People driving me crazy.
Well there was and still is the possibility that it was someone else.
People driving me crazy.
As for "pounding" the boards, Ive suggested I think once, maybe twice, that we should look into you and Matt Attack. You two have seemed to be slipping past most peoples' attentions as we focus on other players. That's something we cant really afford to do; look past players.
At this point, i think that Matt Attack's constant harping on me is weird, but I can say anything about it without sounding "he said, she said".
As soon as exmachina64 became an easy target, the following people piled on:
Matt Attack
There's likely a Mafia in this pile. I'm keeping my vote on TheWorthyEdge, and trusting my initial instinct about exmachina64.
Oh, and while it's true that I don't blame anybody for piling on exmachina, that doesn't mean I'm saying that there can't be a Hutt hiding among the group. I'm merely saying that I can understand why a rebel would have voted for him.
If he tells us that everything switches then it Means that some one posted that Palmer was the target night 2 early... before anyone but the mafia would have known who the real target that night was
traube - I am aware I am a candidate for IA, but honestly I'm not. Feel free to detain me first thing when we go IA hunting. There is a chance there won't be a nk when the last main hutt dies which significantly increases our chances of winning, so main hutts are a priority imo.
I really think you are the second Agent. But as an Agent your detainment can wait. It is more important to get the Hutt players.
Where is this even coming from? She has posted a couple of times each page. Certainly more than others. LoC said she was voted for randomly, but traube started the vote and has said no such thing. It's super weird to me that swamped is even in the running right now. The votes on her feel pointless.
Of course we are throwing shit at the wall, I'm under no delusion that we'll probably be wrong today. My point is that Zipp misrepresented Swamped by saying "she hasn't posted in a few days" when her last post was less than 12 hours before his. My point is that you claimed the vote on her was random, when traube (who first voted her) made no such claim. I'd like to hear why he chose her. And finally I feel like since that initial vote we've had several better candidates pop up.
So since your vote is still on Swamped, let me ask: What do you think we will gain from detaining her if the vote really is random?
LoC, to be clear, I'm not 100% clearing swamped. I just think we have better choices right now, especially if she was (as you claim) a random vote.
I was thinking this until this post:
I should also confirm on my end that i am not 'in cahoots' with CzarTim.
Is it just the swamped thing or something else? If OA flips hutt you can detain me right away if you want because we'll have the mislynches to spare. I really am an OR though.
She had already posted her gender in the thread, I'm not sure why that's evidence. But yeah, I've said this 100 times, I don't blame anyone for thinking I'm the IA for that. But I'm not.
I am starting to think zipp is a hutt. He came in earlier and said:
Then doesn't quote the post?
He claims to have a theory on who the two remaining Hutts are, but only posted the theory after multiple requests to do so. Does this sound like behaviour of an Ordinary Rebel? His only power is to vote, but generating discussion helps town and all game zipp has been super cagey and almost only posts opinions when specifically asked or when people say they are suspicious of him.
I am voting for OA today because my opinion of a good number of people rests on his flip. It's also our last chance to vote based on some kind of evidence. But tomorrow I'll be looking at zipp for sure.
traube - I am aware I am a candidate for IA, but honestly I'm not. Feel free to detain me first thing when we go IA hunting. There is a chance there won't be a nk when the last main hutt dies which significantly increases our chances of winning, so main hutts are a priority imo.
I do think it's possible that Makai is trying to buy time, but a bigger part of me is worried he is telling the truth.
vote: OceanicAir
I'm going with this for now. I think his last minute claim to have a shield, then loss of said shield is too convenient. I'm inclined to believe Johnny's story as well, which would mean we would most likely end up voting for Oceanic tomorrow anyways.
Vote: Blargonaut
I have no idea if he is Hutt or not, but I belive he is going to de-rail discussion either way. Either way, it will slightly narrow down our next choice and hopefully we get some usefull info in day 2.
I still stand by my vote, but will unvote if it will help prevent a tie, even if it means sacrificing Worthy, who I don't quite belive to be hutt. I won't be around when the time runs out, so I will make sure to keep an close on the thread until I have to leave and unvote if I think it is needed.
With exmachina in the lead I am keeping my vote as is and won't be able to post again until after time runs out. Hopefully nothing else major happens before the day ends
[highlights]Vote: eJawa[/highlights]
May have been an ill attempt to save Makai.
Some day 1 posts of eJawa
Blarg was an easy target with his crazy postings.
So was exmachina.
Would be a big surprise if there was not a single Hutt among them. Probably even more than one. And Raindoc left the bandwagon before the day ended.
context man, context. i had very good reasons to vote for him and to unvote him. not going to repeat myself.Like I said. "It may be nothing".
