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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


As of right now I'm just plugging away waiting for 1.2 but I'm quickly losing interest. The game is fun, but everything I enjoy is just slowly losing it's pull on me. Warzones are fun, but the CC spam is really annoying. My teams either destroy the other team or we get destroyed by a bunch of premades. Rarely get a fun competitive game. Ilum is the same, either we're rolling or getting rolled. Barren most times. I've yet to do an Op now in a little over a week. I've yet to run a full HM in over 2 weeks. Doesn't help that the guild seems to be quickly losing actives again, so chat is dead silent most of the time.

I think we are all waiting for 1.2. From the outside looking in on Pub GAF (since I'm not geared for OPS), it seems that they need to make them scale a bit better progession wise. I think that is one of the reasons WOW has done as well as they have. The raids are tough, but not so hard that it hinders progression. There is no reason (in my opnion) that you guys should be able to roll EV but not get past the first boss in KP. I also think they need to make HM and NM harder.

Personally I'm having fun still in the game. I do my warzone daily, my Ilum and Belsavis dailies, am trying to hunt down the final pieces of the Jedi Battlelord's Armor, and I just started leveling a smuggler. Yeah I'm not on as much as I would like or on at "peak" times very much, but I still enjoy logging in and seeing what's going on in BESTGAF guild chat.

If we're that worried about the inevitable "GAF GUILD FAIL' then we need to be proactive about it and start recruiting new people into the guild. Have events like a datacron hunt group, or +10 to all stats datacron group. Maybe even run some low level FPs for social points or to help out noobs. I had NO IDEA who the Jedi prisoner was when I ran those two flashpoints. You should have seen the reaction when I found out. I'm sure my group found it very entertaining. Those two, Esseles and FE are the only two I've run. I've heard that not all the FP's are great but I'm sure people want to see the content. Bottom line is, if the game isn't fun anymore you either need to change what you are doing or take a break for a week or so. I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, but a lot of people have put A LOT of time in to the game so far, so there is naturally going to be some burnout. But a short break and a new content patch may be just what Doc ordered.
I think we are all waiting for 1.2. From the outside looking in on Pub GAF (since I'm not geared for OPS), it seems that they need to make them scale a bit better progession wise. I think that is one of the reasons WOW has done as well as they have. The raids are tough, but not so hard that it hinders progression. There is no reason (in my opnion) that you guys should be able to roll EV but not get past the first boss in KP. I also think they need to make HM and NM harder.

Personally I'm having fun still in the game. I do my warzone daily, my Ilum and Belsavis dailies, am trying to hunt down the final pieces of the Jedi Battlelord's Armor, and I just started leveling a smuggler. Yeah I'm not on as much as I would like or on at "peak" times very much, but I still enjoy logging in and seeing what's going on in BESTGAF guild chat.

If we're that worried about the inevitable "GAF GUILD FAIL' then we need to be proactive about it and start recruiting new people into the guild. Have events like a datacron hunt group, or +10 to all stats datacron group. Maybe even run some low level FPs for social points or to help out noobs. I had NO IDEA who the Jedi prisoner was when I ran those two flashpoints. You should have seen the reaction when I found out. I'm sure my group found it very entertaining. Those two, Esseles and FE are the only two I've run. I've heard that not all the FP's are great but I'm sure people want to see the content. Bottom line is, if the game isn't fun anymore you either need to change what you are doing or take a break for a week or so. I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, but a lot of people have put A LOT of time in to the game so far, so there is naturally going to be some burnout. But a short break and a new content patch may be just what Doc ordered.

The story element is a big draw for me so doing my pub alt is keeping me going, really compared to most other MMO's, I'm more interested in alts here as at least there is story content to make the experience a bit different even though there is a bunch of overlap. Hoping Legacy system also helps keep things a bit more interesting for doing alts.

Our guild does good job of keeping things fresh. We have a weekly OP run, then we usually have Monday night Huttball where we all form up into pvp teams and do warzones together. Every 2-3 weeks we do the 10+ data cron run for peeps as always someone new needs it for their characters. HM FP days, and also every couple weeks we form world boss hunting parties as well.

Still been fun for most of us, we had a handful of member who got to 50 in the first few days and felt done with the game in under a month.


also check out TORGAF.com we need to be trying to use the site to coordinate things ingame

I'm usually on there once a day just to check it out, but didn't see anything posted for Sunday and the Saturday run didn't happen.

