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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


The Clone Wars (the CGI one) series is still canon as far as i know and has Headhunters, though perhaps the old version of the Headhunter is now Legends content.
The quad lasers still makes sense even if the ship isn't a proper X-wing... you just have 4 high power laser cannons.

Looking at the video, the wings do look a bit like they'd split, the seam is just nigh-invisible.

Hm, I don't remember seeing headhunters in Clone Wars, but I watched all of it in about 2 weeks so I could just have forgotten. It's the TIE Fighter/XvT game version that I was thinking of.

I don't think the seam is a problem, but the engine. X-Wings have one engine per arm, it would be odd for this one to split, though I suppose it could.


It's been officially stated that it is a X-Wing. Though we've been lied to before.

Yeah, well, calling it "X-Wing" doesn't mean it is x-wing in literal sense. F-104 Starfighter isn't a starfighter despite its name.

Hm, I don't remember seeing headhunters in Clone Wars, but I watched all of it in about 2 weeks so I could just have forgotten. It's the TIE Fighter/XvT game version that I was thinking of.

I don't think the seam is a problem, but the engine. X-Wings have one engine per arm, it would be odd for this one to split, though I suppose it could.


EDIT concerning the new X-Wing's engines:
EDIT the engine "intake" can be split as well, ie it is only stylistic thing. The engines still have four nozzles, you can see both lower and upper wing have one.
EDIT the lower nozzle is hidden behind the landing gear but you can see hints of it.


That the X Wing is freaking real and not CGI warms my heart.

I feel weird not being hyped for this since is pretty much my original favorite series of movies since I can remember, I have a damn StarWars Ep3 Tattoo for fucks sakes!!

Anyways Im sure that will change to full on hyper ultra hype mode once I see the trailer.


That the X Wing is freaking real and not CGI warms my heart.

I feel weird not being hyped for this since is pretty much my original favorite series of movies since I can remember, I have a damn StarWars Ep3 Tattoo for fucks sakes!!

Anyways Im sure that will change to full on hyper ultra hype mode once I see the trailer.

Got pics of that tat?


Got pics of that tat?

Is just the logo in red and the III in black on the back, not an elaborated Darth Maul face or anything cool like that, I went to get it just after I saw Ep3, I really, reaally love the movie, haters be damned.

Will take some pics some day.


Is just the logo in red and the III in black on the back, not an elaborated Darth Maul face or anything cool like that, I went to get it just after I saw Ep3, I really, reaally love the movie, haters be damned.

Will take some pics some day.

We need a Prequel discussion thread. Badly. I like Episode III as well.


We need a Prequel discussion thread. Badly. I like Episode III as well.

I like Episode II the most of the prequels really.
I reckon i'm really the only one in GAF who thinks that, i can't recall anyone saying anything positive about that film here ever.


Episode 3 as a good movie or better than Jedi? How about the acting? Ep 3 has many seems of truly cringe-worthy, soap opera acting that can't hold a candle to the competent-to-good acting in Jedi. And the drama overall is much more convincing in Jedi than in Ep.3.
I don't think the seam is a problem, but the engine. X-Wings have one engine per arm, it would be odd for this one to split, though I suppose it could.

It's based on an old McQuarrie concept, the engines just split in half:


The wings on this new model do seem to split like this:



It's based on an old McQuarrie concept, the engines just split in half:


The wings on this new model do seem to split like this:


Ah, cool. Kind of sacrifices the coolness factor split to make it look better collapsed, but I suppose it makes sense.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Episode 3 as a good movie or better than Jedi? How about the acting? Ep 3 has many seems of truly cringe-worthy, soap opera acting that can't hold a candle to the competent-to-good acting in Jedi. And the drama overall is much more convincing in Jedi than in Ep.3.

The only thing really bad in episode 6 was the ending sequence

Fucking episode 3 was a disaster

You had palpatine acting like a damn goof the entire movie. You had anakin's awful fall to the dark side. Mace Windu's hilarious demise. Tacked in characters like general grievous.

Basically the only decent parts of the movie were the jedi slaughter, the sabre duels and palpatine's story to anakin in the theatre. Rest was pure crap... less quality than episode 2.

Episode 1 is the only star wars movie of the PT, as goofy as it is.


