@Palmer does your role imply another neutral role aside from you?
Rymuth (was he prodded?)
I know Blarg reached majority before deadline, but these people did not vote at all yesterday:
Matt Attack
Rymuth (was he prodded?)
I didn't vote yesterday because I didn't want to got blarg, but I knew he was the only solid lead we had. I was conflicted!
Now the people I am most suspicious of are both still alive, but now with Terrabyte dead, I'm not sure who to vote for first. we've had multiple different types of trackers before, so it's not unreasonable, but it's also possible he is a Hutt aligned tracker to suss out rebels owed roles.
The interesting thing is that he may well have managed to buy himself at least an extra night until Palmer dropped his him or me stuff which caused a flurry of votes and should probably be the kick off point for todays investigations.
I know Blarg reached majority before deadline, but these people did not vote at all yesterday:
I know Blarg reached majority before deadline, but these people did not vote at all yesterday:
Matt Attack
Rymuth (was he prodded?)
Whats the flavor text of my role?
Im the only remaining officer in the group. Its my job to keep everyone safe but remain vigilant in finding the Hutts. Once a night I get to watch someone and get a report back on suspicious activity. I win when no Hutt players are left.
I am an Ordinary Rebel which means the only power I can have is to vote.
You are an Ordinary Rebel.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
You have no abilities other than voting.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
You are an Undercover Imperial.
You are aligned with the Hutt Mob.
The Emperor may have entrusted the Hutt Mob with the elimination of the Rebel squadron, but his faith in them is not absolute. He has sent you and REDACTED to ensure their success. The only problem is that the Mob changed their agents at the last moment, so you who have no idea who the secret Hutt Mob agents are. The Hutt Mob do know that there are two Undercover Imperials - but they don't know who you are either. Your only power is voting, so you will need to work to a Hutt Mob victory by helping lynch town, and by managing to appear suspicious enough the Hutt Mob don't want to kill you by mistake while at the same time not appearing so suspicious that the Rebels lynch you!
You win when Hutt Mob-aligned players are at least half of the remaining players.
That seems like it's something taken from the description from an ordinary rebel
but its actually a lot closer to the description of the undercover imperial
If there is a more persuasive reason that people have for believing him i'm open to hearing it but for now:
VOTE: redhood56
That seems like it's something taken from the description from an ordinary rebel
but its actually a lot closer to the description of the undercover imperial
If there is a more persuasive reason that people have for believing him i'm open to hearing it but for now:
VOTE: redhood56
How do we even know he gave a shield out? For all we know he may not even have a shield or gun at all simply just saying that he needs the person who received it to be quiet when in reality there was no one?
At the moment I think Quantumbro is the second Agent. First he role claims and on the second day he warns us about a thief to keep the player who received the shield quiet about it. Quite convenient for him.
How do we even know he gave a shield out? For all we know he may not even have a shield or gun at all simply just saying that he needs the person who received it to be quiet when in reality there was no one?
I'm kind of reluctant to comment on this but since the discussion is heading that way it's going to be inevitable.
I don't think he is undercover. If he is then why would he first say he is a very strong Rebel role (making him a target), and then the next day say he has lost the one bit of protection that he had from a night time kill?
So he's fully Imperial or he's telling the truth in my opinion. I'm still not convinced but I don't think he's undercover.
Ummm... this is getting good.
How do we even know he gave a shield out? For all we know he may not even have a shield or gun at all simply just saying that he needs the person who received it to be quiet when in reality there was no one?
Sorry to keep asking questions, but I want to be 100% clear here: When you say "watch someone and get a report back on suspicious activity" do you mean activity they do or activity done to them? Because you sound more like a watcher based on the flavor. If it's unclear can you PM matty and ask him to clarify?
If you are a watcher you should be watching the person you think will be killed, not the most suspicious.
So MattyG said my role is more akin to the Motion Detecor.
