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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


Gold Member

I bet this is Corellia


I'm putting my money on those ppl being a secret order, at their gathering, and the rumoured title really is The Order of the Dark Side


This definitely is starting to look different than the OT, which I'm happy about. I would love a general plot synopsis because it looks 'classier' than I was expecting which is intriguing.
Making Star Wars have posted some of the most substantial plot info we've got so far including a bit about Laura Dern's role and what Leia's up to.

  • Laura Dern is a leader of the Resistance.
  • Leia’s ship is ambushed and she is blasted through space.
  • Leia ends up in a coma.
  • Laura Dern’s character then takes over Resistance command, but makes things far worse.
  • With this in mind, Poe takes control of the situation and becomes the interim leader of the Resistance.
  • In regards to the way Dern is portrayed, we are meant to not be sure if she is good or bad.

Putting Leia
in a coma
sounds like Johnson wants to make sure she's on the sideline.
Making Star Wars have posted some of the most substantial plot info we've got so far including a bit about Laura Dern's role and what Leia's up to.

  • Laura Dern is a leader of the Resistance.
  • Leia’s ship is ambushed and she is blasted through space.
  • Leia ends up in a coma.
  • Laura Dern’s character then takes over Resistance command, but makes things far worse.
  • With this in mind, Poe takes control of the situation and becomes the interim leader of the Resistance.
  • In regards to the way Dern is portrayed, we are meant to not be sure if she is good or bad.

Putting Leia
in a coma
sounds like Johnson wants to make sure she's on the sideline.

What's with
being the new trend in modern Star War?


Making Star Wars have posted some of the most substantial plot info we've got so far including a bit about Laura Dern's role and what Leia's up to.

  • Laura Dern is a leader of the Resistance.
  • Leia’s ship is ambushed and she is blasted through space.
  • Leia ends up in a coma.
  • Laura Dern’s character then takes over Resistance command, but makes things far worse.
  • With this in mind, Poe takes control of the situation and becomes the interim leader of the Resistance.
  • In regards to the way Dern is portrayed, we are meant to not be sure if she is good or bad.

Putting Leia
in a coma
sounds like Johnson wants to make sure she's on the sideline.

This sounds 100% more interesting than anything in TFA.
Sounds awesome. Like the move to get Leia out of the way. Very smart. Might have been more interesting if she was captured or something though.


They really want TFA to get as much exposure as possible before Rogue One, huh? Surprised it's been this quiet for so long.


Probably near the end of the month. Just in time to have it show up in the Captain America: Civil War previews.

I'm actually more excited for the Rogue One trailer than for Civil War at this point.

I'm amazed at how tightly guarded this production has been kept.

Though I can't wait to see Civil War.


2 more fucking days before I finally be able to add Episode VII to my collection.

I really-REALLY want to see how the Han-Solo death was shot ... the reactions. All of it.

Anyway ... what's the main-thread for Episode 7/8 discussion? Because there used to be a ton of threads but they all pulled a Luke.
2 more fucking days before I finally be able to add Episode VII to my collection.

I really-REALLY want to see how the Han-Solo death was shot ... the reactions. All of it.

Anyway ... what's the main-thread for Episode 7/8 discussion? Because there used to be a ton of threads but they all pulled a Luke.

The Episode VIII production's thread the main place for VIII discussion. This is the spoiler thread so if you're averse to those I wouldn't recommend staying here.
We've got costume descriptions!
MakingStarWars said:
Rey’s costume is very much what we saw in The Force Awakens at the very end of the film. She has the grey capri length pants with boots as well as the arm wraps. But her vest from the end of the film is gone and she’s only wearing the off white colored tunic beneath, giving the costume a Luke Skywalker vibe. Her hair is also worn down now. She still wears the gun at her hips she received from Han Solo in The Force Awakens. I think that might be telling about where Rey is at in terms of her training and state.

Luke Skywalker wears a darker costume compared to what we saw in The Force Awakens. This costume is more evocative of his Return of the Jedi clothes in cut and color. His under tunic reminds me of Count Dooku but his very dark grey cape drops over the top of his shoulders and chest like a shawl. This leaves his right arm free but half of his chest covered by the cape. It’s almost similar to the asymmetrical cut of Captain Phasma’s cape, but more like a shawl in the way it cover his chest.

The cool part I kept for this write up is that Luke’s black glove from Return of the Jedi is back on his hand. Luke Skywalker’s tunic is cut the same as Dooku’s but the “skirt” part of the tunic appears to be little closer to the knees than Dooku’s was. The shawl aspect of the cape hangs to the left so he can still fight with his right hand as it drapes to the left.

Getting some great
"old Samurai" vibes
from Luke's attire.


Apparently this is what Daisy's hair looked like last week at the MTV Movie Awards earlier this month so this should give us a reference for how long her hair would be in Episode VIII:


Luke's costume sounds pretty cool but it does make me wonder if maybe old Luke really has gone crazy or something. Dark colors always symbolize the dark side or uncertainty in Star Wars.

edit: Also might as well remind people that it looks like Finn's still in a brown jacket:


Luke's costume sounds pretty cool but it does make me wonder if maybe old Luke really has gone crazy or something. Dark colors always symbolize the dark side or uncertainty in Star Wars.

Really? Just have to be one of those die hards that could not give up the notion that Luke was Kylo or Snoke or the bad guy?
Alot less of you now than before TFA thankfully.


Really? Just have to be one of those die hards that could not give up the notion that Luke was Kylo or Snoke or the bad guy?
Alot less of you now than before TFA thankfully.


Luke wore black in RoJ, though.

Yeah, and he choked Bib Fortuna in the beginning of the movie. The purpose of the black costume in RotJ was to symbolize his potential to turn to the dark side, which is, you know, the tension of his whole story in the movie as Palpatine tries to turn him. And he nearly does so, succumbing to his anger to defeat Vader. But after he gives up his anger and realizes that he does not want to become like his father, the little white flap opens up on his shirt revealing the good in him.


Someone on Tumblr took a stab at sketching Luke and Rey's costumes in Ep VIII and it looks to me like it would be pretty accurate going by the description.

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