The only thing really bad in episode 6 was the ending sequence

Fucking episode 3 was a disaster

You had palpatine acting like a damn goof the entire movie. You had anakin's awful fall to the dark side. Mace Windu's hilarious demise. Tacked in characters like general grievous.

Basically the only decent parts of the movie were the jedi slaughter, the sabre duels and palpatine's story to anakin in the theatre. Rest was pure crap... less quality than episode 2.

Episode 1 is the only star wars movie of the PT, as goofy as it is.

Yeah I mostly agree. Episode 1, as bad as it is, feels like a competent movie front to back. Ep2 and 3 feel more like amateur digital filmmaking mixed with special effects show reels poorly edited together.

I take spinning lightsabers fights over those fucking Ewoks anyday

Episode III is way better IMO. It's just a more vibrant and entertaining movie to me. Love the action, the way its plotted and paced, the atmosphere, etc. I like VI, but much like II, it's the weaker of that particular trilogy to me.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Episode III is way better IMO. It's just a more vibrant and entertaining movie to me. Love the action, the way its plotted and paced, the atmosphere, etc. I like VI, but much like II, it's the weaker of that particular trilogy to me.

I agree with every word.
We need a Prequel discussion thread. Badly. I like Episode III as well.

Hey if you want to read through pages of posts reiterating the same things over and over and something something RedLetterMedia reviews then yeah you go ahead and do that!
The Emperor taunting Luke about his friends' predicament. Luke taking the bait and duelling with his father. Vader realizing Luke has a twin sister. Luke snapping and unleashing his full rage at Vader as the choir reaches a crescendo. The Emperor cackling as he watches on. Luke's defiant refusal to join the Dark Side. "So be it, Jedi". Force lightning. Vader conflicted between serving his master or saving his son. Vader finally making a decision and throwing the Emperor to his death. Luke carrying the fallen Vader to safety as once-loyal stormtroopers ignore him and flee for their lives. Luke unmasking his dying father. Vader's redemption. Luke's last minute escape. Lando in the Falcon bursting triumphantly out of the Death Star as flames almost engulf it. Vader's funeral pyre.

Until you can name a sequence in Episode III in the same stratosphere as the above sequence from RotJ, I laugh heartily and jauntily at anyone who says Episode III is better than RotJ.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Yeah I mostly agree. Episode 1, as bad as it is, feels like a competent movie front to back. Ep2 and 3 feel more like amateur digital filmmaking mixed with special effects show reels poorly edited together.

I think a good reason for this is because the goofy stuff in Episode 1 is just a distraction while in Ep2/3 it's EVERYWHERE. the central characters in episode 1 rarely said anything stupid. (outside of anakin in the last 25% of the movie) C3PO and R2D2 didn't really do anything out of character in E1... but E2/3? Terrible stuff. Episode 1 was a mature movie with childish elements. Episode 2/3 were immature movies all around with goofy stuff every where you looked.

Episode 1 is also very slow paced with exciting things happening on screen... much like in the original trilogy. Also edited in mainly the same way. Even episode 2 got a lot of stuff right but the terrible writing and desire to add goofy shit sank that movie. Episode 3 was just bad. I really wish they'd go back and remake episode 2 and 3. They had a lot of great ideas in those 2 movies but it wasn't done very well. The fall of anakin wasn't believable and almost every single character interaction was embarrassing.


You know, I was hoping that some elements & characters of the old EU would transfer over to the new canon. Its 1 thing to say there's too much continuity in those novels to expect Movie goers to keep up with. Its another to basically go out of their way to be as contrary as possible to the old universe.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Episode III better than Jedi? That's like saying Transformers is better than Jedi. It's more modern, it's vapid, it does things that certain people like to see I guess. But come on.
Episode III better than Jedi? That's like saying Transformers is better than Jedi. It's more modern, it's vapid, it does things that certain people like to see I guess. But come on.

It's not like saying Transformers is better than Jedi at all. That comparison is more vapid than Episode III.

What do you even mean by "It does things certain people like to see I guess."

You reviewing movies or you reviewing imaginary people there?
Episode III better than Jedi? That's like saying Transformers is better than Jedi.

...it's not like saying that at all. All three prequel movies are vastly superior to anything Michael Bay has made. There are instances of "dumb" humor in the prequels like Jar Jar stepping in shit, but nothing on the level of the stupidity in the Transformers movies.

