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Star Wars Mafia |OT| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

I was defending Night 1. There were two deaths on a night i showed no activity.

So this stuck out while I was re-re-rereading this thread. Can you clarify Palmer? If you defended night 1, when setre investigated you, why did she get a "no-action" result?

I realize this doesn't change anything really, and I still believe your role claim, but at this point I'm just looking for small inconsistencies. Was this all before Matty cleared up/cleaned up Setre's role? Matty?


So this stuck out while I was re-re-rereading this thread. Can you clarify Palmer? If you defended night 1, when setre investigated you, why did she get a "no-action" result?

I realize this doesn't change anything really, and I still believe your role claim, but at this point I'm just looking for small inconsistencies. Was this all before Matty cleared up/cleaned up Setre's role? Matty?

I meant I was defending myself via Night 1 information. I.e. how could I be a Serial Killer when the ONLY night we've had two deaths, I showed no activity via Setre. I did not mean I took a defense action.

FWIW, I've taken actions every other night since. I just knew I was a likely target for investigative roles, and I felt my target and I were safe from random death.
Since the day phase ends tonight and I'm leaving here ~1215 EDT and not sure when I'll be back online, I guess I'll get my vote in.

Vote: OceanicAir

Despite my feelings on ZippedPinhead, OceanicAir is the only person we have any sort of concrete evidence on. If we believe Johnny, and with his flying off into space we don't have a whole lot of reasons not to, then he switched himself with OA on the night that OA claims his shield got stolen. It IS possible that the thief targeted Johnny in preparation for a kill, and unwittingly stole OA's shield from his Paranoid Rebel role. The questions thus become:

1. Do we believe OA is actually a paranoid rebel. On the one hand, it seems perfectly believable and in line with the game. "Paranoid" roles exists. OTOH, in a game that already has had two armorers who can could hand out shields every night, having a player starting with a shield seems superfluous. Especially with the number of power roles already outed in this game. Thus, I'm inclined to disbelieve that he is a paranoid rebel.

2. Do we believe that the thief targetted Johnny last night, thus stealing OA's shield unwittingly. Now as far as we know, the Hutts have no way to track who the shields are going to. The thief is striking out as blindly as any of our power roles are/would have been. OA would present as a perfect target for the thief, with virtually no danger in targeting him. The only investigative role we had at the time was Setre's motion detecting. All that would tell us is that OA took an action or that someone took an action against OA, but not which. (As we see from Makai.) But if the thief stole OA's shield, that information would be useless, because OA would (as he did) tell us the shield was stolen. So there's no risk in targeting OA for his shield. Targeting Johnny, on the other hand, is a random choice. Now, the hutts know that there are two shields out there: QuantumBro night 2, and QuantumBro night 3 (the night QuantumBro died). There were at least a dozen other players alive at the time who could possibly have a shield, so Johnny is as random a choice as anyone else. It would be an incredibly amazing coincidence that they randomly picked Johnny, who happened to swap himself with OA, and ended up getting OA's shield.

I know this game has been crazy, but I'm struggling to accept that it's that crazy.

I find it more than likely that the thief targeted someone that had nothing to steal (which I suspect would not leave any sort of feedback, else there would likely be something from the thief's activity N1). QuantumBro was targeted for death (RIP ;_;7), and that OA isn't who he says he is.


context man, context. i had very good reasons to vote for him and to unvote him. not going to repeat myself.

Yeah. I know.

Day 1: You vote against exmac. Later you unvote. He was an easy target and even by taking back your vote there was a good chance he or TWE would be detained. Either way it would be a good outcome for the Empire.

Day 2: You vote against Blarg. Can't really blame you for that. Again an easy target. Should have no consequences to jump that bandwagon.

Day 3: Palmer is you target today. Another easy target. Neutral role. So you can't really be blamed for voting against him. Later that day you decide to leave the discussion why things become crazy.

Day 4: You vote for Makai after he already received some heat. But you took back your vote later. Might as well jump the bandwagon for some time to make it look like you want to detain a Mafia player.

Then there is your attitude. Ready to blame the rest of us for our decisions. But you always take the easy way with your votes. Not drawing a lot of suspicion because you were of course right that our targets were the wrong ones. Almost like you knew that they were rebels.


