger/pilot/mechanic/force user/linguistic expert), so you could have a cool action scene with the dudes with the Raid.

I still don't think she, Han and Finn could have fought all those guys. I think people are too hung up over them being from that series.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Thats why they established Rey as a hyper-competent fighter(scanvger/pilot/mechanic/force user/linguistic expert), so you could have a cool action scene with the dudes with the Raid.

oh god don't even dare torment me with the potential of such a premise


The entire rathtar sequence was the exposition for what Han had been up to for the 30 years since Return of the Jedi. I understand why people think it's out of place, since it's not really related to the core plot, but I don't know that I can call it a complete waste. It tells us that Han's up to his old ways, smuggling stuff, hiring crew, losing crew, doing stupidly dangerous and reckless jobs, getting himself into trouble double crossing anyone and everyone. It also furthers the bond between Rey and Finn by having them work together, and propels a disinterested and disengaged Han into the main plot and the whole mess with the Resistance and Leia/Kylo, by forcing him to commandeer the Falcon and leave his freighter behind. Then it gets the First Order on their trail when the gangs spot BB-8 and pass that along. On top of all that it ticks off a Star Wars monster scene and some classic Han/Chewie banter.

The sequence is juggling a lot of stuff. Kind of a microcosm of what the entire film has to do.

The bigger problem I have is the big convenience of the Falcon just happening to be on Jakku so Rey and Finn could take it and Han could then find them. That seems a bit inelegant a way to get Han into the picture (and it's bit hard at this point to see if there's more to this that's been unrevealed or it's just general Star Wars level convenience where the galaxy is simultaneously vast and absurdly small).

But if you just accept that that's kind of messy and move past the how and why of Han getting involved, I don't really have a problem with how the story progresses once the Falcon is aboard the freighter. It's already getting to the point where I've watched the movie enough times that the story is just the story, and what happens happens. It just is The Force Awakens. I don't really have to dwell on the issues I have and can just enjoy the stuff about it I enjoy.

Also, I made this gif, which in my opinion is an A+ reaction gif:
My only real issue with the sequence begins when the rathtars leap onto the scene. As you said, it's got a lot of stuff going on and otherwise juggles them well. Showing Han in hot water (again), being ruthless about self-preservation (again) were nice nods to show how he's both changed, and not. But something about the rathtars themselves bugs me.

Han finding them is waved away as the Falcon being tagged and broadcasting, so they could find it (assuming they were in the area). Agree about generally making the universe feel too small in travel scenes, though.

I don't think that gif is an accurate response to someone saying that.
I haven't seen Clone Wars, but I'd say it's a good one whenever someone puts a PT film over the OT. :p
I haven't seen Clone Wars, but I'd say it's a good one whenever someone puts a PT film over the OT. :p

I mean like, the gif doesn't have someone projectile vomiting or something like that, which is a more accurate response than saying they're a monster :p

Im definitely hung up on the dudes from the Raid somehow being wasted in the film's worst action sequence, yea. I admit that freely.

I don't think about it, all I see are different characters. They probably really enjoyed doing it and having a part in a new Star Wars movie. It's okay.
I echo people saying the gang stuff and dialogue between them and Han was good, the rathtars themselves could've been cut. When you can start running out of fingers to count the high octane actions scenes on, you can probably do without the one with Final Fantasy Malboros in them.

To try and keep this OT, VIII better slow down a bit. The best parts of Empire were Yoda teaching Luke about the Force. Badass action constantly will hopefully be Rogue One's thing.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
On hindsight, the Raid people were there primarily for combat advisory purposes (unless I'm totes wrongfully recalling) and I guess it should just be treated as another cameo like all the other celeb/crew cameos within the film.
If Rey fought and kicked the Raid guy's asses... how much more of a Mary Sue would she have been? I imagine that if that happened, everyone IRL named Mary would suddenly be named Donna or something because Rey took all the Mary's.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Oh were we talking about that happening in TFA specfically? I was thinking somewhere long down the road, but yeah, no way that should happen in TFA.
I really dont think thats a good excuse NOT to have a cool fight sequence with the dudes from the Raid and instead using a forgettable blob of CG creatures

"but think of the SJW-hating people on the internet!"


I've said before that I feel like a casual-rogue look similar to Dr. Aphra in the comics seems more suitable.

Thing is, with Jyn Erso now being a thing + Rey being accompanied by characters like Finn, Poe, and whoever Kelly Tran is gonna be who will likely sport the same looks is gonna make this feel really redundant.

Alternatively, I think she could also sport something akin to that one girl in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, albeit with a lot more subtle SW sensibilities.

Personally I'd go for something more towards the second look, or better yet reminiscent of RotJ Luke. See this genderswapped Luke cosplay:


Jedi robes work fine for everything.


oh god don't even dare torment me with the potential of such a premise

According to the leaked shot list that we were going off of before the movie came out, that was the original idea. It wasn't just going to be the rathtars, there was going to be a brawl with the gang members and Rey probably would've done some staff fighting.

edit: Found it

Finn and Rey steal the Falcon.
The kids end up on a huge freighter in space.
Han is there to meet the kids with Chewbacca.
Han wants them off his plane ship.
Finn convinces Han to let them stay.
Something happens with the chessboard.
Han checks the video screen.
A gang is there!
Han explains the cargo (creature(s) without description).
Han hides the kids.
The kids pull the fuse in the Falcon.
It’s a good distraction.
The cargo is released.
Fin is dragged away by cargo and saved by Rey.
Hell breaks loose.
Chewbacca is wounded in the fight
Rey fights off the gang by herself.
Falcon has issues.
Rey fixes Falcon impressing Han.
Some of the cargo splatters on the Falcon windshield as they race out.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
According to the leaked shot list that we were going off of before the movie came out, that was the original idea. It wasn't just going to be the rathtars, there was going to be a brawl with the gang members and Rey probably would've done some staff fighting.

