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Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game | The Official Thread


Batteries the CRISIS!
Word is they aren't gonna be brought into official rules until 2016. I'd say keep them.

One of the designers, Frank Brooks, said two weeks ago at the Nova Squadron Open that the new damage deck will be required for tournaments starting Jan. 1. You can hear it straight from his own mouth in this Nova Squadron podcast: http://novasquadronradio.com/episode-32-the-nova-open-2015/

His interview begins at the 3:44:55 mark and he mentions the damage deck bit at about 3:48:30.
So, it just occurred to me that this scenario is entirely possible and sounds entirely satisfying to pull off:

-Deathrain moves, uses action to drop 3 Cluster Mines on enemy large ship with higher PS.

-Next turn, Deathrain uses Advanced Sensors to drop an additional batch of Cluster Mines on the same ship before flying away.

So, it just occurred to me that this scenario is entirely possible and sounds entirely satisfying to pull off:

-Deathrain moves, uses action to drop 3 Cluster Mines on enemy large ship with higher PS.

-Next turn, Deathrain uses Advanced Sensors to drop an additional batch of Cluster Mines on the same ship before flying away.


Wouldn't the higher PS ship move away on the first turn (after the first round of Cluster Mine damage), since it moves after Deathrain.
Wouldn't the higher PS ship move away on the first turn (after the first round of Cluster Mine damage), since it moves after Deathrain.

I should have been more specific about the first move, which would be dropping the mines in front of the target ship so they move over them, landing in front of (or behind) Deathrain to set up the Advanced Sensors drop the following turn.


Deathrain is an hilarious pilot.

I always love the face of my opponent the first time I pull what I firmly believe is the trademark move of this lad: Advanced Sensors for a bank boost, Bomb, barrel roll, and 4 koi that suddenly looks like an extreme Segnor loop. Next turn, 3 bank (green due Mk.II Engines) and Mine at the head of somebody.

You can switch Mk.II Engines for Experimental Interface for some extra lols with the Advanced Sensors (boost or whatever, mine, roll, stress, green maneuver to clear), but you lose the extreme mobility after a koiogran the Engine provides.

I would kill for being able to use him and Emon together.
Deathrain is an hilarious pilot.

I always love the face of my opponent the first time I pull what I firmly believe is the trademark move of this lad: Advanced Sensors for a bank boost, Bomb, barrel roll, and 4 koi that suddenly looks like an extreme Segnor loop. Next turn, 3 bank (green due Mk.II Engines) and Mine at the head of somebody.

Lol, sounds really damn good.

I would kill for being able to use him and Emon together.

I was thinking the exact same thing earlier.




  • Large base ships that are half health or less are now worth half points if time is called at the end of a tourney match, fuck you, twin IG88
  • Flying through multiple obstacles now makes you take the effects of each obstacle, instead of just the last one
  • New movement phase rules declare that checking pilot stress is a part of moving the ship. Meaning moves that give an action 'after a green maneuver' can now occur if stressed (Night Beast has become more of a beast). Dauntless no longer removes the stress given if the movement is green.
  • Nashtah Pup counts as a 1 point ship if it is the last ship on the board. Meaning the pup player gets the victory and a 101-99 win. This is only if the pup is last on the board.
  • TLT is 2 attacks on the same target. You cannot change targets. If you kill a target with the first shot. That's it.
  • When on an asteroid, you cannot take free actions. This means if you land on an asteroid in a way that has you fly through it on your next turn, you cannot advanced sensors to get an action.

Also, side note: so many of the sub communities on this forum give themselves titles, HaloGAF, PCGAF etc. Do we get a name too? Are we GAF-Wing? X-GAF?


New core set arrived today:


Also I vote for GAF-Wing, or GAF Squadron.


Goddamn this is a fun game. I'm finally starting to get good with maneuvering squads of ships in unison.

New core set arrived today:

Also I vote for GAF-Wing, or GAF Squadron.
I like GAF-Wing. Easy to remember and it still sounds cool.


GAF-wing all the way.

And I don't think the score change on big ships will really affect the meta. Yeah, the guys who were playing big fat defensive ships just because were easier to survive with and win by attrition or time may be screwed, but those who were playing them because they will just kick your ass will still doing it.