Oh and about my suspicions of czar being the second agent:


czar really wanted Blarg to be detained. ;)

Could be because he really thought that this was the best option for the Rebels.

But there is also the chance that he knew Blarg was lying. Very unlikely that a Hutt would try something like that. So that would be one less Rebel.

Sorry if I piss you off even more, czar. :D


Czar and Traube are the dark horses I'm most worried about. Either one of them could be Hutts playing well, and it would probably mean our doom. I just can't be certain about anything but my targets.
Look who wanted to hand a gun to Makai.

I never voted for makai to get the blaster, I fact I voted for Palmer.

My posts there were to spur discussion and try and get us to think that the reason we were even doing it was to look back later and see who voted for who to get a gun.

I think the only person who voted for makai was Quantumbro.


I thought blarg was the sk, I even posted that day one. If I was IA I wouldn't have pushed him so hard so as to have a cover. Or I would have voted without much commentary to blend in.

Doesn't matter anyway, my detainment is inevitable. Voting zipp tomorrow unless something changes.

Might not be here for deadline, sorry.
Oh and about my suspicions of czar being the second agent:

If czartim ends up being hutt, I fully expect everyone to detain me because of that post where I defend him and makai. Just saying. If I were in your shoes I would do the same thing.

I'm a rebel, but still what I said was pretty damning.

Ok, I'm on mobile so finding and counting votes suck, but by my count it's

Oceanicair: 6 votes
EJawa: 1 vote
Czartim: 1 vote

I could be wrong about the tally, but I know that 7 votes ends the day.
I fully expect Traube to drop the hammer again. If he's wrong twice, I'm voting to detain him.

With our protection and investigators dead, all that is left is a slow descent into this dusty sandy heart of darkness... Or is it more like lord of the flies...

Traube being able to drop the hammer again would be crazy.


Oh crap, voting for OA ends the day? I was planning on voting for him, but I want to see what Czar has to say... But I have roughly an hour-and-a-half before I go to class; if he doesn't post in that time, I'm just going for OA. Some of his behavior is suspicious, between the shenanigans with Johnny and realizing that he wanted to give Makai a blaster.
Oh crap, voting for OA ends the day? I was planning on voting for him, but I want to see what Czar has to say... But I have roughly an hour-and-a-half before I go to class; if he doesn't post in that time, I'm just going for OA. Some of his behavior is suspicious, between the shenanigans with Johnny and realizing that he wanted to give Makai a blaster.

He only has four votes for him now. Palmer, myself and Matt attack all unvoted. Take that information however you want.
Oh crap, voting for OA ends the day? I was planning on voting for him, but I want to see what Czar has to say... But I have roughly an hour-and-a-half before I go to class; if he doesn't post in that time, I'm just going for OA. Some of his behavior is suspicious, between the shenanigans with Johnny and realizing that he wanted to give Makai a blaster.

Wait... what? I never voted to give Makai a blaster.

Anyway, two things Yesno...Yes, the Paranoid aspect of my role is purely flavor.

Second, if we are going to be ending soon and I might or might not be there by the end I'm going to
vote: zipped
I really did not like how he voted for czar, made a vote count and realized he had the deciding vote before almost anybody else (thanks Palmer) could chime in
Remember you can vote for me if I am suspicious, but I am a rebel.

I voted for oceanic because on the final day of the vote we had nothing for almost two hours. By That point I just wanted the day to end.


traube: You did not piss me off, sorry if it seemed that way. I got really frustrated with this game yesterday because it seems like most people are just skimming the thread and not really contributing. Forum mafia breaks down when people don't post. It's one of the reasons I'm okay with an OA vote today. At worst we are losing the rebel with the least amount of posts outside of YesNo, who replaced in, and we go into tomorrow knowing 3-4 of the 10-11 remaining players are Hutts.

I don't blame you for your thoughts -- though I do expect a handwritten apology note when you see you're wrong ;). I don't think it's a coincidence we are focusing on the few people actually giving opinions. At this point the Hutts could just make one or two posts a day and watch us tear each other apart.

zipp: I do not think you are a Hutt because you said Mak was a rebel. As someone in a similar position, I know that can be a frustrating mistake.

