After Johnnyquicknives' daring escape, the group is understandably frustrated and discouraged. However, the detainment of the Hutt Goon gives them some hope for their survival...
Until a new victim is discovered. Lying in the middle of the camp with a blaster wound to their head and a Rebel Alliance officer's badge in their hand is Setre, the Rebel Officer.
You are a Rebel Officer.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
As the only remaining officer in the group, it is your job to keep everyone safe while also remaining vigilant. Everyone is a suspect, so keep your eye out for suspicious activity. Once per night, you can choose a player to watch and receive a report on any activity they preform.* To do so, PM me the command OBSERVE: MattyG.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
*Note: This was later changed to make the report show if activity was performed by or on the target, rather than just activity by the target.
Basically all I said is that I am 50 50 on if Traubes message was from the mafia or a town power role. It sounds like it could be useful but it could be used to get palmer detained trying to get the town that he was an antitown neutral..
Yeah you are right my bad, it looks like the mafia want Palmer gonzo.Absolutely not. We would have had nights with 2 messages.
Zero idea why Mak played the way he did with that ability. I would have either said my name night one and claimed town crier or never used it so as to not get caught. Esp after night 2 with the cop dead and only blarg seen a message so no way to confirm if it existed.
Yeah you are right my bad, it looks like the mafia want Palmer gonzo.
RIP Setre. You made good picks for your ability imo, and thanks to you we got Mak.
Something I didnt consider until after the day ended: If QB had given Johnny a shield or gun N3 we wouldnt have known about it. I really wish I had thought of that yesterday, as it would have made me much more comfortable with that vote. I wish I had asked Johnny if he knew how many disruptions he had caused, but I feel like he would have mentioned it if he did.
Also who called the message bs?
< this guy did
Could be a coincidence, but Mak and raindoc voted the same way nights 1, 2, and 3. So congrats raindoc, either you are a mafia or you think just like one!
Also lol we would have gotten a scum day 3 had traube not used his ability.I dont blame you for using it.
Absolutely not. We would have had nights with 2 messages.
Zero idea why Mak played the way he did with that ability. I would have either said my name night one and claimed town crier or never used it so as to not get caught. Esp after night 2 with the cop dead and only blarg seen a message so no way to confirm if it existed.
In the original PM (the one that I just posted), I accidentally wrote that his ability was to only show if his target had performed an action. I sent him a followup a bit later that clarified that it would show if action was performed by or on the target (but it wouldn't be specified which it was). Just a little inconsistency/mistake on my part (again!). I'll edit that into the death post.Matty was Setre's role PM updated? That sounds like a tracker from the info.
The first days were a wreck as far as voting goes. Day 1 is only useful if you think TWE, and thus Zubz, are Hutts. Day 2, again, was a crap shoot. We might learn something from yesterday though. I can't take anything that happened those other days seriously. Yesterday was the first remotely rational voting period we've had.
Really sweetheart it isn't me. I have to look over ejawas posts again though.Day 2 is the crap shoot day. Day 1 they both voted no detain, I'm not sure what worthy has to do with that? Day 3 they both voted you pre-craziness. Coincidence? Probably, but we shouldn't write it completely off.
Also speaking of day one, I think there is a good possibility the IAs did not have a forum to communicate in given swamp's role PM not mentioning one whereas Mak's did. In that case I think there is a good chance the IAs voted together that day. Can't say 100% for sure, of course, but without a way to coordinate and voting their only power, I think there's a chance.
Here are the 3 people alive who voted for ex along with swamped:
Worthy can't be the IA, but we should def. consider the other two.
Really sweetheart it isn't me. I have to look over ejawas posts again though.
Day 2 is the crap shoot day. Day 1 they both voted no detain, I'm not sure what worthy has to do with that? Day 3 they both voted you pre-craziness. Coincidence? Probably, but we shouldn't write it completely off.
Also speaking of day one, I think there is a good possibility the IAs did not have a forum to communicate in given swamp's role PM not mentioning one whereas Mak's did. In that case I think there is a good chance the IAs voted together that day. Can't say 100% for sure, of course, but without a way to coordinate and voting their only power, I think there's a chance.
