Still furious Raindoc. I am still furious.
not really, we still won
The remaining two Rebels shiver in their shelter, both from the cold, harsh Tatooine night, and the fear of knowing that they have no chance of survival.
The faint sound of footsteps begin in the distance. First, it sounds as though it is coming from the west. Slowly, as they grow closer, a second set of footsteps begins to the east.
They are coming.
Raindoc, the Thief bursts through the tent flap. He lunges toward YesNOnoNOYes, the Ordinary Rebel with a vibrolance over his head. Pinned to the ground and gasping for breath, they utter one final word to their Ordinary Rebel companion, Matt Attack.
While Raindoc finishes what they started with YesNOnoNOYes, Matt Attack tears out of the tent. They don't know where they are going, but only that they need to get away. The suns are just beginning to peek over the horizon, so they speed off in that direction.
No sooner do they reach the edge of the now empty camp however, than the second pair of footsteps pick up speed. Stalking beind Matt Attack at a brisk pace is Palmer_V1, the Bounty Hunter, clad in the dusty armour they had buried in their tent for the past nine days.
Against the growing light of the suns, Matt Attack sees a faint shadow quickly speeding toward the camp. Matt Attack frantically waves their arms above their head, praying that they will be saved by this mysterious ship.
Palmer_V1 slows their pace, eventually coming to a complete stop. Thinking their lucky day has finally come, Matt Attack continutes on for almost a mile more, beginning to laugh at their fortune...
...Until the sillhouette becomes more defined against the rising suns.
Matt Attack watches in horror as the one TIE fighter is followed by two, which becomes four, which quickly becomes a full fleet speeding towards the camp. Matt Attack turns heel and runs back from where they came, hoping to get close enough to the Bounty Hunter and the Hutt to at least ensure their safety for another few minutes.
The last thing they ever see is a sea of green all around them and the scream of the TIE fighter fleet overhead.
You are a Thief.
You are aligned with the Hutt Mob.
Mob-wide message and instructions: Your partners are Makai and OceanicAir. Each night phase, one of the Mob-aligned players may kill one of the non-Mob-aligned players by PMing me with the command KILL: MattyG. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with other Mob-aligned players at the QuickTopic board found here.
Also, there are two Hutt Mob-aligned players who do not know your identities and cannot secretly converse with you, but will work towards your cause. You don't know their identities either, so be careful not to lynch them!
Player specific message and instructions: Someones been handing out items to the survivors of the crash. To some theyve given blasters, to others theyve given personal shields. A blaster or shield in the hands of a Rebel could be disastrous to the mission. Your job: try to find who has these items and remove them from their person. Once during each night phase, you can attempt to steal an item from a player of your choice. To do so, PM me the command STEAL: MattyG. If they have an item, that item will be taken from them and given to you, although you may not use that item in the same night that you stole it. If they do not have an item, then nothing will happen - but your actions may still be tracked.
You win when Hutt Mob-aligned players are at least half of the remaining players.
You are a Bounty Hunter.
You are neutral.
It started out as just a routine bounty, but those damned Imperials just had to complicate things. Of course, it wasnt going to be simple in the first place, given that you were told to keep the target alive. No disintegration, the client had told you. No matter what, you need to keep Raindoc alive. To do so, you can protect Raindoc during a total of 3 night phases by sending me a PM with the command PROTECT. Any more than 3 times though, and people may begin to get suspicious of you. During the day, you must use your cunning to convince the others of Raindocs innocence, no matter what you may discover about their allegiances.
You win when Raindoc survives the game and his faction wins.
Raindoc had two roles?
One of which was to keep himself alive?
that's a typo I reckon
palmer was bounty hunter
Psh, I don't know what you're talking aboutWait
Raindoc had two roles?
One of which was to keep himself alive?
Special mentions: AbsolutBro and CzarTim
AbsolutBro gets a special mention for not maintining their cover for nearly the entire game, and CzarTim did a great job at keeping discussion alive and insightful.
It was a joke
Noooooo hahaha you suck that's the joke!Typo? I maintained my cover so well I even fooled my allies!
That was going to be the victory music if the Rebels had won.are you guys singing yub nub yet
I sorta said it before, but Johnny is largely responsible for my win. MattyG, you should edit his previous victory into the final post if possible.
I waffled so hard on Raindoc through out the game. I started under the assumption that he was a rebel since I could protect him. Than exmachina died, and I realized that might mean he was a Hutt. Then my apparently incorrect guess about Blarg further reinforced him as a Hutt, up until Makai's random message about me being neutral, and being the first one to explicitly outline my connection to raindoc. Once he died, I thought that meant thta maybe Raindoc was a rebel after all. Then johnny's big reveal made me realize why Raindoc accused me of being Serial Killer, and I played the rest of the game 90% sure Raindoc was Mafia. Good lord did that 10% doubt play some mental games on me though.
I thought Czar was going to be our doom overall. I couldn't find a decent reason to get him detained until he started offering one himself!
Time to read the Combat buddy and then mafia forum.
.There is no Dead thread.
Still furious Raindoc. I am still furious.
not really, we still won
not even that - I had an idea, but I grew more and more paranoid. having noone to check in with takes it's toll!So close on my absolutbro call, raindoc only had figured for palmer's target, not his alignment.
Maybe next time.
you only have yourself to blame - you fooled me!
(we should've used Mak's role to probe for the UI, I realised that much too late)
I was thinking of that myself but I had no idea how we would go about doing that. I didn't see how we could ensure that they were mafia instead of just pretending to be.
We were all yelling at our monitors on Day 8 for you to just say "I'm Hutt" and end the game. Of course, we could have had an "I'm Spartacus" moment with everyone claiming that they're Hutts, leaving you without someone to vote for.i spent a lot of time thinking about that in the last days. in endgame, a rebel claiming UI could've ruined everything - paranoid, like I said.
oof, reading through the hutt thread and it was SUPER risky to have your most important role perform 2 night actions so many times. Any tracker seeing someone visit 2 people in one night is guaranteed to know it's scum. Obviously no tracker this time, but for future games keep that in mind.
We were all yelling at our monitors on Day 8 for you to just say "I'm Hutt" and end the game. Of course, we could have had an "I'm Spartacus" moment with everyone claiming that they're Hutts, leaving you without someone to vote for.
that's EXACTLY what i was afraid of
You could have said "No Detain." Let the others pick who they kill or join your no detain vote. Then you kill one at night, so two are left tomorrow.
I was totally not thinking about no detain votes at that point.
you only have yourself to blame - you fooled me!
(we should've used Mak's role to probe for the UI, I realised that much too late)
In the end, I think when you said "Are you sure about that?" I should have just said "Yup, I'm the UI". I was worried that outing myself as the UI would cause a random vote-hunt for the Thief (who I totally didn't think was you)! Better to fall on myswordthermal detonator!
Oh... if I had to hand out a MVP ribbon, it'd go to Czar. He kept this game alive and running, being wrong is just part of it. Chapeaux!