Gonna spend the money soon to get caught up on the past few months of comics o haven't read. I'm hoping marvel has another Bogo or Star Wars sale soon.
how about the Thrawn comic adaptation thats upcoming?
Gonna spend the money soon to get caught up on the past few months of comics o haven't read. I'm hoping marvel has another Bogo or Star Wars sale soon.
how about the Thrawn comic adaptation thats upcoming?
Inferno Squad is now out.
Sweet! Thanks for the heads up.Inferno Squad is now out.
Yeah, I'd have been all for a Thrawn mini-series but it's hard to get enthusiastic about an adaptation of something I've already read.
Oh. Heather made it sound like something new.
Inferno Squad is now out.
This fan edit gave my wife and I chills.
I love Seyn so, so very much.
While I REALLY like Jason Aaron, his Star Wars stuff hasn't been great. There were maybe 2 arcs that were great but that's it and some of it didn't really feel Star Wars-ish.
Liking that picture a lot.
While I REALLY like Jason Aaron, his Star Wars stuff hasn't been great. There were maybe 2 arcs that were great but that's it and some of it didn't really feel Star Wars-ish.
Liking that picture a lot.
There's a whole lot I want to say here, but wont in case you're not finished.
I read the entire book in one sitting today, had a lot of downtime at work. Overall, I liked it, but I think a lot could have been trimmed from the middle. It's funny that it's called Battlefront since it ties into the game when there is literally one battle in the book - in the first chapter - and the rest is all special ops missions. It actually works really well as a sort of sequel to Rebel Rising, which I wasn't expecting, and even gets nearly as dark as that book but pulls back at the last minute. I have to congratulate the LSG on Mentor's identity.
I'm still waiting for my day-in-the-life-of-a-Stormtrooper-on-the-frontlines book. Maybe for Battlefront III.
Catalyst/Tarkin/Rebel Rising/Guardians of the Whills/Rogue One/A New Hope/Inferno Squad makes for a really interesting and coherent series at this point.
Star Wars Battlefront II: Inferno Squad is a good introduction to the group we'll know in the video game this fall. The squad is likeable and relatable enough despite being Imperials and Golden does well with the character arcs each is given. She doesn't focus quite as much on the partisans, which causes some occasional mix-ups, but the story is well told with some captivating and tense scenes. Golden's choice to play this as an espionage tale rather than war book also helps Inferno Squad stand out among the pack and adds an unpredictable nature to the story. All in all, Golden definitely makes a very entertaining primer for Battlefront II.
It could have been easy to make these characters blind followers of the Empire, but they aren't that, and they aren't misunderstood heroes either. It'll take Battlefront II to show exactly what story Inferno Squad will tell, but my main takeaway from the novel was that it portrays them as people. Iden's drive to be the best - her belief that hope is a desperate resort by people who don't have the skill to outmatch their enemies - makes her characterization clear. The novel wasn't perfect, but definitely made me look forward to the campaign.
As with most undercover tales, things get dangerous and exciting quickly. Christie does an excellent job of dialing up the tension — more than in 2015's covert Jedi adventure "Dark Disciple" — with the last fifth of the novel proving particularly gripping.
The book is held back slightly by a few instances of spotty writing and unclear descriptions, but the overall narrative thrust and fascinating character development will keep readers engaged.
Blimey, you must have had a lot of downtime. Good to hear it's decent though.
It was a 16 hour shift.
I think I'd rank this somewhere in the middle tier. There's a lot in it that will please canon hounds, but the big reveal at the end would definitely be underwhelming for a casual reader, and I think some of the reasoning is convoluted. Currently I think I'd rank the adult novels in this order (excluding adaptations):
Twilight Company
Life Debt
Empire's End
A New Dawn
Inferno Squad
Dark Disciple
Lords of the Sith
Heir to the Jedi
It was a 16 hour shift.
I think I'd rank this somewhere in the middle tier. There's a lot in it that will please canon hounds, but the big reveal at the end would definitely be underwhelming for a casual reader, and I think some of the reasoning is convoluted. Currently I think I'd rank the adult novels in this order (excluding adaptations):
Twilight Company
Life Debt
Empire's End
A New Dawn
Inferno Squad
Dark Disciple
Lords of the Sith
Heir to the Jedi
Hello, I like Star Wars and talking about Star Wars so I will probably post in here sometimes.
I'm looking at getting into the new comic books. Should I just start at the beginning of the new Marvel run and work my way through or are there some I should skip? I've heard good things about the Darth Vader series and Dr. Aphra so I definitely want to read those, but I don't want to skip over important stuff.
Hello, I like Star Wars and talking about Star Wars so I will probably post in here sometimes.
I'm looking at getting into the new comic books. Should I just start at the beginning of the new Marvel run and work my way through or are there some I should skip? I've heard good things about the Darth Vader series and Dr. Aphra so I definitely want to read those, but I don't want to skip over important stuff.
Thanks guys! I'll go ahead and start from the beginning. I'm looking at the collected hardcovers (because I need that shit on my shelf) so I'll go ahead and order Star Wars Vol 1 (Issues 1-12). And then Vader Vol 1 (Issues 1-12) next?
It seems kinda confusing since Vader Vol 2 looks like a random collection of stuff that includes the Star Wars, Vader Down, and Vader series. Am I gonna be skipping around if I go this route or should I just go Star Wars 1 -> Vader 1 -> Vader 2 -> Star Wars 2?
It was a 16 hour shift.
I think I'd rank this somewhere in the middle tier. There's a lot in it that will please canon hounds, but the big reveal at the end would definitely be underwhelming for a casual reader, and I think some of the reasoning is convoluted. Currently I think I'd rank the adult novels in this order (excluding adaptations):
Twilight Company
Life Debt
Empire's End
A New Dawn
Inferno Squad
Dark Disciple
Lords of the Sith
Heir to the Jedi
I'd throw Ahsoka into the 'OK' category. Didn't hate it but it was pretty forgettable.
Caught up with the comics (not ALL, just the main ones). I stopped at Vader Down and picked things up from there. Some thoughts:
Star Wars - ... Also did everyone just forget about C3P0 or something?
Aphra has become one of my favorite Star Wars characters tbh.
She is a standout in the new canon.
Aphra and Sloane already feel integral to the franchise to me now.
I hope Aphra appears in other stuff like a TV show or a game.
I hope Aphra appears in other stuff like a TV show or a game.
She's in mobile stuff already and she's getting a toy. It's just a matter of time.
There's a reason she was the first new canon non-tv/movie character to get her own comic.
That is really cool.Technically she is though I haven't played it.
Aphra has become one of my favorite Star Wars characters tbh.
Technically she is though I haven't played it.
Eh never cared for the kids all that much. New Jedi Order was the Star Wars version of Part 2 of Naruto.Aphra and Sloane already feel integral to the franchise to me now in the way that people use to feel about, say, Jacen or Mara.
Man, I expect someone to betray Inferno Squad and/or die in this book, but I truly hope it's not Seyn. I want her in the game. I'm thinking Jasika Nicole could be a good Seyn.
Not far enough for a discussion or opinions about quality.How far are you?
I wonder when we can expect more footage
Man, I'm almost more excited for Battlefront 2 than The Last Jedi. Just finished Inferno Squad.
And I want to reiterate how much I love Seyn.