I also posted about the possibility to get a Friday/Saturday normal FP run going (same as Empire GAF) but didn't get any response.

EDIT: This isn't a bitch/wine post. Just hoping we get a bit more "active" in general as guild.


Bull on a Donut
"Best GAF" is dead every single time I log in. Empire GAF has recruited outsiders and it really has helped with the activity.

Yeah Empire GAF has around 30 people on at peak time, and usually averages 10+. We've done a few +10 datacron runs, we run operations 3 times a week and kill world bosses a few times, we almost always have pvp groups/hard mode groups going, and there's always the daily daily group with Tico :D.
I'm usually on there once a day just to check it out, but didn't see anything posted for Sunday and the Saturday run didn't happen.

I also posted about the possibility to get a Friday/Saturday normal FP run going (same as Empire GAF) but didn't get any response.

EDIT: This isn't a bitch/wine post. Just hoping we get a bit more "active" in general as guild.

I actually think we should just start shouting for members.

That being said, although its true the Saturday one didnt happen, we had a spur of the moment Sunday run


I actually think we should just start shouting for members.

That being said, although its true the Saturday one didnt happen, we had a spur of the moment Sunday run

Either shouting or perhaps consider a merger? I'll leave that for the admins to consider but I would have to think there's other guilds with similar numbers that might be willing to wave the GAF flag.

I do have to say that for the first time in quite awhile I'm enjoying my time with an MMO and really want to make the most of it. There's obviously a lot of issues and I can see why people are bored or are just waiting for the new patch but I'm just a fan of the universe and knowing that the game is still only a couple months old I think there's still a lot of promise.

Yeah, we really need to recruit people to get it more lively. I need to start an imp alt and see how GAF Empire rolls.

I actually rolled an Imp around the same time I started with the Empire but it just didn't click, she's still sitting there at level 4. Eventually I'll work on some just to go through the story progression.
This might be a stupid question, but does anyone know if level 1 augments are in the game? I'm talking about like Critical Augment 1, Surge Augment 1, etc? (yes, 1 - uno - ichi).

I tried for 2 hours to create one via slicing yesterday, but all I got from the lowest level of missions was 2-5 augments.


Yeah Empire GAF has around 30 people on at peak time, and usually averages 10+. We've done a few +10 datacron runs, we run operations 3 times a week and kill world bosses a few times, we almost always have pvp groups/hard mode groups going, and there's always the daily daily group with Tico :D.

How long does that +10 datacron take? I still need to do mine.


Bull on a Donut
How long does that +10 datacron take? I still need to do mine.

If you have at least 4 coordinated people on mumble, and watch a tutorial video before hand; it could take as much as 15 minutes. If you're just typing or mess up jumps, it could take upwards of an hour.

Endgame crafting and new companion dances are among the headline tweaks coming in the next major Star Wars: the Old Republic update, developer BioWare has announced.
As detailed in a new developer Q&A on the game's official site, the refined crafting system should pacify players disgruntled that top level PvE and PvP gear is more powerful than buildable items.
"We are adding endgame crafting for all professions. This includes augment crafting, the ability to crit-craft custom (orange) gear with augment slots, new endgame schematics, new color crystals, expanded and improved research and reverse engineering and much more," read the post.
Other impending tweaks include the ability to sync your dances with a companion and an option to skip orbital stations between some planets and your ship.
"We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks," explained Bioware.
There's no confirmed release date for the update yet, though it's expected to arrive some time in March.

... er.

Chyp: Can we expect to see any animation/damage timing consistency changes between factions?

Georg Zoeller (Principal Lead Combat Designer): Yes. The animation team has been working on a new set of animations for abilities like the Trooper's Mortar Volley to provide closer matching of animation timings and improved combat responsiveness. We expect to roll these changes out with Game Update 1.2.

Zennis: Has there been any discussion to streamlining the Space Port process? Perhaps allowing speeders in the Space Ports besides the Fleet?

Brian Audette (Senior Designer): We've absolutely heard what the fans are saying and have been exploring options to address these issues. While we are still investigating allowing speeder use in Space Ports, we've also been looking for other ways to get people from point A to point B with greater haste. One such feature will specifically affect planets that have Orbital Stations instead of Space Ports such as: Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Belsavis. We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks. This feature and some additional tweaks will start showing up in Game Update 1.2.

deusBAAL: Will you be providing a LFG tool? What will be its features? How will it be intended to work and when can we expect it to go live?

Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer): We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.