We may see a bit more variety on tournaments (although they will just switch to the next thing they may consider as the "safest" way to play) so it's a welcomed change and may affect some tops due MOV, but it shouldn't make a huge difference.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I also vote for GAF-Wing.

Although honestly, everyone who says "PCGAF" and "HaloGAF" is doing it wrong. Originally we put -Age on the end of everything. It should be PC-Age, Halo-Age, NBA-Age, etc.
my 10-year GAF anniversary is this November

X-Wing-Age would be a bit unwieldy, though, I'll admit.

GAF-wing all the way.

And I don't think the score change on big ships will really affect the meta. Yeah, the guys who were playing big fat defensive ships just because were easier to survive with and win by attrition or time may be screwed, but those who were playing them because they will just kick your ass will still doing it.

We may see a bit more variety on tournaments (although they will just switch to the next thing they may consider as the "safest" way to play) so it's a welcomed change and may affect some tops due MOV, but it shouldn't make a huge difference.

I think people will just be pushed even faster into the Twin Laser Turret miniswarm builds than they were in the first place. Four HWKs with TLTs, four Y-Wings with TLTs, a K-Wing with a combination of Y-Wings and HWKs all with TLTs ... etc. They have tons of health and aren't affected by this half-points MOV ruling.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Double-posters are best posters

A prominent member of the X-Wing community (outside GAF), MajorJuggler, emailed one of the X-Wing designers, Alex Davy, about the new MOV rules for large-base ships. Here is his email and Alex's reply, as posted to the Nova Squadron Facebook page:

MajorJuggler said:
Public Service Announcement: I got an email reply from Alex Davy that the new MoV scoring method applies to ALL games, not just those that go to time.
My email:
Apologies if I am the 100th person to ask this question.
Does an opponent score half points for doing 50%+ damage to a large base ship in a game where all of one player's ships are destroyed, or is this new change in the v3.2 Tournament Rules only applicable in games that do not complete after time is called?
I ask because the updated Tournament Rules sections under "Destroyed Ships" and "Margin of Victory" as it relates to calculating MoV has not changed, and I was unsure of the intent and execution of the new rule.
-- Bob

Alex's response:

Hi Bob,
The new rule is applicable to all games, whether they go to time or not.
Alex Davy

Sooooo it's not just when games end on time. If a squadron with a large-base ship destroys all of the opponent's ships, he still loses half of his ship's points for MOV calculation if that ship has lost at least half of its total hit points. #gamechanger


I also vote for GAF-Wing.

Although honestly, everyone who says "PCGAF" and "HaloGAF" is doing it wrong. Originally we put -Age on the end of everything. It should be PC-Age, Halo-Age, NBA-Age, etc.
my 10-year GAF anniversary is this November

My GAFiversary was this past July, and I totally forgot about it.

Where's my
Gold watch?


Batteries the CRISIS!
The Tournament Rules document was stealth updated to Version 3.2.2 today: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgam...b18ad854530a/x-wing_tournament_rules_v322.pdf

I noticed this little bit was slipped in:
Note: The Force Awakens™ damage deck will be required at the 2015 X-Wing World Championship. Each player will receive one deck upon entry.

In other news, they also changed up the wording on scoring MoV a bit to avoid confusion with whether you apply the "half points for large-base ships" rule all the time for just when time runs out (it's all the time), and whether you count Hull and Shield Upgrades (you do):
When calculating a score, each player receives half the total squad point value (rounded down) of each enemy large ship whose combined total hull and shields, including any Hull Upgrades or Shield Upgrades, have been reduced to half or below.

My GAFiversary was this past July, and I totally forgot about it.

Where's my
Gold watch?

Well happy GAFiversary to you, too! I'd like to know where my (GAF) gold watch is, too. Evilore ought to spread some of that ad revenue around, y'know?

[edit] AAAAND they stealth updated the FAQ to Version 3.2.1: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgam...35-4b26-b517-e3ee520a6d6e/x-wing_faq_v321.pdf

You can now preform Free Actions while on an asteroid, and Crack Shot now triggers in the "Compare Results" step, making it better.


