Likely Menace and Sith, no way he liked Clones more.
But yeah, I'm happy someone like Pablo is taking care of Star Wars. Hopefully the story group will make sure to avoid more nostalgia overloads going forward.
Rogue One has an acceptable amount of Nostalgia imo. Hopefully they keep it at that level.
Found his ranking: IV, V, III, VI, VII, I, II
I mean, the pairings are incestuous no matter which series you're looking at it from.
I love how one of the things that brought Filoni to Lucasfilm's attention was this fanart.
I mean, the pairings are incestuous no matter which series you're looking at it from.
edit: Oh, Padme, not Leia. Point still stands.
This was Dave Filoni that did this??? As an Avatar fan that blows my mind.I love how one of the things that brought Filoni to Lucasfilm's attention was this fanart.
I mean, the pairings are incestuous no matter which series you're looking at it from.
edit: Oh, Padme, not Leia. Point still stands.
II is still dead last so I'll allow it.
I think Sith aren't a race anymore.Is there anything in KOTOR that contradicts canon?
so my sister just watched the OT for the first time after watching Rogue One last week
Jedi is now her favorite Star Wars, she couldn't believe "Darth Vader was a good guy" and the ending was so nice with all the ghosts.
Jedi is underrated, straight up. it gets too much shit sometimes that it doesn't deserve.
I think Sith aren't a race anymore.
II is still dead last so I'll allow it.
so my sister just watched the OT for the first time after watching Rogue One last week
Jedi is now her favorite Star Wars, she couldn't believe "Darth Vader was a good guy" and the ending was so nice with all the ghosts.
Jedi is underrated, straight up. it gets too much shit sometimes that it doesn't deserve.
Found his ranking: IV, V, III, VI, VII, I, II
Man, what I wouldn't give for some super high quality Admiral Ackbar merch.
The only major change I'd make with Return of the Jedi is that Han should have stayed in the Falcon and Lando should have went down to Endor
I love how one of the things that brought Filoni to Lucasfilm's attention was this fanart.
I mean, the pairings are incestuous no matter which series you're looking at it from.
edit: Oh, Padme, not Leia. Point still stands.
There are a couple things that, even today, Jedi can't shake:
1. It had to follow Star Wars and Empire. Only the two greatest movies of all time. Not an easy task.
2. wow boba fett went out like a jabroni
3. wow ewoks dats so dum and kiddy (to a lesser extent, holding off on han's death for teh kiddies)
4. wow another death star real creative george
To me, the final act with Vader/Luke/Emperor is so incredible that I can look passed all of those so called faults.
Boba Fett was always overrated anyway and doesn't actually do much in the movies outside of follow Han in Empire. So I'm not super upset with him going out like a jobber.
The Ewoks never bothered me. The original idea of it being Wookies was always dumb to be because why would the Empire build the shield generator in a place surrounded by 8 foot tall beasts that could turn on them at any moment? Ewoks make more sense from this perspective because of course the Empire would underestimate 3 foot tall walking Teddy Bears. Plus, it's not like the Ewoks weren't already set up to be smart with a bit of savagery to them - they did capture the main heroes of the movie and were about to burn them alive until Luke did some space magic. Ewoks are cold motherfuckers.
I'm actually okay with the Empire attempting the Death Star again. It's a common sense thing to me - the original Death Star was practically unstoppable aside from one defect. Why not just rebuild the damn thing and fix the defect - plus it makes the perfect bait for luring the Rebellion into a trap.
Boba Fett is the most overrated character in popculture and his fans who scream character assassination because of Attotc are the worst.
For us older fans, he was set up like a boss though. I got the original action figure in the mail, the one with the missile shooter that worked and damn did it fire our imaginations on what kind of a badass he was. Now, he did turn out to be kind of lame, but his screen presence to an 8 year old in 1980 was freaking incredible.
Boba Fett was always overrated anyway and doesn't actually do much in the movies outside of follow Han in Empire. So I'm not super upset with him going out like a jobber.
The Ewoks never bothered me. The original idea of it being Wookies was always dumb to be because why would the Empire build the shield generator in a place surrounded by 8 foot tall beasts that could turn on them at any moment? Ewoks make more sense from this perspective because of course the Empire would underestimate 3 foot tall walking Teddy Bears. Plus, it's not like the Ewoks weren't already set up to be smart with a bit of savagery to them - they did capture the main heroes of the movie and were about to burn them alive until Luke did some space magic. Ewoks are cold motherfuckers.
All of the ideas for Han's death in ROTJ were stupid shock-value deaths that would have been stupid. Keep that Joss Whedon level hack shit out of there.
I'm actually okay with the Empire attempting the Death Star again. It's a common sense thing to me - the original Death Star was practically unstoppable aside from one defect. Why not just rebuild the damn thing and fix the defect - plus it makes the perfect bait for luring the Rebellion into a trap.
As a kid, RotJ was my favorite. As I got older, you realize, ESB was technically a better film but RotJ will always hold the number one spot. It had Jedi Luke and Vaders redemption and that's the whole reason we are here in this thread, still talking about Star Wars.
What were these ideas? I know Harrison Ford wanted to kill off Han (presumably because he wanted out) but I've never heard that they had ideas on how to do it.All of the ideas for Han's death in ROTJ were stupid shock-value deaths that would have been stupid. Keep that Joss Whedon level hack shit out of there.
Sort ofHas Shaak-Ti's death been confirmed in the new canon yet?
That could be a decent element to add to an Obi-Wan movie if they had something similar to Force Unleashed with her.
Sort of
seemed to make that less likely as well.
Her death is invisioned in Clone Wars however so is Ahsoka and Mace Windu's at the Jedi Temple.
Just noticed Evaan Verlaine's helmet is in the Rogue One Visual Guide. Still really surprised they didn't make her the blonde pilot.
So, out of all 3 of the OT films, I genuinely feel like Return of the Jedi might be my favorite. I've defaulted to ESB for the longest time, but the kid in me still thinks that RoTJ is the best:
- Jabba and all the other puppets
- Dark Luke
- Feathery Hair Chewbacca (this is so ridiculous I love it)
- Sarlacc Pit
- The super eerie looking Death Star II
- The Rancor
- Mon Mothma
- Falcon + Lando
- Lando + Nein Numb
- Yoda scene
- Luke realizing he wants to bang his sister
- Endor
- the intense speeder chases
- The Ewoks are actually cute tbh
- Lando blowing up the Death Star II
- The Emperor + Force Lightening
- Luke pwning Vader
- Luke almost getting killed by the Emperor
- Vader's redemption and throwing that asshole into oblivion
- The burning scene
And there's a lot more I'm missing. People remember it as the weakest of the 3, but I'm really not super sure about that. I think it might be the one that starts to dig into the lore the best, and if you're new to the series it leaves so much room for you to wonder what happened between Empire and RoTJ, and that is pretty awesome.
She's also in the Galactic Atlas:
Return of the Jedi as far as I'm concerned has the two best moments in the entire franchise
I'm currently watching the S4 Umbaran arc in Clone Wars, and damn if this isn't just the best. Krell is a total bastard, the Clone personalities all get to shine - especially Fives and Hardcase. The direction is really top notch in these episodes too.
I'm currently watching the S4 Umbaran arc in Clone Wars, and damn if this isn't just the best. Krell is a total bastard, the Clone personalities all get to shine - especially Fives and Hardcase. The direction is really top notch in these episodes too.