SKluck said:Anyways, anyone watch Lucas on the Charlie Rose show last night on PBS? It was completely lame, and was just a bunch of cocksucking for an hour or so. No interesting questions or ANY questions at all about star wars, 7-9, or any of that. They mainly talked about Lucas' "genius" and "artistic ability to tell stories".
They aren't doing 7-9. Lucasfilm officially confirmed the TV series at the press event for the DVDs the other day.
Mark Hamill was talking about what Lucas told him about 7-9 and said that Lucas basically wasn't doing them because he realized after ESB that he didn't want to do Star Wars movies for the rest of his life. Obviously he was going to do I-III since he already established IV and V, but he wouldn't do the third trilogy. So the events of 7-9 were condensed into ROTJ, Leia was made Luke's sister (the real sister wasn't meant to show up until Episode VII), and they killed the Empire in VI when it wasn't originally going to happen until IX.
Basically the story of VI-IX was that Vader dies in VI, but the Empire gets away, and Leia is crowned Queen. In VII, Luke's long lost sister is found somewhere on the other side of the galaxy. IX had a climatic battle against the Empire with Luke going one-on-one against the Emperor in the lightstaber fight, the Wookiees (yes) involved in a massive ground battle after which a group of them become the next generation of Jedi Knights, and the final scene was to reveal that the entire nine-movie saga was being played back from the memory banks of R2.
Obviously none of that is going to happen as Lucas changed the story to end in Episode VI. Those rumors you heard of NDAs for VII-IX were 100% false. The posted it as a RUMOR, and then retarded CNN and MSNBC printed it as NEWS. However, ILM DID have to sign NDAs about the live action TV series
Anyways, at the press event when Hamill mentioned that Lucas didn't want to do Star Wars movies for the rest of his life, someone in the audience shouted out "TV series?". Jim Ward, Vice President of Marketing for Lucasfilm and President of Lucasarts, responded by shrugging and saying "TV Series? Yea." has a 5 minute MP3 of this Q&A, which you can listen to here:
You can hear Jim Ward's comment between 1:55 and 2:00.