I swear, Fantasy Flight website hates my work computer and they don't block ANYTHING.

What is the megaton? Can't go to the website or see linked images.
I swear, Fantasy Flight website hates my work computer and they don't block ANYTHING.

What is the megaton? Can't go to the website or see linked images.

FFG are going to start selling different coloured bases for ships. They come in red, blue, purple, orange, green and clear (which are the same as the ones you get normally).


I wish I knew how to play this game...or do I? Then I'd have to feed the addiction...I may just stick with ignorance for now.

I'm not saying go spend a bunch of money, but the basic rules of the game can be picked up in a few minutes.

So... go spend a bunch of money.


Batteries the CRISIS!
They're the same size as those used in Star Trek Attack Wing, right? Might have to pick up some of the orange variants for my Ferengi and Kazon faction ships.

I got Attack Wing colored bases as prize support for an X-Wing night once ... they're very close, but the AW bases are slightly bigger, which means they're not tournament legal.


I wish I knew how to play this game...or do I? Then I'd have to feed the addiction...I may just stick with ignorance for now.

There's a YouTube how to video by FFG out there as well as videos of people playing the game. I'd give the tabletop episode a look and then make your mind up from there.

you are going to spend all your money on this plastic crack


I actually started paying attention to which expansions have which upgrade cards I want.

  • Engine Upgrade - Millenium Falcon
  • Autothrusters - Star Viper
  • Mangler Cannon -M3A Scyk Interceptor
  • Sensor Jammer - Lambda-class Shuttle
  • Integrated Astromech - T-70 X-Wing
  • R7-T1 - E-Wing
  • A shitton of astromechs - Rebel Transport


Batteries the CRISIS!
I actually started paying attention to which expansions have which upgrade cards I want.

  • Engine Upgrade - Millenium Falcon Also in Hound's Tooth!
  • Autothrusters - Star Viper
  • Mangler Cannon -M3A Scyk Interceptor Also in IG-2000!
  • Sensor Jammer - Lambda-class Shuttle
  • Integrated Astromech - T-70 X-Wing
  • R7-T1 - E-Wing
  • A shitton of astromechs - Rebel Transport

The Hound's Tooth also has a copy of Engine Upgrade, and the IG-2000 also has a Mangler Cannon, if that helps.

But yeah, this game does that to you a lot: You start buying ships just for upgrades, and then for extra copies of certain upgrades [coughlambdashuttleanddefendercough]

You just gotta try to pace yourself ... I've bought an average of one ship per month since the game came out. Ooooooon a related note, I recently took photos of my collection for insurance purposes because it's worth a shitton at this point!

[edit] I just counted ... I've bought or received as a gift 40 SKUs in the 38 months this game has been for sale, LoL


I don't even want to count how many I have...

EDIT: oh god I had to stop when I hit triple digits... What have I done?!

EDIT2: 115. I think I have a problem.

EDIT3: In my defence, I got £100 of vouchers and bought nothing but discount X-Wing with it. Doesn't justify anything, but makes me feel better.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I don't even want to count how many I have...

EDIT: oh god I had to stop when I hit triple digits... What have I done?!

EDIT2: 115. I think I have a problem.

EDIT3: In my defence, I got £100 of vouchers and bought nothing but discount X-Wing with it. Doesn't justify anything, but makes me feel better.

OMG. You should take a photo of everything spread out on a table sometime. Do you actually have 12 of any particular ship to reach the Epic Play limit on one ship type?


OMG. You should take a photo of everything spread out on a table sometime. Do you actually have 12 of any particular ship to reach the Epic Play limit on one ship type?

When I have a spare moment (and my girlfriend isn't home) I'll definitely get them all together and take a photo.

I'll try and remember off the top of my head in descending order:
9 TIE Fighter
8 TIE Interceptor
7 Z-95
6 Scum Z-95
6 A-Wing
6 X-Wing
4 T-70 X-Wing
4 Scyk
4 StarViper
4 B-Wing
4 TIE Phantom
4 TIE Defender
4 TIE Bombers
4 TIE/fo
4 TIE Advanced
4 Agressor
3 Firespray
3 Y-Wing
3 Scum Y-Wing
3 Khirazx
2 TIE Punisher
2 K-Wing
2 Shuttle
2 YT-1300
2 YT-2400
2 Decimator
2 YV-666
2 E-Wing
1 Transport
1 Tantive
1 Raider


Sailor Stevenson
I'm in the 80-90 ship range on X-Wing as well, and then there's Armada... dear god.

