I get it, I do. But if we're going to randomly start out choosing someone why not do it with actual randomness? There are 23 of us it's not hard to put that number into a random number generator and post a screen cap of the number that pops up.
A Hutt could fake the number generation and post a screenshot of a person they're targeting.
Yes, but who are we going to trust to generate the number? You? I don't suspect you, but I am 100% against letting a potential Hutt determine who we detain under the guise of randomness.They could buy why would they at this point unless it targets one of them and if they object, well that makes that person suspicious doesn't it? I'm not saying we use this the entire time when we're unsure I'm simply suggesting we use it now, for the first day only.
Yes, but who are we going to trust to generate the number? You? I don't suspect you, but I am 100% against letting a potential Hutt determine who we detain under the guise of randomness.
Yes, but who are we going to trust to generate the number? You? I don't suspect you, but I am 100% against letting a potential Hutt determine who we detain under the guise of randomness.
I'm sure he knew when doing it that there was a risk it would turn on him, and it seems unlikely a mobster would take that risk. I mean there is always the chance that it's an incredibly ballsy move to try and build credibility/trust on day 1 but it just seems like too big a risk too early in the game for a mobster play to me.
My post was very tongue in cheek. It's not always that you actually want to see the random person detained, it's that you want to see them, and others, react. The only way that that will really work is if theres the genuine threat of being detained. If we choose a random number and all agree to go with it we learn nothing from the discussions.
Like LoC said above the way we will catch people is by noticing slips, inconsistencies and eventually collusions. The more we talk the better it is for the Rebels.
Do the Hutts know who their fellow Hutts are?
My guess is 3-4 Empire and 1-2 3rd Party.
This is Tatooine, so there's gotta be a bounty hunter of some sort. They could work for the hutts or be neutral with own goal.
Part of me thinks there's two. 1 sided with hutts and one sided with no one.
Part of me thinks there's two. 1 sided with hutts and one sided with no one.
Why do you think that, out of curiosity?
Yeah, I don't know but I thought it would be pretty cool
I kind of see the opposite. As we have seen, talky people tend to get murdered early on. So either he was willingly taking a huge risk to get the game going, or he knows he wouldn't be murdered by the hutts for speaking up.
I admit to wanting to make you my first vote due to you muddying the water a bit...but you're right about one thing, I shouldn't be so hasty. I will not be some Nerf that gets herded by someone like...like a Herder.
But I'm keeping an eye on you.
Looking at the three players with the fewest posts:
This is Rymuth's only post and it's super weird. He doesn't post at all during the TB thing, but then comes in after to say "I was going to vote for you -- but I won't -- but I may!" This isn't contributing at all.
Vote: Rymuth
I'd like you to contribute more if you want me to move my vote. Who should we vote and why?
Zubz hasn't posted at all since the game officially started. And Matt Attack says he has spotty wifi, which is ok for now.
Looking at the three players with the fewest posts:
This is Rymuth's only post and it's super weird. He doesn't post at all during the TB thing, but then comes in after to say "I was going to vote for you -- but I won't -- but I may!" This isn't contributing at all.
Vote: Rymuth
I'd like you to contribute more if you want me to move my vote. Who should we vote and why?
Zubz hasn't posted at all since the game officially started. And Matt Attack says he has spotty wifi, which is ok for now.
Zubz is the most inactive. His only post is a pre-game joke.
All this talk of necessary evil and cold murder; the day is young, the suns are out, let's LIVE a little you bastards
Look I made a sand castle!
I used my water ration
Zubz is the most inactive. His only post is a pre-game joke.
Unvote: Swamped
Vote: Zubz
I think this is a bad vote right now. I'd like Zub to at least have a chance to come online today.
I'm specifically voting Rymuth because I think his one post is not helpful, and I'd like to hear from him
Yeah, I agree and I want to wait even later. We have until Wednesday to make a decision.Let's wait until Monday before going after inactives.
Are you stalking me? I just got out of that thread. XDHow could you? Don't you know there's a drought going on?
#wakeuptatooine #droughtshaming
Hey guys! Sorry, I was just scavenging those sweet, sweet Tatooine Berries... Which apparently do not exist. Go figure. (I actually had a busy day all day, and was out last night when Matty sent the roles out).
Anyway, after catching up, I'm seeing a lot of hostility here over nothing. I'm personally a "No Need to Detain Day 1" kind of player, so unless someone's really standing out to me, I'm not going to jump on anyone.Not even Barrylocke
Based on the popular votes, I don't distrust Worthy, even with that nomination for me. I'll admit, Terrabyte seems like he's going off on his own agenda, but I don't think he's on the Empire side. Honestly, I'm cool with all of you right now. But yeah, I'm alive, I was just busy for the past 24 hours.
How could you? Don't you know there's a drought going on?
#wakeuptatooine #droughtshaming
Water we gonna do with you? baduhmtshIt's fiiiine, I did some scouting and found an abandoned moisture farm nearby, near-full tanks and everything
Tastes like ashes though
It's fiiiine, I did some scouting and found an abandoned moisture farm nearby, near-full tanks and everything
Tastes like ashes though
It's fiiiine, I did some scouting and found an abandoned moisture farm nearby, near-full tanks and everything
Tastes like ashes though
You want to comment on the game alongside any of your flavour text? You've made a few posts now without getting involved in the game at all. Keeping visible without really saying anything is always a bit suspicious in my eyes.
You want to comment on the game alongside any of your flavour text? You've made a few posts now without getting involved in the game at all. Keeping visible without really saying anything is always a bit suspicious in my eyes.
...For all we know, everything (s)he's saying is just as important as an accusation!...
I feel like all of these "tells" are flimsy. Baseless accusations come off as bullying to me, although I recognize that it can be a tool in getting people to divulge information. I am going to focus on detecting inconsistencies in player stories, not character judgments.