I'll take the first watch.
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that a night watch would change nothing?
Maybe more rebels would be alive if we started a night watch after day 1!
If it helps you all sleep easy you can tie me up beforehand
I'll take care of that.
*snip image*]
So OA is done for. I have a bad feeling about that, but we'll see what happens. It seemed too easy. Either the hutts are disorganized or they didn't mind us lynching him because he's town, or is getting bussed.
Easy? Maybe for everyone else, but for me it feels like nothing but a target on my back...
I felt yesterday's vote was too easy too and that turned out okay, but who knows.
Keep in mind if OA is a Hutt only one other person knows this, so almost have to go along with it at that point.
I felt yesterday's vote was too easy too and that turned out okay, but who knows.
Keep in mind if OA is a Hutt only one other person knows this, so almost have to go along with it at that point.
How do you know there are only two hutts left?
doh scum slip!
quick override the vote to me!
doh scum slip!
quick override the vote to me!
Assuming 3 Hutts at start. I'm inclined to believe it was 4. If it was only 3, they seem doomed. Maybe losing our armorers was a good thing for town, since our blasters were far more likely to kill ourselves.
My biggest worries are that TWE/Zubz aren't what they say, and/or either Czar or Traube are playing us.
If OA comes out at as Mafia, it might be worth going after Traube. That Barry death might have been used to cover for fellow Hutts when we were close to voting them.
Alternatively, I'm going to start policy lynching the inactive players.
I would rather you not do that. The hutts are going to keep me alive and the only way I am biting the bullet is from detainment. You saved another rebelYou should go for redhood first. If he is another Hutt then you can detain me. Not because I am a hutt. But a giant fool who failed you big.
I would rather you not do that. The hutts are going to keep me alive and the only way I am biting the bullet is from detainment. You saved another rebel
first you were saying there were 2 main hutts, then 3, now 4? come on no way there were 6 hutts and johnny in a 23 player game. death is on the line had 27 players and 4 mafia.
6 hutts seems like a lot.Maybe not, sorry if I'm misremembering. If there were 6 hutts to start and OA is not one of them, we can lose tomorrow.
You are a Hutt Mob Leader.
You are aligned with the Hutt Mob.
Mob-wide message and instructions: Your partners are REDACTED. Each night phase, one of the Mob-aligned players may kill one of the non-Mob-aligned players by PMing me with the command KILL: MattyG. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with other Mob-aligned players at the QuickTopic board found here.
Also, there are two Hutt Mob-aligned players who do not know your identities and cannot secretly converse with you, but will work towards your cause. You don't know their identities either, so be careful not to lynch them!
Player specific message and instructions: When the Empire approached you with this job, you were hesitant to accept until you saw their offer. No one in their right mind would turn down that many credits. Now you and your team have infiltrated the Rebel ranks with one goal in mind: eliminate them from the inside out.
If investigated by an information gathering role, you will appear as a Rebel.
You win when Hutt Mob-aligned players are at least half of the remaining players.
Before the suns rise, a hail of blaster fire lights up the south side of the camp.
By the time the remaining survivors reach the scene of the firefight, it's too late.
Zubz and TheWorthyEdge, the Combat Buddies lay side by side, still clutching each other's hands in their attempts to ease the pain from the scorch marks covering their bodies.
You are a Combat Buddy
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
You and TheWorthyEdge/Zubz have been combat buddies for as long as you can remember. Whether it be in an X-Wing or on the frontlines of Hoth, theyve always had your back. This will be the ultimate test of your bond. TheWorthyEdge/Zubz is the only other being in the galaxy you can trust right now. The two of you will be able to talk in a separate, private channel from the rest of the game. However, you depend on each other so much that if TheWorthyEdge/Zubz is killed during a night phase, you will be killed as well.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
Your private QuickTopic thread is here.
RIP worthy and zubz. See you on the other side!
