- For lynching Day 1
- Randomly votes Swamped
Reason For Vote:
Assuming we pick a cop by chance: This will force him to role claim. Which makes him a likely target during the night. But we probably have other roles to help us in that case. Someone may be able to protect or watch the cop. Which makes the cop actually an unlikely target for a nightly attack.
- Guesses 3-4 Empire 1-2 Third Party
- Unsure about when Blarg went on his 'funtime'
- 21 posts later he will wait for MattyG's response, and depending on that he will detain Blarg
- Doesn't trust LoC
- Votes OceanicAir (reminded him of when he was mafia)
- Thinks one of the 5 is in Empire:
The Followers - Blargonaut, Zippedpinhead, Matt Attack, TheWorthyEdge, raindoc, eJawa
likely rebels
- Defends TB
- Doesn't think exmachina is Empire
- Says to watch him at night.....
- Very up in the face against Swamped, even though he voted completely random for her in the beginning. Now, this, is odd.
- Borderline asking for a role but in a very vague manner (I now see where Zubz is coming from)
- Voted and the later unvoted exmachina when all exmachina said was "it was a fit of frustration. sarcasm boiiiii!"
- changes vote to zipped due to playing things to close to chest
- Going after exmachina or I depending on who stays alive tonight
- I seem like Pants....wot?
- going off of suspicious activities he votes TB
- Unvotes TB and places vote on me with no explanation at that point
- Says how he feels his inexperience and random voting started to take weight
- Votes no detain and asks how I can get him for me to believe him
- Performs his little stunt and then votes himself stating he was a mafia
- Then says he is not mafia and it was a fit of frustration
- Makes a joke on how him and I messaged each other where he asked me to help him out on how to get back on track
- states that activity has died down so we should start throwing more votes out
- Ways to vote:
So, I see 5 possibilities for my vote:
1. Detain Blargonaut because he's actively hindering my enjoyment of this game. I doubt he's a Hutt, but as I've said before, I don't mind making a suboptimal choice in favor of having fun. This is a game, in the end.
2. Detain Rymuth for low activity. It's too easy for Hutts to skate by if we don't pressure them into posting. We don't want to depend on power roles to root them out. Why Rymuth over Quantum? I agree about WorthyEdge seeming a bit suspicious, but otherwise, he's been a bit erratic.
3. Detain QuantumBro for low activity. Why him over Rymuth? His only post of note is advocating we lynch inactives, which I strongly agree with. Some bias from last game makes me favor him as well.
4. No detain. I haven't actually been swayed into thinking we HAVE to lynch Day 1. It certainly feels like I'll be outnumbered though.
5. Detain a person I feel is acting particularly suspicious. It's fucking Day 1. You'd have to parade around with a slave girl on a leash for me to have any strong feelings about you being a Hutt at this point.
For now:
Vote: No Detain
- My posts become to 'middle of the pack' votes me
- Honestly didn't expect No Detain votes so early...........huh?
- wants the game to run long
- Thinks there's a mafia in:
Matt Attack
- Anyone with less than 10 posts is worrisome, though he votes top poster
- Says Day 1 is too early to vote based off of post count. Wait...didn't you...?
- Thinks voting zip is a mistake, but think's he could be in the group above
- Looks at Barrylocke
- Doesn't like it when redhood says he isn't voting
- Votes: no detain
- Votes: Setre
Everybody except Traube, I think is highly suspicious, especially now that I look at it, Palmer. I put Traube in there because I initially planned on going through everyone, and had already done his first because for some reason TB's name wouldn't come up through search, and I thought why not just leave him here.