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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


Still trying to decide what DPS class to roll with. How realistic is creating a Sith Juggernaut to DPS? Thinking more about PVE than PVP.


Still trying to decide what DPS class to roll with. How realistic is creating a Sith Juggernaut to DPS? Thinking more about PVE than PVP.

You'll be expected to tank. If you've got friends/guildies who won't care, go for it. It's not like anyone can tell what amount of damage people are doing.


Bull on a Donut
Still trying to decide what DPS class to roll with. How realistic is creating a Sith Juggernaut to DPS? Thinking more about PVE than PVP.

Yeah depends on who you're playing with. Empire GAF runs 2-3 dps juggs because we had too many tanks.
Still trying to decide what DPS class to roll with. How realistic is creating a Sith Juggernaut to DPS? Thinking more about PVE than PVP.

Guardian DPS is better for pvp than it is for pve. Sents have nice buffs and better overall dps though they obviously have less survivability.
Still trying to decide what DPS class to roll with. How realistic is creating a Sith Juggernaut to DPS? Thinking more about PVE than PVP.

Sweep bombing is fun in MP. Don't really dig the middle tree. The DoT skills need to be buffed...

But DoT skills are useful at preventing people from getting objectives down in pvp...
I swear this altitis needs to stop, I'm going to hit 3 50s within the next week or so. :\

I have more fun questing on a new char with a friend than I do grinding armaments in Ilum. Go figure.


I love seeing clowns on my server almost Battlemaster who have done nothing but afk constantly throughout WarZone's.

Glad to know that reporting players doesn't work.


No I believe they are removing Unassembled Champion Piece completely, you'll only get commendations after the patch hits. But for Battlemaster (valor 60) bags there is still a chance to get Unassembled Battlemaster Pieces (for now at least) .

You'll still be able to get unassembled champion Pieces from champion bags but the chance will be dramatically lower. The idea is you gear up using tokens with the random chance to get a bonus piece. Battlemaster bags are unchanged apart from the increase of champion tokens.


did my first raid today, the palace thingy, some guild needed dps and I went with them (my guild is atm in some awkward state...) anyway that was awesome, they weren't amazing players with great gear but average smucks like me, hell some even had some greens, we wiped a lot, a lot of learning the mechanics, but I still had a lot of fun, killed 3 bosses then called it a day, it's stuff like this I love in MMOs that no other genre can give me, god I love raids


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
did my first raid today, the palace thingy, some guild needed dps and I went with them (my guild is atm in some awkward state...) anyway that was awesome, they weren't amazing players with great gear but average smucks like me, hell some even had some greens, we wiped a lot, a lot of learning the mechanics, but I still had a lot of fun, killed 3 bosses then called it a day, it's stuff like this I love in MMOs that no other genre can give me, god I love raids

Sounds awesome. Those are always the best groups for me, where everyone is laid back, don't care too much about what gear you're wearing and don't get frustrated dying from time to time. Sometimes wiping horribly is half the fun.


I hope TOR will eventually have bosses like TOGC Anub'Arak and Yogg 0 light. Those extremely hard bosses with server first achievements were some of the best experiences I've had in gaming when my guild downed them.
Also learned that you can craft from your bank. Wtf!!!!

I love this feature a lot. Figured it out when I saw the numbers on the side tell me I had enough even though I knew I did not have them in my bag.

Otherwise... I'm on Hoth and I already feel done with my Sith Assassin. My brain can't even wrap around doing half the crap I did all over again with an alt. I think after I finish the story I'll just stop my account and come back when it seems right.
You'll still be able to get unassembled champion Pieces from champion bags but the chance will be dramatically lower. The idea is you gear up using tokens with the random chance to get a bonus piece. Battlemaster bags are unchanged apart from the increase of champion tokens.

Just reread the bag change thread and yes you're right. So there is still a change for unassembled champion pieces, but their drop rate is reduced. Still a move in the right direction, kinda wished I saved up all the champ bags I got over the week, did not get 1 needed item (stupid 9 implants...) in 20+ bags


I was using a GTS 250 while my replacement GPU was coming and had most settings on high but low shadows. The game is more CPU demanding though, and I had an i5@4ghz.