LthalSavy: Will there be any way to implement a quick travel to your ship?

Georg Zoeller: Not in the short term, but it's something we've been discussing on and off. Currently, given how easily available fleet travel passes are on the Security Vendor, we don't think adding this is necessary.

IsACoolGuy: Will any new emotes be added to the game? The Jedi/Sith meditation thing that NPCs do looks pretty cool, will emotes of that nature become available to players?

Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): We do have some new emotes planned. Even cooler, we now have tech that allows us to grant emotes as rewards for various game systems. In Game Update 1.2, we have several emotes planned as unlocked rewards of the Legacy System. My favorite is the special dance that is so inspiring that your companion feels the urge to boogie down with you.

TrueDND: Currently, the incentive to choose other Crew Crafting Skills outside of Biochem is minimal due to the fact that, once you reach max level, all gear that is acquired through PvE and PvP is better than all crafted equipment and mods (mostly through the Commendation and token vendors). Is this being looked in to?

Georg Zoeller: Absolutely. With the upcoming Game Update 1.2, we are adding endgame crafting for all professions. This includes augment crafting, the ability to crit-craft custom (orange) gear with augment slots, new endgame schematics, new color crystals, expanded and improved research and reverse engineering and much more (we're up to 4 pages of crew skill related patch notes in 1.2. alone)

Combined with new features such as the ability to extract base-mods from purple items (including the set bonus) and the improved color matching feature, crafters of all professions will find themselves in a lot of demand once the update hits.

Toxin_Polaris: Do you plan to have mini-games like swoop races or pazaak? And if so what is the priority for this? Can we expect them this year?

Damion Schubert: We love mini-games, especially the ones that speak to the heritage of KOTOR. When would something like pazaak make its way to you? Hard to say - it's not on our immediate horizon, and we'd most likely do it at a point where we want to make a large splash.

Twaggy: I find it troublesome to compare mods/enhancements/armoring/hilts/crystals that are installed in my armor or lightsaber. Will you be implementing something that lets you see the stats of what you have (like the comparability you can do of the boots - boots or jacket - jacket)?

Georg Zoeller: This is a convenience feature on our list of things to look at once the higher priority UI features and community requests have been addressed. We definitely think it’s a good idea, but where it falls in terms of prioritization makes it impossible to give you an ETA at this point.

TheJestersHat: What is BioWare planning to do about performance issues that people get with Warzone, open world PVP, and general FPS issues?

Damion Schubert: We have an internal strike team that is fully devoted to ensuring that the game runs better and faster, especially on low end machines, and we consider this team's work to be a crucial internal initiative. You should see evidence of this work as soon as Patch 1.1.5, when we will be introducing a new 'very low' setting to shader quality, which should drastically increase the number of mid-to-low machines the game can run well on, especially in Warzones and Operations.

Frung: Have you considered adding a "companion" loot roll option?

Damion Schubert: We've discussed it and have a design for it - when we do this, we will make it so you can only roll 'need' on items that your advanced class is meant to use in one of its specs. I do not currently have an ETA on this feature.

Belthazaar: I like my ships but, I was wondering if or when we will be able to purchase, make, or steal a new and different ship beyond the one that we currently get from our class quest?

Damion Schubert: Unfortunately, the nature of our ships as central story areas for all of our class content, and all of the associated triggers and cinematics that must therefore be done on the ships, means that giving players new ship models, particularly interiors, is very, very hard for us. We will probably look at addressing this instead by providing a greater sense of ship customization at some point well in the future. But it’s someplace we definitely want to go!

Sorry if already posted.


Bull on a Donut
Endgame crafting and new companion dances are among the headline tweaks coming in the next major Star Wars: the Old Republic update, developer BioWare has announced.
As detailed in a new developer Q&A on the game's official site, the refined crafting system should pacify players disgruntled that top level PvE and PvP gear is more powerful than buildable items.
"We are adding endgame crafting for all professions. This includes augment crafting, the ability to crit-craft custom (orange) gear with augment slots, new endgame schematics, new color crystals, expanded and improved research and reverse engineering and much more," read the post.
Other impending tweaks include the ability to sync your dances with a companion and an option to skip orbital stations between some planets and your ship.
"We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks," explained Bioware.
There's no confirmed release date for the update yet, though it's expected to arrive some time in March.

What? I really don't like that. Undermines the whole idea of PvE progression. Also invalidates their whole customization spiel as crit crafted oranges will always be better than non crit crafted oranges and epics obtainable through endgame pvp or pve.