What set my alarm bells off wrt to this post:

I posted regular rebel because I wasn't thinking about it. I didn't think that grammar and exact text would matter at the time. I just saw a bunch of people start voting for me, and all I am is an ordinary rebel. As much as makai and czartim are anyways

Is the way I read those last two lines at the time, which was you saying "I am an ordinary rebel. Mak and Czar claim to be Ordinary Rebels too. This cannot be proven though." Keep in mind the context here too, as Mak had just claimed OR. Also this post followed:

I'm not going for myself, I'm as ordinary a rebel as anyone else.

Which I feel supports my read.

This post happened during the day three craziness so I did not have a lot of time to process it, but it really surprised me at the time because I had not claimed. At the time I thought you had either:

A) Mistaken me for redhood, who had claimed OR.
B) Understood me defending redhood for saying he was an OR. As you are an Ordinary Rebel as well, you should have picked up on this too.

I figured the cat was out of the bag at this point, and claimed OR in my role list a few posts later.

The ONLY reason your post even came up again for me was because I was reading through all of Mak's posts to see who he defended / attacked. That's when this exchange caught my eye:

Want to respond to this, before anything else. Could not so on Day 1. So this has nothing to do with anything that happened during the night.

I agree with you. redhood56 is a Rebel in my book. Quite sure about that. Same goes for you, because I assume you came to that conclusion the same way I did.

So I'd suggest that we three form a circle of trust. Maybe vote together as long as we are alive.

Should one of us be Empire this would of course bite us all in the ass. :D
Now traube and I weren't exactly being subtle with our posts, but Mak's post indicates that the Hutts knew about ORs early on. Since it behooves them to take out power roles first, they surely discussed who they think is an OR and not. The fact that Palmer did not pick up on redhood's claim is why I think they targeted him on night two. It was clear he had some kind of role.

I think it's *possible* you slipped up there and had discussed that I am likely an OR in the mafia chat and accidently posted it in this thread. If this was my only reading of you this game, I'd write it off as nothing. But I feel like this whole game you've been a bit slippery.

Your response was this:

Because at the time I was (and am) convinced you are a rebel. I thought makai was a rebel at the time as well.

Opinions change on some, become more convincing on others. I really didn't think that the text that I used to describe my rebelness to everyone would be under such scrutiny. Of course if you turn out hutt, then I will feel like a giant idiot

Note zipp saying he is convinced I am a rebel.

Less than a day later:

I don't think he can, if Mattyg tells us that only item dispersal switches then that means that oceanicair could be telling the truth. If he tells us that everything switches then it Means that some one posted that Palmer was the target night 2 early... before anyone but the mafia would have known who the real target that night was
I have a theory going that there are two mafia left (not including the imperial spy dude). One is a high poster in this thread (similar to pants and traube last game) and the other is a low-medium poster (I would fall in that category, but RNH and lord of castemere were this last game)

I have more to support this feeling, but to say anymore gives away one of them.

When I called you out for only posting the theory after multiple requests and not following up on the "someone knew palmer was targeted early" post, you responded:

Yeah I posted that when I was trying to bait you out on where the johnnyquicknives swapper job wasn't confirmed. Originally I was going to post you and absolutbro, you didn't buy it so I only went with my secondary. I might flip to oceanicair, but not based on your posting.

I am not sure how this was supposed to bait me other than succeeding in making me reread day three twice for no reason.

Now you are voting for me, but tbh it feels like you are setting yourself up to say "see I didn't defend two hutts in one post, defending Mak was a mistake." It also feels like you are trying to get heat off OA, only voting for him once it became inevitable. Just like you only voted for Mak once it became inevitable yesterday.

I think it's possible you really are an OR, and you just feel like you're backed in a corner. But imo it's more likely that you are just trying to stay out of the voting chair by any means possible. For the same reason you say you voted for redhood day three even though you thought he was an OR:
We are both ordinary rebels, so a vote for either of us is both wrong, but just as correct.

"Anyone but me." Which is a Hutt mindset.


traube: You did not piss me off, sorry if it seemed that way. I got really frustrated with this game yesterday because it seems like most people are just skimming the thread and not really contributing. Forum mafia breaks down when people don't post. It's one of the reasons I'm okay with an OA vote today. At worst we are losing the rebel with the least amount of posts outside of YesNo, who replaced in, and we go into tomorrow knowing 3-4 of the 10-11 remaining players are Hutts.

