Lol yeah that's pretty funnyI love that the official Star Wars twitter actually has to start addressing niche fan theories now
Totes. That's what happens when there's no oversight and people write books between movies.
They're doing it so Pablo doesn't go insane.
Daisy's shoes are anime.
Luke's costume looks way more white than the ones we've seen.
This just arrived this morning:
I've only just given it an initial look but it seems very unique in the pantheon of Star Wars coffee table books. Battles from the prequels through TFA are convered, with a standard format being applied, having sections for "eyewitness" reports, as well as personnel present and vehicles/ships that were part of each conflict. I'll have to spend some time with it to determine if it is "good", but I can already say that it is unique.
That looks really freakin cool actuallyThis just arrived this morning:
I've only just given it an initial look but it seems very unique in the pantheon of Star Wars coffee table books. Battles from the prequels through TFA are covered, with a standard format being applied, having sections for "eyewitness" reports, as well as personnel present and vehicles/ships that were part of each conflict. I'll have to spend some time with it to determine if it is "good", but I can already say that it is unique.
Rinzler has confirmed on Twitter that he won't continue with his blog posts. I was enjoying them a lot. It's a bummer.
Maul had some beautiful art. I wish the mainline Star Wars comic could look half as good.
Poe was pretty enjoyable too. It seems like the story is finally coalescing.
Instead of a trailer we're getting Ron Howard pictures.
I've bitched about in the comic book thread a bit, but they keep getting the artist that did the art for the first Darth Vader, and I honestly have no idea why, he is pretty fucking terrible. You would think they would care to get amazing artist for Star Wars, but they rarely do.
Probably not too surprising, but the Russo Brothers are interested in directing a Star Wars movie
Probably not too surprising, but the Russo Brothers are interested in directing a Star Wars movie
Can we recaption this and reverse the arrow for "not an interesting character"Welp.
I'd rather see the them take on a completely new character or cast of characters, say post sequel trilogy. For Obi-Wan I want Gareth back but with that unlikely I think Gilroy deserves a shotGIVE THEM THE OBI-WAN MOVIE
Probably not too surprising, but the Russo Brothers are interested in directing a Star Wars movie
Reminiscent in design of the Empire's TIE interceptor and Darth Vader's TIE advanced, Kylo Ren's TIE silencer is an angular fighter equipped with laser cannons and missile launchers. Ren is an expert pilot -- thanks to skills passed down from his father -- which he puts to use in exploiting his ship's speed and ferocity. There is no other First Order craft like the TIE silencer, and it is an effective tool in Ren's mission to destroy the Resistance.
Still no sign of a Star Wars: Rogue One Collectors Edition like the one that came last fall from Episode VII for Europe?
Give him IX. KK pls.
Yup. Damn, everything we've heard about 8 has me incredibly hyped. Is it too lateGive him IX. KK pls.
Give him IX. KK pls.
Part of the reason he isn't because it is impossible timing wise, 9 will be in pre-production and getting ready to shoot while he is still finishing up post-production on 8.
Yeah, while TFA was being made, Rian was hard at work with TLJ, he'd even watch all the dailies to help him writing the characters. I'm sure that while TLJ was/is being made, the same thing is happening with Episode 9.
And Rian even had JJ make some changes to 7 to accommodate story lines in 8. Of course, the other side of that coin is that, God help us, Colin is making suggestions for changes to 8 for 9.
Star Wars Books‏ @DelReyStarWars 57s
Coming this December. Spend one night in Canto Bight before The Last Jedi. #TLJ #CantoBight
I'm glad we finally have synopses for Legends of Luke Skywalker and Princess of Alderaan. I'm particularly looking forward to the latter.
When are they going to let Claudia write Lost Stars II though?!