I believe I am the first person to reveal as an ordinary rebel. I couldn't copy the flavor test but my post sounding closer to an undercover imperial was completely coincidental.The thing that swung me towards trusting Setre yesterday was the fact the he described himself as the 'last' rebel officer. It's a small detail but it's an oddly specific (or incredibly smartly manipulative) thing to have made up.
Aside from Rymuth, who was completely inactive, I don't think I'd judge people for not voting as long as they were talking yesterday. The day ended pretty suddenly, so I can see how people who were holding out/indecisive wouldn't have gotten time to put a vote in.
A couple of people have mentioned how much they trust redhood, based on only his first 3/4 posts and I really can't see what in those posts makes him trustworthy. The closest thing I can find is where he states:
That seems like it's something taken from the description from an ordinary rebel
but its actually a lot closer to the description of the undercover imperial
If there is a more persuasive reason that people have for believing him i'm open to hearing it but for now:
VOTE: redhood56
I believe I am the first person to reveal as an ordinary rebel. I couldn't copy the flavor test but my post sounding closer to an undercover imperial was completely coincidental.
I do think that it would be much more stupid to paint yourself as such a target if you have a power (or neutral) role. If I was to guess he's just an ordinary Rebel trying to spice up the game, with an outside chance that he's a mobster taking a "theres no way a mobster would be this crazy" approach.
I see my bad.You may have been the first person to claim being an ordinary rebel, but you weren't the first to use that term. That would be johnnyquicknives.
Quantum: what was the message you got for your shield disappearing? What is definitively stolen instead of used up, perhaps? (i.e., someone tried to kill you last night?)
As the twin suns set on the horizon, you decide to head back to your shelter. Suddenly, you hear cloth whipping in the wind. A cloaked figure sprints at you, and knocks you to the ground.
You brace yourself for the killing blow... but it never comes. The figure has fled into the night.
When you return to your shelter to settle in, you realize that your personal energy shield is no longer on your person. The cloaked figure must have nicked it from you!
You are no longer in posession of your shield.
You may have been the first person to claim being an ordinary rebel, but you weren't the first to use that term. That would be johnnyquicknives.
That seems like it's something taken from the description from an ordinary rebel
but its actually a lot closer to the description of the undercover imperial
If there is a more persuasive reason that people have for believing him i'm open to hearing it but for now:
VOTE: redhood56
Oh of course the AC thread gets a kill-less night. Those fuckin' guys.
Now I could be misreading this, but I think it's alluding to a thief since the shield didn't break, but was stolen from me. That's why I warned against revealing who got the shield last night. I continue to warn the person against revealing their identity, since the only person that action serves to help, is myself, by confirming the existence of my role and the thief.
Weird. However, wouldn't it be good if someone outed themselves as having the shield, since only the Thief could have one at the moment?
Only a quickie:
1) Wtf Blarg!?
2) QB - "You're looking suspicious" is an understatement.
3) Is there any point in keeping neutrals around?
more tomorrow.
Neutrals give us votes if it helps them meet their win conditions, too. However, they might have their own win conditions, so some clarity'd be nice.
He did. If we believe him, or rather, if he's telling the truth, Palmer is basically on our side. If we lose, he also loses.
But that makes me wonder, which win condition takes precedence? Or is it possible for not the rebels and his neutral character to win?
I can trust him, Palmer brings a lot of insight to our side. But until I have a better handle on what his end game is, I'm leery. I agree with you on one thing, right now he is better alive than dead.
He did. If we believe him, or rather, if he's telling the truth, Palmer is basically on our side. If we lose, he also loses.
Matty are we getting a replacement for Rymuth?
BTW contributing doesn't mean making posts, it means having opinions on who you think is town or scum. We very likely could have 4 hutts left (at least) and it's day 3 of this game. Surely everyone has SOME opinion on everyone else. Of course some of those opinions will be hilariously wrong, but posting your opinions helps others get a good read on you and helps town form opinions.
A lot of filler content I've read is just people reiterating things that happen with limited commentary. It's very easy for mafia to get by with just "Gee golly, a lot is going on. What's up with all that?" and never actually stating anything definitive.