Kaneda Shotaro
I loved the style of Phasma's cape so something similar for Luke would be great. Wonder when he'll change from his TFA attire.
Probably when they leave and Luke is with civilization again.
I loved the style of Phasma's cape so something similar for Luke would be great. Wonder when he'll change from his TFA attire.
Nope, the Emperor was neither a Jedi, nor were the Jedi aware of him being able to use the force. He was trained from day 1 as a Sith and to be a Sith. Same case with Darth Maul, too.Like, the First Jedi Temple. THE origin point of the Force. This is where the First Jedi came from. Remember, a Sith (I believe) still starts as a Jedi who falls to the Dark Side.
Nope, the Emperor was neither a Jedi, nor were the Jedi aware of him being able to use the force. He was trained from day 1 as a Sith and to be a Sith. Same case with Darth Maul, too.
Of course, a Jedi falling to the Dark Side always makes more noise than training a Sith student in secret.
I thought some comics/books, that are still canon, dealt with Palpatines backstory. Still, with Dooku being older than Palpatine, and Yoda having been Dookus master, at least Yoda should have known Palpatine, if he was a member of the Jedi order at some time.Really? With the non-canon stuff around it's hard to actually have an origin story for Palpatine/Sidious, lol.
I always thought that a Sith started out as a Jedi who got seduced by the "forbidden-fruit" so to speak. But, then again ... the Jedi (Yoda) should've known Sidious.
But seeing the BTS of the Force Awakens and the amount of work and planning went into it ... I have faith in Episode 8.
I thought some comics/books, that are still canon, dealt with Palpatines backstory. Still, with Dooku being older than Palpatine, and Yoda having been Dookus master, at least Yoda should have known Palpatine, if he was a member of the Jedi order at some time.
Really? With the non-canon stuff around it's hard to actually have an origin story for Palpatine/Sidious, lol.
I always thought that a Sith started out as a Jedi who got seduced by the "forbidden-fruit" so to speak. But, then again ... the Jedi (Yoda) should've known Sidious.
But seeing the BTS of the Force Awakens and the amount of work and planning went into it ... I have faith in Episode 8.
One source is certain that the blue tank we see in the teaser has Darth Vader inside it. This person has a lot of material associated with the production. They believe a sequence was filmed in which Darth Vader get his limbs interchanged and repaired in the movie. If accurate, it would explain some in-universe discrepancies around Darth Vaders abilities in the 1977 film compared to the rest of the stories weve seen from Vaders appearances in Star Wars Rebels to the work Bob Anderson did to make Vader a swordsmen.
Originally David Prowse who played Vader in the 1977 film lied about being able to sword fight, leaving George Lucas with a Darth Vader that couldnt really do much with a lightsaber. So the new limbs and limb loss he supposedly suffers in Rogue One makes me ponder if thats why Darth Vader is so tight when fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi a short time later. Was he not used to the new limbs? Does he lose them because of Jyn and her band of rebels or is that the reason Jyn and her rebels are able to succeed?
Haha, awesome.Tom Hardy will be playing a Stormtrooper in VIII
Luke doing some work.
Derry teen shares breakfast with Luke Skywalker
Nothing to do with VIII but man do I love Mark Hamill.
Great, more vehicles that make no sense since they were never seen in the OT.
I would pull all my important units in a battle to finally kill of the Rebellion and not let a couple of seemingly good working out of it for no reasons.I never understood this outlook. Just because we don't see some of them in the OT doesn't mean they weren't used or never existed..
Isn't it possible that we actually never saw everything in that time period? I could understand if the entire movie consisted of things we've never seen, but it's ridiculous to not only be surprised by some new content but upset.
Visuals are looking great so far, can't wait to see them in motion.
I would pull all my important units in a battle to finally kill of the Rebellion and not let a couple of seemingly good working out of it for no reasons.
Probably posted (many times) before: https://vimeo.com/165386109
Making has a new report that has Lukecutting through the Knights of Ren like it ain't no thing on the island shores of Ahch'to while Ben apparently battles Rey right off a cliff-edge, but nopes the fuck out of there once he sees what Luke's done to his squad.
That said, I don't really buy the"Luke wants Rey to kill Ben as part of her training but she doesn't want to" bit as it's A) right out of RotJ and B) does not match up at all with her behavior at the end of TFA.
It actually makes sense that Kylo would wanna be alone/not have help in taking on Rey 1 on 1 because of what happened in the last film. I can totally see him saying something like "Go after Skywalker" and engage with Rey. It's all about ego for him now and proving his worth/power.
Very hyped, sounds fantastic.
I don't like the idea of TKoR being cut in half like a knife through butter, though. It should at least be a challenge so we're not stepping into showmanship prequel level stuff. But Rian won't let that happen. Just hope it's a tough fight.
It sounds like a good way to demonstrate Luke's power. As far as we know the other Knights of Ren aren't force sensitive, so they shouldn't necessarily be tricky foes for a seasoned Jedi Master.
It's a tricky thing to balance as people would complain if they were too difficult for Luke, who's presumably a lot more powerful than in ROTJ, or if he slices through the Knights too easily after the badass flashback in TFA.
I doubt Rian wanted to undermine Kylo too much again after his loss to Rey, so he needed someone else for Luke to fight, and it doesn't sound like Snoke's entering the equation in a physical way yet.
It'll be fascinating to see how Luke vs seven Knights of Ren is choreographed.
Thats straight up sith lord.
No way thats true.
Its Making Star Wars. He got basically every single scene down for TFA.
Well he had the shot list.
It'll be fascinating to see how Luke vs seven Knights of Ren is choreographed.
I always thought that Kylo would want to hide his scar due to his ego and shame for losing to Rey, so I was expecting him to continue to wear a mask in the sequel.It's interesting that Kylo's allegedly not wearing the mask in that scene but his costume's the same. Maybe he has abandoned it completely.
I always thought that Kylo would want to hide his scar due to his ego and shame for losing to Rey, so I was expecting him to continue to wear a mask in the sequel.
Vader had a facial scar, gotta emulate grandpa.
I'm expecting him to chop his own limbs off by the end of the trilogy.
Speaking of, were no limbs lost in the force awakens?
Ach'to is the planet they find Luke on right? I thought they might do some fighting on Illenium because the First Order knows that the Resistance base is there.
I don't buy the whole Luke wants Rey to kill Kylo bit.