Launcher is saying patch is tomorrow. That's a faster than normal turn around.

Should of saved my champ bags for tomorrow. Thought the patch was going to be next week. :(


I don't find it CPU demanding at all. It swallows up my GPU (460 1GB) but my CPU usage is always pretty low, I also have an i5 @ 4.2. Personally I play with shadows on low, otherwise I max everything. It's like WoW where the high end shadows are seriously like 20-30 FPS of a hit in spots.

Having high end, dynamic shadows remains silly to me in an MMO like this when they drink so much from the GPU yet they never have the lighting models to make anything of them. Instead what you're left with is everyone below the tippy top end in video cards turning them off to hit that stable 60 or fix problem areas for end game and being left with a very blandly lit world in their stead. Should just pre-bake them in this genre, especially with how art heavy it is.


Bull on a Donut
Hoping the marauder annihilation buff is actually a buff like the patch notes state, and not a nerf like many marauders are speculating. If the crit talent they fixed adds to surge, it's about an 8-10% dps nerf; if it's separate and multiplicative, it's a slight buff as they state.
I don't find it CPU demanding at all. It swallows up my GPU (460 1GB) but my CPU usage is always pretty low, I also have an i5 @ 4.2. Personally I play with shadows on low, otherwise I max everything. It's like WoW where the high end shadows are seriously like 20-30 FPS of a hit in spots.

Having high end, dynamic shadows remains silly to me in an MMO like this when they drink so much from the GPU yet they never have the lighting models to make anything of them. Instead what you're left with is everyone below the tippy top end in video cards turning them off to hit that stable 60 or fix problem areas for end game and being left with a very blandly lit world in their stead. Should just pre-bake them in this genre, especially with how art heavy it is.

It is a pity though... with shadows some things look quite good and totally different. Hopefully we will get some kind of "fix" for this in the future.


Cheers for all the insight about my class question. I have a friend who is maybe rolling empire and is interested in Maruader. I was just curious about other DPS options as i didn't want to pick the same class. Think i'd maybe roll Bounty Hunter now though.

One more for you guys, if yous don't mind. How's the Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage for DPS?

I have a 20 sage. I only ever healed in WoW and decided to stick to what i knew. But i'm kind of regretting it now and wouldn't mind playing DPS. Just wondering how they are for PVE and PVP.

Cheers guys.
Cheers for all the insight about my class question. I have a friend who is maybe rolling empire and is interested in Maruader. I was just curious about other DPS options as i didn't want to pick the same class. Think i'd maybe roll Bounty Hunter now though.

One more for you guys, if yous don't mind. How's the Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage for DPS?

I have a 20 sage. I only ever healed in WoW and decided to stick to what i knew. But i'm kind of regretting it now and wouldn't mind playing DPS. Just wondering how they are for PVE and PVP.

Cheers guys.

Most OP class right now for pvp, lots of utility and damage output. If you do a hybrid dps build you can cast force lightning forever (which slows btw), the get it to proc so that your next channeled skill is instant and costs no force. Rinse and repeat. Least that's what I'm doing with my Sorc alt, at lvl 27 right now and can wreck ppl 20 or so levels higher than me in pvp :p As for mercenary dps, most people for PVE use the arsenal line which makes your main attack Tracer missile, its you strongest attack and builds charges toward powering up 1(maybe 2?) attacks. I've heard great things about snipers as well, great sustained burst dps, though you have to use cover so there's some setup time and people generally agree that the IA story is the best of the 4.

Also servers are up


Most OP class right now for pvp, lots of utility and damage output. If you do a hybrid dps build you can cast force lightning forever (which slows btw), the get it to proc so that your next channeled skill is instant and costs no force. Rinse and repeat. Least that's what I'm doing with my Sorc alt, at lvl 27 right now and can wreck ppl 20 or so levels higher than me in pvp :p As for mercenary dps, most people for PVE use the arsenal line which makes your main attack Tracer missile, its you strongest attack and builds charges toward powering up 1(maybe 2?) attacks. I've heard great things about snipers as well, great sustained burst dps, though you have to use cover so there's some setup time and people generally agree that the IA story is the best of the 4.