The thief is still at large. I personally feel like he is the last remaining Main Hutt. Which means:
Traube (ability confirmed, cant be main hutt unless there were 6)
Ejawa (no activity night 2 when thief hit QB, can only be main hutt if there were 6)
Palmer (cant be main hutt, cleared by setre and johnny)
This leaves:
Matt Attack
I agree with this. Rymuth wouldn't have left if he was a thief, so I think yesno is an ordinary rebel. And it's not me either so...Extremely unlikely to be YesNo. My vote is Redhood or Matt Attack.
Extremely unlikely to be YesNo. My vote is Redhood or Matt Attack.
I agree with this. Rymuth wouldn't have left if he was a thief, so I think yesno is an ordinary rebel. And it's not me either so...
I have nothing against you. I was saying that it isn't me so the only other person mentioned is you. You had my back a lot of times too so i like you. I'm more suspicious of zipped than anyone else. Mainly because he was fine with being killed even though he claimed town. Why would a town want to hurt the town?If you were to vote for me, what would be your reasoning? Because I'm having difficulty thinking of a good reason why I would be at the top of anybody's list of suspects.
What would be your reasoning for voting me? Is it just because I was the other suspect Palmer called out, or do you have your own suspicions against me?
I'd be happy to explain any of my actions thus far if anybody's got any questions, because I really don't want you guys to detain a rebel. We've got some strong momentum right now, let's not mess that up with a mislynch.
I have nothing against you. I was saying that it isn't me so the only other person mentioned is you. You had my back a lot of times too so i like you. I'm more suspicious of zipped than anyone else. Mainly because he was fine with being killed even though he claimed town. Why would a town want to hurt the town?
Which is exactly why we need as many Rebels alive at all times. We lost 2 very important roles and while I understand your fear of detaining a rebel power role, It still rubs me the wrong way.Town hurt town? We murdered our own force sensitive and one of our armourers. My death, as an ordinary rebel, would have hurt considerably less than those two...
Which is exactly why we need as many Rebels alive at all times. We lost 2 very important roles and while I understand your fear of detaining a rebel power role, It still rubs me the wrong way.
Son of a hutt! It's probably my turn right? Well, I'm not role claiming! Enough people role claimed today, the hutts don't need to know all of us, even if I know at least one of you are lying.
So you're all going to think I'm insane, but I need us to Detain eJawa to prove a theory I have that might point to several more Hutts.
For Oceanic Air, I think we're okay leaving him alone temporarily. I don't think he's a hutt power role. At worst, he's a Paranoid Hutt and just changed his flavor text quickly to avoid detainment yesterday. At best, he's town-aligned and was bluffing.
Detain: eJawa
I was going to come in today with an ejawa push but then all the mak / oa stuff happened. But I think we need to do OA today to test this.
I have no list anymore. I trust Palmer and traube, only because I don't think we have 6 hutt aligned players. I'll back any vote against eJawa and Matt attack. Czartim is probably closest to "trustworthy" as I can throw any of the rest of you. I do not trust absolutbro or redhood, but I can't see any reason to vote for them over the other two.
Also speaking of day one, I think there is a good possibility the IAs did not have a forum to communicate in given swamp's role PM not mentioning one whereas Mak's did. In that case I think there is a good chance the IAs voted together that day. Can't say 100% for sure, of course, but without a way to coordinate and voting their only power, I think there's a chance.
Here are the 3 people alive who voted for ex along with swamped:
Worthy can't be the IA, but we should def. consider the other two.
ejawa: I think you might be the IA, not a main hutt. If the other IA dies before you, you are confirmed town via Setre imo as I think the other 2 or 3 (prob 2) main hutts have night actions. Therefore your voting Mak is irrelevant.
So far you have flown under the radar, but its Day 6 now.... and I think now it's time for you to role claim....
Palmer, Czar, now that we've reached this point in the game, do you think your previous theories about eJawa have gotten more data? Can either of you explain more of these theories regarding the push for eJawa before Makai and OA?
Nah. I'd role claim if thought doing so would provide info to anyone but the hutts, which it doesn't.
I'm curious about this too. I thought it was odd Palmer was going after me, rather than someone who was caught in a probable lie.
The thief is still at large. I personally feel like he is the last remaining Main Hutt. Which means:
Ejawa (no activity night 2 when thief hit QB, can only be main hutt if there were 6)/QUOTE]