Here are the 3 people alive who voted for ex along with swamped:
Worthy can't be the IA, but we should def. consider the other two.
Now that Johnny's role is confirmed, should we talk about Oceanic now? He was a major target last time, but people wanted to wait to see if Johnny was telling the truth about his role. Obviously we shouldn't rush a vote, in case any other info pops up, but he is at the top of my list.
Don't trust TWE completely either. They could still be a clever pair of Hutts. Probably not Undercover Imperial though.
ejawa: I think you might be the IA, not a main hutt. If the other IA dies before you, you are confirmed town via Setre imo as I think the other 2 or 3 (prob 2) main hutts have night actions. Therefore your voting Mak is irrelevant.
I posted regular rebel because I wasn't thinking about it. I didn't think that grammar and exact text would matter at the time. I just saw a bunch of people start voting for me, and all I am is an ordinary rebel. As much as makai and czartim are anyways
Also lol we would have gotten a scum day 3 had traube not used his ability.I dont blame you for using it.
You also quickly voted for swamped to break the tie when vote pressure was applied to you. However, that is totally rational given your circumstances and is not inherently suspicious.
Totally agreed. His roleclaim is about as falsifiable as we're gonna get, so if his pal doesn't show up I'm probably voting for him. Not to mention he's clearly the most insane among us.
Great! I would prefer if your partner came out without your help, though. If you two are some sort of Hutt lovers, I don't want you coordinating your stories. Ball's in your court, Mystery Man.
Playing the long game, I see.
So combat buddies only die together if they're killed by Hutts, not detained?
Zipp, I would like to ask you a question about this post:
At that point I had not claimed ordinary rebel, why did you say I had?
I just have a really bad feeling about TWE and Zubz. Look how inactive TWE has gone lately as well.
Because at the time I was (and am) convinced you are a rebel. I thought makai was a rebel at the time as well.
Opinions change on some, become more convincing on others. I really didn't think that the text that I used to describe my rebelness to everyone would be under such scrutiny. Of course if you turn out hutt, then I will feel like a giant idiot
Oh so you were saying you thought I was a rebel generally rather than saying I was specifically an Ordinary Rebel?
You know Zubz and I could be Hutts but honestly why would I just blatantly stop posting like that? You would think that even though I am busy I would have to post about 10 or 12 times a day still to not look suspicious.
I still don't like Czar in our game being a Neutral unless something came to shed light. Oceanics flip is kind of suspicious to me as well.
You know Zubz and I could be Hutts but honestly why would I just blatantly stop posting like that? You would think that even though I am busy I would have to post about 10 or 12 times a day still to not look suspicious.
I still don't like Czar in our game being a Neutral unless something came to shed light. Oceanics flip is kind of suspicious to me as well.
Here are the 3 people alive who voted for ex along with swamped:
Worthy can't be the IA, but we should def. consider the other two.
That adds:
Matt Attack
You included me twice. I kept my vote for ex and didn't switch it.
I think it more than likely that TWE/Zubz will go tonight, maybe tomorrow night depending on OA's flip. That, plus today's detain will drop us to 10 players. Again, worst case scenario we have 4 hutts left right now (including the UI). I know that sounds like a lot, but given the sheer number and power of Rebel power roles known/displayed so far, I don't find it to far fetched. Especially when you consider how weak the two known hutt roles are: Makai sending messages is 'meh', and the thief's power is basically done since our armorers are both dead. Add in that two of the hutt-aligned couldn't even communicate with the hutts (Makai's power didn't let the UIs talk BACK or anything), having 6 to start doesn't seem that unreasonable.
My role was smuggler and I had the ability to swap players during the night with the aim of disrupting deliveries from armourers.
My win condition was to either disrupt enough deliveries or to outlast the armourers, and they basically did my job for me.
Honestly during the day phases I played exactly as I would if I was town, the only slight difference being that I was fairly sure Quantum really was an armourer. Part of the reason I played this way was that until today I thought I might have been able to stay in the game even after winning.