As far as Episode III, I don't see how it's at least a very entertaining movie. There's some iffy writing and not all the performers are firing on all cylinders at all times (looking at you Nats) but it's on a whole other level compared to Transformers.


...it's not like saying that at all. All three prequel movies are vastly superior to anything Michael Bay has made. There are instances of "dumb" humor in the prequels like Jar Jar stepping in shit, but nothing on the level of the stupidity in the Transformers movies.

As far as Episode III, I don't see how it's at least a very entertaining movie. There's some iffy writing and not all the performers are firing on all cylinders at all times (looking at you Nats) but it's on a whole other level compared to Transformers.

heh, that is a very generous assessment of Episode III...and I say that as someone who likes the movie (well, parts of it).


...it's not like saying that at all. All three prequel movies are vastly superior to anything Michael Bay has made. There are instances of "dumb" humor in the prequels like Jar Jar stepping in shit, but nothing on the level of the stupidity in the Transformers movies.

As far as Episode III, I don't see how it's at least a very entertaining movie. There's some iffy writing and not all the performers are firing on all cylinders at all times (looking at you Nats) but it's on a whole other level compared to Transformers.

I would rank The Rock over Episode 1-3. Pearl Harbor and maybe The Island rivals the prequels; bloated, bad love story, big budget action. The clones war cartoon movie is around Transformers quality.


Watch Alien (1979) and then watch Star Wars Episode III immediately afterward, and then finally Star Wars: A New Hope after you've had some time to digest, and tell me if your opinion of Revenge of the Sith changes a bit


I love Pokken!
Watch Alien (1979) and then watch Star Wars Episode III immediately afterward, and then finally Star Wars: A New Hope after you've had some time to digest, and tell me if your opinion of Revenge of the Sith changes a bit

heh, that is a very generous assessment of Episode III...and I say that as someone who likes the movie (well, parts of it).

A lot of people would say that my assessments of the prequels are generous; it's cool, I realize I'm in a minority. I just don't think they're these god awful pieces of shit that ruined my childhood and I think they're way better than a lot of "summer" movies that have been released since. In terms of action and vision I think they're pretty fantastic. I wish Lucas had gotten some help with writing them, and actors like Portman just weren't all there but for the most part I think they're pretty good. But you're right, I do look over things that others criticize, however I'm not obligated to agree that they amount to anything that really hurts the viewing experience for me.

Pearl Harbor and maybe The Island rivals the prequels; bloated, bad love story, big budget action.

"Bloated" is about the last word I would use to describe the prequels though. They're edited and paced very well and Lucas actually did a good job at setting up each act of each movie. Episode III is actually the shortest episode I think.
Do you get any of the lower tier rewards w/ Force For Change? It's been a while since I donated to charity, so this looks very enticing for me star wars + I get to help the countries of my parents birth. And that boba fett shirt looks dope as fuuuuuuck.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
It's not like saying Transformers is better than Jedi at all. That comparison is more vapid than Episode III.

What do you even mean by "It does things certain people like to see I guess."

You reviewing movies or you reviewing imaginary people there?
I think this is a generational thing, since I'm an old fart who obviously likes the style and content of Jedi a lot, but I couldn't stop rolling my eyes at Episode III upon a rewatch. What can I say, it just feels like processed cheese, compared to the movie I worship that people back in the day called processed cheese. Heh.
Does this GIF mean you agree with me so hard it's confusing?

Why are you suggesting someone go about comparing Star Wars movies to each other by watching the greatest horror film ever made?

I think this is a generational thing, since I'm an old fart who obviously likes the style and content of Jedi a lot, but I couldn't stop rolling my eyes at Episode III upon a rewatch. What can I say, it just feels like processed cheese, compared to the movie I worship that people back in the day called processed cheese. Heh.

Ah. Yeah, I'm an old fart, too. :) Hell, just today I was on a show, and I made a reference to Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation, and the hosts were like "what?" and I was like... you guys WERE born before 1990, right? And they were like "No." And I was like "Oh yeah. I'm an old person now."

But I don't think Return of the Jedi is a very good movie. And while Revenge of the Sith ALSO isn't a very good movie, I think it's probably overall a better film than Jedi. But I do get what you mean by the film feeling like processed cheese.
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