Tracer missile builds up two attacks. I have a BH merc alt and have to say, they're ridiculously fun to play.
Everybody can do that.

True but I find it much easier to do so with my sorc than my BH, operative or jugg. When you're low on health just bubble and force speed away :) I guess I can say I'm still biased toward sorcs because that was the first class i tried during the beta. Still love my BH but I feeling like sorcs have more utility and better AOE heals
True but I find it much easier to do so with my sorc than my BH, operative or jugg. When you're low on health just bubble and force speed away :) I guess I can say I'm still biased toward sorcs because that was the first class i tried during the beta. Still love my BH but I feeling like sorcs have more utility and better AOE heals

Yes now you are correct ;)

I think Sorcs can expect a nerf soonish.
Cheers for all the insight about my class question. I have a friend who is maybe rolling empire and is interested in Maruader. I was just curious about other DPS options as i didn't want to pick the same class. Think i'd maybe roll Bounty Hunter now though.

One more for you guys, if yous don't mind. How's the Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage for DPS?

I have a 20 sage. I only ever healed in WoW and decided to stick to what i knew. But i'm kind of regretting it now and wouldn't mind playing DPS. Just wondering how they are for PVE and PVP.

Cheers guys.

Sages/Sorc DPS is sustained instead of burst. Their damage output is not the best for single targets (they excel at AOE) but they have such great survivability that it's not uncommon whatsoever to see one on top of the damage boards. Sents/Mar excel when they have a pocket healer as they have great utility but will die easily enough without their defensive cooldowns which are pretty long. If they are kept up they are quite good at harassing and killing healers in particular as good overall damage output. They are either sustained or burst depending on your tree.


Seems like a pretty big patch (in terms of buffs and fixes):

Classes and Combat

Combat Ability Responsiveness

Further improved response time for ability activation requests, especially in low-framerate situations.
The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete.
Instant combat abilities no longer occasionally start their combat animations twice, resulting in jerky behavior on the executing player's client.
The display of the floating text from instant healing abilities is no longer delayed by the animation on the client and now properly reflects the time the effect happens on the server.
Abilities on cooldown are now more easily distinguished from abilities that can be used.


If Sprint was active when a player died, it now remains active when the player is revived.

Jedi Knight


Pacify: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.


Plasma Blades: Now increases damage dealt by burn effects by 5% per point.
Searing Saber: Now correctly modifies the critical damage dealt by burn effects.
Changes to Searing Saber and Plasma Blades result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.

Sith Warrior


Obfuscate: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.


Hemorrhage: Now increases damage dealt by bleed effects by 5% per point.
Bleedout: Now correctly modifies critical damage dealt by bleed effects.
Changes to Hemorrhage and Bleedout result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.

Jedi Consular


Unity: Now properly provides damage reduction when used.


All Techniques now cost 100 Force.
Force Technique's Force Breach now also deals damage when applied. Overall damage dealt by this ability has not changed.

Kinetic Combat

Technique Mastery: No longer increases the duration of Force Technique's Breach effect. It now increases the damage dealt by Force Technique.
Particle Acceleration: This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Spinning Strike, Double Strike, and Whirling blow have an individual chance to yield the Particle Acceleration buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit, and it now properly increases the critical damage dealt by Project when a Force Potency charge is consumed.
Harnessed Shadows: Stacks of Harnessed Shadows now last 30 seconds. Using Slow Time now yields a stack of Harnessed Shadows.


Circling Shadows: Now requires the purchase of the Shadow Technique skill. Shadow Technique must be active in order to trigger the Circling Shadows buff. This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike.

Balance (Shared Tree)

Force Focus: Now additionally lowers the cooldown of Force Breach while Force Technique is active.
Force Strike: Now triggers from activating melee attacks that hit a target affected by Force Technique's Breach effect. This effect now triggers more easily but cannot trigger as frequently.
Force in Balance: Heals the caster for 1% of maximum health for each target struck. This healing effect can no longer crit and no longer consumes Force Potency charges.
Psychic Absorption: Now doubles the amount of healing generated by Force in Balance and Focused Insight.

Sith Inquisitor


All Saber Charges now cost 100 Force.
Lightning Charge's Discharge now also deals damage when applied. Overall damage dealt by this ability has not changed.