On night 1 I swapped myself and AbsoluteBro. No real ulterior motive it was mostly because I felt I was a target and chose a fairly nondescript player to hide behind.
On night 2 I swapped Palmer and Terra. Sorry Terra. You're welcome Palmer. My original plan was to swap zubz and the worthy edge because I presumed they were getting something from Quantum and I could disrupt it. czartim made a post that made me think he had a tracking role though and I was paranoid so went for 2 slightly more outside choices.
Night 3 is the interesting one. I swapped myself and OceanicAir. My reasoning was that by now I was pretty sure I just had to outlive quantum so I'd use my skill to hide at night. Oceanic claimed to have a shield so I thought there was a high chance he would be targeted by the thief and mafia wouldn't waste a kill on him, so swapping us was win-win. The thief would fail to steal a shield and if they did try to kill me, then Oceanic would still be shielded.
But Oceanic claims his shield was stolen. For that to be true the thief had to target me, and I don't think the thief would do that. They already had Oceanic claiming to have a shield, and there was a high chance one went to either zubz or worthy on night 2. With other much better options what are the chances the thief would take a gamble stealing from me?
So you have some information to work with. Go. Go. Go.
Yup, I confirmed that all actions that would take place at night will be swapped.
My thought was that he was either lying outright about his role or he thought that after his roleclaim he could lie about being robbed while still having a shield.
Either way he's probably lying about something, either his role, or his confirmation of a thief.
Gahhhh, I can understand why people get so upset when people don't believe them. I was robbed last night, I can see why they might have targeted johnny last night since he was one of the people most considered to be town. I said before, maybe they wanted to go after a hidden shield before going after mine, no idea but don't act like it's not a possibility (that's even if he's telling the truth). While bluffing might have been a great plan, it would be rather dumb for me nearly lynched and then get caught in a lie and say I was bluffing. Again this bandwagon has grown rather quickly by people who just nod their head with what one or two people are saying without adding much themselves.
Given the known roles as of this morning, OA claiming a thief visited him was fairly low risk. If he is a Hutt with a night action, Setre would have triggered watching him to which he could merely claim it was a thief. It's a fairly safe bet to guess we don't have a tracker or watcher, so who could counter this? Also it would have been weird for him to say no thief visited him given he claimed a shield.
However, it occurs to me now that if Johnny is leaving the game tonight, we'll see his flip and confirm this info. So we can leave OA alive for one night if we want. It's just that if OA is a Hutt, I'd rather know now so we can reread the thread with a better idea of the players involved.
Guys, I'm just trying to put together the timeline with regards to OA after Johnny's win. Since Johnny's info now seems validated, I was wondering about OA's responses.
We gave him space to explain himself and see if Johnny's words would be true. Now that this has come to pass, I find myself more curious about OA's explanation. So far, this is the sequence of things:
So, if I can summarise this:
1. The only way the shield would have been stolen is if the thief had targeted Johnny instead of OceanicAir.
2. OceanicAir then doubled down and confirmed that he thinks it is plausible for the thief to target Johnny .......................... because johnny is town??
OK. So I'm obviously new at this, so I kept reading and I saw a reference made to "Paranoid Rebel". I tried to search the wiki for it, but I couldnt really find a specific applicable role, except for the Sanities aspect that can be assigned to a Cop role.
Assuming, say, OA is a Paranoid Rebel, the wiki states that a Paranoid role is indicative of non-town alignment.
So, what I am now mulling on is two matters:
- I dont quite know how to best deal with 'paranoid' roles.
- OceanicAir's 'explanation' leaves a lot to be desired. After that space we gave him to explain himself, and now with the additional knowledge that Johnny WAS telling the truth, I think he should come up with a better explanation than: "Guys, I was telling the truth! My shield was stolen (even though I was swapped with Johnny) cuz the thief somehow KNEW TO TARGET JOHNNY INSTEAD."
i need soundboarding. pls.
Should have refreshed before posting my other comment. I don't disagree with you here, but do beware of trusting the wiki definitions 100%. MattyG may have changed the way things work a bit.