Still need to buy Wave 7, but I haven't played in a while... though I really like Wave 8. gah


y'all should be ashamed
When I have a spare moment (and my girlfriend isn't home) I'll definitely get them all together and take a photo.

I'll try and remember off the top of my head in descending order:
9 TIE Fighter
8 TIE Interceptor
7 Z-95
6 Scum Z-95
6 A-Wing
6 X-Wing
4 T-70 X-Wing
4 Scyk
4 StarViper
4 B-Wing
4 TIE Phantom
4 TIE Defender
4 TIE Bombers
4 TIE/fo
4 TIE Advanced
4 Agressor
3 Firespray
3 Y-Wing
3 Scum Y-Wing
3 Khirazx
2 TIE Punisher
2 K-Wing
2 Shuttle
2 YT-1300
2 YT-2400
2 Decimator
2 YV-666
2 E-Wing
1 Transport
1 Tantive
1 Raider

Wow and I thought I had a big collection, haha. That's awesome.

Also I'm 0/9 in Armada wins. I can't figure out why I keep losing. Man, how frustrating. :(


Also I'm 0/9 in Armada wins. I can't figure out why I keep losing. Man, how frustrating. :(

It'll be like X-wing, I was losing constantly against my cousin to the point that I was going to quit. Then I discovered soontir fel with PTL, stealth and targeting computer and destroyed him, after that it just clicked.


I was looking at the Rebel ships and wow the YT-2400 is ugly as sin. It's like the Millennium Falcon's Chinese knockoff.


Also I'm 0/9 in Armada wins. I can't figure out why I keep losing. Man, how frustrating. :(

I think I've got to the point with Armada where I may just sell up admit I only really want to play X-Wing. SW was never about the Capital ship engagements to me, anyway....it was all about the close in dogfights (That I hope to see plenty of in Rogue One).


I think I've got to the point with Armada where I may just sell up admit I only really want to play X-Wing. SW was never about the Capital ship engagements to me, anyway....it was all about the close in dogfights (That I hope to see plenty of in Rogue One).

Rogue One will probably be more espionage and ground fights, especially given the plot.

But I am there with you with Armada. Granted I've only played it twice and my buddy keeps cancelling on me, the first games didn't grab me. It grabbed him though hence I am glad he owns it and I own X-Wing. It works but I need to try to get X-Wing to the table more, especially after opening that Tie Punisher.


Rogue One will probably be more espionage and ground fights, especially given the plot.

Ah well....I'm sure at least one of the new films will have some sort of good old fashioned space battle for me!

Armada's by no means bad, by the way, just kind of struggling to mentally buy into it, same as I did with the Star Wars LCG.


I've been toying a bit with Rebel squads around A-wings (which I already have due tournament raffles), B-wings (same as the A, although I would buy a Rebel Ace pack for Chardaan/Test Pilot and the extra ships) and T-70 (to justify buying the goddamn Core :p)... and oh god, Wired on A-wings is fan-fucking-tastic.

Green Squadron Pilot (19)
Wired (1)
Chardaan Refit (-2)
Push the Limit (3)
Autothrusters (2)
A-Wing Test Pilot (0)

Total: 23

^This little guy is an amazing ship for his cost, I've been loving using a pair of them.

I need to test with the mid-tier named characters, but it's a shame Jake wants VI (while his ability collides with Wired as you don't want to Focus with it) and Tycho is not the same without Daredevil.
Yo dudes,

I have a few sets, looking to start playing at my lgs in a few weeks. I currently have:
-Core set
-Imp Aces

What else should I pick up to have some fun and be somewhat competitive? Any must haves?

I'd rather focus on rebels.



B-wings are the workhorse of tons of Rebel lists. Both the single expansion and Rebel Aces are great additions.

The latter also comes with some *very* good upgrades for the A-wings, a ship you should love unless you are the devil himself.
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