Thing is, especially now that I know Rey is set to become a Jedi to an extent, a mere brawl in hallway would be a disservice to both parties.

I want a dedicated, important action setpiece with those characters/actors, even if the Raid people are behind masks as Knights of Ren or something.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Why didnt they keep JJ as the Director of all 3 films?

He didnt want it, this film took everything out of him and he only took it because it was one for him and a chance to explore osmething he loved, his wife convinced him to do it.

He is overseeing the rest.

Also I hope you guys are prepared, at some point Rey is going to fight the Knights of Ren, I am absolutely 100% certain of this, there is no way its not happening, its going to be



Why didnt they keep JJ as the Director of all 3 films?

Not enough time in between films to pump them out without filming them back to back LotR style and JJ was hesitant to do one already since he had told his family he was going to scale back from on-location shooting for a while so he could spend time with them. He only agreed after Kennedy made a strong push and his wife told him to go for it because she knew he'd regret it for the rest of his life if he didn't.
I'm honestly not expecting her to fight the Knights, or for them to be in the movie at all really. I mean I hope so, that's just something I'm not dialing my hype up over, like Phasma or the Raid dudes.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
The entire rathtar sequence was the exposition for what Han had been up to for the 30 years since Return of the Jedi. I understand why people think it's out of place, since it's not really related to the core plot, but I don't know that I can call it a complete waste. It tells us that Han's up to his old ways, smuggling stuff, hiring crew, losing crew, doing stupidly dangerous and reckless jobs, getting himself into trouble double crossing anyone and everyone. It also furthers the bond between Rey and Finn by having them work together, and propels a disinterested and disengaged Han into the main plot and the whole mess with the Resistance and Leia/Kylo, by forcing him to commandeer the Falcon and leave his freighter behind. Then it gets the First Order on their trail when the gangs spot BB-8 and pass that along. On top of all that it ticks off a Star Wars monster scene and some classic Han/Chewie banter.

The sequence is juggling a lot of stuff. Kind of a microcosm of what the entire film has to do.

The bigger problem I have is the big convenience of the Falcon just happening to be on Jakku so Rey and Finn could take it and Han could then find them. That seems a bit inelegant a way to get Han into the picture (and it's bit hard at this point to see if there's more to this that's been unrevealed or it's just general Star Wars level convenience where the galaxy is simultaneously vast and absurdly small).

But if you just accept that that's kind of messy and move past the how and why of Han getting involved, I don't really have a problem with how the story progresses once the Falcon is aboard the freighter. It's already getting to the point where I've watched the movie enough times that the story is just the story, and what happens happens. It just is The Force Awakens. I don't really have to dwell on the issues I have and can just enjoy the stuff about it I enjoy.

Also, I made this gif, which in my opinion is an A+ reaction gif:

Without the captions it looks like Rey is saying "Bullshit"


I mean like, the gif doesn't have someone projectile vomiting or something like that, which is a more accurate response than saying they're a monster :p

You should! The Clone Wars has some fantastic episodes.

I was talking about Attack of the Clones.

Why didnt they keep JJ as the Director of all 3 films?
1) JJ didn't want to do all three - doing one is a three-year all consuming commitment. He had to be talked into doing TFA because he had plans with his family and for other films.
2) Lucasfilm wants them two years apart, which precludes the same director due to the concurrent work required

The above were the determining factors, but I think Lucasfilm was also quite comfortable giving different directors an episode. They want the variety that came with the OT and its mix of directors, though that is obviously not without its risks.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I'm honestly not expecting her to fight the Knights, or for them to be in the movie at all really. I mean I hope so, that's just something I'm not dialing my hype up over, like Phasma or the Raid dudes.

They have to, there is no way they are going to let them be unexplored, they got a namecheck, a cool unexplained scene and pretty much stole a whole trailer, its going to happen.

It would fall under gross negligence if it didnt, I also think for a mid film of 3 its a perfect way to not have a climactic Kylo/Rey fight in the 2nd film, I think the knights are going to be hunting her down in Episode 8.


I'm honestly not expecting her to fight the Knights, or for them to be in the movie at all really. I mean I hope so, that's just something I'm not dialing my hype up over, like Phasma or the Raid dudes.

Yeah if there's anything I've learned from the past 5 years of Game of Thrones, the lead up to VII, the MCU in general, hell even The Americans, it's best to try not to expect anything too specific as even something wildly different but incredibly awesome can become disappointing when it is inevitably not what you imagined.
It would fall under gross negligence if it didnt, I also think for a mid film of 3 its a perfect way to not have a climactic Kylo/Rey fight in the 2nd film, I think the knights are going to be hunting her down in Episode 8.

I just don't see any promises being made anywhere. Episode VII certainly didn't set up some conflict between the Knights and Rey. They're in a vision sequence briefly and named, yeah, but I don't see this as a delivery guarantee.
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