Interesting and peculiar doesn't mean suspicious, and can stimulate discussion. I think what TB tried to do was a good move but the way he ended up wording his follow up posts confused the issue and threw the focus away from Palmer and onto him. Maybe not the intended outcome, but it still served a purpose. I'm sure he knew when doing it that there was a risk it would turn on him, and it seems unlikely a mobster would take that risk. I mean there is always the chance that it's an incredibly ballsy move to try and build credibility/trust on day 1 but it just seems like too big a risk too early in the game for a mobster play to me.
It also seems like the type of play that the whole mob would want to discuss before actually putting it into effect and TB made that post pretty quickly after the PMs went out.
For your first point: Sometimes someone will post something that just doesn't feel right to me, and when theres little solid info to work with gut feelings are hard to shake and as a good a guide as anything.
Basing votes on previous games seems a bit unfair on the new players but, for the early days, my feeling is I want to keep in players that are likely to be engaged with the game and post useful content, most of the returning players have already demonstrated that. It's not to do with time played either, Barry went out first in the last game, but even in that short time I feel his posts contributed more than people who lasted longer.
Understood. These are the posts I like. Interesting, thought provoking, and helpful. In that case then I think TB should be safe. If we do vote random then we have a chance of bringing out a role or Hutt.