I'm looking forward to it. Not letting the endless cynicism of this place get to me on this one.
That would be pre 99, the prequels sucked and that was all George Lucas; every Star wars fan seems to suck this guys nuts..but he had almost nothing to do with ’Empire Strikes Back‘ or ‘Return of the Jedi’; Irvin Kershner directed the second, and Richard Marquand the third.
Godfather part 2?Even so, he is a creative genius and father of SW and Indiana Jones. Talents like him nowadays, let me think... error404.
Prequels weren't a thing back then. The word didn't even exist. What Lucas did was revolutionary. Yes, those movies were disappointing, because he sucks at writing and nobody dared to question any of his decisions.
massive has a pretty solid track record. i trust them...I'm looking forward to it. Not letting the endless cynicism of this place get to me on this one.
Might check it out on Ubi+ and cancel the sub after 1 month
Totally depends on reviews though but I'm not expecting anything amazing
You know this may sound crazy, but would you believe that once a upon a time, Star Wars used to be cool? People even considered it good.
I'm sure this will be a fine game, but I just can't get myself to be excited for another Star Wars game at this point, at all.
This is the most important pro-tip I can give. Sub to Ubi+ for a couple of bucks, play the game until you’re bored and then unsubscribe.
You’ll get the ultra deluxe edition to play for a month and it will only set you back like 10 bucks.
If anything the franchise is currently being carried by it’s video games, much like Indiana Jones is about to be.
I’ve had fun with every MachineGames title so far, and now they’re about to include first person whip mechanics (including a disarm and parry) on top of that.That's a bold prediction considering we've seen very little of the actual gameplay, just curated cutscenes. What little bit of gameplay we have seen has looked pretty rough. I need to see a lot more gameplay segments before I'm willing to say Indy Jones is going to move the needle on a dying Boomer's franchise.
Sigh had no idea about this, they never learnThis not being on Steam is the nail in the coffin for me.
Ma’am Solo lmao brilliant, yeah this is a turn-off for me as well, as R Randall365 says they have the IP so not going with Han Solo and Chewie here makes no sense, it would sell gangbusters.I love StarWars but I’m not certain I can stomach yet another obnoxious, overly masculine, female main character. I’m sorry, Ma’am Solo just isn’t appealing to me on any level.
I'll get it but due to backlog and high prices will wait for saleI'm looking forward to it. Not letting the endless cynicism of this place get to me on this one.
Right because this isn't going to require a 30GB day 1 patch and still be buggy at launch.I guess it means ubisoft employees can take july as summer vacation.
Disney wants 'modern' fansGiven it’s a scoundrels game, why can’t you just play as Han Solo with Chewie as your side-kick? Lando turning up now and then - and you fly the millenium falcon everywhere.
Seems like such a no-brainer when you have the IP.
Disney’s theory that the characters are irrelevant and it just the ‘galaxy’ that is the draw has been shown to be bullshit. Rogue One was epic because it all hung on the events (and characters) of the first beloved film.
I really think chatGpt can write better than the modern millennium/genZ writter. At least wont have the woke plague/bias.I expect an extremely mid game shit out by an algorithm and ChatGPT level writing.
I'm sayingGodfather part 2?
Can' honestly say I'm expecting this to turn out any good, but I'm not going to complain if I get proved wrong.
& as long as there's a hairdresser available somewhere on tatooine, i'm good with this...It's going to be the most 7.5/10 game of the year probably.
Im hoping this one gets an eventually ps4 port as well.
Yeah, they could have made her prettier.I'll bite when it drops to $20 to play as discount Matt Damon...
Yeah and he sings "One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do" by Three Dog NightAside from Siege addicts, do you guys think there’s a guy out there whose main gaming platform is UbiConnect? Just lives for the yearly Assassins Creed, has a Far Cry tattoo. Unironically thinks Watch Dogs is an all time great franchise. Has a 170 hour Avatar save and hundreds of UbiConnect friends? I mean, for a company the size of Ubisoft there has to be at least one right? You’d think there would be thousands.
Or better...Spike!I'll bite when it drops to $20 to play as discount Matt Damon...
…is a sequel with extensive flashbacksGodfather part 2?