Someone, I think Palmer, posted earlier that they suspect at least 1 Hutt player is in the top poster of the thread and I'm inclined to agree.
There probably is, but there are probably more of them lurking in the low-mid part of the table.
So thoughts:
The inexperienced
TheWorthyEdge and exmachina have both been posting a lot, much of which has been flagged as suspicious, and generally leaning on the "i'm inexperienced" defence. As I mentioned before, up to this point, neither of them have done enough to make me vote for them, mostly because I can see a lot of myself in the last game in their questions.
After his breakdown last night I can't see exmachina as Hutt, I just don't see someone with a known team supporting them cracking after two votes. I stick to what I said last night that I think he's most likely a basic rebel unsure about keeping playing.
Now that leaves Worthy seeming slightly more suspicious at this point, mostly because his level of experience seems inconsistent, and also because something feels off in his exmachina vote as I'll mention below.
One of the more interesting things to come out of exmachinas break was seeing who quickly jumped on the the detain train. It was a weird move, definitely worth discussing, but with almost 2 full days still on the clock I don't think there was an urgent need to jump straight to voting for him. I think at least one Hutt will have been in the group that piled in.
The Instigators - Quantum and LoC (and Terra)
I trust Terra right now, for previously discussed reasons.
Quantums reasoning is solid to me, I've had similar thoughts and until all this went down he was on my shortlist (i was actually preparing a post last night when this started to go down about how he has constantly seemed to be following others) but now, as I mention above, I just don't see it as a day 1 Mafia play.
LoC has been quite manipulative. Right now I feel this is just info gathering and could be being played in either direction. I'd rather he was still in the game tomorrow.
The Followers - Blargonaut, Zippedpinhead, Matt Attack, TheWorthyEdge, raindoc, eJawa
likely rebels
Blargonaut is actually discussing the game now! I'm inclined to believe he would have been posting and taking his vote away from himself around now anyway, it made sense to move it to exmachina.
Matt Attack hasn't posted much, but out of the lower post count players his reasoning has always seemed OK to me. It's definitely just a gut reaction but right now I'm inclined to think Rebel.
raindoc I havent had strong feelings about either way, his vote for exmachina seemed a bit more joking. For a poster that hasn't said a whole lot I would have preferred him to have offered some commentary on his choice.
eJawa is the opposite of Matt Attack for me, his posts do make sense but for some reason I have a negative gut feeling so bumped him down to unsure.
Zippedpinhead has posted a moderate amount of times, enough to be noticed anyway, but mostly only commented about Mafia as a game in general and not about specifics to do with this game. It strikes me as the type of play a Hutt would go for in day 1, stay visible, appear knowledgeable, avoid most real discussion.
TheWorthyEdge, damnit, constantly making me change my opinion. Obviously there have been reasons discussed from the start that make him suspicious. I feel his level of experience seems to move all over the place depending whats happening. This post really didn't sit right with me:
Now I'm not saying I was but if he was/is a mafia then
Still don't exactly know but as you've all know I've had my suspicions.
VOTE: exmachina64
Damn. Things certainly took a turn. I'm sad to see this happen because I wanted him to stay with us, but not if he's a Hutt.
The attitude just seems all over the place, almost bragging in the first sentance, sorry to see him go in the last (despite said suspicions). I just dont like it.
There are a couple of others, not involved in this debacle, that I have feelings about and want to consider before voting but this post has already taken too much time