Johhny, please tiebreak so I don't have to
Worthy if you die tonight will we confirm a player as rebel tomorrow? Is it in your info? Yes / no.
Not even gonna lie, this shit has been exciting. I'm definitely on Team Day 1 Lynch now. I don't even care if i die tonight, this has been fun.
It's nothing personal TWE. I can't tell if you're legit mad or what.
Not even gonna lie, this shit has been exciting. I'm definitely on Team Day 1 Lynch now. I don't even care if i die tonight, this has been fun.
It's nothing personal TWE. I can't tell if you're legit mad or what.
You know who this person is right now? yes / no
So why wouldn't you just give us this information? It gives Town a player to organize around, which is very helpful. Sure, they also become a Hutt target, but again, that gives Town power! One Watcher could quickly catch a mafia that way/ Doc protects them. Etc.
Masons usually confirm day 1, lovers do not.
Masons usually confirm day 1, lovers do not.
So why wouldn't you just give us this information? It gives Town a player to organize around, which is very helpful. Sure, they also become a Hutt target, but again, that gives Town power! One Watcher could quickly catch a mafia that way/ Doc protects them. Etc.
Agreed, best first day ever!
This last hour certainly ramped things up quite a bit.
Also usually mason's partner flips [REDACTED] fyi, which is why I asked worthy if matty confirmed it would be there. worthy did answer me.
Also worth remembering that this is themed and roles wont necessarily fit directly into either lover or mason.
That said this is screaming robotninjahornets. especially since neither partner will claim.
Explain a watcher.
I'm happy to be apart of a first night that will be regarded as the best Haha
Also worth remembering that this is themed and roles wont necessarily fit directly into either lover or mason.
That said this is screaming robotninjahornets. especially since neither partner will claim.
What is robotninjahornets?
Also usually mason's partner flips [REDACTED] fyi, which is why I asked worthy if matty confirmed it would be there. worthy did answer me.
Worthy anything?
LoC are you around still?
So fuckin' vote for him, Johnny!
RNH is a mafia player from last game who made a bullshit last minute claim that fooled a few players and prevented his lynching
Ask me about the MattyG thing again? BTW, how many minutes we got? 5?
Time remaining in the current day phase:
Current votes (18)
12 votes are needed for a majority descision
Names with astrikevoted and then unvoted
No Detain (2)
exmachina64 (7)
Lord of Castamere
Matt Attack
Lord of Castamere
TheWorthyEdge (5)
Lord of Castamere
Zippedpinhead (4)
Matt Attack
Lord of Castamere
redhood56 (1)
Rymuth (1)
OceanicAir (1)
Lord of Castamere (1)
setre (0)
raindoc (0)
Blargonaut (0)
CzarTim (0)
Lord of Castamere
swamped (0)
Lord of Castamere
Zubz (0)
Palmer_v1 (0)
Terrabyte20xx (0)
Has matty confirmed your partner's name will be revealed when you die or are you guessing?
A common limitation to guardian roles are that they can't protect the same guy twice.
You assume we have a guardian. Remember we had no cop last game, despite that being an incredibly common and normal role.
I find your lack of faith disturbing
So the identity of a Rebel is in your role info... intriguing.
However, you could just as easily be a malicious third-party mercenary or Hutt with a verified Rebel target that you yourself can't directly kill, but must force others to do your dirty work to win.
Also, you stated your "yes" right after Mr. Castamere so kindly levied the blood tide away from your shores, with his swaying vote for exmachina. any possible secret guardian role amongst us, I think it would be worth protecting Mr. Edge in the mean-time. If he dies now and the Rebel in his role message is revealed publicly to the crew, it could be very bad for him/her as well as our cause. By allowing Edge to survive, even if he is a Hutt, I don't know blah blah blah
^^^DISCLAIMER: This is all last-minute panicked conjecture taken out of my butt.
Final thought is that I'm not changing my vote. I don't think either is Hutt and I don't want to risk tying this up at the last minute.
exmachina64 said:No hard feelings, guys. Sorry for fucking it up. Good luck catching the Hutts.
You are a Rebel Armourer.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
Once per night phase, you may send a blaster or a personal energy shield to one player. To do so, PM me the command BLASTER: MattyG or SHIELD: MattyG. The blaster may be used by the owner one time to kill another player, while the shield will protect the owner once from any form of death (aside from lynching). Players who have already received an item may not receive another.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
As the twin suns rise on Tatooine, it becomes clear to the remaining survivors that all is not well.
A scream is heard nearby... a body has been discovered near the survivors' makeshift camp.
Lord of Castamere is lying face first in the rough and coarse Tatooine sand with a vibroblade lodged between his shoulder blades.
MattyG said:Welcome!
You are a Trigger-happy Rebel.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
Youve never seen combat before, but your fear of the enemy and lack of judgement have led you to accidentally fire your weapon during countless training exercises. Once per game, you may kill a player during the night phase. To do so, private message me the command KILL: MattyG.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
Just when the group is beginning to process the brutal scene before them, another member of the group stumbles across the camp. "You all need to see this. Immediately".
For the second time in a single morning, the group came upon a dead body. Only this time, something was different.
Swamped lay flat on their back with a single blaster wound to the chest. The most interesting detail, however, is the holorecorder still clutched in their hand, playing a single message repeatedly. It shows a finely dressed officer spouting orders with an unmistakeable insignia appearing in the interim between loops:
MattyG said:Welcome!
You are an Undercover Imperial.
You are aligned with the Hutt Mob.
The Emperor may have entrusted the Hutt Mob with the elimination of the Rebel squadron, but his faith in them is not absolute. He has sent you and REDACTED to ensure their success. The only problem is that the Mob changed their agents at the last moment, so you who have no idea who the secret Hutt Mob agents are. The Hutt Mob do know that there are two Undercover Imperials - but they don't know who you are either. Your only power is voting, so you will need to work to a Hutt Mob victory by helping lynch town, and by managing to appear suspicious enough the Hutt Mob don't want to kill you by mistake while at the same time not appearing so suspicious that the Rebels lynch you!
You win when Hutt Mob-aligned players are at least half of the remaining players.