Vote: Palmer_v1
I am following raindoc for once. At least he can't blame me for this mess tomorrow.
Due to Traube's override ability, Barrylocke, the Ordinary Rebel was lynched.
Mafia are assholes. Should have mercy killed raindoc.
raindoc is Palmer's lynchee...or at least who Palmer wants us to think is his lynchee.
these protected players are called Unlynchees; the fact that they are Unlynchees is hidden from them
During the night someone placed a holo projector in my shelter with this message:
BLARG: Palmer is neutral
Just noticed there is more to the message:
"Anyone who gets my message and dies on same day can send ME message next day // BLARG: Palmer is neutral"
Don't think it is really helping us.
i don't get it - are they trying to make us lynch traube or palmer?Oh I see what that message is doing. Nice try Hutts, not falling for it.
i don't get it - are they trying to make us lynch traube or palmer?
Setre. If blarg investigated Palmer night one Setre has to be lying about his role.
If someone wants to come forward and claim the message power so we can hold someone accountable, I'll buy it.
Speaking of, Setre who did you look at last night?
maybe he did, but the "medium" didn't get it - after all it's Blargh we're talking about.Ah, seems like maybe someone can talk to the dead? Interesting. Its too bad he didnt communicate something we didnt know. His report from that night would have been useful.
Speaking of, Setre who did you look at last night?
Just noticed there is more to the message:
"Anyone who gets my message and dies on same day can send ME message next day // BLARG: Palmer is neutral"
Don't think it is really helping us.
Who I investigated performed some suspicious activity during the Night. If you guys want me to go ahead and say who I will but if you want me to hold off for a couple IRL days I'll do that too.
Are you sure they performed it? Remember your role triggers both ways. Did the PM specify they performed it?
PM didn't say they performed it. Just said I observed it.
Tell us now. I still don't trust you and it is easier for you craft a story if you wait for everybody to report what happened to them at night.Who I investigated performed some suspicious activity during the Night. If you guys want me to go ahead and say who I will but if you want me to hold off for a couple IRL days I'll do that too.
Ooooooh. I get it now. That's super devious. Just thinking out loud here... there are two possible truths:
1. the message is LYING -> Setre is NOT lying and Palmer is Hutt-aligned.
2. the message is TRUE -> Setre is LYING and Palmer is Neutral.
Am I deducting it right?
Personally, I think maybe we can't trust this message, so Palmer has just gotten more suspicious in my book.
oh, wait a minute. after rereading the message a few times, i think traube is right and the message doesn't actually mean anything since we already know that palmer claims he is a neutral.
parsing the message, i think the first part of the message is only an explanation of the mechanic of the delivery of the message, i.e. the "Anyone who gets my message and dies on same day can send ME message next day" can be disregarded.
that leaves the message only as blarg's declaration that palmer is neutral.... which we already knew.
so it doesnt even actually insinuate on setre ...
typing things out help me think things through. sorry for the multiple posts!
im on mobile as well right now, but im trying to go back and scour the thread for setre's posts. its a bit of a pain though.
Setre's role sees if his target performs an action or if someone performs an action on them, but not who else was involved or what the actions were. Setre checked Palmer night one and claimed no activity. The message is implying blarg looked at Palmer night one, which contradicts Setre's claim. You are right about 2, but 1 does not necessarily mean Palmer is a Hutt.
Hold off just a tad so we can get more input, but if you looked at any of these people I don't think there's a reason to hold back:
Tell us now. I still don't trust you and it is easier for you craft a story if you wait for everybody to report what happened to them at night.
Who I investigated performed some suspicious activity during the Night. If you guys want me to go ahead and say who I will but if you want me to hold off for a couple IRL days I'll do that too.
look above your post...Say who! I want to know as well! There is no reason to put off telling us!
I was visited last night. I think saying by whom would be a mistake.
So if we take you at your word that means there's a power role among us who visits people at night? For what purpose? Did they give you anything?
Well the hutts already know who visited makai last night. Setre said they did.Hang on a sec - assuming Makai isn't lying and there's another power role out there that is pro town, would we want the Hutts to know?
Makai, don't post anything for now - We need more opinions here, where is everyone?
Well the hutts already know who visited makai last night. Setre said they did.
Oh and @OceanicAir: Last day I thought his role claim seemed sincere.
But after some thinking there is good chance he is the Thief. Would explain why he has a shield.
Oh for God's sake traube! There's a good chance anybody could be the thief, well, besides you since we've already seen yours. Besides why would I bother to have the person who received the shield keep it to themselves in all of the chaos if I was the thief? I told you, I came here with a shield and I can also confirm that there is a thief around since (surprise, surprise!) it was stolen.
Makai, don't post anything for now - We need more opinions here, where is everyone?
Oh for God's sake traube! There's a good chance anybody could be the thief, well, besides you since we've already seen yours. Besides why would I bother to have the person who received the shield keep it to themselves in all of the chaos if I was the thief? I told you, I came here with a shield and I can also confirm that there is a thief around since (surprise, surprise!) it was stolen.
My bad. Misunderstood makai when he said he was visited I thought it alreted him that Setre watched him. My bad.huh?
To me, it being stolen is a HUGE surprise. You're lying.
Guess one of you two is lying?
To me, it being stolen is a HUGE surprise. You're lying.
Okie Dokie!
I investigated Makai and observed suspicious activity.![]()
Hang on a sec - assuming Makai isn't lying and there's another power role out there that is pro town, would we want the Hutts to know?
Makai, don't post anything for now - We need more opinions here, where is everyone?
Makai is an interesting choice both to monitor and to receive another visitor though.
Setre why did you choose him?
I'd also like to clarify something about the time limit and votes:
I will count any votes up to the buzzer, but not after - and I use GAF's timestamp on the posts.
So last voting round ended at 2:00PM - I counted some votes that show on the post they were submitted at 2:00PM on the dot, but I can't count votes on 2:01 or after.
Obviously, convert the hour mark to your proper timezone (GAF probably does it automatically), but we'll use the minute mark on GAF posts as the objective measure.
Sorry. But how does your Power work again, Setre? Do you see if one or more players are targeting another player (the one you are targeting) or do you see if a player (the one you are targeting) uses an action?
I pick someone to Observe during the night. I get a message back saying there was, or wasn't suspicious activity.
Now that I'm looking at my PMs, and this may mean nothing, the messages for Palmer and eJawa are slightly different.
For Palmer I got:
No suspicious activity.
For eJawa I got:
No suspicious activity from eJawa.
Don't know if this means anything or not. I'm assuming it doesn't and MattyG changed his mind on how he wanted to present me my information.
For Makai:
Observed suspicious activity.
More like the Palmer report, doesn't mention Makai by name.
Please clarify if this was intentional or accidental with Matty.