Charge Mastery: No longer increases the duration of Lightning Charge's Discharge effect. It now increases the damage dealt by Lightning Charge.
Energize: This skill now also triggers from Assassinate. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Assassinate, Thrash, and Lacerate have an individual chance to yield the Energize buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit.
Harnessed Darkness: Stacks of Harnessed Darkness now last 30 seconds. Using Wither now yields a stack of Harnessed Darkness.


Induction: Now requires the Surging Charge skill to be purchased and requires that Surging Charge is active in order to trigger the Induction buff. This skill now also triggers from Assassinate.

Madness (Shared Tree)

Crackling Charge: Now additionally lowers the cooldown of Discharge while Lightning Charge is active.
Raze: Now triggers from activating melee attacks that hit a target affected by Lightning Charge's Discharge effect. This effect now triggers more easily but cannot trigger as frequently.
Death Field: Heals the caster for 1% of maximum health for each target struck. This healing effect can no longer crit and no longer consumes Recklessness charges.
Devour: Now doubles the amount of healing generated by Death Field and Parasitism.




Diversion: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.

Imperial Agent



Diversion: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.

Bounty Hunter


Advanced Prototype

Hydraulic Overrides: Visual and sound effects are now easier to recognize.



Troopers can now access their ship after leaving and returning to Corellia within 30 minutes.



Hold the Line: Visual and sound effects are now easier to recognize.

Companion Characters


Companion Characters no longer occasionally appear unclothed when summoned.



Crazy Talk (mission): Male characters can now complete the conversation related to this mission.

Crew Skills


The message "There are no missions defined for the Crew Skill: [Crew Skill Name]" is no longer erroneously displayed.

Crafting Skills


Crafting skills no longer inform the player that no missions are defined for the Crew Skill.


Energized and Exotech stims and adrenals no longer require Biochem to use.
Energized and Exotech stims and adrenals are no longer bound, allowing them to be traded or sold to other players.
Rakata reusable stims and adrenals have been reduced in power, providing buffs equal to Energized stims and adrenals. However, the tooltips for these items have not been updated and will still display old values.
The Exotech Med Unit schematic obtained from the Eternity Vault Operation now functions properly and can be learned.

Gathering Skills

Harvesting nodes in Ilum no longer spawn in friendly bases.
Slightly lowered the amount of resources gathered from harvested droids and creatures.

Flashpoints and Operations


Players are now able to obtain destined loot from chests when Master Looter is enabled and they are not the Master Looter.


The False Emperor

Jindo Krey's ship no longer occasionally enters a state that prevents it from taking damage.

Kaon Under Siege

Infected Mercenaries can no longer permanently stun players.


Eternity Vault

Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank.
Soa now frees all players in mind traps before transitioning to his platform phase. Players will no longer be stuck in mind traps during the platforming sequence as a result.
Players released from Soa's mind trap after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, allowing them to claim their loot.

Karagga's Palace

The chest that is awarded for defeating Karagga on Nightmare Mode no longer appears partially inside a wall.
Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend now correctly applies itself to targets caught within the conical attack.
Jarg & Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all of the players who attacked it died before the Carbonizer Probe was destroyed.
Karagga no longer appears above portions of the walls during the fight.
Karagga's chest no longer spawns after defeating Bonethrasher in Nightmare Mode.



Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended.
Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.


It is no longer possible to purchase items while holding down the Shift, Alt, or Ctrl keys.



The Legacy Experience required to advance to Legacy Levels beyond 20 has been increased.

Missions and NPCs


Commendation rewards for Hard Mode Flashpoint daily and weekly missions and Operation weekly missions have been increased.
Players can no longer accept missions from mission boards if they have reached the pending mission reward cap.
Resetting a mission that is dependent on completing other missions no longer prevents players from receiving mission credit.



Fifth Time's the Charm: Gholan no longer grants experience when killed.
General Faraire: Khourlet's Elite Guards no longer hide behind a door, preventing progression in this mission.
A Last Stand: Players are now able to complete this mission as long as the Voss Scholars are inside the prison cell.
The Big Show: Using Force Cloak, dying, or leaving the phase while on the step "Defeat the Screaming Blade Cultists" can no longer cause the necessary NPCs to disappear and prevent mission progress.