All good news, nothing particularly surprising though.

What? I really don't like that. Undermines the whole idea of PvE progression. Also invalidates their whole customization spiel as crit crafted oranges will always be better than non crit crafted oranges and epics obtainable through endgame pvp or pve.

Depending on how the mats are obtained I don't think it will be that big of a problem.
They are just reposting the Q&A on their site. New Q&A goes up every friday

What? I really don't like that. Undermines the whole idea of PvE progression. Also invalidates their whole customization spiel as crit crafted oranges will always be better than non crit crafted oranges and epics obtainable through endgame pvp or pve.

Well the rest of the quote you didn't bold goes into it more. The point is to make crafting have a purpose, which right now it doesn't. It should have a purpose, and they didn't say they are making PVE progression gear useless. You will still have to go through the PVE progression to get the higher end components to extract for any orange gear.


orange gear with a chance to crit?
so there is no point to raid or pvp gear then since the orange gear will be the BiS...


depends on how they handle the mods, maybe the mod making profession will be able to make equal one

I do find it funny that they nerfed biochem into the ground due to some +30 stats it gave over stuff you couldn't get of the AH, but now they are giving everything a chance to get an augment slot, which means +28 per slot, with 14 slots (iirc)
just taking +strength for instance is 329 more strength than someone who has just gear without augments, 10 times the amount that was considered for biochem to be a must have profession

people without gear with an augment slot are at a crazy disadvantage
depends on how they handle the mods, maybe the mod making profession will be able to make equal one

I do find it funny that they nerfed biochem into the ground due to some +30 stats it gave over stuff you couldn't get of the AH, but now they are giving everything a chance to get an augment slot, which means +28 per slot, with 14 slots (iirc)
just taking +strength for instance is 329 more strength than someone who has just gear without augments, 10 times the amount that was considered for biochem to be a must have profession

people without gear with an augment slot are at a crazy disadvantage

Would depend if getting the slot on all your gear will really be all that easy. Right now anything that has an augment slot and is high end costs a fortune in game, and if players can do it for all their gear, it's going to become majorly in demand.

I doubt they are going to make player made mods that equal to high tier pve gear, they had just said before the point was that players can keep their orange designed look at end game by moving over the stat bonuses from the purple tier gears.

Value of augments is also going to go up....


indeed it will be in demand
I predict people will simply use the profession they have, make stuff with an augment slot, drop it and do it all over again until they have all the slots filled with +augment gear

hell if you don't care about looks you don't even need to level the professions up very far, any orange gear will do, unless crit chance will be restricted to lvl 50 gear only
indeed it will be in demand
I predict people will simply use the profession they have, make stuff with an augment slot, drop it and do it all over again until they have all the slots filled with +augment gear

hell if you don't care about looks you don't even need to level the professions up very far, any orange gear will do, unless crit chance will be restricted to lvl 50 gear only

Keep in mind actual raid gear has base stats that are not part of the mods, whereas orange gear does not.

In other words, if you remove all gems from your Columi set pieces, they will still have stats.

On the other hand, orange gear has a 3rd slot that the purples dont have.

It is not at all clear that orange gear with 3 Q56 gems + augment will be superior to raid gear with 2 Q56 gems, precisely because of the built-in stats that raid gear has.


Keep in mind actual raid gear has base stats that are not part of the mods, whereas orange gear does not.

In other words, if you remove all gems from your Columi set pieces, they will still have stats.

On the other hand, orange gear has a 3rd slot that the purples dont have.

It is not at all clear that orange gear with 3 Q56 gems + augment will be superior to raid gear with 2 Q56 gems, precisely because of the built-in stats that raid gear has.

You cannot remove the armoring from the Columi pieces now, and armoring is the mod that gives the most stats. You will be able to remove armoring with 1.2 from Columi pieces.

Anyway, all the talk about the armoring change is premature.

While they have given hints, this seems almost like a total rehaul with the majority of the stuff being bind on equip.


Keep in mind actual raid gear has base stats that are not part of the mods, whereas orange gear does not.
In other words, if you remove all gems from your Columi set pieces, they will still have stats.
On the other hand, orange gear has a 3rd slot that the purples dont have.
It is not at all clear that orange gear with 3 Q56 gems + augment will be superior to raid gear with 2 Q56 gems, precisely because of the built-in stats that raid gear has.
didn't they say the will open up the armoring slot from epics in 1.2 too?
didn't they say the will open up the armoring slot from epics in 1.2 too?