Raindoc, Zippedinhead, Matt Attack, eJawa. I think one of those 4 should go today. Not so sure about OA anymore. Which may sound crazy, coming from me.![]()
Ya. So, I'm leaning towards OA for now, but I'd like to know more from OA.
Or, if there's a way that we can use his Paranoid Rebel role to town's advantage, I'm also very open to have this discussion.
But for now I will wait for OA to give me more info.
So, putting that discussion aside for the moment, I'd like to ask traube if his ability has resetted? If it has, then basically he can override our votes again for the end of today?
I'm hoping we hear more from OA soon, too.
Sorry about my inactivity, been fairly busy these days.
But I really don't know what you want me to say that is any different from what I said before. My role as stated before was essentially a ordinary rebel with a shield. I don't hear anything at night or anything. However, my people of interest are ejawa and zipped as they seem to really be wanting to fasttrack my lynch. Also, I am becoming more concerned about some of the highest volume posters e.g. czar/(traube especially with his power) the longer they stay alive along with some of the people that having been coasting fairly unnoticed e.g. raindoc (why the heck has he been avoiding this game he's been active elsewhere!) and absolut as they haven't actually been under hardly any scrutiny. Yesno...Yes, don't have much of a read as it is only a single day off of another player who barely posted. The combat buddies seem very believable as it would be a fairly bold gambit to relate themselves together as mafia. Redhood and Matt Attack are also not exactly on my radar as mafia right now, just a more of gut feeling.
Sorry about my inactivity, been fairly busy these days.
But I really don't know what you want me to say that is any different from what I said before. My role as stated before was essentially a ordinary rebel with a shield. I don't hear anything at night or anything. However, my people of interest are ejawa and zipped as they seem to really be wanting to fasttrack my lynch. Also, I am becoming more concerned about some of the highest volume posters e.g. czar/(traube especially with his power) the longer they stay alive along with some of the people that having been coasting fairly unnoticed e.g. raindoc (why the heck has he been avoiding this game he's been active elsewhere!) and absolut as they haven't actually been under hardly any scrutiny. Yesno...Yes, don't have much of a read as it is only a single day off of another player who barely posted. The combat buddies seem very believable as it would be a fairly bold gambit to relate themselves together as mafia. Redhood and Matt Attack are also not exactly on my radar as mafia right now, just a more of gut feeling.
Now we have another person for a gun, Makai.
I'm still not sure if we can switch our gun vote or not, but I've been thinking about this Exercise.
I think I like what quantum_bro is doing. It's getting me some ideas on who to vote for.
Ok I take a break after the duel, and I see that everything has gone crazy.
So now we have a traditional cop, the second armourer, and the two combat buddies as viable kills for the hutt's tonight. In addition, we have the second imperial spy just role claiming (after a very entertaining but insane event).
I'm sticking by my gun vote (though I will not be convinced until either quantum is dead or someone announces that they get the gun tomorrow)
If setre is a cop, I'm not going to vote for him, the hutt's will confirm his role (I don't want a cop death on rebel hands), blarg is a convenient vote, especially if he is the second imperial. I'm still debating,
... and dat Makai's self vote :O???
I'll trust makai now that he has claimed, it's as much a defense as I could muster.
Very interesting. Right before the madness of the last hour of day 3 zipped said that we were both ordinary rebels. Now why would anyone trust me? I am a pretty suspicious guy, but what if zipped is mafia and they are trying to protect who is mainly suspected of being the undercover imperial?Look who wanted to hand a gun to Makai.
Look who wanted to hand a gun to Makai.
Defends Makai. Not much but he also wanted to hand him a blaster on day 2.
Thank you for this. I went through both Zipped and Matt Attack's posts, and while Matt Attack comes out fairly clean (I don't think anyone would come out completely clean at this point), Zipped really didn't. I didn't want to come off as gunning for Zipped after he posted about me; didn't want to seem like I was retaliating or anything.
There was also the post where he claimed to be a "regular rebel".
Can someone post a list of our current role claims if they have time? Or is it literally just me, OA as a Paranoid Rebel, traube as a senator, and everyone else is ordinary rebels?
Can someone post a list of our current role claims if they have time? Or is it literally just me, OA as a Paranoid Rebel, traube as a senator, and everyone else is ordinary rebels?
I wouldn't read into that too much. Remember that we're likely still hiding a power role or two, along with some passive ones.
For simplicities sake, and since I don't think it matters much anymore, my role name is Bothan Spy. Yes, I realize that my role is literally BS. Deal with it.
Deeply paraphrased fluff is that I've been sent in to protect and extract someone with valuable information for the Bothan Spynet. I'm still withhlding name and and role until I feel like I need to protect them.