Leave Nothing Behind: The Frozen Biomass Container now remains lootable if the loot window is closed.
Most Wanted: A mission item can no longer be rolled on if it is looted while the player is in a group.
Need to Impress: Players can now speak to Ambassador Jannik if they have already completed the mission Gormak Country.
The Lightspring: The toughness of Vaverone Zare and Nariel Pridence has been decreased. This mission can no longer be failed.
The Shadow Fist: Mission progress for players who are on this mission has been reset to the first step. Players can no longer become locked out of the stealth generator room.




Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.
Players standing in the spawn area no longer catch the Huttball when it is thrown, and will no longer immediately be killed for having the ball in an illegal position.

World PvP


Chests on Ilum now respawn less frequently to reduce potential gains from farming.
Particle Cannons can no longer be permanently disabled.
Implemented safeguards to address a Valor exploit.

Space Combat


The speed of enemy Ion Cannons has been reduced to improve balance in high-level Space Combat Missions.



The reverse engineering button no longer occasionally disappears after a crafting skill is initially learned.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Loading screens no longer appear in low resolution if the player selects the low-resolution texture option in preferences.
Facial animations no longer fail to play correctly in some instances.
During brief teleports, the splash screen does not appear incorrectly over loading screens.
Players will no longer experience limited audio, black portraits, or the inability to initiate conversations when they reconnect after being disconnected.
Fixed a rare crash when updating inventory items when the player loads into the game.
The loading screen no longer appears during "fade to black" sequences.


Good to see Doc's quest bug fixed! Now I need to see something for JK Guardians to enhance AOE taunt or something...


Pull into fire/acid?
Isn't Huttball the only stage with acid? That and you have to position yourself kind of precariously to pull them into the acid and hope your Cryo Grenade isn't on CD. Doing it with the Gunslinger's AoE knock back+ built in root or any of the other class' knock back seems a lot easier.

Playing Shield Specialist spec, I liked that I had a ton of gap closers to finish off people running (Storm, Harpoon, Cryo Grenade) but that was how I got most of my kills. I couldn't really call that destroying people, especially not people 20 levels above me. Going Assault wasn't much better in terms of "destroying people," especially since I lose Storm.


yea the chance of champ tokens have been reduced, there are now 15 centurion and 7 champion commendations guaranteed per bag.

Check out this link for a breakdown of costs, too lazy to figure out how to post a table here directly :p


Well it just has centurion costs but assuming cent is the same as champ thats excellent news. I could complete my champ set by wednesday and have full weapons by next week.
Well it just has centurion costs but assuming cent is the same as champ thats excellent news. I could complete my champ set by wednesday and have full weapons by next week.

Champ costs are roughly 2/3 more than centurion costs :/ a main hand weapon is 123, armor is like 67

looks like all in all champ pieces range from 24-124 champ coms and to buy everything you'll need 743

That's 107 champ bags in total to get all your pieces (assuming you never get lucky and get a token). I have a feeling some of our battlemasters now have opened more champ bags than that already...


I know I asked about the Nvidia yesterday, but I decided to go with a different card. How will it run on this setup? Q6600 2.4 quad core, asus eah6870 1gb, 4gb ram.

I'm sure it will be leaps and bounds better than my 08 Macbook. High would be nice, but medium would be perfectly ok.


How many hours have you played?

I am almost at 10 days played, that would be almost 240 hours, I am averaging about 4.5 hours per day since Dec. 15.

Before you ask yes I have a fulltime job and yes I have a family.


How many hours have you played?

I am almost at 10 days played, that would be almost 240 hours, I am averaging about 4.5 hours per day since Dec. 15.

Before you ask yes I have a fulltime job and yes I have a family.

Do they miss you? Tell them you love them!
Do they miss you? Tell them you love them!

It's not that outrageous, everyone's situation is different. For example, I have the luxury of being able to play from work sometimes. Not a ton, but maybe like 1-1.5 hours a day. When I get home, kid goes to sleep at 9 and mom goes to sleep with him. So then I'm free again from like 9 - whenever, usually about 2AM is when I log for the night.
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