Of course Johnny's vote still counts. His story could be made up.
So why would you still be in the game if your win condition was met last night? Shouldn't MattyG have announced your victory and removed you from the game when the day started? Why wait till the end of the day? Could it be that you real goal is to get OceanicAir detained?
May be far fetched. But we should consider it.
Well, congratz Johnny... I thought you were a Hutt, welp.
Oh man. My poor brain.
(What's confusing me a bit is why OA would lie about getting his shield stolen? what purpose would that serve?)
The reason I wasn't in a rush was because Matt Attack and AbsolutBro have not posted in this day cycle yet.
So why would you still be in the game if your win condition was met last night? Shouldn't MattyG have announced your victory and removed you from the game when the day started? Why wait till the end of the day? Could it be that you real goal is to get OceanicAir detained?
May be far fetched. But we should consider it.
Fake the Mafia into wasting a night trying to kill him. Prevent the thief from ACTUALLY stealing his shield.
It would be 9 votes for today.I PM'd MattyG to verify what we need for a majority vote today. 8 or 9 votes.
Let me rephrase: Assuming he's a Hutt, what purpose could that lie serve?
Gahhhh, I can understand why people get so upset when people don't believe them. I was robbed last night, I can see why they might have targeted johnny last night since he was one of the people most considered to be town. I said before, maybe they wanted to go after a hidden shield before going after mine, no idea but don't act like it's not a possibility (that's even if he's telling the truth). While bluffing might have been a great plan, it would be rather dumb for me nearly lynched and then get caught in a lie and say I was bluffing. Again this bandwagon has grown rather quickly by people who just nod their head with what one or two people are saying without adding much themselves.
It would be 9 votes for today.
So why would you still be in the game if your win condition was met last night? Shouldn't MattyG have announced your victory and removed you from the game when the day started? Why wait till the end of the day? Could it be that you real goal is to get OceanicAir detained?
May be far fetched. But we should consider it.
I think technically I didn't win until we discovered Quantum this morning. My vote would count today but I'm not going to use it.
I think technically I didn't win until we discovered Quantum this morning. My vote would count today but I'm not going to use it.
You understand why I have to doubt you, right? It's nothing personal.
Does your PM specify the number of armorers?
Keep in mind, if Jonny is telling the truth and he leaves the game tonight, that is one less non-hutt role. That means potentially losing 3 non-hutts tonight.
Ok, thanks Johnny.
I think Johnny is telling the truth. If OA is telling the truth it means the thief hits johhny last night, which is possible but unlikely imo. But I guess we can wait a day to be sure.
Palmer, re: ejawa. Are you thinking he's a main Hutt or an IA? Because Setre cleared him night 2. I do not think we have 6 hutts and 2 3p, I'm thinking 2 IA and 3 main hutts with night actions.
(What's confusing me a bit is why OA would lie about getting his shield stolen? what purpose would that serve?)
That's a good point. The thief is most likely on the Hutt side. If OceanicAir is Hutt he should know who the thief targeted during the night. Lying about being targeted by the thief would be risky. Because the real target could call him out on his lie.
Would be cool if OceanicAir tried to steal from Johnny and ending up stealing from himself.![]()
Vote: johnnyquicknives
If he is telling the truth he'd be leaving the game anyway.
I do not think we can afford to kill OA today. If johnny wins somehow overnight, than that's cool cause it verifies everything and we can kill OA tomorrow.
If Johnny and OA are both still around tomorrow, we've got some more insanity on our hands to deal with.
Vote: johnnyquicknives
If he is telling the truth he'd be leaving the game anyway.
Yup. I think we'll learn a lot more leaving those two alone. Keeping in mind what we've learned, I think Makai would not be a terrible choice for detainment. Setre's report of suspicious behavior and a last-minute defense that didn't do much to convince me, although it does me pretty curious to see what his detainment would reveal- there seem to be a lot of possible scenarios as to what the suspicious behavior involved, and this would be one first step to reaching the truth.
Undercover Imperial would make MORE sense to me than a Hutt, but either is possible. I'm inclined to think there were only 5 actual Hutts at the start, and we're down to 4. Johnny, if he's telling the truth, is sort of an anti-town role. He MIGHT be the balancing Neutral counterpart to me.
