It's obviously Gorbush Thriftweed, but what is this from?Forkball said:Canon, lol
alterno69 said:Nice OT, the demo was ok, if it had move support i wouldn't hesitate but as it is now i'll pass. Seems like a big improvement over the first tho.
The Lamonster said:It's obviously Gorbush Thriftweed, but what is this from?
Jay-B said:So.... does this mean we get to play most levels twice like in DMC4 or the first TFU, or just that the levels are uninspired?
A.R.K said:Me too. Such a wasted opportunity for a MOVE game. I hope they patch it for MOVE and I'll buy day 1 (doubt it though :-( )
Darklord said:Isn't it getting it?
BattleMonkey said:That's kind of out of date, right now with LFL it's basically all in continuity. The only difference is Lucas vs. everything else as he himself said as much. They used to try to keep things away from each other like in the Bantam books era where they didn't acknowledge the video games or marvel comics, but thats no longer the case. LFL's stance right now is pretty much it's all in continuity unless it just can't fit or goes against something specific Lucas says/does.
Right now its basically what Lucas does (movies/clone wars) and everything else in the other category.
Well you could read the book instead :lol
The first game while being out there wasn't that bad story wise, though it had me roll my eyes at some things as it felt like some bad fanfiction at times. But either way I thought TFU1 worked well on it's on story wise.... making a sequel though and it's premise is just a bit too far even though it looks cool. Seems like Jerry Bruchkeimer presents Star Wars to me I guess. And Maulkiller..... yikes.
The Lamonster said:It's obviously Gorbush Thriftweed, but what is this from?
edit: just found out he's a skin in the game. might purchase now.
Glix said:The early Zahn books were definately cannon. Lucas signed off on everything, and even adopted Zahn's vision of Coruscant for the prequels.
Willy105 said:A game like Force Unleashed would not work well with motion controls, for either Motion Plus or Move, because it's too intensive. Motion control is for immersion and precision, not button mashing.
Lone_Prodigy said:10GB for the PC version? Geez.
Lone_Prodigy said:10GB for the PC version? Geez.
Glix said:The early Zahn books were definately cannon. Lucas signed off on everything, and even adopted Zahn's vision of Coruscant for the prequels.
Well, you should read Traitor at least (if you haven't already). I'm not hugely into the Star Wars EU, but I thought that book was something special. Revisited it a couple months ago and found my opinion unchanged.GillianSeed79 said:The Zahn books were pretty awesome, 100 times better than anything in the prequels. I used to read a lot of the expanded universe stuff. The whole Mara Jade storyline was great. That said I stopped reading the EU stuff after they started milking the franchise beyond belief. The last EU book I read was devoted entirely to Princess Leia's wedding. That's right. Her wedding. That came out like 13 years ago, though. I'm actually glad I stopped caring, because I'm sure the canon is so beyond fucked up at this point.
Monocle said:Well, you should read Traitor at least (if you haven't already). I'm not hugely into the Star Wars EU, but I thought that book was something special. Revisited it a couple months ago and found my opinion unchanged.
GillianSeed79 said:The Zahn books were pretty awesome, 100 times better than anything in the prequels. I used to read a lot of the expanded universe stuff. The whole Mara Jade storyline was great. That said I stopped reading the EU stuff after they started milking the franchise beyond belief. The last EU book I read was devoted entirely to Princess Leia's wedding. That's right. Her wedding. That came out like 13 years ago, though. I'm actually glad I stopped caring, because I'm sure the canon is so beyond fucked up at this point.
DualShadow said:Can anyone confirm if you can have 2 different coloured lightsabers, saw it mentioned somewhere else.
BattleMonkey said:Courtship of Princess Leia? Her wedding didn't even make up a chapter of the book. It's almost entirely adventure on jungle planet with Imperials fighting force witches riding rancors :lol
GillianSeed79 said:The Zahn books were pretty awesome, 100 times better than anything in the prequels. I used to read a lot of the expanded universe stuff. The whole Mara Jade storyline was great. That said I stopped reading the EU stuff after they started milking the franchise beyond belief. The last EU book I read was devoted entirely to Princess Leia's wedding. That's right. Her wedding. That came out like 13 years ago, though. I'm actually glad I stopped caring, because I'm sure the canon is so beyond fucked up at this point.
