Have you been paying attention the last two days? Rebels are losing because we are playing with our hands face up. I'm not revealing shit.So if we take you at your word that means there's a power role among us who visits people at night? For what purpose? Did they give you anything?
I was at my computer, but I needed to get back to work. I had spent way too much time participating in the thread on-the-clock. I fully expected to die, so I just made a joke and gave my farewell. I don't think I would have shifted my vote if I shirked my job and kept posting. I had good reason to vote for Palmer. Redhood and Barrylocke were just last-minute scrambles.Makai was almost voted out during Day 3 (I think it was day 3, we're on 4 now right?). His defense was a "joke" post saying he was an Ordinary Hutt with a secret message when you quoted him saying he's just a regular Rebel and doesn't know jack.
Once the heat was off of him he got the Hell out of Dodge and didn't post again until the beginning of Day 4. Just seems off to me, why not chime in while that insanity was going down and cast a vote for either Barry or redhood?
Makai could have been out and away from his computer, with friends and didn't want to check the forum, or whatever. Or he could have been laying low after the heat was off so as not to draw attention back on himself. Which makes sense if he is an ordinary Rebel...or Hutt.
Anyway, that's why I chose him. My own reasoning that probably makes no since to anyone else but me.
P.S. traube jokingly claimed Hutt right before I did. Just thought that was a funny coincidence.