I've mulled long and hard about how I'll go out. It kind of sucks to make it this far and not be alive to see it through, but them's the breaks I guess. I've gone back through my posts, Matt Attacks' posts, Rymuth's posts and YesNOnoNOYes's posts, looking for anything to defend myself with. Most of my posts have been complete truth, which is funny in a game built (for some) on lying. In the end, I figured I'd go out the same way I played the game, and the way that the game has been played:
As we all realize, there are three options for the thief at this point:
Matt Attack
I can say with 100% certainty that it is not me. I know I painted a giant target on my back by accusing eJawa today. I know looking back it didn't come out clear, but that was my intention. They tried to kill Palmer, we've known this since JQK's reveal. The whole thinking with the thief being separate was that it meant eJawa was no longer in the clear. All sort of moot now.
I've also defended my actions. If I was a Hutt, you would at least have to give me that I've been super sneaky up through now. Which makes it even less likely I'd kill Czar last night and then paint a target on my chest like I did, with a story I can't prove about a shield I can't even prove I had. A story directly mirroring another hutt's claim.
YesNOnoNOYes: Unlike some of you, I'm not willing to write him off as the Hutt. Yes, Rymuth leaving is less likely if he was a Hutt, but I also feel like Matty would care less about replacing him so late in the game if Rymuth had been an OR. Ref killing him at that point would have been fair. But at the time, Makai and OA were already on the line. Makai definitely. He's been insistent that we judge him based on his own posts, which I think is both fair, and a cover. It would suck, imo, for YesNOnoNOYes to pull out a win based on no one thinking Rymuth would quit. I suspect YesNo thinks much along the same lines; I know for me it would cheapen a victory.
Matt: I hounded you and Zipped, but eventually relented and went after Redhood. I realize now that was probably a mistake. A costly, costly mistake.
I'm not going to go back through posts and list individual suspicions, it's a bit late for that now. Like Palmer says, it's basically a split between Matty and myself, with a slight chance of YesNOnoNOYes. But I'm not going down without a fight:
Vote: YesNOnoNOYes
I've had no major reason to doubt Matt Attack (other than gunning for Zipped). I know most people see the divide being between Matt and myself, but I'm going to take the outside shot that you're content to lurk there letting them think that.
And with that, in the spirit of this game:
I roleclaim Undercover Imperial. ;_;7