"I don't know how all those screenshots and comparisons I am finding on the internet are done... With 99.9 per cent confidence I can confirm that the game looks (almost) identical on both platforms. In fact, I have all captures right in front of me (the PS3 and Xbox 360) and if you don't know which one is which, then you can't tell the difference."
"We also make sure that the frame rate stays at 30FPS with as minimal drops as possible on both platforms so some dynamic performance adjustments are made, thus you have to really compare the game under the same conditions. On average, both platforms perform the same. Sometimes the Xbox 360 drops a little, sometimes the PS3. But we were quite strong about keeping the frame-rate and quality the same."
Having played through the first game recently, the environments really aren't that varied. It pulled a DMC4 by revisiting every planet twice in the game, just at different times of the day. And all of the Emperial areas looked the same.Rated-Rsuperstar said:The quote from the mag.
Many of the environments are set on Kamino or the space around it, which didn't entrance me like the varied levels in the first game. The only iconic locations are a gameplay free pit stop at a familiar setting from the original trilogy (Dagobah) and a trip to an intergalactic casino that was surprisingly disinteresting.
Nope, less than 5 hours.iratA said:Enjoyed the first and have this preordered. Wouldn't mind knowing how long the game is though. I'm predicting 6-7 hour mark.
Jay-B said:Nope, less than 5 hours.(This dude was streaming the game a few moments ago.)
Also, the story is really bad.
Not sure I believe you, considering the massive amount of mega-fanboy snobbery going on in this threadJay-B said:Nope, less than 5 hours.
(This dude was streaming the game a few moments ago.)
Also, the story is really bad.
So you're gonna let a couple snobbish comments and another crappy game misinformer review sway your decision. You're too easily influencediratA said:WTF.. seriously. This is shorter than most of my digital downloads. Why Lucas Arts why?
Regarding the story: It can't be worse than the first one? Can it.. Can it? (spoiler free please) I know Game Informer wern't really impressed but they still gave the game a 7.75 or something.
OMG this is starting to sound like a sinking ship.
I understand your specticism, but I swear to God the less than 5 hours thing is true. And it's not like I wanted this game to fail. On the contrary, I quite liked the demo and had high hopes for the finished game. So no, I ain't no snob.AzureNightmare said:Not sure I believe you, considering the massive amount of mega-fanboy snobbery going on in this thread
To me, blowing through the game on the easiest setting doesn't constitute as a "playthrough". A game's gotta have some difficulty, and not hold your hand. Which is why I am skeptical of the 5 hour mark since its more than likely he was playing on easy. a normal or hard game would most likely be longer.Jay-B said:I understand your specticism, but I swear to God the less than 5 hours thing is true. And it's not like I wanted this game to fail. On the contrary, I quite liked the demo and had high hopes for the finished game. So no, I ain't no snob.
As for the story, I guess I'll let you be the judge. At this point I'm not sure what is and what isn't considered good as far as SW story goes.
Not in my experience. I didn't read any of the prior books in the series and I was able to follow Traitor's plot with no trouble. Traitor is a dark, uncompromising piece of fictionremarkably daring when you consider the slot it has to fill as just one more in a long line of linked installments. As far as I've been able to tell from reading a bunch of synopses, the books that follow Traitor make a spectacular mess of all the intriguing little seeds it plants. It may actually be strongest when removed from the broader context of its story arc.BattleMonkey said:Kinda hard to read that when it's near the end of a 20 some books series.
He wasn't. (go to 3:43)AzureNightmare said:its more than likely he was playing on easy
Willy105 said:I wonder how different the Wii version will be.
The SD version of the original was quite different in many ways, from story to gameplay. This one seems to be even more different.
heringer said:Not sure if this was posted, but...
Video of the Wii version:
heringer said:Not sure if this was posted, but...
Video of the Wii version: