So, a short story collection? Nice.
edit: Related - EW: Here's how the new Star Wars novels will connect to The Last Jedi
Easily the most excited for that "Legends of Luke Skywalker" book; that kind of storytelling is all my jam.
Part of the reason he isn't because it is impossible timing wise, 9 will be in pre-production and getting ready to shoot while he is still finishing up post-production on 8.
Fuck. Now I REALLY wanna goIf you're going to Dunkirk in 70mm, enjoy.
How's the TFA novelization? Can get it for 1.99 digital.
How's the TFA novelization? Can get it for 1.99 digital.
IMO not good. It doesn't really go into character's heads and when it expands upon the film, it is usually nonsense. Like the explanation how the Starkiller weapon works. Never seen worse technobabble.
IIRC it did have a couple of scenes that were deleted from the film but they don't really add anything.
Why has Luke Skywalker nowadays always have to wear that silly jacket from the Yavin 4 Celebration?
Is it beloved in the fandom?
I find this really funny for some reason.
Guys I really don't think you understand how many copies of Chewie and the Porgs I will be buying.
So. Many. Copies.
That's freakin awesomeReally like this image of Rey on the cover of one of the books
Really like this image of Rey on the cover of one of the books
Most of them are again going to be digital only?
Would be into a physical copy of these Short stories.The only book I can recall being digital only for TFA was the collection of short stories that focused on the background aliens in Maz's castle. A physical edition came out eventually too. I don't think they've mentioned any digital exclusives yet.
Guys we are less than 5 months away from The Last Jedi
Sounds like he did, from just about every report imaginableSo close, yet so far away.
Hope Johnson nails it.
Guys we are less than 5 months away from The Last Jedi
Probably Octoberish? Quick somebody find the worst Monday night football game in the scheduleTrailer 1 when?
Probably Octoberish? Quick somebody find the worst Monday night football game in the schedule
He's a director who I trust more than any. Never made a film I disliked.So close, yet so far away.
Hope Johnson nails it.
Some good news from the Star Wars Upcoming Books facebook page - apparently Kieron Gillen is taking over the main Star Wars comic from Jason Aaron starting with issue 38. Unfortunately, Larocca is sticking around as the artist.
The story should get way more interesting at least, and this means any future tie-ins with Doctor Aphra should go more smoothly.
Darth Vader # 7-12
Vader's story continues! Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Temple librarian, puts forth a desperate effort to gather and preserve whatever she can of the Jedi legacy after the purge. Vader and the Grand Inquisitor cannot let Jocasta succeed and are sent after her, as Palpatine views her as a particular threat. Her knowledge makes her almost a one-woman Jedi Order that must be stopped..
Star Wars # 38-43
The possibility—and destruction—of the Death Star has changed everything. The Death Star's destruction proves the Empire is notirresistible. But a Death Star has been built, and it can't happen again. The specter of the Empire's true power has brought together a patchwork cloth of people, united in hope. From the desolation of Jedha to the search for new bases, these rebels continue to fight for a better tomorrow for a galaxy far, far away in these all-new adventure written by Kieron Gillen (DARTH VADER, DOCTOR
So long as Aphra stays around. I really love that character.