Somethings bothered me since we crashed landed on this Force forsaken planet and its why no one seems to suspect Terrabyte20xx. The arguments for not suspecting him are as simple as why would a Hutt put themselves in the spotlight so early? But as we can clearly see everyone, so far as I can tell, doesnt suspect him at all anymore. His reasoning for doing what he did was to get the game going, I respect that, but as soon as the heat started to come down on him he immediately gives his reasoning instead of letting it build.
He contradicts himself when he's explaining why he did what he did. This doesn't seem to bother anyone else but it does me.
Of course he'd say this if he was a Hutt. As I mentioned earlier as soon as someone voted for him he gave his reasoning. Maybe if I were under the same pressure I'd do that to but it's still suspicious in my eyes.
Something I'd like people who've already made up there minds to consider. I don't make the most compelling arguments though. Moving on to more recent events now...
I don't really see how he contradicts himself. He said that he choose Palmer because he has experience and would therefore be able to defend himself.
Not seeing how the second quote is saying something different. Maybe I am missing something.
LoC seems pretty adamant about Detaining someone on Day 1. Most likely, with the information we have right now, we'd end up Detaining a fellow Rebel. The Hutts are going to kill someone during the Night and it's not going to be one of their own. So if we vote for someone now that'll be two less Rebels the Hutts have to deal with.
Unless we are incredible lucky we will detain a lot of Rebels during this game. This will not change by waiting for day 2 to start voting.