Don't think so, all they have indicated is that you will be able extract the mods from such gear in some way.

I'm also wondering if set bonuses will be extractable as well or if that is something we will lose when we move out stat bonuses to orange items.


Don't think so, all they have indicated is that you will be able extract the mods from such gear in some way.

I'm also wondering if set bonuses will be extractable as well or if that is something we will lose when we move out stat bonuses to orange items.

They said you could remove armoring, but the armoring would only fit on an equivalent piece. For example, Columni Chest armor could only be used on a chest piece, and it will retain it's set bonus.


How about if i just beg kruul to pull me up?

Kruul ain't no fool. And I got mine first go with the guild after Gyrs gave me his MGGS to use. It took like 30-40 minutes of coordinating before that, and I still have no clue who did what so that we could get in the door.


If you have at least 4 coordinated people on mumble, and watch a tutorial video before hand; it could take as much as 15 minutes. If you're just typing or mess up jumps, it could take upwards of an hour.
Do not even bother with the +10 datacron unless you have 8 people because (at least on republic) it's buggy as shit and now I hear /stuck doesn't work properly.

If one dude fails you have to do the whole fucking thing over again. It took us 4 hours the first time with just four when we knew what we were doing. We brought 8 people and just had someone spam the south MGGS point and made the person stay there and it took like 10 minutes not counting getting everyone there. All the other jumps were fine.


Bull on a Donut
Do not even bother with the +10 datacron unless you have 8 people because (at least on republic) it's buggy as shit and now I hear /stuck doesn't work properly.

If one dude fails you have to do the whole fucking thing over again. It took us 4 hours the first time with just four when we knew what we were doing. We brought 8 people and just had someone spam the south MGGS point and made the person stay there and it took like 10 minutes not counting getting everyone there. All the other jumps were fine.

It took us about 15-20 mins with 4 people, you just have to click the MGGS then when the bar fills up, start spam clicking it; otherwise it will bug out.


It took us about 15-20 mins with 4 people, you just have to click the MGGS then when the bar fills up, start spam clicking it; otherwise it will bug out.
We tried that on Republic ages back. It was buggy. We tried everything including that and only out of sheer luck did we land on the platform or not die or get sent outside of the geometry and have to kill ourselves and do it over.


We tried that on Republic ages back. It was buggy. We tried everything including that and only out of sheer luck did we land on the platform or not die or get sent outside of the geometry and have to kill ourselves and do it over.

Empire GAF just does everything better.
Do not even bother with the +10 datacron unless you have 8 people because (at least on republic) it's buggy as shit and now I hear /stuck doesn't work properly.

If one dude fails you have to do the whole fucking thing over again. It took us 4 hours the first time with just four when we knew what we were doing. We brought 8 people and just had someone spam the south MGGS point and made the person stay there and it took like 10 minutes not counting getting everyone there. All the other jumps were fine.

When my guild does it we always make sure we have 2 sorcerors, one up by the door and one on the ledge below, then we just extract people up one by one, we've done a few runs for people and have gotten pretty adept at it.
We have a ton of people along when we do the 10+ datacron run. Basically shotgun people through it as they get high enough level. Just have everyone get the MGG and crystal ahead of time for the night, and we were getting people through the whole process in less than 5 min per group.

Guild leader who is going to the upcoming Guild Summit was given a NDA from EA/Bioware to sign before going.
Currently on test server players can buy BM and Champ commendations with WZ commendations hmmm... Seems the bag system is being tossed out instead for just a token turn in

And new patch notes have been added on the test server: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3150977#edit3150977

Wtf at "Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones. "

So Illum has become even more useless? lol They are basically turning off Illum it seems, assume they are going to try doing something different with the zone in a future update to give it some kind of meaning.


Nah, it's definitely buggy on empire too since the latest patch. I did it fine with my group on my main ages back, but when we tried to do it on our alts the other day, we were having a tonne of issues. The biggest was /stuck no longer returning you before the pipe crossing. Instead, for 3 out of the 4 buttons, it just returns you back to the buttons you were standing at to activate the grapple spots. Meaning you now need 2 Sorcerers, one to grapple up all the way to the door, and the other to stand on the platform before which has the button on to activate the door grapple. Then, the 3 people who've got to die to come back, need to come back through the console puzzle bridge along with another person(Since you need 4 people to get through it), and allow themselves to get pulled up using the two sorcerers. Ofcourse you could always do it with 8 people, and have 4 do the buttons, and the other 4 wait to grapple up. Though you'll still need sorcerers if you have any body type 3+ males in the group.


"Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives."

WTF was this really necessary? This makes my already useless dots even more so.
"Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives."

WTF was this really necessary? This makes my already useless dots even more so.

Change I'm all for, nothing is more annoying to be free and clear on an objective but a stupid DoT stops you from claiming it even if no one is around you anymore, forcing you to stand around like an idiot for the effect to wear off. At least with AOE spam someone has to be actively attacking you with it or in range and alive to prevent use of an objective.

Also the change to the speeder timer change on Alderaan, they seem to be trying to make claiming objectives more common instead of constant lock down games.

Also does this change to DoT's affect PVE play as well?


Change I'm all for, nothing is more annoying to be free and clear on an objective but a stupid DoT stops you from claiming it even if no one is around you anymore, forcing you to stand around like an idiot for the effect to wear off. At least with AOE spam someone has to be actively attacking you with it or in range and alive to prevent use of an objective.

Also the change to the speeder timer change on Alderaan, they seem to be trying to make claiming objectives more common instead of constant lock down games.

Also does this change to DoT's affect PVE play as well?

Have a teammate cleanse the dot off of you if you can't do it yourself? There's 3 different classes that can cleanse dots. I think they are just dumbing down the WG to the point of faceroll.

Plus as vigilance my dots are weak to begin with. Now they have completely taken away any use for them.
Have a teammate cleanse the dot off of you if you can't do it yourself? There's 3 different classes that can cleanse dots. I think they are just dumbing down the WG to the point of faceroll.

Plus as vigilance my dots are weak to begin with. Now they have completely taken away any use for them.

Let me get murdered as I type out a call for someone to come find me and heal my dot, which will have gone away by the time a player could even do so, and most players are just going to ignore anyways since it gives them no benefit in a WZ and is a waste of team resource.

Frankly it seems they are actually trying to make it a playable objective based game then simply a matter of ability spam on objectives, which was the definition of faceroll


Let me get murdered as I type out a call for someone to come find me and heal my dot, which will have gone away by the time a player could even do so, and most players are just going to ignore anyways since it gives them no benefit in a WZ and is a waste of team resource.

Try to cap a node with a competent partner that can cleanse? Sounds like you want to rambo style WG.

Frankly it seems they are actually trying to make it a playable objective based game then simply a matter of ability spam on objectives, which was the definition of faceroll

All they did was make AOE abilities more valuable and remove any tactics from the game. Zerg > all

If they really wanted to fix the issue they could of made the dots disappear after the person who applied the dots died.
Try to cap a node with a competent partner that can cleanse? Sounds like you want to rambo style WG.

I play usually with a full team on vent, and even then it's not going to work out unless we constantly stayed within arms reach of each other which in reality is not possible with how players spawn and the constantly moving nature of most pvp matches like Huttball. Only 3 builds are capable of cleansing your dots, lets ignore the other 16?

All they did was make AOE abilities more valuable and remove any tactics from the game. Zerg > all

If they really wanted to fix the issue they could of made the dots disappear after the person who applied the dots died.

Overreaction much? Yes they completely killed tactics somehow by nerfing dots on objective capping. Or you can simply do the amazing ability of pressing your basic attack button which will interrupt the claiming of an objective. As the game is currently, it is zerg mode most of the time. Most other MMOs also got rid of DoT's interrupting the capping of objectives.


I play usually with a full team on vent, and even then it's not going to work out unless we constantly stayed within arms reach of each other which in reality is not possible with how players spawn and the constantly moving nature of most pvp matches like Huttball. Only 3 builds are capable of cleansing your dots, lets ignore the other 16?

Overreaction much? Yes they completely killed tactics somehow by nerfing dots on objective capping. Or you can simply do the amazing ability of pressing your basic attack button which will interrupt the claiming of an objective. As the game is currently, it is zerg mode most of the time. Most other MMOs also got rid of DoT's interrupting the capping of objectives.

As I stated above they could of fix this better instead of making dots worthless in PvP.


I'm all for that change too. Annoying as hell being the only one around, but being stuck unable to cap due to a dot. It's all very well saying just bring a cleanser, but what if your team doesn't even have one of the 3 advanced classes which can do that, never mind having to have them with you at all times.

As for dots being worthless, what are you on about? They do damage, that alone makes them useful in PVP.
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