I don't blame you for your thoughts -- though I do expect a handwritten apology note when you see you're wrong ;). I don't think it's a coincidence we are focusing on the few people actually giving opinions. At this point the Hutts could just make one or two posts a day and watch us tear each other apart.

I agree. The inactivity kills this game. And like I said. Even if you are the Agent, I don't intent to detain you today. Hutts are more important.

I still think we should detain Matt, zip, raindoc or eJawa today.

Assuming eJawais Hutt, should only have a passive power, according to Setre. So he is not a priority for now. We have take out the Hutts with powers.

I am still unsure about raindoc and talked about it in a post above. His way of voting screams Hutt to me. But his aggressive behaviour seems very unlikely for a Hutt player.

So it comes down to Matt or zip for me today.


I fully expect Traube to drop the hammer again. If he's wrong twice, I'm voting to detain him.


Should I really? :D


I am actually surprised that no one voted against me, yet. I saved Makai with my Override and took out a rebel. If that does not scream Hutt I don't know what does.

But I am glad you still seem to trust me despite this screw-up. Because I am a rebel and I used my power thinking it would help us. Which it sadly did not.
I think it's possible you are an OR, and you just feel like you're backed into a corner

Ultimately I am surprised you didn't vote for me. I'm still a rebel, and if you vote to detain me, it's one more vote against the town. I really do think we have a chance. I'm 100% convinced one of the top posters is hutt, (it's why i re-read the thread multiple times via mobile GAF and posted my theory). oceanicair could be Hutt, and it's possible that him and the remaining hutts are all waiting to see us spin our wheels.

I'm pretty sure we only have three more hutt aligned people, two that can be active at night, and one imperial agent. That agent is going to be a pain to find, and is likely what will take us the longest. If oceanicair is one of those three then that actually helps us considerably.

In my mind it would instantly clear czartim from question, and would help us determine the last remaining hutt.



Zipp I am not voting for you today because I earnestly believe OA is the best vote for town today and gives us the most information to work with over the next two days regardless of his flip.


Will be off soon. Just want to add some things in case I'll be the target this night.

As I already mentioned you should pick on of those four: Matt, zip, raindoc, eJawa

I'd guess 1-2 Hutts are among them.

I did not say that before but I think that there is also a good chance that YesNOnoNOYes is the second Agent. Rymuth was actually quite active on day 1 and his posts were relevant to the game.

On day 2 there was one post of him and than nothing.

Good chance he decided to leave the game after he lost his fellow Agent.
Vote: Zippedpinhead

I am sorry should I be wrong again about a fellow rebel.

You are wrong, but its ok. I'm still a rebel, I would be rooting for you guys from the other side.

The reason i never considered voting for you is because of your ability. Giving a hutt one unilateral override would be huge. Essentially they could eliminate a power role as soon as the revealed, potentially eliminating any information that could be gleaned from them (because no one posts everything they know in their reveal post)


Zipp I am not voting for you today because I earnestly believe OA is the best vote for town today and gives us the most information to work with over the next two days regardless of his flip.

I'd still rather go after one of my four suspects, but OA is also okay in my book. At least we will be certain about his role.

And I don't have to feel like an idiot, should he be a Hutt/Agent and I let him got after I was so focused on detaining him. :D


You are wrong, but its ok. I'm still a rebel, I would be rooting for you guys from the other side.

The reason i never considered voting for you is because of your ability. Giving a hutt one unilateral override would be huge. Essentially they could eliminate a power role as soon as the revealed, potentially eliminating any information that could be gleaned from them (because no one posts everything they know in their reveal post)

Yeah and with my power I could end the game on day earlier as a Hutt player.
Great post, CzarTim. I'll have some more comments on it at a later point in time, but I'm going to revote now since I'm going to be busy for a while.

VOTE: OceanicAir

You all know I'm suspicious of Zipped, but I am still more comfortable voting OA today.

Because of three reasons, I don't want to die.

2: it really bothers me that you have been on the chopping block for most of the day and have only posted a couple of times. The vote for me is understandable, right for hutt (that's you) and wrong for town.

And three: the whole johnnyquicknives, shield, theft interaction is just so odd. It really does beg the question on who is telling the truth and who isn't. He definitely won, so it makes me more likely to think you are lying.
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