I'm not gonna lie, I did wonder what would happen if we detained Johnny today. If this was a friendlier game with people I knew, I would definitely be trying to detain him for the laughs.
Punish him for his hubris!
Whack him right in front of the finishing line?
Tempting... but not helping our cause at all and these games take too long for that kind of bullshitery.
I agree with the people posting that we should spare OA, if only for today.
And once more I have to ask you for a better reason to follow your vote than "trust me". Why eJawa?
Well, he's low activity, which is always a reason for me to lynch. He's had numerous bandwagon votes, and other than makai, hasn't posted much about why he votes for who he does. Fairly certain he's voted to detain Rebels every time so far. Not sure where he landed at the end of yesterday. It just feels like enough activity to not get prodded, but without ever contributing. It would also serve to semi-confirm Setre.
you know my answer to that, right?
i'll be honest, I don't know what to think anymore. I was very suspicous of you being SK for the wrong reasons, but your defence reinforced that. Hutts (probably) targeting you doesn't clear you of that, but with no double NKs (except for LoC - again probably) so far... even I wouldn't play SK in such a defensive way. I'll let you of the hook for now, since I don't believe in a SK anymore (pretty imbalanced game with no 2nd party that kills during the night, don't you think?)
I've also been suspicious of Johnny, as already mentioned... and now this.
Left on my list of "I've got a bad feeling about..." is Czar, based solely on similarities to my usual playstyle as Mafia - as actively as possible, always engaging. Keeping people busy.
I don't want to vote based on that alone.
Your presented argument against eJawa is about as compelling as my suspicion of CzarTim, so I'm not really eager to vote for him, not to just speed things up.
Patience is a virtue - and I'll have to sleep about this.
you know my answer to that, right?
i'll be honest, I don't know what to think anymore. I was very suspicous of you being SK for the wrong reasons, but your defence reinforced that. Hutts (probably) targeting you doesn't clear you of that, but with no double NKs (except for LoC - again probably) so far... even I wouldn't play SK in such a defensive way. I'll let you of the hook for now.
I've also been suspicious of Johnny, as already mentioned... and now this.
Left on my list of "I've got a bad feeling about..." is Czar, based solely on similarities to my usual playstyle as Mafia - as actively as possible, always engaging. Keeping people busy.
I don't want to vote based on that alone.
Your presented argument against eJawa is about as compelling as my suspicion of CzarTim, so I'm not really eager to vote for him, not to just speed things up.
Patience is a virtue - and I'll have to sleep about this.
We're just at a weird point in the game. We have 1 clear action, which is to leave Johnny and OA alone.
Someone else we shouldn't let off the hook too easily is our replacement, YesNo(I'm not spelling out his full name). He could be the other imperial, and so far, he's only made a few vague posts with nothing really concrete. At some point, we need to know where he really stands if we want to get a read off him.
Sorry I am so late today, but congrats johnny. You have my interest palmer, but I am not ready to follow you just yet, that almost got me killed yesterday.
Welp, we might as well go 3 for 3.
My role is Ordinary Hutt
Actually I believe Makai had more votes than me. I had a very busy day, but yesterdays bandwagon doesn't phase me.[
agreed. we must not forget about him, but atm we probably should focus on the guys that have shown at least some activity:
i'm tired and it's got not much more substance than other "feels", but after escaping death only due to traube's intervention the other day, you certainly took some time to check in today.
Firstly, you can detain me if you like, my win condition has already been met. I'll happily sit smuggly victorious in a jail cell
Secondly, thinking about shields and thieves.
A lot of the discussion on night 2 was based on protecting Worthy and Zubz. If (and I still think its a very outside chance) the thief did target me last night instead of them I would definitely question why?
Also where is worthy?
First of all if you did get the Shield, say you got it. Quantum obviously knows there is a thief out there and probably knows who it is. If he's telling the truth he would tell us and we would be able to block the thief, and kill them. No?
It just feels like enough activity to not get prodded, but without ever contributing. It would also serve to semi-confirm Setre.
I also have a personal theory it may confirm. I don't have anything specific, I'm just asking that if you find him suspicious anyway, let's vote him now while we await results on OA. If you don't find him suspicious, than stick to your own guns. I don't want a bandwagon here. I could easily be wrong.
That said, I do kind of want this day to end quickly so we can get Johnny and OA resolved.